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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for caravan guards in the Hub.


{100}{}{You see a Caravan Guard.}
{101}{}{I can't believe we lost the boss. Do you want to come back with us? We can still pay you the 400 scripts.}
{102}{}{It's a shame we lost the Driver; Rutger won't like that one bit. If you want, we can still pay you the same to come back with us to the Hub.}
{103}{}{You coming back with us? I'll drive this thing. The pay'll be the same.}
{104}{}{Well, I don't know about you, but I think I'll wait around for another caravan. I don't want to go back alone. If you want to go back I'll go with you, but if I don't make it you won't get paid the 400 scripts.}
{105}{}{That was pretty nasty. If you really want, I can get you another 400 scripts if you come back to the Hub with me. It's dangerous for one person.}
{106}{}{You'll get another 400 scripts if you can get me and the caravan back safely to the Hub, but only if I make it. You've got to cover me if we get in a fight.}
{107}{}{Okay, I'll go with you.}
{108}{}{No thanks. I've had enough guard duty.}
{110}{}{Great! Let's get out of here!}
{111}{}{Okay, I understand.}
{112}{}{I'll make due.}
{113}{}{All right.}
{114}{}{Are you all right?}
{115}{}{I think you need some rest.}
{116}{}{Uh, I think you should see the Brotherhood's Doctor.}
{117}{}{We lost the boss. Can you come back with us? We can still pay you the 400 scripts.}
{118}{}{Our Driver was a good person . . . a terrible loss. I can still pay you the 400 scripts if you want to come back with us to the Hub.}
{119}{}{I'll get us back if you want to come with us. The pay'll be the same.}
{120}{}{Wow, I can't believe we're the only two left. I'll go with you, but if I don't make it you won't get paid the 400 scripts.}
{121}{}{That was pretty nasty. If you really want, I can get you another 400 scripts if you come back to the Hub with me. It's too dangerous for one person.}
{122}{}{You'll get another 400 scripts if you can get me and the caravan back safely to the Hub, but only if I make it. You've got to cover me if we get in a fight.}
{123}{}{So, did you change your mind?}
{124}{}{Yes, I'll take the job.}
{127}{}{Sorry, we're not going back to the Hub today.}
{128}{}{Um, sorry. I don't think we need you for the return trip.}
{129}{}{Talk to our Caravan Driver if you want to hire on.}
{130}{}{Hi there. If you're looking for some work, see our Caravan Driver.}
{131}{}{Why, hello.}
{132}{}{Sorry, can't talk.}
{133}{}{Coming back to the Hub with us?}
{134}{}{I love Caravan duty, lots of action and caps.}
{135}{}{The Far Go Traders are great to work for.}
{136}{}{I like working for the Far Go Traders; they don't take stupid risks.}
{137}{}{The Crimson Caravan's caravans are the best.}
{138}{}{The Crimson Caravan pays so well, I'll retire in a year.}
{139}{}{Talk to the other guard if you want to come back with us.}
{140}{}{Here're your caps. We could use a hand getting back if you can.}
