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This is a transcript for dialogue with Carlitos Wayne.


GREETING GREETING Sad 50 {Carlitos speaks all his dialogue like a gangster out of luck, still heavily affected by slang, tone and sarcastic demeanor} Hey, do you mind? I'm trying to drink myself to the ground, right here. Scram. 1
GREETING Anger 30 Hey, scram. Come bug me when I'm at the diner... if you're a real pain in the ass. 2
GREETING Surprise 20 Yeah, what do you want? 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, it's you! What's the news? 4
GREETING Happy 50 You've made it! Thank you so much for your help. I owe you more than- Wait! What's that? 5
GREETING Happy 50 I don't know how we pulled this off, for a minute there I thought we were not going to make it. 6
Happy 50 Without you, we'd been in the losing end. Thank you so much for your help, friend. 7
GREETING Sad 60 No... Joana! It can't be! She didn't deserve this, she didn't, you hear? 8
Anger 70 It should've been me, not her... They will pay, right now! Out of my way! 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, friend! It's good to see you again. 10
Neutral 50 This place don't have the glitter of the Strip, but I've got Joana - that's all I'll ever need. 11
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic000 I need one too. Here, next round's on me. Happy 50 Allright! I won't turn down a freebie. Shit, these days I almost can't pay my own in this two-faced, goddamn city any more. 12
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic001 As good a place as any - though here you are drinking yourself *under* ground. Happy 30 [SUCCEEDED] Ha ha! - damn straight! This is about the last place in this fucking city where I can burrow without having to look over my shoulder. 13
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic002 Looks like you could use a friendly ear right now. What's up? Anger 50 [FAILED] Shit, not even down this rat-hole can I drink in peace? I don't need no friends. I just need you to get the fuck out of my sight. 14
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic003 I want to ask you some questions. Anger 20 And I want a cute patron of this shit-hole to blow me over the pool-table, but that ain't happening either, is it? 15
I want to ask you some questions. Neutral 50 I'm in - ask. 16
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic004 Goodbye. Disgust 20 Good riddance. 17
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Until next round. 18
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic005 Keep up the attitude soon you'll be on the ground, for good. Fear 40 [SUCCEEDED] Hey... I'm just worked up, okay. You're tough, right? You won't care about my stupid rambling then? 19
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic006 Sounds like you're in trouble. What's the deal? Sad 30 Who isn't in trouble in New Vegas, uh? Sooner or later, you hit the bottom of the barrel - I just happened to fall harder than most, is all. 20
Sounds like you're in trouble. What's the deal? Neutral 50 I am just one more loser that got the evil-eye from Lady Luck - hard fall. Now I lay at the bottom and keep to myself. 21
Sounds like you're in trouble. What's the deal? Neutral 50 All right. About what do you want to know? 22
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic007 How high was that fall? Happy 50 From the top! Where else, uh? I am Carlitos - my fingers work the magic and my hands deal the luck! 23
Happy 80 There was no player who'd stood a chance, no wiseguy who didn't fear me, and no doll who could resist me. Gomorrah was my kingdom, Carlitos' turf! 24
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic008 If Vault 21 is your "bottom of the barrel" then I'd say you could've done worse. Happy 50 Yeah, I could've ended buried in the sands with just my head sticking out. Ants love that - a riot, know what I mean? 25
Neutral 50 This place has come a long way. Sarah takes care of it and she lets me stay, for now. 26
If Vault 21 is your "bottom of the barrel" then I'd say you could've done worse. Happy 50 Yeah, I could've ended buried in the sands with just my head sticking out. Ants love that - a riot, know what I mean? 27
Sad 50 {Enthusiasm muffled by sadness} This place has come a long way, but ever since Sarah's death it is not the same. 28
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic009 Let me ask you about New Vegas. Neutral 50 All right. What do you want to know? 29
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic010 Tell me about The Strip. Neutral 50 If you're smart, the Strip's all flash and noise. If not, luck's your dame, your hot date, until you find she's a cheap whore high on Jet. 30
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic011 What are the important players in town? Surprise 50 Ha! There's only one important player in town, and that's Mr. House. Everyone keeps clean around him, the families, the barons - fuck, even the NCR. 31
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic013 Any recommendations on where to go for some fun? Happy 30 My recommendation, get the fuck out of town while you can. It'll leave you hanging in the wind or, worse, add your body to a concrete wall, okay? 32
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic014 You worked in Gomorrah as a Croupier, uh? What was it like? Happy 50 Hey, you're smart. Okay, it was like finding diamonds in your vodka and showgirls under your card-table. You want it, Gomorrah has it. 33
Disgust 50 It was heaven - until you find that all the glitter is made of broken dreams and all the praise hides a knife pointing at your ribs. 34
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic015 You spent some time at Gomorrah, then. What was it like? Happy 50 I didn't just spend time there, I lived there, okay? I was family. All I wanted, I had. Caps, booze, drugs, women, power, you name it. 35
