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This is a transcript for dialogue with James during Future Imperfect.


CG03DadChoice1 If you say so, Dad. Happy 80 Hey, it's not my call. Those are the rules. 1
Neutral 50 You're sixteen now, so this year you take the G.O.A.T. 2
Happy 80 Come on. It's not so bad. Everyone has to take it. You'll do just fine. 3
CG03DadChoice2 But, I'm sick. Really. <Lie.> Anger 40 No, you're not. Really. 4
Surprise 50 When I started studying medicine, one of the first things I learned was how to spot a kid playing sick to get out of taking a test. 5
Neutral 50 You'll do fine. It's not so bad. Everyone has to take it when they're sixteen. I had to, you have to, and so does everyone else. 6
Happy 70 And most everyone makes it through without a scratch. {;ironicallyit's just a standardized test} 7
CG03DadChoice3 Anything I need to know about the G.O.A.T.? Happy 70 The Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test. G.O.A.T.! Everyone here in the Vault takes it when they're sixteen. 8
Neutral 50 Helps to figure out what sort of job you'll have here in Vault 101 when you get a bit older. So, pay attention and try not to fall asleep. 9
Neutral 50 You know what the Overseer says: "We're born in the Vault. We die in the Vault." 10
Happy 100 "Each is tested to determine their abilities, that they may work for the betterment of all Vault residents." Sound familiar? 11
CG03DadInfo1 Do we have to die in the Vault? Can't we ever leave? Anger 50 That's not the way it works. And it won't do to go around asking questions like that. Especially not around the Overseer. 12
Sad 60 I want to tell you something now. It's important, so listen closely: this place, this Vault... it's not perfect, I know. But it is your home. 13
Neutral 50 You're safe here. Stay on the Overseer's good side, and you always will be. You understand? You need to appreciate all you have. 14
Sad 70 Because what's up there, on the outside, that's not the life I want for you, and it's not what your mother wanted for you, either. 15
CG03DadInfo2 Is it true, Dad? Was everyone born in the Vault? Disgust 60 That's what the Overseer says, isn't it? 16
Disgust 60 He's not about to let anyone else in, so I guess that's how it'll have to be. 17
Anger 60 You're here now, and it's a hell of a lot better than being up there. All your mother and I ever wanted was for you to be safe, and you're safe here. 18
CG03DadInfo3 Can we talk about, you know... mom? Sad 75 Your mother, she... she was beautiful. But... beyond the beauty you've seen. There's just so much those old photos can never show. 19
Happy 100 And she was passionate. About life, about love. But most of all, most of all she was passionate about you. 20
Happy 75 When she became pregnant, it was the happiest I had ever seen her. Ahhhh.... she had great things in mind for you.... 21
Anger 75 And so! Time for you to stop stalling and get to class! Please, honey, please take these achievement tests seriously. 22
Happy 100 The last thing I need is you mother's ghost haunting me because her only child became a garbage burner. 23
Can we talk about, you know... mom? Sad 50 Your mother, she... she was beautiful. But... beyond the beauty you've seen. There's just so much those old photos can never show. 24
Happy 50 And she was passionate. About life, about love. But most of all, most of all she was passionate about you. 25
Happy 100 When she became pregnant, it was the happiest I had ever seen her. Ahhhh.... she had great things in mind for you.... 26
Sad 50 And so! Time for you to stop stalling and get to class! Please, son, please take these achievement tests seriously. 27
Anger 40 The last thing I need is your mother's ghost haunting me because her only child became a garbage burner. 28
CG04DadNoteTopic CG04DadNoteTopic Neutral 50 Hold on Jonas, I need to record this first. {muted - away from mike} 29
Neutral 50 I don't really know how to tell you this. I hope you'll understand, but I know you might be angry. {pause at the beginning, like he's trying to think of what to say} 30
Neutral 50 I thought about it for a long time, but in the end I decided it was best for you not to know. 31
Neutral 50 So many things could have gone wrong, and there's really no telling how the Overseer will react when he finds out. 32
Neutral 50 It's best if he can blame everything on me. 33
Neutral 50 Obviously, you already know that I'm gone. It was something I needed to do. You're an adult now. You're ready to be on your own. 34
Neutral 50 Maybe some day, things will change and we can see each other again. I can't tell you why I left or where I'm going. I don't want you to follow me. 35
Neutral 50 God knows life in the Vault isn't perfect, but at least you'll be safe. Just knowing that will be enough to keep me going. 36
