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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cassie Halloway.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006049B8 0060502C Somethin' you need? We're just waiting here for the rescue team, like you said.
2 006049B9 00605025 Gotta be honest, he didn't talk to us a lot. I think it bothered him to be reminded we were real people.
3 Like I said, in my case he was deliberately making me sick. Wanted to test disease resistance or something.
4 Some of the others talked about him injecting glowing stuff into them. A day later they'd start shaking and mumbling to themselves.
5 He'd take them again, and they didn't come back after that.
6 006049BA 00605024 Half a dozen in this cell. More in the others. Think he had something non-human in one of them, from the noise.
7 Haven't heard any talking or crying from the other cells in a long while, so I assume the four of us are all that's left.
8 006049BB 00605027 I was headed to Foundation originally, so I expect I'll be going there.
9 Won't mind seeing a familiar face, if you pass that way some time.
10 Gotta look up Uncle Art, of course. Family first and all that.
11 006049BC 0060502B No problem. Thanks again.
12 Let's meet in a nicer place next time, yeah?
13 006049C5 006049DB Thanks again for the rescue.
14 006049DC Give Blackburn a kick from me.
15 006049DD Look me up at Foundation when this is all over.
16 006049DE Can't thank you enough for what you've done.
17 006049DF I hope we'll meet again under better circumstances.
18 006049C6 006049E1 Feeling better already.
19 006049E2 Hope the Brotherhood's got a cure for this Sludge Lung.
20 006049E3 Hold tight, everyone. Help's on the way.
21 006049E4 Thank God it's over.
22 006049E5 After this, I'm done with caravans.
23 006049E6 Hope Uncle Art's okay.
24 006049E7 Stay calm, everybody. They'll get us out of here soon.
25 006049E8 *cough* [Phlegmy cough noises, but not protracted]
26 006049E9 Try to hold it together, everyone. Don't give up hope.
27 006049EA Is that bastard never coming back? He can't just leave us in here like this!
28 006049EB Gotta find a way out of here. We can't last much longer.
29 006049C7 00605028 Hello again.

BS02 Dialogue CassieHalloway FoundationStoreroom[]

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0060504A 00605063 What is this, alphabetical by color? Who organized this?
2 00605064 If Foundation gets much bigger, we'll have to expand this place.
3 00605065 Gonna need to go see Uncle Art again, soon.
4 00605066 More stuff comin' in every day.
5 00605067 Break time, soon. tired, looking forward to it
6 00605068 Ugh, another cat hair. Somebody's gotta dust in here. mouth noises like a hair in mouth
7 00605069 Did Sunny pee in the corner again? sniffing noise
8 0060504B 0060505B Good of you to drop by.
9 0060505C How's it goin'?
10 0060505D Nice to see you again!
11 0060505E You checkin' up on me?
12 0060505F Hey there!
13 0060504C 00605058 Well, look who it is! My hero.
14 0060504D 00605056 You, too. Give my regards to Valdez, all right?
15 0060504F 00605055 Good.
16 It's weird...I almost felt sorry for him, sometimes. It seemed like he hated what he was doing. a bit disbelieving her own feelings on the matter
17 Not that sorry, though. He still did it anyway, and lots of folks died at his hands. quick turn to bitterness/anger
18 I hope he died badly.
19 00605051 00605059 Uncle Art? Oh, yeah.
20 After your Brotherhood people got me patched up and back to civilization, he came running.
21 Y'ever see a grizzled farmer happy cry? I sure never thought I'd see Uncle Art do it. Quite the sight.
22 Once he got over the embarrassment, we had a good chat. I'll drop by his place from time to time to help out.
23 00605053 00605057 Me? I'm doin' just fine, thanks. Sludge Lung's cleared up and I'm not the prisoner of a lunatic doctor, so I call that a win.
24 The folks here have plenty of work to do, and we're getting along fine. I like it here.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
6 005F5A4E 005FA458 Thank God.
18 00605FDD I thought you left. Glad I was wrong.
19 00605FDE Where'd we leave off?
20 00605FDF Something I can help you with?
62 005FA3FF 005FA40B Okay. I was going to go for a walk, but I guess I'll stay here for now. dry sarcasm
63 Sorry. Seriously, though...thank you.
64 005FA400 005FA406 Not exactly. I think the locks are controlled remotely.
65 The doctor guy always does something back behind the stairs there before he comes back to grab one of us for his "tests".
66 005FA402 005FA40C You're not with those others, are you? Can you get us out of here?
67 005FA403 005FA408 Can anybody hear me? We're in here!
68 005FA404 005FA40D Please, if you're there, help us! Let us out!
69 005FA405 005FA40A Hey! Is somebody there?
70 005FA48A 005FA4A0 I'm not injured. Got lucky - the doc didn't do any surgery on me.
71 That nutjob was dosing me with diseases, though. Said he was "testing incubation and immune response times." if possible, make the quote an imitation of blackburn's voice
72 Weird thing is, he kept apologizing.
73 Got a bad case of Sludge Lung now, but I'm holding up. Some of the others are in worse shape.
74 005FA48E 005FA4A2 Yeah, that's me. You know Uncle Art?
75 God, he's gotta be so worried. He might even've expressed an emotion besides "world-weary"!
76 Hope he's all right.
77 005FA490 005FA4A3 Now that sounds like a fun bunch. Uncle Art mentioned them in, uh, broad terms. Can't say I'm not glad to meet you, though.
183 00603657 006036AE Cassie. Cassie Halloway.
184 Listen, I ain't trying to be rude. I'll tell you my whole dang life story if you want, just get me out of here first.
185 00603659 0060369B We're locked in some weird cell, in a frozen Vault, being held prisoner by some lunatic in a lab coat who experiments on us.
186 We're peachy, how are you? obvious sarcasm
187 0060365A 006036CB You've got my thanks, stranger. Introductions are in order, I guess. Name's Cassie. Did I say that already?
188 0060365C 006036B1 Came in on a Blue Ridge caravan. Doc was there, too.
189 Had some people slip away in the night, but the guide said it happens - people turn back, that kind of thing.
190 Then one night we shelter from a storm and those Hellcat goons ambush us. Capture us all.
191 Spent days in a cart or something, blindfolded, before they dumped me here.
192 0060365E 0060369E Well, I'm a captive audience.
193 Too soon? Eh. What do you want to know?
194 00603660 006036D3 We ain't going anywhere.
195 If you run into that crazy doctor, give him a kick for me, all right?
196 00603662 006036B7 Maybe I could, but there's no way the rest will. "maybe I could" said to differentiate between her and the others, not to emphasize the possibility
197 I don't even know where we are, but I'm guessing we're not close to civilization.
198 These folks won't make it a mile in their condition.
199 00603664 006036A3 For real? You must be my guardian angel.
200 Well, I did get kidnapped and locked up by a mad scientist, so maybe not.
201 Still. Thank you. You get to missing breathing normally.
202 00603666 006036DC I think we're the last surviving ones.
203 Used to be more. When he takes you out of the cells, you don't always come back.
204 Hasn't been down here in a few days, though. Figured he'd got what he'd wanted, or someone'd done him in.
205 Good timing on your part. The crappy rations he gave us last time are nearly gone.
206 00603668 006036BC My social calendar's wide open, as it happens. What do you want to know?
207 00603669 006036A7 You're a peach.
208 0060366A 006036E1 Whatever a Fort Atlas is, that sounds good to me. Thanks kindly.