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This is a transcript for dialogue with Officer Wolfe during Escape!.


GREETING GREETING Surprise 75 Just keep your hands where I can see them. 1


CG04GuardExitYell CG04GuardExitYell Fear 50 I'm not crazy enough to go out there! 2
CG04GuardExitYell Fear 50 I'm not going out there, I don't care what the Overseer says. 3
CG04GuardExitYell Fear 50 Quick, close the door! 4
CG04SecurityBarks CG04SecurityBarks Surprise 75 He's opening the Vault door! Get the Overseer! We need this door open now! 5
CG04SecurityBarks Surprise 75 She's opening the Vault door! Get the Overseer! We need this door open now! 6
CG04SecurityConv1 CG04SecurityConv1 Neutral 100 Pretty quiet. You? 7
CG04SecurityConv1 Neutral 100 Just roaches. I don't know where they keep coming from. How about you? 8
CG04SecurityConv1 Neutral 100 Nah. Everyone's keeping to the curfew. Any news on the doc's kid? 9
CG04SecurityConv1 Neutral 100 No. I'd better get going. Good luck. 10
CG04SecurityConv1 Neutral 100 Nothing. That kid can't hide from us forever though. 11
CG04SecurityConv1 Neutral 100 Nope. I bet you a week's rations Amata knows something, though. 12
CG04SecurityConv1 Neutral 100 I'll never get the roach guts off my billy club. What a mess. 13
CG04SecurityConv1 Neutral 100 Nope. Wild goose chase if you ask me. 14
GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 100 All right. We better get back to it. Be careful. 15
I have to go now. Neutral 100 Yeah. Give me a shout if you see anything. 16
I have to go now. Neutral 100 I guess it's back to roach patrol. 17
HELLO HELLO Neutral 100 Hey, Chief. Any news? 18
HELLO Neutral 100 Hey, John. Anything? 19
HELLO Neutral 100 What's up, Stevie? Anything to report? 20
HELLO Neutral 100 Hi Herman. Seen anything? 21
HELLO Neutral 100 Anything to report? 22
HELLO Neutral 100 You got anything? 23
IdleChatter Idle Chatter Anger 50 If I ever get my hands on that kid, so help me... 24
Idle Chatter Disgust 50 Anyone could have told him the roaches would swarm if we shut the lights off... 25
Idle Chatter Disgust 50 Damn roaches... where do they keep coming from? 26
Idle Chatter Disgust 50 Please no more roaches. 27
Idle Chatter Disgust 50 I can't believe it. Jonas... 28
Idle Chatter Disgust 50 Lights'll be back on in a few more minutes. Few more minutes. 29
Idle Chatter Disgust 50 You won't see the Overseer out on roach patrol. 30
Idle Chatter Fear 50 I can't believe the Doc went out there. Rather shoot myself in the head. 31
Idle Chatter Disgust 50 Damn that troublemaking doctor. 32
Idle Chatter Disgust 50 It's all the Doc's fault. He never should have opened the door. 33
Idle Chatter Disgust 50 I knew we should've never let him in. Said so at the time. 34


Attack Attack Disgust 50 Take that, you little buggers! 35
Attack Disgust 50 Filthy little monsters! 36
Attack Disgust 50 God, I hate these things! 37
Attack Disgust 50 Get away from me! 38
Attack Anger 50 You shouldn't have tried to run. 39
Attack Anger 50 Your father betrayed us all! 40


AlertIdle AlertIdle Disgust 50 Come out, you nasty little bug. 41
AlertIdle Disgust 50 Where are you? I'm going to squish you... 42
AlertIdle Disgust 50 Dratted roaches. 43
AlertIdle Disgust 50 I could be in bed right now... 44
AlertIdle Disgust 50 If he'd just let us turn the lights on this would be a lot easier. 45
AlertIdle Disgust 50 This stumbling around in the dark is ridiculous. 46
AlertIdle Disgust 50 At least I can finally see where I'm going. 47
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Disgust 50 There's more over here! 48
AlertToCombat Disgust 50 Where do they keep coming from? 49
AlertToCombat Disgust 50 Roaches! 50
AlertToCombat Disgust 50 Dammit, more roaches! 51
AlertToCombat Surprise 50 There he is! 52
AlertToCombat Surprise 50 There she is! 53
AlertToCombat Anger 50 Got you now. 54
AlertToCombat Happy 50 I knew you'd turn up sooner or later. 55
AlertToCombat Anger 50 Stop in the name of the Overseer! 56
AlertToCombat Surprise 50 Hold it right there! 57
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Disgust 50 Oh man, I think I got something on my shoe. 58
CombatToNormal Happy 50 That takes care of that. 59
CombatToNormal Happy 50 You won't be bothering anybody again. 60
CombatToNormal Anger 50 Teach you to mess with me. 61
CombatToNormal Disgust 50 What a mess. 62
CombatToNormal Happy 50 Whew! 63
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 Come on out, son, I promise I won't hurt you! 64
LostIdle Neutral 50 Come on out, miss, I promise I won't hurt you! 65
LostIdle Neutral 50 You don't really think you can hide from us, do you? 66
LostIdle Neutral 50 We'll find you eventually. You know that, don't you? 67
LostIdle Anger 50 You're only making it worse for yourself by hiding. 68
LostIdle Neutral 50 It's all a big mistake! Come with me and we'll figure it out together! 69
LostToCombat LostToCombat Happy 50 The Overseer said there'd be a bonus for whoever brought you in. 70
LostToCombat Happy 50 Here he is! 71
LostToCombat Happy 50 Here she is! 72
LostToNormal LostToNormal Anger 10 I don't know where he could have gotten to. 73
LostToNormal Anger 10 I don't know where she could have gotten to. 74
LostToNormal Anger 10 Doesn't that just beat all. 75
LostToNormal Anger 10 No matter. We'll find them eventually. 76
LostToNormal Anger 10 Oh, never mind. They'll turn up sooner or later. 77
LostToNormal Disgust 10 What's the use. Must be long gone by now. 78
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Disgust 50 Damn roaches are everywhere! 79
NormalToAlert Disgust 50 I'd better go check that out. 80
NormalToAlert Disgust 50 Another one, eh? 81
NormalToAlert Fear 25 Probably just my nerves, but you never know. 82
NormalToAlert Anger 25 Hello? Curfew's in effect! Everybody's supposed to be in their rooms! 83
NormalToAlert Anger 25 Who's there? Don't make me come find you, now! 84
NormalToCombat StartCombat Disgust 50 There's more over here! 85
StartCombat Disgust 50 Where do they keep coming from? 86
StartCombat Disgust 50 Roaches! 87
StartCombat Disgust 50 Dammit, more roaches! 88
StartCombat Surprise 50 There he is! 89
StartCombat Surprise 50 There she is! 90
StartCombat Anger 50 Got you now. 91
StartCombat Happy 50 I knew you'd turn up sooner or later. 92
StartCombat Anger 50 Stop in the name of the Overseer! 93
StartCombat Surprise 50 Hold it right there! 94