Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Me and my boys are gonna teach these Morningstar creampuffs a lesson. Starting with Blasphemous Bette over there.

Caminetto is a cocky Kokoweef Miner in 2241.


A thick-set man with the air of a confident fighter surrounding him, Caminetto is a model miner for Kokoweef. He has a tendency to get into brawls with the miners from Morningstar, a rival mine, although they rarely end in total bloodshed. He respects the law enforcement of Redding, in particular Sheriff Earl Marion.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Break up the bar brawl: One of the two leaders of the bar brawl (the other being Blasphemous Bette), Caminetto can be convinced to step down, be incarcerated, or be killed for making a disturbance. Killing him does not endear the Chosen One to anyone in the town, while him being incarcerated will annoy Marge LeBarge.



Caminetto appears only in Fallout 2.