Disgust 50 It was heaven - until you find that all the glitter is made of broken dreams and all the praise hides a knife pointing at your ribs. 36
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic016 Any important "wiseguys" that I should know about? Neutral 50 Now, if you have to ask, you probably don't know shit about who you're dealing with, huh? Listen up - watch out for Cachino, that's all I'm saying. 37
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic017 Anyone in Gomorrah you'd recommend for a good time? Neutral 50 I'd recommend you save your caps and your skin. Check The Tops - no big time wiseguys there. Freeside's also fun, you know? 38
Sad 70 There's too much shit and despair at Gomorrah already. I don't want anybody making it worse for Jo... for the girls, you know? 39
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic019 What does Sarah do around here? Happy 50 What doesn't she do, huh? Sarah makes this hole look like a palace - damn nice pair of gams on her too. She never walks outside, though. 40
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic020 Why do you say that Vault 21 has come a long way? Disgust 30 Because Mr. House ripped this place to shreds before filling it with concrete. Hey, I was untouchable once, but Mr. House's a god - you got that? 41
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic021 I can keep a secret, Carlitos. About whom are you worried? Sad 50 I... Okay, it's Joana. She... works at Gomorrah. But it's all my fault! I met her at the Atomic Wrangler - beautiful doesn't even come close. 42
Anger 80 I moved her into Gomorrah. I was in love, okay? Then Cachino, backstabbing snake, got me out of the way so that he could have my girl. 43
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic022 Wait a minute. What's that name again? Neutral 50 No dice. I already opened my trap more than I should. Walls have ears even all the way down in this hole, you know? Can't trust nobody. 44
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic023 Tell me about your past. Neutral 50 You know - straightening up bets, Gomorrah, success, women, all that shiny stuff. 45
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic024 So you live in Vault 21? Neutral 50 This place has come a long way. Sarah takes care of it and she lets me stay, for now. 46
So you live in Vault 21? Sad 50 {Enthusiasm muffled by sadness} This place has come a long way, but ever since Sarah's death it is not the same. 47
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic025 What did you say about working at Gomorrah? Disgust 50 It was heaven - until you find that all the glitter is made of broken dreams and all the praise hides a knife pointing at your ribs. 48
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic026 Tell me again about the girl at Gomorrah that worries you. Neutral 50 What about Joana? 49
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic027 Don't talk to me like that or I'll... I'll... have to get tough with you. Happy 80 [FAILED] Ha ha ha! Okay, okay... stop or I'll choke, I swear. Listen, kid - I'll cut you some slack because nothing else in this town will, you hear? 50
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic029 Why don't you get her out of Gomorrah? Anger 30 What, you think I can just waltz in there and take her away? She's their doll now, okay? 51
Neutral 50 Besides, I step in Gomorrah and I'm as good as dead, you hear? You don't just leave the Omertas unless it's in a body bag. 52
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic030 How did Cachino get you out of the way? Neutral 50 He's a cunning bastard, Cachino. Told Nero and Big Sal he caught me spring cleaning my tributes to the family - can't do nothing against that viper. 53
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic031 I can talk to Joana for you. Neutral 50 Don't know... She's a dream to me now... If I,{repeats with "I mean" to give emphasis} I mean if I could have her again I'd be a made man. 54
Anger 50 {Reflects on his unfounded fear, having a break-through} Why am I even scared of Cachino and all those fuckers? Joana and I are dead anyway if we don't get the hell out of here. 55
Happy 50 Okay, you try that and let me know. How she looks, what she's wearing, she's safe, anything - I'll pay you, you hear? 56
I can talk to Joana for you. Neutral 50 Have you made up your mind? 57
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic032 I could talk to Joana for you, but it'll cost you 200 caps. Neutral 50 Don't know... She's a dream to me now... If I, I mean if I could have her again I'd be a made man. 58
Anger 50 {Reflects on his unfounded fear, having a break-through} Why am I even scared of Cachino and all those fuckers? Joana and I are dead anyway if we don't get the hell out of here. 59
Happy 50 Okay - you try that and let me know, okay? How she looks, what she's wearing, she's safe, anything - I'll pay you, you hear? 60
I could talk to Joana for you, but it'll cost you 200 caps. Neutral 50 Have you made up your mind? 61
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic034 All right. I'll talk to her. Happy 50 Deal! Come back with news soon, you hear? 62
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic035 On second thought - let's wait. Sad 50 Dammit! You're going to leave me hanging, uh? Don't know how else I can get her back. 63
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic036 All right. I'll talk to her. Happy 50 Deal! Come back with news soon, you hear? 64
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic037 On second thought - let's wait. Sad 50 Dammit! You're going to leave me hanging, uh? Don't know how else I can get her back. 65
