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This is a transcript for dialogue with raiders in the Combat Zone during cut arena fights.


Female raider[]

1-{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} See that?!
2{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Told you so!
3{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Those caps are good as mine!
4{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Heck yeah!
5{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} You got this!
6{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Where's all the blood?!
7{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Just like you're doing!
8{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} The eyes! Go for the eyes!
9{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Kill!
10{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Hurry up and die!
11{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Rip his heart out!
12{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Rip her heart out!
13{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Break all his bones!
14{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Break all her bones!
15{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Slice his face off!
16{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Slice her face off!
17{(in crowd) shouting approval. Your fighter is winning, blood spurt, etc.[Director: various lengths and intensity. Non-verbals: "yeeeeah!" "haha!"]} *Shouting approval*
18{(in crowd) whistling approval. Your fighter is winning, blood spurt, etc.[Director: various lengths and intensity.]} *Whistling*
19{(in crowd) hearty booing - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc. [Director: we need a mix of intensity and length]} *Booing*
20{(in crowd) hearty hissing - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc. [Director: we need a mix of intensity and length]} *Hissing*
21{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} What?!
22{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} At least look like you're trying!
23{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Great! Just great!
24{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Fight damn you!
25{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} I'm losing money on you!
26{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} How about you make that other guy bleed instead?!
27{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You're a waste of meat!
28{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You fighting or taking a nap?! Come on!
29{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You suck!
30{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Weakling!
31{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} I give up! Just die!
32{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Pull yourself together!
33{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} He's winning!
34{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} She's winning!
35{(in crowd) hearty laughter - funny joke, that guy got his arm chopped off, etc. [Director: we need a mix of intensity and length]} *Laughing*
36{Threatening an enemy during combat. / Angry} You got some real nerve showing your face here again.
37{You're in the heat of combat. / Angry} You're goin' nowhere!
38{You're attacking a trespasser. / Angry} How'd you get in here!
39{You're initially irritated by this person but then realize they're a trespasser who needs to die. The final line is shouted to your allies. / Surprised} I ain't here to--- the fuck? Who the hell let you in here! We got ourselves a trespasser!
40{Watching a cage fight. Very excited. / Impressed} Kill 'em! Kill 'em!
41{Puzzled} Did something happen outside? Thought I heard gunfire.

Male raider 1[]

1CZ_Scene_PlayerAttacksRaiders{Yelling very threateningly. / Confident} What the... he ain't supposed to be in here! Rip 'em to shreds!A1a
2{Yelling very threateningly. / Confident} What the... she ain't supposed to be in here! Rip her to shreds!A2a
3{Yelling very threateningly. / Angry} The hell! Show 'em what we do to rule breakers!A3a
4{Yelling very threateningly. / Angry} Who let you in here! Rip 'em to shreds!A4a
5CZ_Scene_RaidersAttackRaiderScene02: Kill 'em!{Yelling very threateningly. You're about to attack someone who's wandered into your domain. / Confident} Looks like someone got lost!RaiderAttacker: What the... he ain't supposed to be in here! Rip 'em to shreds!A1a
6-{Attacking an enemy in hand to hand combat. / Angry} Should've never come here!
7{Threatening an enemy during combat. / Amused} Well look who's back!
8{You're in the middle of combat. / Angry} Raiders only, asshole!
9{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Alright now!
10{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} That's what I'm talking about!
11{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Get ready to pay up, suckers!
12{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Hell yeah!
13{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Keep it up!
14{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} More blood!
15{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} You got it!
16{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Go for the eyes!
17{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Kill!
18{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Die already!
19{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Murder him!
20{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Murder her!
21{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Chop him into pieces!
22{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Chop her into pieces!
23{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Bleed him!
24{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Bleed her!
25{(in crowd) shouting approval. Your fighter is winning, blood spurt, etc.[Director: various lengths and intensity. Non-verbals: "yeeeeah!" "haha!"]} *Shouting approval*
26{(in crowd) whistling approval. Your fighter is winning, blood spurt, etc.[Director: various lengths and intensity.]} *Whistling*
27{(in crowd) hearty booing - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc. [Director: we need a mix of intensity and length]} *Booing*
28{(in crowd) hearty hissing - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc. [Director: we need a mix of intensity and length]} *Hissing*
29{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Really?!
30{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Oh, come on!
31{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You got to be kidding me!
32{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Fight harder!
33{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} I got money riding on you!
34{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You're doing nothing but bleeding!
35{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You're worthless!
36{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You call that a fight?!
37{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Loser!
38{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Weak!
39{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} I hope you die!
40{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Get it together!
41{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} If he doesn't kill you, I will!
42{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} If she doesn't kill you, I will!
43{(in crowd) hearty laughter - funny joke, that guy got his arm chopped off, etc. [Director: we need a mix of intensity and length]} *Laughing*
44{A little threatening. / Stern} Power Armor, huh? Someone might think you're lookin' for trouble walking around like that.
45{Directing the player to stop bothering you while the fight's on. / Irritated} Not while the fight's going.
46{A little threatening. The person you're speaking to is being summoned. / Neutral} Looks like you're wanted up front.
47{Puzzled} That a Vault Suit? What kinda gang wears Vault Suits? You from up north or something? Bunch of wierdos up there.
48{You're initially irritated by this person but then realize they're a trespasser who needs to die. The final lines are shouted to your allies. / Stern} Why don't you-- hey! You ain't supposed to be in here! Looks like we got some fresh meat!
49{A little threatening. The person you're speaking to is being summoned. / Stern} Best not keep Tommy waitin'.
50{A little threatening. The person you're speaking to is being summoned. / Stern} Thought I heard fightin'. Those Mutants trying to get inside again?
51{Openly hostile. / Irritated} Fights going. So either shut up or get out.
52{Something's not right with the person you're speaking to. / Suspicious} They let you in here lookin' like that?
53{Suspicious} What the hell gang you with anyway?
54{You're attacking a trespasser. / Angry} God dammit! You're gonna regret ever comin' here!

