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This is a transcript for dialogue with Herman Gomez during Growing Up Fast.


CG02ButchFightA1 It was nothing. Just boys being boys. Happy 50 That's fine, son. I'm glad to see you're not letting Butch bully you. 1
Disgust 20 He's going to be a handful in a few years if his mother doesn't take him in hand. 2
Happy 50 Well, no harm done then. Why don't you get back to enjoying your party. 3
Don't worry about it, sir. It was nothing. Happy 50 Good for you. Don't let Butch start to bully you or he'll never stop. I've seen his type before. 4
Disgust 20 He's going to be a handful in a few years if his mother doesn't take him in hand. 5
Happy 50 Well, no harm done then. Why don't you get back to enjoying your party. 6
CG02ButchFightA2 He tried to take my birthday present! Anger 50 Why that little... I figured it was him that started it. He's been nothing but trouble since the day he was born. 7
Anger 10 You let me handle this. And try to stay out of the way. 8
CG02ButchFightA3 Really, I was the one who started it. It wasn't his fault. Surprise 65 Really? Well, if you say so. I'll stay out of it if that's the way you want it. 9
Neutral 50 But let me give you some advice stay away from Butch. He's nothing but trouble. 10
GREETING GREETING Sad 20 I hope Butch didn't hurt you. Do you want to tell me what that was all about? 11
GREETING Happy 50 Happy birthday, sonny! 12
GREETING Happy 50 Happy birthday, missy! 13


CG02GomezButchScene CG02GomezButchScene Anger 25 All right, Butch. 14
CG02GomezButchScene Anger 35 Can it. I've had it with you, Butch. Your mother is going to hear about this little incident. 15
CG02GomezButchScene Anger 45 I'm not going to tolerate any more of your bullying. 16
CG02GomezButchScene Anger 50 For now. Just remember, I'm keeping my eye on you. 17
CG02IntroSurprise CG02IntroSurprise Neutral 50 Surprise! 18
CG02IntroYell CG02IntroYell Neutral 50 Happy birthday! 19
CG02OfficerGomezSpeech CG02OfficerGomezSpeech Surprise 25 Stanley, you turned the lights on too fast. You blinded the poor kid! 20
CG02OfficerGomezSpeech Anger 25 Butch! What do you think you're doing? Leave him alone! 21
CG02OfficerGomezSpeech Anger 50 Butch! What are you doing? Hitting a girl, and on her birthday for heaven's sakes! 22
CG02OfficerGomezSpeech Fear 10 You all right, son? He didn't hurt you, did he? 23
CG02OfficerGomezSpeech Sad 25 Did he hurt you, honey? 24
CG02PartyTalkAmataGreeting CG02PartyTalkAmataGreeting Happy 50 I'm glad to be here. I think it's important to keep in touch with the young people. You know, as part of my job. Plus, well, I like parties. 25