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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cookie.

{100}{}{You see a cook.}
{101}{}{You see Cookie, the cook.}
{102}{}{You see a man in armor wearing a chef���s hat and an apron.}

{103}{}{Hey soldier. Ya looking for some grub or just someone to talk to?}
{104}{}{Me want food.}
{105}{}{Me want talk.}
{106}{}{I could use something to eat.}
{107}{}{Let’s chat a while.}

{108}{}{Well, here ya go. Have some shit on a shingle. The snow and fly shit’s over there. Anything else?}
{109}{}{What you want me eat?}
{110}{}{Shit? Snow? What the hell kind of food is this?}

{111}{}{I’m sorry, ya must be new to the army. Don’t take offense to what I said, that’s just what we call stuff here. Shit on a shingle’s chipped beef on toast. Snow and fly shit’s another name for salt and pepper.}
{112}{}{Oh... thanks. We talk while eat.}
{113}{}{Got it, sorry. Let’s chat while I eat.}

{114}{}{What ya want to talk about?}
{115}{}{What go on here?}
{116}{}{Where Vertibird plans?}
{118}{}{Where main base at?}
{119}{}{Me need get back on duty. Thanks.}
{120}{}{What’s going on around here?}
{121}{}{I’m interested in the Vertibirds. If I wanted to look at the plans, where could I find them?}
{123}{}{Where’s Enclave main base located?}
{124}{}{Thanks. I need to get back to my duty post.}

{125}{}{Looking for some gossip? I could give ya the latest on what’s happening in maintenance, med lab, or among the grunts.}
{126}{}{What ya want to hear?}
{127}{}{What about maintenance?}
{128}{}{What about med lab?}
{129}{}{What about grunts?}
{130}{}{Anything else?}
{131}{}{Me hear enough.}
{132}{}{What’s going on in maintenance?}
{133}{}{What can you tell me about med lab?}
{134}{}{What about us grunts?}
{135}{}{Anything else happening?}
{136}{}{I’ve heard enough, I think.}

{137}{}{Raul, the Vertibird mechanic, doesn’t like Quincy, the head of maintenance. Those two are always getting into it. I don’t think it’s a case of professional rivalry either. Anyway, Raul’s an arrogant ass but Quincy’s an okay kind of guy. I hope he wins in the end.}
{139}{}{Yeah, I hear you.}

{140}{}{Med lab’s been taken over by an Enclave egghead named Schreber. Mean son of a bitch; don’t care for nothing or nobody. He’s been doing some sort of experiments on deathclaws down there, don’t know what though. Anyway, he was making all kinds of noise until the commander ordered the room soundproofed.}
{141}{}{Got it.}
{142}{}{That’s interesting. }

{143}{}{Ha! We’re talking romance, my friend. It seems one of the computer geeks has fallen for one of the grunts, the guard outside med lab. Even has one of those cutesy names for her. Calls her "Snookie" of all things.}

{145}{}{Nah, that’s it around this place. If I hear anything more I’ll let ya know. I like talking about it just as much as I like hearing it!}

{147}{}{Why ya interested in those? Oh well, no matter. Quincy keeps them over in maintenance I think. }
{149}{}{Where that?}
{150}{}{I see.}
{151}{}{Where’s that?}

{152}{}{Northeast corner of the base, friend. Can’t miss it.}
{153}{}{Okay. Thanks.}

{156}{}{I’m surprised ya don’t know, ya must be a local, I guess. Anyway, main base’s in the middle of the goddamned ocean. Well, not smack ass in the middle, but it might as well be. Only way to get there is by ship or Vertibird and the damn ship’s been tinkered with. Ya need a fob to operate the damn thing.}

{158}{}{Yeah, a passkey. Commander keeps it in his office. Without it ya can’t access some areas of the ship and that keeps the locals down in San Fran from paying an unwelcome visit.}
{159}{}{Good idea.}
{160}{}{Where commander office?}
{161}{}{That’s a good idea.}
{162}{}{So where’s the commander’s office?}

{163}{}{Take the elevator in the next room down, follow the hallway to the main junction, and go straight. }

{165}{}{Hey, soldier. Good to hear from you again. Grub or talk this time?}
{168}{}{Me just say hi.}
{169}{}{Neither, I’m just saying hi.}

{170}{}{Here ya go. It’s dead, it’s cooked, it’s unidentifiable. Enjoy.}
{171}{}{Uh... Thanks.}

{172}{}{Son, I can tell from the smell that you're not wearin' one of them powered armor suits. If the sarge sees you out of uniform you’re screwed. And I ain’t talking the type of screwing that feels good. Now get your ass down to supply and suit up.}
{173}{}{Little lady, I can tell from the smell that you're not wearin' one of them powered armor suits. If the sarge sees you out of uniform you’re screwed. And I ain’t talking the type of screwing that feels good. Now get your ass down to supply and suit up.}
{174}{}{Where that?}
{176}{}{Where’s that?}
{177}{}{I’ll take care of it.}

{178}{}{Take the elevator in the next room down, follow the hall to the main junction, turn left, and it’s the first door on your left. Off you go.}

{180}{}{Holy shit! I’m just a cook... and a blind one at that. I didn’t see any intruders come through here.}

{182}{}{Damned alarms. Always such a ruckus when they go off.}
{183}{}{What the hell is that damn thing going on about this time?}
{184}{}{I wish to hell we’d use silent alarms, damn thing gives me a headache.}

{185}{}{I’m gonna fry your ass up and serve it on a plate.}
{186}{}{Your goose is cooked. Ha! I made a funny!}
{187}{}{Out of the frying pan and into the fire.}
