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Fallout Wiki

The Calvert Family had a long history in Point Lookout, but Calvert Mansion is all that remains of their legacy.Fallout 3 loading screen, Point Lookout

The Calverts were a family with great political influence in the United States and all around the world before the Great War.


According to Desmond Lockheart, the family owned half of Maryland and practically "owned a deed to the US government." At the height of its power, the family had three senators, seven members of the House of Representatives, and two state governors in its ranks. It even sported a front-runner for the office of President until "that scandal with the dog" put him out of contention. Desmond was apparently involved in the discovery or manufacture of this scandal as he states he is "particularly proud of that one."[1]

Another member of the family was Professor Calvert, Desmond's nemesis and an accredited expert in cognitive robotics. Transferred to the St. Aubin medical facility by his brother, Senator Calvert, he managed to survive the Great War by extracting his brain from his body.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The in-game family is a nod to the real-life Calvert family, which owned the royal charter to Maryland from the founding of the colony until the Revolutionary War. The Calvert name was chosen by the development team to imply a connection to Maryland history.[Non-game 1]


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "So, who is this brain thing, anyway?"
    Desmond Lockheart: "HIM! I should have known. My old rival... so close to his family home. Only he would be so stupid. He was once a man -- Professor Calvert. The Calverts owned half of Maryland, back when there was a Maryland to own. Members of the Calvert family were influential all over the world. They practically owned a deed to the US government. In their best days, there were no less than three Calvert family senators, seven members of the house, and two governors. They even had a top candiate In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar for president, until that scandal with the dog forced him to drop out of the race. I was particularly proud of that one."
    (Desmond Lockheart's dialogue)
  2. St. Aubin medical facility terminal entries; Terminal (Adam Tomco), To: Doctor Stewart


  1. Fallout 4 Point Lookout Mod with Joel Burgess and Nate Purkeypile (1:19:38)
    Joel Burgess: "I don't think so, I know the Calvert name came to imply a connection to Maryland history, right? Like, Calvert is... like an old colonial, actually, I'd have to look at Wikipedia to remember. But so that's where the Calvert name came from. I think we just wanted to kind of imply that there was like an old family lineage that was tied to the region. But I don't know if we ever actually gave Calvert a first name."