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Dialogue for Raul, an Enclave mechanic stationed at the Navarro Main Base.


{100}{}{You see a mechanic.}
{101}{}{You see Raul, the mechanic.}
{102}{}{You see a man in a filthy military uniform. Judging by the grease spots you think he is more of a mechanic than a soldier, and a hard working one to boot.}

{103}{}{Sorry, man, but I don't have time to chit-chat, you know? I got to get this bird working.}
{104}{}{Doc want fix K-9. He say you got part.}
{105}{}{Uh... okay.}
{106}{}{Uh, Quincy want see you. He ask me tell you.}
{107}{}{The doc wants to fix his dog. He sent me for the part.}
{108}{}{Fine. Bye.}
{109}{}{Raul, Quincy wants to see you.}

{110}{}{Quincy, huh? Well, Raul don't want to see him, man. Raul is tired of his shit, you know?}
{112}{}{Quincy say you asshole. You no got balls see him.}
{114}{}{Quincy said you were an asshole and that you wouldn't have
 the balls to report to him.}

{115}{}{ Hey man, Raul don't take no shit from nobody. You see Quincy working on these birds? No way, man. Only Raul works on these babies. You know why? Cause Quincy don't know DICK, man, that's why!}

{118}{}{Hey, sorry, man. Raul shouldn't be yelling at you, you know? It's not your fault; you're just the messenger. Hey, man, you busy right now?}
{119}{}{No, me not busy. Why?}
{120}{}{Not really, why?}

{121}{}{Hey look, man. Raul's going to go pay Quincy a visit, you know? Raul's going to clean the old mans clock. You stay here and watch Raul's birds. Ok?}
{122}{}{Me watch.}
{123}{}{Sure Raul. I'll do it for you, but not just anybody.}

{124}{}{Hey, thanks, man. Raul owes you one! Don't go away and, hey, man, if anybody screws with Raul's birds, you shoot them in the ass. Ok?}

{126}{}{Hey man, what you think you doing? Get the fuck away from that bird, man! Raul's got enough problems without you grunts fucking with things, you know? Damn flyboys are bad enough!}
{127}{}{Hey, man, Raul told you to keep the fuck away from his birds, man. Now Raul has to teach you to listen. Come on, man. Take off the fucking armor and go one on one, mano e mano with Raul.}
{128}{}{No, me not think so.}
{129}{}{Screw you, Raul. Me shoot you ass dead!}
{130}{}{No thanks, you're too tough for me pal.}
{131}{}{Why use fists when I have a perfectly good gun?}

{132}{}{Then don't fuck with Raul's birds, man! Get out of here!}

{134}{}{Raul thinks you must be nuts walking around here out of uniform.}
{135}{}{Hey, man, if the sergeant catches you out of uniform he'll hand you your ass.}
{136}{}{Why are you out of uniform, man?}

{137}{}{Holy shit! We're being invaded! Alert!}
{138}{}{Intruders! Call the guard!}
{139}{}{Guard! Intruders in the hangar!}

{140}{}{Hey, man, what's up? We under attack?}
{141}{}{Why the alert, man? What's happening?}
{142}{}{What the hell's going on?}

{143}{}{Raul's going to put you in med lab, man.}
{144}{}{Hey, man, say your prayers!}
{145}{}{Raul's going to kick your ass!}

{146}{}{Hey, man, it's in the locker over there. Take it and tell the doc Raul says hi.}

{150}{}{Hey, man! Raul don't like it when people mess with his shit. Get out, man.}
{151}{}{Raul told you not to go through his stuff! Guards!}
{200}{}{Raul heard you were talking shit about him again.}
{201}{}{This has happened once too often, asshole. Raul's gonna hurt you bad this time.}
{300}{}{Can't you see that Raul's busy?}
