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This is a transcript for dialogue with Butcher.


GREETING GREETING Happy 70 Welcome back. It's great to see you again. 1
GREETING Happy 50 It's been good knowing you. Hope to see you at the Ranger Compound. 2
GREETING Happy 80 Well, I suppose thanks are in order... and a little something extra for your trouble. 3
Neutral 50 I'm going to head back to Ranger Compound and see if Reilly's back yet. If you make your way there, Reilly will pay you herself. 4
Happy 70 If I can ever be of medical assistance or you need some supplies or repairs, let me or Donovan know. 5
GREETING Fear 60 Again, I'm not sure how to thank you. 6
Neutral 50 I'm going to head back to Ranger Compound to see if Reilly's back yet. Look me up anytime you're in the neighborhood. 7
Happy 80 If I can ever be of medical assistance or you need some supplies or repairs, let me or Donovan know. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 We'll talk when we get to the exit. Let's roll. 9
GREETING Surprise 80 Back so soon? Are we in luck? 10
GREETING Disgust 100 Hey you! Get your ass over here before you attract every Super Mutant in the building! 11
GREETING Happy 70 The name's Butcher, I'm the team medic. It's good to see a friendly face. 12
Disgust 50 Okay, now who the heck are you and when are reinforcements coming? 13
GREETING Happy 50 There you go, good as new. 14
GREETING Happy 50 You made it! Great! Need patching up? 15
MS18ButcherCT01 I'm afraid this is it. Neutral 50 Hmmm, and you made it all the way up here alive? 16
Happy 80 Ok, I'm impressed. Reilly must have sent the right person for the job... as usual. Hey, is she okay? 17
I'm afraid this is it. Surprise 50 Just you? You made it up here alone? 18
Neutral 50 Ok, I'm impressed. Reilly must have sent the right person for the job... as usual. Hey, is she okay? 19
MS18ButcherCT02 No time for chatter. I'm here to get you guys out. Disgust 60 Hang on there. First, I need to know if Reilly is okay. I assume she made it somewhere if you're here. 20
No time for chatter. I'm here to get you guys out. Disgust 60 Hang on there. First, I need to know if Reilly is okay. I assume she made it somewhere if you're here. 21
MS18ButcherCT02a A medic, huh? Can you patch me up? Disgust 80 Sorry, no can do. I used the last of my supplies on us when we got to the roof. 22
Happy 70 I can still put a bullet through a Super Mutant skull though! 23
Neutral 50 Now, what's up with Reilly? She okay? 24
A medic, huh? Can you patch me up? Disgust 80 Sorry, no can do. I used the last of my supplies on us when we got to the roof. 25
Happy 70 I can still put a bullet through a Super Mutant skull though! 26
Neutral 50 Now, what's up with Reilly? She okay? 27
MS18ButcherCT02b Well, looks like you got yourselves into a mess. Nice work. Disgust 60 Tough guy routine, eh? 28
Disgust 100 I don't give a shit what you think about us. I just want to get the hell out of here. 29
Neutral 50 Now, what happened to Reilly? Is she okay? 30
Well, looks like you got yourselves into a mess. Nice work. Disgust 60 Tough guy routine, eh? 31
Disgust 100 I don't give a shit what you think about us. I just want to get the hell out of here. 32
Neutral 50 Now, what happened to Reilly? Is she okay? 33
MS18ButcherCT03 Yeah, she's fine. They patched her up and she's resting in Underworld. Happy 70 That's a relief. I told her she was nuts when she decided to try and sneak out of here. Guess I was wrong. Now, let's talk about getting out of here. 34
Neutral 50 I would have proposed going back the way you came, but apparently it's impossible now. 35
Neutral 50 So, the express elevator is our only solution. 36
MS18ButcherCT04 Who put you in charge? Disgust 70 Reilly did. I'm the second in command of the Rangers. Now, can you just answer the question? 37
MS18ButcherCT04a The shit's about to hit the fan up here, and you're asking questions? Anger 90 Look, Reilly once told me all we got in this shitty world is each other. I buy into that theory quite a bit. 38
Anger 50 We watch each other's backs and that's what keeps us alive. 39
Anger 70 If she's dead and you just followed our transmission, I want to know about it! 40
MS18ButcherCT05 We'll chat about stuff later. We have to get out of here, right now! Anger 80 Listen. I don't know who you are. I don't even know why Reilly sent you. One thing I do know is that you're beginning to piss me off. 41
Disgust 70 Now, stopping being an asshole and work with me, will ya? 42
MS18ButcherCT06 Okay, fine. Yes, she's alive. She's safe in Underworld. Satisfied? Disgust 60 Yes, very. Now let's talk about getting the hell off of this roof. 43
Neutral 50 I would have proposed going back the way you came, but apparently it's impossible now. 44
Neutral 50 So, the express elevator is our only solution. 45
MS18ButcherCT06a Look, let's get out of here and I promise I'll take you to her. Sad 70 All right. I'm sorry. We're just... very close. If something's happened to her, I don't know what I'll do. 46
Neutral 50 Anyway, sorry. Ahem. The only way off of the roof now is using the express elevator. 47
MS18ButcherCT07 Doesn't look like the elevator works anymore. Neutral 50 You're right. What we need is something to power the elevator motor up here and get the thing going. 48
