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This is a transcript for dialogue with raiders , combatants in the Combat Zone arena.


1CZ_Arena_Combat_Post_APlayer Default: I don't want to get shredded by those miniguns.{sighing, knowing what you want isn't going to happen} Everyone for themselves, eh? Fine.Ringmaster: Alright. Fight's over. You two and come out now.A1a
2Player Default: You're not worth my time.{irritated} You're all heart.Ringmaster: Alright. Fight's over. You two and come out now.B1a
3Player Default: Tommy said no killing.{to self, sighing, knowing what you want isn't going to happen} It's always about Tommy and what he wants...Ringmaster: Alright. Fight's over. You two and come out now.X1a
4Player Default: What's the matter with you?{sighing, knowing what you want isn't going to happen} Everythin's the matter with me... Just forget it.Ringmaster: Alright. Fight's over. You two and come out now.Y1a