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This is a transcript for dialogue with Alphonse Almodovar during Growing Up Fast.


CG02OverseerA1 Of course she likes me. I'm a really charming guy. Disgust 25 Don't presume too much on her friendship, young man. I'm still the Overseer, and I'm still in charge of this Vault and everyone in it. {somewhat annoyed at your tone} 1
Of course she likes me. Everyone does. Surprise 25 Hmm. That's not what I hear. But perhaps she'll set a good example for you. There's still plenty of time for you to make something of yourself. {skeptically} 2
CG02OverseerA2 She did a great job. But couldn't you have helped out a bit more? Surprise 25 I do not allow the fact that Amata is my daughter to compromise my position as Overseer. {pompously} 3
Neutral 50 I gave her all the appropriate paternal encouragement, of course, but I could not contribute extra vault resources. 4
Happy 25 That is simply what my position requires. No more, no less. I know Amata understands that perfectly well. {primly} 5
GREETING GREETING Happy 20 I hope you appreciate the effort Amata put into this party. She really seems to like you, for some reason. {he's pretending to like you but he really doesn't} 6
GREETING Happy 50 Another youth well on his way to becoming a productive vault citizen! 7
GREETING Happy 50 Another youth well on her way to becoming a productive vault citizen! 8


CG02OverseerGuardConv CG02OverseerGuardConv Disgust 50 Bah, I only showed up because Amata's friends with the brat. 9
CG02OverseerGuardConv Anger 25 Give them a few more minutes and then I want that place cleaned up and everybody back to work. 10
CG02OverseerSpeech CG02OverseerSpeech Happy 100 Congratulations, young man! I don’t have to tell you how special this day is, do I? 11
CG02OverseerSpeech Happy 100 Congratulations, young lady! I don’t have to tell you how special this day is, do I? 12
CG02OverseerSpeech Happy 50 Down here in Vault 101, when you turn 10, well, you’re ready to take on your first official Vault responsibilities. 13
CG02OverseerSpeech Happy 75 So here you are. As Overseer, I hereby present to you your very own Pip-Boy 3000! Get used to it. 14
CG02OverseerSpeech Happy 100 You’ll be getting your first work assignment tomorrow. Ha ha ha ha ha! 15
CG02PartyTalkAmataGreeting CG02PartyTalkAmataGreeting Happy 50 Nonsense. People always enjoy my little speeches. Besides, that friend of yours could use a reminder that life is not all fun and games. 16