Fear 50 Don't mean to rush you, Doc, but I'd feel better if we got this over with. {This should be in Jonas's voice will require script trickery to make it show up in Jonas's script. Muted away from mike.} 37
Neutral 50 Okay. Go ahead. {muted away from mike} 38
Neutral 50 Goodbye. I love you. {sound of vault door opening in the background} 39
GREETING GREETING Happy 100 Go on, now. You've got a G.O.A.T. to take. 40
GREETING Happy 100 Come on, pal. You're fine, and you know it. 41
Happy 50 You're a perfectly healthy 16-year-old boy. 42
Anger 50 So, you need to get to class and take your G.O.A.T. exam. No excuses. 43
GREETING Happy 100 Come on, honey. You're fine, and you know it. 44
Happy 50 You're a perfectly healthy 16-year-old girl. 45
Anger 50 So, you need to get to class and take your G.O.A.T. exam. No excuses. 46
PLAYERDESTROYOBJECT PLAYER DESTROY OBJECT Neutral 50 Was that really necessary? 47
PLAYER DESTROY OBJECT Neutral 50 I certainly didn't raise you to behave like that. 48
PLAYER DESTROY OBJECT Neutral 50 That was uncalled for. 49
PLAYER DESTROY OBJECT Neutral 50 Be more careful, will you? 50
PLAYERFIREWEAPON PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 What are you doing? That's dangerous! 51
PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 Stop that! Someone could get hurt. 52
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Watch where you point that. 53
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 That's not a toy, you know. 54
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Now's not really the time for that, is it? 55
PLAYERJUMP PLAYER JUMP Neutral 50 Getting some exercise, are we? 56
PLAYER KNOCK OVER OBJECTS Neutral 50 A bit clumsy today, are we? 58
PLAYER KNOCK OVER OBJECTS Neutral 50 Watch where you're going. 59
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 Be careful with that. 60
PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 I trust you know what you're doing. 61
PLAYERSWINGMELEEWEAPON PLAYER SWING MELEE WEAPON Anger 20 Would you stop screwing around? 62
PLAYER SWING MELEE WEAPON Anger 20 Watch it, will you? 63
PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 Look out! 65
PLAYERZKEYOBJECT PLAYER Z KEY OBJECT Neutral 50 Do you know where that's been? 66
PLAYER Z KEY OBJECT Neutral 50 Is that really necessary? 67


CG00DadSpeech CG00DadSpeech Neutral 100 Let's see... Are you a boy or a girl? {;excited, his son/daughter having just been born} 68
CG00DadSpeech Surprise 100 It's a girl? A girl! We've got a daughter, Catherine! A beautiful, healthy baby girl! 69
CG00DadSpeech Surprise 100 It's a boy? A boy! We've got a son, Catherine! A beautiful, healthy baby boy! 70
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 You've got a bright future ahead of you, sweetie. I'm sure of it... {;more to himself, assuring himself that he's made the right decision bringing a child into the world} 71
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 You've got a bright future ahead of you, son. I'm sure of it... {;more to himself, assuring himself that he's made the right decision bringing a child into the world} 72
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 Look at you, look at you... Hi, there. I'm your daddy, little guy. Daddy. You're going to need a name, aren't you? {;softly, Dad's first words to his kid. The second "Daddy" is drawn out (Daaaa-ddy), as if trying to teach the child his first word already} 73
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 Look at you, look at you... Hi, there. I'm your daddy, sweetheart. Daddy. You're going to need a name, aren't you? {;softly, Dad's first words to his kid. The second "Daddy" is drawn out (Daaaa-ddy), as if trying to teach the child her first word already} 74
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 Your mother and I have been talking. What do you think about... {;smiling, talking to the baby who stares up at him blankly} 75
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 That's a good name. Don't you think? Fits you perfectly. {;} 76
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 Looks like they've finished the gene projection. Let's see what you'll look like when you're all grown up. {;} 77
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 You're going to look a lot like your dad. {;} 78
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 See that, Catherine? {; to his wife} 79
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 It's a big world out there, honey, full of all sorts of people. What about you? What kind of person are you going to be? {;musing, thinking about how his child might turn out in the world he's born into} 80