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic038 I want to talk about Joana. Neutral 50 Hey, that's great. What's going on? 66
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic039 I couldn't convince her to attempt a escape. Anger 50 That won't do... at all. Listen, it can't be the jet, Cachino's got her scared shitless. 67
Pained 30 Find a way to make this work... please. 68
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic040 Joana's happy to hear from you and wants to escape Gomorrah. Surprise 50 She is...? Listen, no time to waste. Help her get to Freeside, that's our ticket out of this fucking city. 69
Neutral 50 I'll meet you there between midnight and dawn, though we could use some backup. We only got one chance to get this right, you hear? 70
Happy 50 These guys in Freeside, good shots, right? They owe me big time. Tell'em that Carlitos' back to collect his chips, they'll know what do. 71
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic041 I'll be back when I convince her. Happy 50 Deal! Come back with news soon, you hear? 72
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic042 I'm here on Joana's behalf. Surprise 50 What did you say...? I mean, Joana sent you? 73
Happy 50 Please, tell me! Is she all right? When did you see her? What does she have to say? 74
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic043 She didn't know if you were still alive. Happy 50 Then she has to know! I'm ready to help her escape, once and for all. 75
Anger 50 {Reflects on his unfounded fear, having a break-through} Why am I even scared of Cachino and all those fuckers? Joana and I are dead anyway if we don't get the hell out of here. 76
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic044 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Dammit! You're going to leave me hanging, huh? Don't know how else I can get her back. 77
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Until next round. 78
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic045 First, let me ask you some questions. Neutral 50 Questions can wait, Joana can't. 79
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic046 I'll let her know. Happy 50 Deal! Come back with news soon, you hear? 80
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic048 Okay, I'll let her know that you'll help. Neutral 50 Deal! Come back with news soon, you hear? 81
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic049 I'll try, but not for free. Neutral 50 Okay, you try that and let me know. How she looks, what she's wearing, she's safe, anything - I'll pay you, you hear? 82
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic050 200 caps and we have a deal. Neutral 50 Deal! Come back with news soon, you hear? 83
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic053 Never mind, let's talk about Joana. Neutral 50 What about Joana? 84
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic054 How do I get her out of Gomorrah? Neutral 50 She'll have to go disguised. Gomorrah's packed around midnight and the bouncers won't notice just another patron leaving the joint. 85
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic055 Where in Freeside will you meet us? Neutral 50 I'll be near the entrance but I need to keep out of sight. The Omertas have contacts, and they're still looking for me. 86
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic056 Okay, I'm on it. Happy 50 All right! See you soon. 87
Okay, I'm on it. Happy 50 All right! See you soon. 88
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic057 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Dammit! You're going to leave me hanging, uh? Don't know how else I can get her back. 89
Goodbye. Happy 50 All right! See you soon. 90
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic062 It's my pleasure. Happy 30 I take care of my debts. How can I repay you, friend? 91
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic063 Let's talk about my fee. Neutral 50 I take care of my debts. How can I repay you, friend? 92
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic064 Goodbye. Surprise 50 Are you leaving... just like that? 93
Happy 50 Okay, friend, I hope to see you again, far away from this place. 94
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic065 No need. Helping you was enough. Surprise 50 Really, you're one of a kind. 95
Happy 50 Okay, friend, I hope to see you again, far away from this place. 96
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic066 I think 400 caps is a fair deal. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] We have a deal, then. 97
Happy 50 Okay, friend, I hope to see you again, far away from this place. 98
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic067 I think 400 caps is a fair deal. Neutral 50 [FAILED] No deal, we agreed on less than that. 99
Happy 50 Okay, friend, I hope to see you again, far away from this place. 100
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic069 Why don't you get her out of Gomorrah? Anger 30 What, you think I can just waltz in there and take her away? She's their doll now, okay? 101
Neutral 50 Besides, I step in Gomorrah and I'm as good as dead, you hear? You don't just leave the Omertas unless it's in a body bag. 102
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic070 My help has a price. Neutral 50 Whose doesn't, huh? Look, see Joana safely to Freeside and you'll cash in this favor, big time. 103
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic071 200 caps will do. Happy 50 Deal! Come back with news soon, you hear? 104
VMS21aCarlitosWayneTopic073 Joana's dead. Sad 50 No... Joana! It can't be! She didn't deserve this, she didn't, you hear? 105
Anger 70 It should've been me, not her... They will pay, right now! Out of my way! 106