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Dialogue file for K-9, Schreber's dog, and the second robodog companion.


{100}{}{You see a cyberdog.}
{101}{}{You see K-9.}
{102}{}{You see a cyberdog. It is part machine and part dog.}
{103}{}{The life functions of my master have terminated. Are you my new master?}
{104}{}{Uh... doggie talk?}
{105}{}{Okay. Me like doggie.}
{106}{}{No. Not want doggie.}
{107}{}{Ha! A talking dog.}
{108}{}{One; I am a dog. Two; I am communicating with you vocally using the common English language. Therefore it is safe to assume that the answer to your question is 'yes, doggie talk.' Now, do you intend to answer the question that I posed to you a moment ago?}
{109}{}{One; I am a dog. Two; I am communicating with you vocally using the common English language. Therefore it is safe to assume that I am a talking dog. Now, do you intend to answer the question that I posed to you a moment ago?}
{110}{}{Sorry, me forget question.}
{113}{}{(sigh) Pay attention. Concentrate. Look me in the eyes. Now, are you ready?}
{114}{}{Ready what?}
{115}{}{Yes. Me ready.}
{116}{}{I... If it were not for the fact that your IQ is less than my height in feet I would think that you are trying to irritate me. Now, be silent. Pay attention. Concentrate. Look me in the eyes. I am about to ask you a question.}
{117}{}{So go ahead. Who stopping you?}
{118}{}{The life functions of my master have terminated. Are you my new master?}
{119}{}{Uh... doggie talk?}
{120}{}{Yes. Me want doggie.}
{121}{}{No thanks.}
{122}{}{Sounds good.}
{123}{}{No thanks.}
{124}{}{I... I refuse to go through this with you a second time! Were I capable of full motivation I would bite you in the fleshy part of your anterior region commonly referred to as the...}
{125}{}{Ass. Me know what ass is. Me not dummy. Me just joke with you.}
{126}{}{Oh, a joke. Hardy har har har. Now, are you my new master or not?}
{127}{}{Okay. Me like doggie.}
{128}{}{No. No want doggie.}
{129}{}{Excellent. I am in need of repairs, master. My motivation unit has been removed. Find it, replace it, and I will join you.}
{130}{}{Uh... Where I find?}
{131}{}{Any ideas on where I can find this part?}
{132}{}{I am not sure, master. I would try maintenance. It is upstairs in the northeast corner of the base.}
{133}{}{Okay. Me go.}
{134}{}{I'll try there. If I don't find it, I'll look around for it.}
{135}{}{Then leave me in peace.}
{137}{}{You got it.}
{138}{}{Hello again. The life functions of my master have terminated. Are you my new master?}
{141}{}{All right.}
{142}{}{No thanks.}
{143}{}{You are not my master. I can not speak to you. Good bye.}
{145}{}{Hello master. Have you found my motivation unit?}
{146}{}{No, me look more.}
{147}{}{Yes. Me find.}
{148}{}{No, I'm still looking for it.}
{149}{}{Got it right here.}
{150}{}{I will wait here for your return, master.}
{152}{}{Then please install the part, master! Please, master!}
{153}{}{Okay. Calm down.}
{154}{}{I appear to be fully functional now, master. Shall I join you?}
{155}{}{That is not where that goes, master. Are you sure you know what you are doing?}
{156}{}{Okay. Doggie come me.}
{157}{}{Me know what doing! Me try again.}
{158}{}{Yes, let's go.}
{159}{}{Hey, I've fixed more complex things than your mangy mutt ass. Be quiet and I'll try this again.}
{160}{}{Go away. I do not want you for a master.}
{161}{}{Leave me in peace.}
{162}{}{I do not like you. Go away.}
{163}{}{I will terminate you.}
{164}{}{Locking weapons on target. Prepare to engage.}
{165}{}{You will be destroyed.}

{166}{}{Yes, master?}
{167}{}{You heal you self.}
{168}{}{You wait here. I be back and get.}
{169}{}{Uh... put Weapon away. Okay?}
{170}{}{You stay close.}
{171}{}{You no get far away.}
{172}{}{You too close. Spread out.}
{173}{}{We go now.}
{174}{}{Me done.}
{175}{}{You should heal yourself now.}
{176}{}{I need you to wait here until I come back.}
{177}{}{Put your weapon away, okay?}
{178}{}{Stay close to me.}
{179}{}{Don't get too far away.}
{180}{}{We should spread out a bit}
{181}{}{Let's go.}
{182}{}{That's it for now.}
{183}{}{All systems are functioning at full capacity, master.}
{184}{}{My systems are functioning at near full capacity, master.}
{185}{}{I have performed what repair I can, master, but I will require further assistance.}
{186}{}{I have performed what repairs I can, master, but system failure is imminent without assistance.}
{187}{}{You wait here. I be back and get.}
{188}{}{Uh... put weapon away. Okay?}
{189}{}{You stay close.}
{190}{}{You no get far away.}
{191}{}{You too close. Spread out.}
{192}{}{We go now.}
{193}{}{Me done.}
{194}{}{I need you to wait here until I come back.}
{195}{}{Put your weapon away.}
{196}{}{Stay close to me.}
{197}{}{Don't get too far away.}
{198}{}{We should spread out a bit}
{199}{}{Let's go.}
{200}{}{That's it for now.}
{201}{}{I will wait here for your return, master.}
{202}{}{You heal you self.}
{203}{}{Uh... put weapon away. Okay?}
{204}{}{You stay close.}
{205}{}{You no get far away.}
{206}{}{You too close. Spread out.}
{207}{}{We go now.}
{208}{}{Me done.}
{209}{}{You should heal yourself now.}
{210}{}{Put your weapon away.}
{211}{}{Stay close to me.}
{212}{}{Don't get too far away.}
{213}{}{We should spread out a bit.}
{214}{}{Let's go.}
{215}{}{That's it for now.}
{216}{}{Retracting weapon, master.}
{217}{}{You heal you self.}
{218}{}{You wait here. I be back and get.}
{219}{}{You stay close.}
{220}{}{You no get far away.}
{221}{}{You too close. Spread out.}
{222}{}{We go now.}
{223}{}{Me done.}
{224}{}{You should heal yourself now.}
{225}{}{I need you to wait here until I come back.}
{226}{}{Stay close to me.}
{227}{}{Don't get too far away.}
{228}{}{We should spread out a bit}
{229}{}{Let's go.}
{230}{}{That's it for now.}
{231}{}{Narrowing distance between us, master.}
{232}{}{You heal you self.}
{233}{}{You wait here. I be back and get.}
{234}{}{Uh... put weapon away. Ok?}
{235}{}{You no get far away.}
{236}{}{You too close. Spread out.}
{237}{}{We go now.}
{238}{}{Me done.}
{239}{}{You should heal yourself now.}
{240}{}{I need you to wait here until I come back.}
{241}{}{Put your weapon away.}
{242}{}{Don't get too far away.}
{243}{}{We should spread out a bit.}
{244}{}{Let's go.}
{245}{}{That's it for now.}
{246}{}{Increasing distance between us, master.}
{247}{}{You heal you self.}
{248}{}{You wait here. I be back and get.}
{249}{}{Uh... put weapon away. Okay?}
{250}{}{You stay close.}
{251}{}{You too close. Spread out.}
{252}{}{We go now.}
{253}{}{Me done.}
{254}{}{You should heal yourself now.}
{255}{}{I need you to wait here until I come back.}
{256}{}{Put your weapon away.}
{257}{}{Stay close to me.}
{258}{}{We should spread out a bit.}
{259}{}{Let's go.}
{260}{}{That's it for now.}
{261}{}{Increasing distance to maximum, master.}
{262}{}{You heal you self.}
{263}{}{You wait here. I be back and get.}
{264}{}{Uh... put weapon away. Okay?}
{265}{}{You stay close.}
{266}{}{You no get far away.}
{267}{}{We go now.}
{268}{}{Me done.}
{269}{}{You should heal yourself now.}
{270}{}{I need you to wait here until I come back.}
{271}{}{Put your weapon away.}
{272}{}{Stay close to me.}
{273}{}{Don't get too far away.}
{274}{}{Let's go.}
{275}{}{That's it for now.}
{276}{}{I am sorry, master, but there does not appear to be room for me in your party. I will wait here until a position opens.}
{277}{}{As you command, master.}
{278}{}{You heal you self.}
{279}{}{You wait here. I be back and get.}
{280}{}{Uh... put weapon away. Okay?}
{281}{}{You stay close.}
{282}{}{You no get far away.}
{283}{}{You too close. Spread out.}
{284}{}{Me done.}
{285}{}{You should heal yourself now.}
{286}{}{I need you to wait here until I come back.}
{287}{}{Put your weapon away.}
{288}{}{Stay close to me.}
{289}{}{Don't get too far away.}
{290}{}{We should spread out a bit.}
{291}{}{That's it for now.}
{292}{}{Sure. You look like a nice enough dog.}
{293}{}{No, thanks.}

{300}{}{Me sad. Me no can fix.}
{301}{}{I'm sorry I can't fix you.}

{400}{}{You seem to be missing a part.}
{410}{}{That does nothing.}
{420}{}{That does not fit.}

{800}{}{You fixed K9.}

{1000}{}{Yes, master?}

{1100}{}{All systems are functioning at full capacity, master.}
{1200}{}{My systems are functioning at near full capacity, master.}
{1300}{}{I have performed what repairs I can master, but I will require further assistance.}
{1400}{}{I have performed what repairs I can master, but system failure is imminent without assistance.}

{1500}{}{I will await your return master.}

{1600}{}{Do you expect me to swallow my teeth master?}

{1700}{}{I will follow at your heel master.}
{1800}{}{I will move to a medium distance master.}
{1900}{}{I will move to maximum acceptable range master.}

{2000}{}{I am sorry, master, but there does not appear to be room for me in your party. I will wait here until a position opens.}
{2200}{}{As you command, master.}
{2300}{}{I have fur master. I carry no other gear.}
{2400}{}{I have no desire to remove my fur, master.}
{2500}{}{Teeth, master. The shiny white things installed in my mouth.}

{2700}{}{You are a bigger asshole than Schreber. I will not join you.}
{2800}{}{Very well master. I am at your command.}
{2900}{}{You are a cretin. I will not go anywhere with you. Go away.}
