Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Enclave soldiers stationed at Navarro.


{100}{}{You see a guard.}
{101}{}{You see a guard in combat armor.}
{102}{}{You see someone wearing combat armor. There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with.}

{103}{}{Nothing to report.}
{104}{}{Nothing going on with me, how ’bout you?}
{105}{}{Shouldn’t you be at your post, soldier? It’s not good to wander about here.}

{106}{}{You’re out of uniform. }
{107}{}{You better report to the Sarge and get suited up.}
{108}{}{You’re taking a big chance being out of uniform. You better report to supply.}

{109}{}{Who the hell are you guys... Alert! Intruders!}
{110}{}{We’ve been infiltrated! Alert!}
{111}{}{Multiple intruders! Sound the alarm!}

{112}{}{Security alert! Seal the base!}
{113}{}{Secure all stations! We’re on alert}
{114}{}{Intruder alert! Go code red!}

{115}{}{We’re going to put you under!}
{116}{}{The Enclave will rule the world!}
{117}{}{You die so that the Enclave will survive!}
