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This is a transcript for dialogue with Carmen.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0075C168 0075C17B Another beautiful day on the Boardwalk. Apart from the smell.
2 0075C17C Might pack up early today, catch a show.
3 0075C17D That Juchi was looking mighty fine the other night. Wouldn't turn down his sister, either.
4 0075C17E I swear to God, one of these days I'm dumping Zayde off the pier.
5 0075C17F Say what you will about Mother's ideas, the lady has style.
6 0075C180 We can be anything. Why are so many of us clowns? It's creepy.
7 0075C181 Standards must be dropping, because the girl they had in here last night couldn't hold a note if they glued it to her.
8 0075C182 Mrs. Russo hasn't made an appearance in a while. Guess she got the message.
9 0075C183 Sam gives me the shivers. Always bad for business when he's lurking about.
10 0075C184 Some new faces today. Guess some people are willing to brave the Barrens to get to the good life.
11 0075C185 Good haul tonight. Might even hit the Neapolitan later.
12 0075C186 I know everybody's an artiste, but would it kill people to patch some of the holes?
13 0075C169 00767E3B A fine assortment of goods, for discerning individuals such as yourself.
14 00767E3C The Boardwalk's delightful, but if your needs are more material, I'm your girl.
15 00767E3D If I don't have it, do you really need it?
16 00767E3E Don't let these good looks distract you from the great deals I have to offer!
17 00767E3F You look like a spender to me. You wouldn't want to prove a woman wrong, now, would you?
18 00767E40 Nothing but the best, at the best prices.
19 00767E41 You're not going to find better, honey. That goes for what's on sale, too.
20 00767E42 Don't go home empty-handed, have a look. I'm sure I've got something you need.
21 00767E43 We're fresh out of La Vie En Rose, but there's still plenty more for sale
22 00767E44 You've seen the shows, you've played the games, but your visit isn't complete till you've got something to take home!
23 00767E45 We get all sorts coming through here, baby, but your caps all spend the same.
24 00767E1F 0075C1D6 A fine assortment of goods, for discerning individuals such as yourself.
25 0075C1D7 The Boardwalk's delightful, but if your needs are more material, I'm your girl.
26 0075C1D8 If I don't have it, do you really need it?
27 0075C1D9 Don't let these good looks distract you from the great deals I have to offer!
28 0075C1DA You look like a spender to me. You wouldn't want to prove a woman wrong, now, would you?
29 0075C1DB Nothing but the best, at the best prices.
30 0075C1DC You're not going to find better, honey. That goes for what's on sale, too.
31 0075C1DD Don't go home empty-handed, have a look. I'm sure I've got something you need.
32 0075C1DE We're fresh out of La Vie En Rose, but there's still plenty more for sale.
33 0075C1DF You've seen the shows, you've played the games, but your visit isn't complete till you've got something to take home!
34 0075C1E0 We get all sorts coming through here, baby, but your caps all spend the same.
35 0075C1E2 Well look who it is, the new Sensation! How about you spread the wealth and spend some of those winnings with me?