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Canterbury Commons conversations are conversations between non-player characters that occur in Canterbury Commons in Fallout 3. These are, for the most part, dynamically-occurring and make use of randomized prompts and responses. All such dynamic conversations are implemented in the DialogueCanterburyCommons quest.

In the format below, a character named in a header is the speaker of the conversations listed below the header.

Uncle Roe[]

  • Conversations 1 and 2 are directed to Derek Pacion. Derek uses the same responses for each; the only differences are that conversation 1 can only happen when they are having breakfast, and conversation 2 can only happen when they have dinner. Both include an extra empty line as a possible option for the last topic, which will make it so that Derek effectively ends the conversation.
  • Conversation 3 is also directed to Derek Pacion.
  • Conversation 4 is directed to Dominic D'Ellsadro. Dominic can also start this conversation by skipping Uncle Roe's first greeting topic; see his section for more details.
# Speaker Line
1 Uncle Roe Morning, sleepyhead! Sleep well, boy?
Rise and shine! How was your night, my boy?
Derek Pacion It was okay.
I suppose it was fine.
Uncle Roe Well, have any big plans for the day?
You never know what the day may hold, eh boy?
Derek Pacion I guess.
Uncle Roe I suppose there's no chance for a nice conversation today, is there.
Well... Good talking with you, boy, as always.
[Empty line]
2 Uncle Roe Day go well for you, my boy?
Evening! Get a lot of work done today, boy?
Derek Pacion It was okay.
I suppose it was fine.
Uncle Roe Well, no worries. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting, eh? But not too exciting, I hope! Ha!
Well, there's always tomorrow, isn't there? At least, one hopes, eh? Ha!
Derek Pacion I guess.
Uncle Roe Yes, well... I guess there's always tomorrow.
Well... Good talking with you, boy, as always.
[Empty line]
3 Uncle Roe How're you doing, boy? Is everything all right?
Derek Pacion I'm fine, okay?
4 Uncle Roe Hello, Dom. Everyone behaving themselves?
Dom. Any news I should be worried about?
Dominic D'Ellsadro Ernest, the good news is we ain't dead, yet.
Ernest, I've seen worse nights. But we aren't dead yet, and that's always a good sign.
Uncle Roe Good to hear it. I'm not giving up this whole "living" habit, not at my age. Keep it up.
Well, you be sure to let us know when we are, all right?
Dominic D'Ellsadro Sounds like a good plan.
You know you can rely on me for that.

Derek Pacion[]

Main article: Matchmaker

Derek's only conversation is cut, and most of its text no longer exists. The only remnants are two HELLO lines to Machete and six GOODBYE lines (three each from Machete and Derek) which would result from the topics in-between (all of which are empty). These are part of a cut unmarked interaction where Derek could have been given dating advice to pursue Machete. There would have been three separate outcomes for the Lone Wanderer's dating advice: a "good," a "smooth," and a "bad" outcome.

Derek's default HELLO line will play in-game, but only as a floating line. The other lines will never play.

Topic Speaker Line Notes
HELLO Derek Pacion Umm... Hi, miss. I mean, Machete. Things okay with the, umm, guarding? Requires "Good" outcome
Hey, Machete. You on guard? I mean, of course you are. I mean, umm, never mind. Default line
GOODBYE Machete Good. See you later. And you better show up! Requires "Good" outcome
You'd better believe it. Requires "Smooth" outcome
I mean it. Requires "Bad" outcome
Derek Pacion Great! I'll see you later, Machete! Requires "Good" outcome
No problem, Machete. See you later. Requires "Smooth" outcome
Umm... Yes, miss. Requires "Bad" outcome

Joe Porter[]

Joe's single dynamic conversation is directed to Derek Pacion.

# Speaker Line
1 Joe Porter Hey, Derek. You did some fine work out there with those Brahmin.
Derek, been hearing good things about your work with the traders. Way to go, man.
Derek Pacion Thanks!
It wasn't anything much. But thanks!
Joe Porter You oughta be proud - that's hard work. So why do you look so blue?
I mean it - that's hard work. But you look like you got something on your mind. What's up?
Derek Pacion It's nothing. Just... You think Machete might like me?
Nothing's wrong. It's just... you think there's a chance Machete might think I'm cool? Like, maybe when I'm older?
Joe Porter I guess that explains all that! I think she might, Derek, somewhere down in there.
Oh man, just like when I was a kid! Maybe you ought to go talk to her, Derek.
Derek Pacion No, no, never mind. Pretend I didn't say anything.
Wait, no... I mean, forget I brought it up.
Joe Porter If you insist, Derek. If you wanna talk later, I'm around.
You're the boss, man. We can talk about it later, if you want.

