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Carthage was a major city-state in Africa in the 9th century BC, the capital of the Carthaginian Empire and the only Mediterranean city as powerful as Rome at the time.


Despite all he has accomplished, Caesar still feels himself to be a king of barbarians, and not an emperor of Rome. In order to progress his Legion into a true successor to the Roman Empire, he needs two things: A city truly deserving of the name Rome, and a force strong enough to test him. The latter would be his Carthage, a challenge worthy of the original Caesar himself.[Non-game 1]

The archaeologist exam at the Pioneer Scout camp has a question that directly references the Carthaginians. It asks "Mary's family is visiting the island of Sicily for vacation. She's gotten to see ruins from all kinds of civilizations there! Which of these civilizations left ruins on Sicily?" The Carthaginians, the Normans, and the Greeks are all provided as correct answers.[1]


Carthage is mentioned only in the Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition and the Carthaginians are mentioned in Fallout 76.



  1. Behind the Bright Lights & Big City: "Many years have passed, and by post-apocalyptic standards, Caesar's accomplishments have been prodigious. But the man's hunger for greatness has never been sated. Having assembled a loose nation of slavers and slaves, having won countless 'wars' against inferior peoples, secretly he still feels like an upstart, an amateur-a barbaric King of the Gauls, instead of a lofty emperor of Rome. To advance, he needs two things: a Carthage and a Rome. In the NCR he has at last found a great adversary, against which he can wage a military campaign worthy of history books. (Indeed, worth teaching his subordinates how to read and write, so that future generations can read his own Commentarii.) And in Vegas, powered and watered by its great dam, he has found a capital worthy of, well, a Caesar. Contrary to the old saw, Rome will be built in a day. With that out of the way, the next step will be to proclaim his apotheosis. All good Roman emperors became gods, although that was usually done posthumously..."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition)