Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
Fallout 3Cut content Mirelurk bait grenade
Cut content Smoke grenade Operation: Anchorage (add-on)
Bio-gas canister Point Lookout (add-on)
Cryo grenade Mothership Zeta (add-on)
Fallout: New VegasCut content Gas grenade
Incendiary grenade
Fallout 4Cryogenic grenade
HalluciGen gas grenade
Fallout TacticsAcid grenade
Boom bug
Cut content Chemical grenade
Incendiary grenade
Cut content Smoke grenade
Cut content Tangle grenade
Fallout 76Cryogenic grenade
HalluciGen gas grenade
Pumpkin grenade
Bug grenade
Artillery smoke grenade
Floater flamer grenade
Floater gnasher grenade
Floater freezer grenade
Molotov cocktail
Nuka grenade
Nuka quantum grenade
Turbo-Fert fertilizer
Vertibot signal grenade
Cut content Incendiary grenade
Cut content Smoke grenade
Fallout: BoSIncendiary grenade
Toxic grenade
Fallout: New CaliforniaCryo grenade
Fallout ExtremeCut content Smoke grenade
Van BurenCut content Bio grenade
Cut content Tear gas

Chemical and gas grenades are thrown weapons that appears in all of the Fallout games. Chemical and gas grenades are used to disperse chemical or gas agents, ignite targets or materiel or create smoke as a means of concealment. Due to their varied nature, different grenade models may be more effective against some targets, and less effective against others.

Chemical and gas models[]

Chemical gas grenades are used to deliver or disperse a chemical or biological agent designed to incapacitate or kill. Although most utilize a small explosive charge to disperse the chemical agent, the mode of wounding action is through the agent not the explosive. The chemical agent is usually dispersed by the grenade in a small radius around the grenade, creating a cloud of deadly gas. This cloud of chemical agents will typically remain active for a short time, effecting anything that enters, until it dissipates.

Bio-gas canister[]

Gameplay article: Point Lookout

This grenade does not explode by itself but instead releases highly-flammable bio-gas vapors upon hitting the ground. The vapors can then be ignited from a distance with energy or incendiary weapon, causing the leaking gas to erupt in a spectacular fireball. In this way, they function as portable gas-leaks. Added in the Point Lookout add-on.

Cryo(genic) grenade[]


Cryo grenades release frigid Liquid Nitrogen upon detonating, slowing or freezing any opponents caught in the blast.

Mirelurk bait grenade[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 3

Mirelurk bait grenades were to be in Fallout 3, but have since been cut from the game. They would've been used to draw mirelurks to the point where they detonated. This allowed you to either distract them or to lure them into a trap.

Gas grenade[]

Gameplay article: Fallout: New Vegas

A non-lethal grenade that lets out a cloud of gas/smoke upon detonation. Whether it was to be used as smokescreen cover or flammable gas is unknown.

Acid grenade[]

FoT acid grenade
Gameplay article: Fallout Tactics

Acid grenades spray a sticky, corrosive substance upon detonation, dissolving anything caught in its blast. They appear to have increased effectiveness against the metal shells of robotic opponents.

Boom bug[]

FoT boombug
Gameplay article: Fallout Tactics

Boom bugs are mutant ladybugs that are used as improvised toxic grenades. When thrown, upon impact, they explode releasing a cloud of poison gas in the immediate area.

Chemical grenade[]

FoT chemical grenade
Gameplay article: Fallout Tactics

The chemical grenade was a combination of the acid grenade and the cut smoke grenade. The gas released was designed to be horribly toxic against organic targets.

HalluciGen gas grenade[]

Gameplay articles: Fallout 4, Fallout 76
HalluciGen gas grenade

A canister of HalluciGen Inc.'s eponymous HalluciGen gas, these grenades were marketed as a non-lethal way to disperse rioters. In reality the gas induced a massive adrenaline surge in people exposed to it, and drove them into a violent frenzy.

Powder bag[]

Gameplay article: Fallout Tactics

Powder bags are improvised thrown weapons that act as stun grenades. They are small bags filled with a chemical powder that can stun the target when the powder is released through the cloth of the bag.

Tangle grenade[]

FoT tangle grenade
Gameplay article: Fallout Tactics

The tangle grenade was designed to be able to ensnare personnel with a tangler polymoid. It was planned to be in Fallout Tactics, but was never added.

Toxic grenade[]


This grenade does very little damage initially, but releases a cloud of poisonous vapors upon detonation, inflicting Poison Damage over time to anyone caught in its blast.

Bio grenade[]

Bio grenade
Gameplay article: Van Buren

Not much is known about this model of bio grenade. While present in the game files of Van Buren, it is effectively unusable so its exact effects are unknown. It can be assumed that it was to release some kind of biological agent upon detonation.

BITE-ME tear gas[]

Gameplay article: Van Buren

Tear gas grenades are non-lethal chemical gas grenades used for riot control. They use a noxious chemical agent that irritates the mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, mouth and lungs to induce tears, pain, difficulty breathing, vomiting or even blindness.

Incendiary models[]

Incendiary grenades are used to ignite objects with the intense heat created by a chemical reaction. Typically, the reaction is created by aluminum metal and iron oxide, or by the reaction of white phosphorus and air. Incendiary grenades are usually much more effective against unprotected organic targets.

AN-205 incendiary grenade[]

Gameplay article: Fallout: New Vegas

The incendiary grenades that appear in the Mojave Wasteland, release a blast of burning material on detonation, making it especially effective against fleshy foes. Super mutants and robots are significantly less affected by the blast.

Incendiary grenade[]


Incendiary grenades release a blast of burning material on detonation, making it especially effective against fleshy foes. Super-Mutants and Robots are significantly less affected by the blast.

Smoke models[]

Smoke grenades are used as both signaling devices and to provide concealment. A chemical reaction of different agents, when mixed and ignited, produce either colored smoke as a signaling device, or a dense cloud of chemical smoke to screen for concealment.

Smoke grenade[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 3

The smoke grenade was planned to be used in Operation: Anchorage, but was cut. Smoke grenades were also planned for Fallout Tactics, but didn't make the cut either.

  • For the version that appears in Fallout Tactics, see: Smoke grenade.
  • For the version that was to appear in Fallout Extreme, see: Smoke grenade.