Dominic D'Ellsadro[]

  • Conversation 1 is directed to Uncle Roe. Uncle Roe is also capable of starting this conversation with an extra greeting line; see his section for more details.
  • Conversation 2 is directed to Machete. Machete can also start this conversation by skipping Dominic's first greeting topic; see her section for more details.
# Speaker Line
1 Dominic D'Ellsadro Ernest, the good news is we ain't dead, yet.
Ernest, I've seen worse nights. But we aren't dead yet, and that's always a good sign.
Uncle Roe Good to hear it. I'm not giving up this whole "living" habit, not at my age. Keep it up.
Well, you be sure to let us know when we are, all right?
Dominic D'Ellsadro Sounds like a good plan.
You know you can rely on me for that.
2 Dominic D'Ellsadro Hey, Machete. Report in. You see anything odd out there?
Machete, what's the word from your watch?
Machete All clear out there, captain, sir!
Nothing I couldn't handle, captain, sir!
Dominic D'Ellsadro Whoa, calm down there. Attitude like that'll just get someone hurt... plus, it puts the locals on edge.
Relax, girl. We're not in a war zone, we're just making sure the market's safe. Stop scaring the locals, okay?
Machete Can't let our guard down, sir! That's when people cause trouble.
The locals could use a little scaring, sir! Bunch of fat, coward traders...
Dominic D'Ellsadro Girl, if you don't relax a little, you're going to snap in half. Now, get going, before you take someone's head off.
Lady, if you don't calm down, I'm going to let Derek know about your crush on him. That'll give you something else to think about.[Note 1]
Machete Umm... Yes, sir. I mean, Dominic.
Okay... if you insist.


Machete's only dynamic conversation is directed to Dominic D'Ellsadro. Dominic can also start this conversation by adding an additional greeting topic; see his section for more details.

# Speaker Line
1 Machete All clear out there, captain, sir!
Nothing I couldn't handle, captain, sir!
Dominic D'Ellsadro Whoa, calm down there. Attitude like that'll just get someone hurt... plus, it puts the locals on edge.
Relax, girl. We're not in a war zone, we're just making sure the market's safe. Stop scaring the locals, okay?
Machete Can't let our guard down, sir! That's when people cause trouble.
The locals could use a little scaring, sir! Bunch of fat, coward traders...
Dominic D'Ellsadro Girl, if you don't relax a little, you're going to snap in half. Now, get going, before you take someone's head off.
Lady, if you don't calm down, I'm going to let Derek know about your crush on him. That'll give you something else to think about.[Note 1]
Machete Umm... Yes, sir. I mean, Dominic.
Okay... if you insist.


This is the scripted conversation between the Mechanist and the AntAgonizer which occurs when entering Canterbury Commons for the first time. After speaking, their armies battle each other, then they flee to their lairs.

Speaker Line
AntAgonizer Now, fool, tremble before the might of the AntAgonizer!
Mechanist You'll never get away with terrorizing this town. Not while it's under the protection of the Mechanist!
AntAgonizer You and your pathetic tin cans are no match for my army! Muahahaha!
Mechanist The citizens of this town have nothing to fear! The Mechanist is here to protect them!
AntAgonizer Ha! We'll see about that! Attack, my ant soldiers! Destroy this fool and his tin toys!
Mechanist Go forth, my steadfast creations! Show these vermin humanity's true power!
AntAgonizer Face it, Mechanist! Humans and their toys are done for. They killed themselves off with their petty wars!
Mechanist Humans may be weak sometimes, but our creations are strong and pure. Something you'll never be!
AntAgonizer Fool! Humanity's creations were the seeds of their undoing. And now, the world will belong to the AntAgonizer!
Mechanist Not while the world is protected by me, the Mechanist! Your reign of terror is at an end!


  1. 1.0 1.1 Only available if Derek is not nearby (more than 300 units of distance away).