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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Kevin, an Enclave mechanic at the Navarro base.


{100}{}{You see a mechanic.}
{101}{}{You see Kevin, the mechanic.}
{102}{}{You see a man in a military uniform. Judging by the grease spots you think he is more of a mechanic than a soldier.}

{200}{}{I can't talk right now. Go see Quincy.}
{201}{}{Quincy is in charge here. Go see him.}
{202}{}{I'm just a junior mechanic. You'll want to talk to Quincy.}

{300}{}{You're out of uniform.}
{301}{}{You better suit up soldier.}
{302}{}{You're taking a big chance being out of uniform. You better report to supply.}

{400}{}{Who the hell are you guys... Alert! Intruders!}
{401}{}{We've been infiltrated! Alert!}
{402}{}{Multiple intruders! Sound the alarm!}

{500}{}{Shit! Get the backups started.}
{501}{}{Shut down all classified operations.}
{502}{}{Secure the system and enable all security passwords.}

{600}{}{I'm a mechanic, not a fighter!}
{601}{}{Pointy end with the laser diode goes toward the enemy. Then pull the trigger.}
{602}{}{Help! Help! To maintenance!}
