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This is a transcript for dialogue with Caretaker.


1-{Nervous} Yeah, yeah. Hi and whatever.
2{Thought he heard a noise, scared} What was that? Oh, nothing.
3{Tired, raw nerves} I don't know how much more I got of this.
4{Grim as death} You weren't there. At the Switchboard. One day the Institute's gonna kill us all, I tell ya.
5{Muttered, nervous} Listen, I think it's much safer if we pretend we don't know each other.


6RRR02a_0100_GetQuest{Nervous as hell / Conspiratorial} Do you got a geiger counter, bub?Player Default: Yeah, I have one.A
7Player Default: Yeah, I have one.{Skittish, trying to make this sound believable} Then make sure it's got plenty of juice. Lots of hot spots nearby. I warned you.QuestGiver: Kind of wish you would of set up a cot or something, but at least it's safe, right? It is safe, right?A1a
8Player Default: No, I don't.{Skittish, trying to make this sound believable} Then, boy, you're in the wrong place. I'm popping Rad-X like aspirin over here just to stay alive. Get out of here. Save yourself.QuestGiver: Kind of wish you would of set up a cot or something, but at least it's safe, right? It is safe, right?B1a
9Player Default: Mine is in the shop.{Relief / Grateful} You're HQ's new guy, right? Thanks for setting up this place.QuestGiver: Kind of wish you would of set up a cot or something, but at least it's safe, right? It is safe, right?X1a
10Player Default: Mine is in the shop.{Relief / Grateful} You're HQ's new gal, right? Thanks for setting up this place.QuestGiver: Kind of wish you would of set up a cot or something, but at least it's safe, right? It is safe, right?X2a
11Player Default: Why do you ask?{Skittish, trying to make this sound believable} Plenty of hot spots nearby. If you don't got a geiger counter, boy, you can soak up a lot of rads. Don't say I didn't warn you.QuestGiver: Kind of wish you would of set up a cot or something, but at least it's safe, right? It is safe, right?Y1a
12Player Default: Then make sure it's got plenty of juice. Lots of hot spots nearby. I warned you.{Bitching - then gets scared} Kind of wish you would of set up a cot or something, but at least it's safe, right? It is safe, right?Player Default: You shouldn't have any problems out here.A1a
13Player Default: Then make sure it's got plenty of juice. Lots of hot spots nearby. I warned you.{Jumpy - thinks he hears something / Afraid} What? What's that? Sorry. Never know when You-Know-Who may got your number, right?Player Default: You shouldn't have any problems out here.A2a
14Player Default: You shouldn't have any problems out here.{Sharing a joke, weakly} Yeah, this place is definitely better than the last hole in the wall I was at. It was literally a hole in the wall.QuestGiver: We got a package incoming. You know, package? I've plotted out her escape route. Got a new guy, new tourist, that's going to help.A1a
15Player Default: You lose your nerve? You know the risks we take in this line of work.{Irritation / Irritated} Of course, I do. Better than you. It doesn't mean I got to like it, though.QuestGiver: We got a package incoming. You know, package? I've plotted out her escape route. Got a new guy, new tourist, that's going to help.B1a
16Player Default: Are you all right? You seem a little jumpy?{Reliving the horror - very traumatized} I've had too many close calls. I used to work HQ, like you, but after the last HQ went lights out I just had to get away.Y1a
17{Regrouping} Enough about me.QuestGiver: We got a package incoming. You know, package? I've plotted out her escape route. Got a new guy, new tourist, that's going to help.Y1b
18Player Default: Yeah, this place is definitely better than the last hole in the wall I was at. It was literally a hole in the wall.{Anxious, having a hard time staying focused} We got a package incoming. You know, package? I've plotted out her escape route. Got a new guy, new tourist, that's going to help.A1a
19{Pulls himself together} He's all ready to sign up but he's got big problems. We clear those problems up, and our package's got a nice cozy shack to lay low in.Player Default: If it'll help a synth, count me in.A1b
20Player Default: If it'll help a synth, count me in.{relief, apologetic / Grateful} I knew I could count on you. I wish I could tell you what you're going up against. But I got no idea.QuestGiver: I'll mark it on your map. Go there and do what you HQ types do. Then K8's all set. I'll make sure she gets out of the Commonwealth.A1a
21Player Default: I want more details than that.{shared irritation / Irritated} You know how it goes. The dead drop only mentions the problem and the location.QuestGiver: I'll mark it on your map. Go there and do what you HQ types do. Then K8's all set. I'll make sure she gets out of the Commonwealth.B1a
22Player Default: Understood.{Apologetic / Apologetic} Don't know what you'll be facing, but it's got to be dealt with.QuestGiver: I'll mark it on your map. Go there and do what you HQ types do. Then K8's all set. I'll make sure she gets out of the Commonwealth.X1a
23Player Default: What's the tourist's "problem?"{Shared irritation / Irritated} Hell if I know. You know how it goes, the dead drop says hostiles have to go bye-bye and we take care of it.QuestGiver: I'll mark it on your map. Go there and do what you HQ types do. Then K8's all set. I'll make sure she gets out of the Commonwealth.Y1a
24Player Default: I knew I could count on you. I wish I could tell you what you're going up against. But I got no idea.{Sounds almost normal - cares about the job} I'll mark it on your map. Go there and do what you HQ types do. Then K8's all set. I'll make sure she gets out of the Commonwealth.A1a
25RRR02a_0300_CompleteQuest{Grateful / Grateful} Whatever you did worked. The tourist has signed on. K8's already on the move.QuestGiver: Take this. I might have more jobs later. Thanks, bub.A
26NPCMCaretaker: Whatever you did worked. The tourist has signed on. K8's already on the move.{Grateful, but getting a little distracted / Grateful} Take this. I might have more jobs later. Thanks, bub.A1a
27-{Conspiratorial} Hey, hey. Over here.