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The Den is an anarchistic place where a kind of Darwinian struggle is played out. Only the strongest, fastest or smartest will survive here.Tubby

Charles Darwin was an English scientist, best known for his theories within the science of evolution.


Charles Darwin was a naturalist and geologist who had the opportunity to sail around the world aboard the HMS Beagle to map the areas they sailed past. On these trips, he would also study the wildlife and plants he encountered. Based on the findings, he started to believe in common ancestors among species and natural selection. These theories became written in his books, among which The Voyage of the Beagle and On the Origin of Species are the best known.


  • Tubby calls the Den an anarchistic place where “a kind of Darwinian struggle is played out”, and only the fastest, strongest, and smartest survive.[1]
  • The Darwin Theater in the Museum of Technology is named for Charles Darwin.
  • Darwin was also one of the creators of the works uploaded to Curie's databanks.[2]
  • Ella Ames mentions in one of her logs that Darwin would lose his mind if he were to see the intense mutations taking place within The Mire.[3]


Charles Darwin and his theories are mentioned in Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and in Fallout 76.

See also[]


  1. The Chosen One: "{172}{}{Who's in charge of this town?}"
    Tubby: "{180}{}{No one, I'm afraid. The Den is an anarchistic place where a kind of Darwinian struggle is played out. Only the strongest, fastest or smartest will survive here. I'm sure you will find your niche.}"
    (Tubby's dialogue)
  2. Vault 81 terminal entries; Curie's terminal, Collins Archive, Personality Profile
  3. Ella's log: The Mire