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 It's a big world out there, son, full of all sorts of people. What about you? What kind of person are you going to be? {;musing, thinking about how his child might turn out in the world he's born into} 81
CG00DadSpeech Happy 100 You're just... {;about to speak to the child, when heart monitors interrupt} 82
CG00DadSpeech Fear 100 Catherine? Catherine! She's in cardiac arrest! Start compressions! Get the baby out of here! Move. Move! {;panicking, his wife's heart monitors flatlining (part of original line transferred to Doctor Li)} 83
CG00DadSpeech Fear 100 One, one thousand. Two, one thousand.... Come on! {;panicking, his wife's heart monitors flatlining} 84
CG00DadSpeech Fear 100 Hang on, Catherine! Hang on.... {;panicking, his wife's heart monitors flatlining} 85
CG03DadConversation CG03DadConversation Happy 50 Sounds good. Let me know if there are any changes. 86
CG03DadConversation Neutral 50 I'd just like to keep an eye on it. 87
CG03DadConversation Neutral 50 Have you had a chance to look over these results? 88
CG03DadConversation Happy 75 Morning, Jonas. 89
CG03DadSpeech CG03DadSpeech Happy 50 As far as I can tell, you're a perfectly healthy 16-year-old boy. So yes, you have to go to class to take your G.O.A.T. exam! 90
CG03DadSpeech Happy 50 As far as I can tell, you're a perfectly healthy 16-year-old girl. So yes, you have to go to class to take your G.O.A.T. exam! 91
I have to go now.
Bye, Dad. Happy 100 Take care, son. Now, get out of here. And good luck. 92
Bye, Dad. Happy 100 Take care, sweetie. Now, get out of here. And good luck. 93
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Hey, honey. 94
HELLO Happy 50 Hey, pal. 95


Assault Assault Anger 50 Aggh! Why are you doing this? {;being assaulted by child} 96
Assault Anger 50 What the hell has gotten into you? 97
Assault Anger 50 What are you doing? 98
Attack Attack Anger 50 Aggh! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 99
Attack Anger 50 Hunh! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 100
Attack Anger 50 Yaaaah! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 101
Attack Anger 100 Son, get your head down! 102
Attack Anger 100 Honey, get your head down! 103
Attack Anger 100 Get away from my daughter! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 104
Attack Anger 100 Get away from my son! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 105
Attack Anger 100 You see? This is why I took you to that Vault in the first place... {attacking with a pistol} 106
Attack Anger 100 This is lunacy! {attacking with a pistol} 107
Attack Anger 100 You think I'm going to let YOU stop me? After all I've been through? {attacking with a pistol} 108
Attack Anger 100 I'll kill you before I let anyone harm my child! {attacking with a pistol} 109
Attack Anger 100 First that crazy simulation, now this. Has the entire world taken leave of its senses? {attacking with a pistol} 110
Attack Anger 100 Traveling the Wasteland, shooting guns! By God, I'm getting too old for this sort of thing! {attacking with a pistol} 111
Attack Anger 100 Damnit, just leave us alone! {attacking with a pistol} 112
Attack Anger 100 Just like shooting that old BB Gun! You remember? {attacking with a pistol} 113
Attack Anger 100 Ahhhhh! {attacking with a pistol screaming in anger and frustration} 114
Attack Anger 100 Enough! Enough of this! {attacking with a pistol } 115
Attack Anger 50 Run! {attacking with a melee weapon, like a knife or club} 116
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch your step, son. {;there's something dangerous nearby} 117
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch your step, honey. {;there's something dangerous nearby} 118
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch your step. {;there's something dangerous nearby} 119
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Careful! {;there's something dangerous nearby} 120
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch out! {;there's something dangerous nearby} 121
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch it! {;there's something dangerous nearby} 122
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Watch yourself! {;there's something dangerous nearby} 123
CombatIdleChatter CombatIdleChatter Anger 50 Keep moving! Keep your head down! 124
CombatIdleChatter Anger 50 Move! Move! 125
CombatIdleChatter Anger 50 Take cover! 126
CombatIdleChatter Anger 50 Look for cover! 127
Death Death Pained 100 Hunh! {;dying gasp, sucking in air} 128
Death Pained 100 Huuuuuunnnnnhhh. {;dying gasp, sucking in air} 129
Death Pained 100 Aggghhhhh! {;dying violently} 130
FireExplosive FireExplosive Fear 100 Grenade! 131
FireExplosive Fear 100 Fire in the hole! 132
FireExplosive Fear 100 Incoming! 133
Flee Flee Fear 100 Honey, run! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 134
