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This is a transcript for dialogue with captive settler in Kidnapping.


1MinRecruit02CaptiveScene{Pleading} Please. You've got to help me!Player Default: Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you.A
2{Pleading} You're going to help me now, right?Player Default: Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you.A
3Player Default: Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you.{Grateful} Oh my god, thank you. Let's go.A1a
4Player Default: I don't think I can get you out of here.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. / Pleading} I don't care about the risks. I'd rather get killed trying to escape than wait here to die.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you.B1a
5Player Default: I don't think I can get you out of here.{Afraid} You can't leave me here! I've seen what they do to people... I'd rather die than stay here as their prisoner.B2a
6Player Default: Hold on. I'll be back for you.{Pleading} No, don't leave! Please, cut me loose first!X1a
7Player Default: Are you the one who was kidnapped?{Relieved} Oh, thank god, someone sent you after me? Yes, they're holding me for ransom... but I know we can't pay what they're asking.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you.Y1a
8Player Default: Are you the one who was kidnapped?{Relieved} Oh, thank god. They're holding me for ransom... but they're getting tired of waiting and I don't think we have the money.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you.Y2a
9Player Default: Are you the one who was kidnapped?{Worried} They grabbed me while I was on watch. I'm pretty sure they're getting ready to kill me. Please, you've got to help.Player Default: Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you.Y3a
10MinRecruit02SettlementIntro{Pleading} You've got to help! My mother's been kidnapped!Player Default: It's okay. You just need to tell me what happened.A
11{Pleading} You've got to help! My father's been kidnapped!Player Default: It's okay. You just need to tell me what happened.A
12{Pleading} You've got to help! They've kidnapped my son!Player Default: It's okay. You just need to tell me what happened.A
13{Pleading} You've got to help! They've kidnapped my daughter!Player Default: It's okay. You just need to tell me what happened.A
14{Pleading} You've got to help! They've kidnapped my wife!Player Default: It's okay. You just need to tell me what happened.A
15{Pleading} You've got to help! They've kidnapped my husband!Player Default: It's okay. You just need to tell me what happened.A
16{Pleading} You've got to help! My sister's been kidnapped!Player Default: It's okay. You just need to tell me what happened.A
17{Pleading} You've got to help! My brother's been kidnapped!Player Default: It's okay. You just need to tell me what happened.A
18{Pleading} You've got to help! They've kidnapped my friend!Player Default: It's okay. You just need to tell me what happened.A
19MinRecruit02SettlementReward{Grateful} I don't know how to thank you for that rescue you pulled off.Player Default: Just remember that this is all thanks to the Minutemen.A
20Player Default: We know. That's why we've decided to join the Minutemen. You can count on our help if you need it.{Grateful} I just wanted to thank you again for getting me home safe. I won't forget what you've done for me.A1a
21-Good luck.
22I hope it's not too late.
23Bastards. Make 'em pay while you're at it!
24I swear if they harmed... Best not to think that way.
25Thanks again. It was a brave thing you did. Braver than I could be.
26You'll always be welcome here.
27Thanks to you, this farm will carry on.
28People like you are rare in the Commonwealth. I'm lucky you came our way.