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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jonas Palmer during Growing Up Fast.


CG02JonasA1 I'm not a kid! I'm ten years old! Happy 100 Ha ha ha. You sure are! Pip-Boy and everything, look at that! 1
Happy 50 If you can wait just one more minute, I think your dad will want to give you the surprise himself. 2
CG02JonasA2 Can it, Jonas. Where's my surprise present already? Happy 50 Oh, I see, now that you're ten you're all business. Well then, missy, we'd better get to it. {a bit miffed, but still warm and friendly} 3
Happy 75 Happy birthday, by the way. Hang on one more minute, I think I hear someone coming. 4
Can it, Jonas. Where's my surprise present already? Happy 50 Oh, I see, now that you're ten you're all business. Well then, mister, we'd better get to it. {a bit miffed, but still warm and friendly} 5
Happy 75 Happy birthday, by the way. Hang on one more minute, I think I hear someone coming. 6
CG02JonasA3 Oh... But Dad told me it was okay to come down here. Happy 50 Hey, relax! I was just teasing. 7
Happy 75 Listen, now that you're ten you don't have to take guff like that from grownups any more. Got it? Ha ha ha. {cheering you up. Imagine him touseling your hair while he says this, or punching you lightly on the arm he's your friend} 8
Happy 50 Hold on one more minute. I think your dad will want to give you the surprise himself. 9
CG02JonasB1 Thanks a lot, Jonas. This is really cool. Happy 100 Hey, you don't turn 10 every day! Now go on and let me see you shoot something. 10
CG02JonasB2 Couldn't you get me a real gun? A BB Gun is kind of lame. Sad 30 Maybe so, but you still better not let the Overseer see you carrying that around. That's a real gun as far as he's concerned. {he's a bit hurt at your ingratitude} 11
CG02JonasB3 I guess so. I'm just not that into shooting things. Happy 30 Oh, hey, don't worry about it. You might be surprised how much fun you can have if you give it a chance, though. 12
GREETING GREETING Happy 75 Oh, hey, it's Jonas. Happy birthday! Sorry I couldn't be at your party. Listen, would you put your dad on? 13
GREETING Happy 75 Can you put your dad on, please? 14
GREETING Anger 25 What are you doing down here, young man? I thought kids weren't allowed down on the Reactor Level. {pretending to be stern he's actually joking with you} 15
GREETING Anger 25 What are you doing down here, young lady? I thought kids weren't allowed down on the Reactor Level. {pretending to be stern (doing his best Overseer impression) he's actually joking with you} 16
GREETING Happy 75 Your dad is waiting to give you your present. Or should we just keep it? 17
GREETING Happy 75 Happy birthday, buddy. I hope you have fun with it. 18
GREETING Happy 75 Happy birthday, darlin'. I hope you have fun with it. 19
GREETING Happy 50 Go on, shoot something for me! 20
GREETING Happy 50 Stand next to your dad and I'll get a nice picture of you and your new BB gun. 21


CG02IntercomConv CG02IntercomConv Happy 75 Hey doc. We're all set down here. 22
CG02JonasSpeech CG02JonasSpeech Happy 100 Smile! 23


Hit Hit Surprise 50 Hey, shoot at the targets, okay? That's not a toy! {friendly fire} 24
Hit Surprise 50 Careful with that, sport! {friendly fire} 25
Hit Surprise 50 Whoa, that stings! {friendly fire} 26
Hit Surprise 50 Ow! {friendly fire} 27