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This is a transcript for dialogue with Alphonse Almodovar during Escape!.


CG04OverseerA1 Just give me the keys to your office and your password. Then I'll be going. Anger 65 Oh, is that all? Is there anything else I can get you while you're here? {sarcastically} 1
Neutral 100 You'll get nothing from me. I'll die before I see the safety of the Vault compromised again. {sternly} 2
CG04OverseerA1B1 You're right. You will die if you don't give me that password. Anger 100 I've dealt with your kind before, you little snotnose punk. You should have run like your coward of a father. {venomously} 3
CG04OverseerA1B2 Amata trusts me. If you don't give me what I want, I'll hurt her. Bad. Fear 100 My God, you're a coldblooded little shit, aren't you? I think you'd actually do it. {shaken} 4
Disgust 100 Here. Take them and leave the Vault. I'll have you shot on sight if you ever come back. 5
CG04OverseerA1B3 I'll escape without your help, then. I'm not the one who started killing people. Anger 50 Save your sanctimony. The world is a dangerous place and I make no apologies for doing whatever it takes to keep the Vault safe. 6
Anger 50 Guards! Help me! 7
CG04OverseerA2 If you ever lay a hand on Amata again, I'll make you regret it. Neutral 50 I place the good of the Vault above everything, even my own paternal feelings. We must not allow sentiment to cloud our judgment! 8
Surprise 65 But I admire your protective instincts. Very well. I give you my word that Amata will not suffer further because of your actions. 9
Neutral 50 Now then. If you really care about Amata, you will see how dangerous your father's actions were. 10
Happy 50 Hand over your weapons, and put an end to this dangerous situation. There's no need to join your father as a traitor to the Vault. 11
CG04OverseerA2B1 Is that what you said to Jonas before you killed him? Time to die, old man. Sad 65 A regrettable incident. But sometimes harsh measures are necessary for the good of the Vault. Such has always been my lot. 12
Neutral 50 Think a moment. If you really care about your fellow citizens, killing me is the worst thing you could do. {intently} 13
Neutral 50 Without an Overseer, the Vault would be plunged into chaos and disaster. Surely you can see that as well as I. 14
Neutral 50 Come now, turn yourself in and we can resolve this whole thing peacefully. Just because your father betrayed us doesn't mean you have to. 15
CG04OverseerA2B3 My father's no traitor. But you're a murderer and a thug. Anger 10 Let's let history be the judge of that. If you had paid attention to Mr. Brotch, you'd understand that history is invariably written by the victor. {menacingly} 16
Anger 50 And I intend to be the victor. You won't survive the night. Guards! Help me! 17
CG04OverseerA2B4 All right. We'll do it your way. I surrender. <Give him your weapons.> Happy 25 Thank you. That will make this easier. Guards! Help me! {with a sinister smile} 18
CG04OverseerA3 I'm here to kill you. Jonas was my friend. Sad 65 A regrettable incident. But will killing me bring back your friend? 19
Neutral 50 Think a moment. If you really care about your fellow citizens, killing me is the worst thing you could do. {intently} 20
Neutral 50 Without an Overseer, the Vault would be plunged into chaos and disaster. Surely you can see that as well as I. 21
Neutral 50 Come now, turn yourself in and we can resolve this whole thing peacefully. Just because your father betrayed us doesn't mean you have to. 22
CG04OverseerA3B1 I'm afraid the Vault will just have to get along without you. Time to die. Anger 100 Do you really think I'm afraid of a little snotnose punk like you? {venomously} 23
Happy 50 I've dealt with your kind many times before. I've never minded getting my hands dirty when I had to. 24
CG04OverseerA3B2 You've convinced me. Hand over your keys and password, and I'll be on my way. Anger 65 Do you think I'm scared of a snotnosed punk like you? I was running this Vault when you were still crying for your dead mother. {cruelly} 25
Neutral 100 You'll get nothing from me. I'll die before I see the safety of the Vault compromised again. {sternly} 26
GREETING GREETING Anger 50 I hope you're here to turn yourself in, young man. You're already in enough trouble as it is. Don't make it worse for yourself. 27
GREETING Anger 50 I hope you're here to turn yourself in, young lady. You're already in enough trouble as it is. Don't make it worse for yourself. 28
GREETING Anger 50 I have nothing else to say to you. 29


CG04Interrogation CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 Amata! Where did you get that gun? 30
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 Be reasonable, Amata. Officer Mack may enjoy this, but I don't. Just tell us where to find your friend, so we can talk to him. 31
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 Be reasonable, Amata. Officer Mack may enjoy this, but I don't. Just tell us where to find your friend, so we can talk to her. 32
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 Now then, are you ready to tell me where your friend has gone? There's no need for any more of this. 33
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 Amata, please. Don't be stubborn. I only want to talk to your friend. Surely you understand what's at stake here. 34
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Anger 50 How dare you threaten me! And with my own gun! I'm your father, damn you, and you'll show me some respect! 35
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Sad 50 Very well. There's no hurry. Your friend isn't going anywhere, after all. 36
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Sad 50 Amata, darling. Why must you be so stubborn? The last thing I want is to see you hurt, but my duty to the Vault comes first. 37
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Sad 50 I've always indulged you, Amata. And now you've taken advantage of my lenience. 38
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Anger 80 Officer Mack! Don't just stand there! {ordering his thug to disarm Amata} 39
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 Again. {ordering his thug to punch Amata} 40
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 One more time. {ordering his thug to punch Amata} 41
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 Go ahead, Officer. {ordering his thug to punch Amata} 42
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Fear 100 Oh my God! Amata... what have you done... 43
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 That's enough, officer. 44
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 That'll do for now. 45
CG04InterrogationAmataOverseer Neutral 50 All right, officer. Let me try again. 46
CG04InterrogationScene CG04InterrogationOverseerAmata Neutral 50 Be reasonable, Amata. Officer Mack may enjoy this, but I don't. Just tell us where to find your friend, so we can talk to him. 47
CG04InterrogationOverseerAmata Neutral 50 Be reasonable, Amata. Officer Mack may enjoy this, but I don't. Just tell us where to find your friend, so we can talk to her. 48
CG04InterrogationOverseerAmata Sad 25 Probably nothing. Which is why you need to tell me where he is, so I can talk to him. 49
CG04InterrogationOverseerAmata Sad 25 Probably nothing. Which is why you need to tell me where she is, so I can talk to her. 50
CG04SecurityBarks CG04SecurityBarks Anger 50 Guards! Help! 51
CG04SecurityBarks Anger 50 He's here! Don't let him get away! 52
CG04SecurityBarks Anger 50 She's here! Don't let her get away! 53
CG04SecurityBarks Anger 50 Guards! 54
HELLO HELLO Anger 50 This would go easier if you'd just surrender. 55
HELLO Anger 50 You're just making this harder on yourself. 56
HELLO Anger 50 The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, it seems. 57


Attack Attack Anger 50 You're no better than your father. 58
Attack Anger 50 I always knew it would come to this. 59
Attack Anger 50 How dare you threaten me? 60
Attack Anger 50 Your father was a traitor and a coward! 61
Attack Anger 50 Guards! Help me! 62