Male raider 2[]

1CZ_Scene_RaidersAttackRaiderScene01: The hell?{You're not happy about someone trespassing on your turf. / Angry} Kill 'em!RaiderAttacker: Looks like someone got lost!A1a
2-{Threatening an enemy during combat. / Amused} You ain't getting' away this time!
3{You're in the middle of combat. / Angry} You ain't gettin' in here!
4{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Alright!
5{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} What'd I tell ya?!
6{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} I'm going to get paid!
7{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Hell yes!
8{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Keep doing that!
9{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} I want to see blood!
10{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Just like that!
11{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Go for the throat!
12{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Kill!
13{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Give up!
14{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Smash him!
15{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Smash her!
16{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Carve him up!
17{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Carve her up!
18{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Make him bleed!
19{(in crowd) shouting approval - guy you bet on is winning, guy gets his arm chopped off, announcer said something you agree with.} Make her bleed!
20{(in crowd) shouting approval. Your fighter is winning, blood spurt, etc.[Director: various lengths and intensity. Non-verbals: "yeeeeah!" "haha!"]} *Shouting approval*
21{(in crowd) whistling approval. Your fighter is winning, blood spurt, etc.[Director: various lengths and intensity.]} *Whistling*
22{(in crowd) hearty booing - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc. [Director: we need a mix of intensity and length]} *Booing*
23{(in crowd) hearty hissing - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc. [Director: we need a mix of intensity and length]} *Hissing*
24{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Man!
25{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} What are you doing?
26{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You're a joke!
27{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Come on!
28{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} My drink money's riding on you!
29{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You're getting blood everywhere!
30{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Lame!
31{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Wake up!
32{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You're a loser!
33{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} You're a weakling!
34{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Get it over with and die already!
35{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} Look alive up there!
36{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} He's kicking your ass!
37{(in crowd) shouting disapproval - guy you bet on is losing, announcer said something you don't like, etc.} She's kicking your ass!
38{(in crowd) hearty laughter - funny joke, that guy got his arm chopped off, etc. [Director: we need a mix of intensity and length]} *Laughing*
39{Suspicious. You don't think the person you're speaking to should be in here. / Stern} They let you in, huh? What gang you with again?
40{The person you're speaking to is being summoned. / Stern} Sounds like Tommy's callin' ya.
41{Question} Where'd you nab the Power Armor? You one of the Forged or something?
42{A little threatening. The person you're speaking to is being summoned. / Neutral} Better get up there.
43{Puzzled} A Vault Suit? Heh. Hate to see the poor bastard you took that from.
44{You're initially irritated by this person but then realize they're a trespasser who needs to die. The final two lines are shouted to your allies. / Surprised} The fuck you-- that a Pipboy? Who the hell let you in here! Kill him!
45{You're initially irritated by this person but then realize they're a trespasser who needs to die. The final two lines are shouted to your allies. / Surprised} The fuck you-- that a Pipboy? Who the hell let you in here! Kill her!
46{You heard gunfire outside. / Question} You hear fightin'? Did someone finally put down those idiot rule breakers?
47{Angry at being disturbed. / Irritated} Quiet. You're missin' the action.
48{Impressed} God damn that woman knows how to fight.
49{You're attacking a trespasser. / Angry} Looks like we got an intruder!