Flee Fear 100 Run, son! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 135
Flee Fear 100 We can't handle this ourselves, son! Run! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 136
Flee Fear 100 We can't handle this ourselves! Run! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 137
Flee Fear 100 Run! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 138
Flee Fear 100 Get out of here! {;you're being attacked, and you both need to escape} 139
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Anger 75 This is stupid! We shouldn't be in here, and you know it! {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 140
GuardTrespass Anger 75 Son, we should NOT be in here. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 141
GuardTrespass Anger 75 Honey, we should NOT be in here. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 142
GuardTrespass Anger 75 We should leave. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 143
GuardTrespass Anger 75 We should go. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 144
GuardTrespass Anger 75 Let's get out of here. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 145
GuardTrespass Anger 75 We shouldn't be here. {;you and your child are somewhere that's clearly off-limits} 146
Hit Hit Anger 50 Son, I brought you into this world. I think you know the rest. {;assaulted by child} 147
Hit Anger 50 Honey, I brought you into this world. I think you know the rest. {;assaulted by child} 148
Hit Anger 50 Aggh! What in God's name is wrong with you? {;assaulted by child} 149
Hit Anger 50 Stop screwing around! {;assaulted by child} 150
Hit Pained 100 Ugh! {;as if being hit} 151
Hit Pained 100 Aggh! {;as if being hit} 152
Hit Pained 100 Ooomf! {;as if being hit} 153
Hit Pained 100 Ooogh! {;as if being hit} 154
Murder Murder Surprise 100 You... you killed him. In cold blood.... {;shock your child just killed someone in cold blood} 155
Murder Surprise 100 You... you killed her. In cold blood.... {;shock your child just killed someone in cold blood} 156
Murder Surprise 100 What... how could you? {;shock your child just killed someone in cold blood} 157
Murder Surprise 100 What have you done? {;shock your child just killed someone in cold blood} 158
MurderNoCrime MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 You did what you had to do, son. {;your child just killed someone, but not an innocent} 159
MurderNoCrime Neutral 50 You did what you had to do, honey. {;your child just killed someone, but not an innocent} 160
Pickpocket Pickpocket Surprise 100 What in God's name has gotten into you? {;your child has just picked someone's pocket} 161
Pickpocket Surprise 100 Did you just try to... pick my pocket? My God, son.... {;your child has just picked someone's pocket} 162
Pickpocket Surprise 100 Did you just try to... pick my pocket? My God.... {;your child has just picked someone's pocket} 163
Pickpocket Surprise 100 Hey! What are you doing? {;your child has just picked someone's pocket} 164
Pickpocket Surprise 100 Is this how I raised you? To steal from me? {;your child has just picked someone's pocket} 165
PickpocketNoCrime PickpocketNoCrime Disgust 75 Honey. If you wanted it that badly, you could have just asked. {;your child has just picked a bad guy's pocket. You're not happy about it, but understand that it might have been necessary} 166
PickpocketNoCrime Disgust 75 Son. If you wanted it that badly, you could have just asked. {;your child has just picked a bad guy's pocket. You're not happy about it, but understand that it might have been necessary} 167
PowerAttack PowerAttack Anger 100 Yeeeaaagghh! {;winding up and swinging with a melee weapon, like a baseball bat} 168
PowerAttack Anger 100 Huuuurrrrgggghhhh! {;winding up and swinging with a melee weapon, like a baseball bat} 169
Steal Steal Anger 100 Stealing? What are you thinking? {;caught child stealing} 170
Steal Anger 100 Your mother would be ashamed of you. {;caught child stealing} 171


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 What's that? 172
AlertIdle Neutral 50 Is someone there? 173
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 Where are you? 174
NormalToCombat StartCombat Anger 75 If that's the way it has to, then so be it. {;you've just been goaded into a fight} 175
StartCombat Anger 75 I WON'T let it end like this! {;you've just been goaded into a fight} 176
StartCombat Anger 75 If that's the way you want it.... {;you've just been goaded into a fight} 177
StartCombat Anger 75 I didn't want to have to do this.... {;you've just been goaded into a fight} 178


ObserveCombat ObserveCombat Neutral 50 This is madness... 179
ObserveCombat Neutral 50 This isn't right. 180
ObserveCombat Neutral 50 This is what we've come to. 181
TimeToGo TimeToGo Neutral 50 Come on, let's go. 182