Neutral 50 On the way up here, I'm pretty certain we passed a maintenance room. Inside was a wrecked Protectron. 49
Neutral 50 If you can get me its fission battery, I can have Donovan jury-rig the elevator. 50
MS18ButcherCT08 Are there any other ways off this roof? Disgust 90 Well, I can think of a faster way, but I doubt you'd survive the fall. 51
MS18ButcherCT08b I'll call the shots from here. Disgust 80 You can call anything you like, but the other Rangers will only follow me. 52
Disgust 60 So, let me know what you want to do, and then I'll decide if we're going to do it. 53
MS18ButcherCT09 Okay, I'll go back and look for the Fission Battery. Neutral 50 All right. We'll hold the roof position here. 54
Fear 70 If any of us goes down, don't stop. Get the hell out of here and make for our H.Q., Ranger Compound. 55
MS18ButcherCT10 Why don't one of you come with me? Fear 80 We have to hold this position at all costs. If... well, if you don't make it back, I can't afford to lose the elevator or we're never getting down. 56
Neutral 50 I can't allow that to happen. Nothing personal. 57
Fear 70 If any of us goes down, don't stop. Get the hell out of here and make for our H.Q., Ranger Compound. 58
MS18ButcherCT11 Maybe I can fix the elevator. Neutral 50 Maybe you can, but we'd still need the fission battery. It's the only way to locally feed power into the elevator's electronics. 59
MS18ButcherCTNR01 Reilly? Who's that? Never heard of her. Fear 70 She's our commander. I hope she's still alive. When I saw you come up here, I assumed she'd sent you. 60
Neutral 50 Well, we can chit-chat about all that later. Right now, can you help us get off this damn roof? 61
MS18ButcherCTNR02 I don't know any Reilly, but I do know we need to get the hell off this roof. Fear 70 She didn't send you? Dammit, that means she might be dead. 62
Neutral 50 Forget it then, we can talk shop later. Can you help us get out of here? 63
MS18ButcherCTNR03 I don't know a Reilly, and I'm out of here. Disgust 80 Well, I got news for you. You're stuck up here like the rest of us. There's no going back the way you came. 64
Disgust 70 So what'll it be? You going to help us get off this roof or what? 65
MS18ButcherCTNR04 Yeah, let's do it. Happy 80 I know you don't know me from the shit under your boots, but I promise you when we get out of this you'll be paid well for it. 66
Neutral 50 I'd suggest we go back the way you came, but I think that may be impossible. Our only chance is this express elevator to the lobby level. 67
MS18ButcherCTNR05 I'd like to help, but nothing's free. Happy 70 Heh heh. Spoken just like a merc. 68
Neutral 50 You get us off of here, and I guarantee you'll be paid well. 69
Neutral 50 Now, I'd suggest we go back the way you came, but I think that may be impossible. Our only chance is this express elevator to the lobby level. 70
MS18ButcherCTNR06 Screw this. I'm out of here. Disgust 80 Like it or not, you're stuck up here too. You can't go back. 71
Disgust 50 So, either you stay here and run out of ammunition like we did, or we all work together and get off this roof. 72
MS18FinBailout Let's discuss something else. Neutral 50 Fine by me. 73
MS18FinTLHowAreThings What's been happening since you've been back? Neutral 50 Things seem better now. Reilly's gained back her confidence a bit. We've been doing stuff here and there. 74
Neutral 50 I don't know what you said to her, but thanks. 75
What's been happening since you've been back? Neutral 50 Frankly, I'm bored to tears. I think the last incident has Reilly a bit on edge. 76
Neutral 50 She says she wants to wait until she's in top shape, but I think she's fine. 77
Neutral 50 I don't know what's holding her back. 78
MS18FinTLMedicalGateway Yeah, I think I'm hurt. Neutral 50 That's funny, you look fine to me. Maybe you should just get some rest. 79
Yeah, I think I'm hurt. Neutral 50 Yeah, you look like you need some work. 80
Yeah, I think I'm hurt. Happy 50 All right, hang in there. Let me see what I can do for you. 81
MS18TLButcherHeal Got anything for these injuries? Neutral 50 Yeah, here you go. It's all I've got. 82
Got anything for these injuries? Neutral 50 Sorry. I only had one Stimpak to spare. Hang in there. 83
Got anything for these injuries? Neutral 50 Injuries? You look fine to me. 84
MS18TLButcherStory Tell me how this all happened. Neutral 50 Well, we were on a contract to map the Vernon Square area of the D.C. Ruins. That's what we do, you see... usually it's routine. 85
Disgust 70 What we didn't expect was to get jumped by dozens of those damn Super Mutants. They came out of the woodwork. 86
Sad 50 We had to retreat into the hospital next door and fight our way to the roof like you did. It was the only direction we could manage. 87
Sad 50 Long story short, we got stuck on the roof with no supplies and Reilly went for help. That's the last we heard from her. 88
MS18TLColumbiaHeights What can you tell me about Vernon Square? Fear 70 There's something about this area. I can't put my finger on it, but just like the Mall, there is an unusually high concentration of Super Mutants. 89
Neutral 50 If I had the time and resources, I'd investigate. All I care about now is getting the hell off this damn roof. 90
MS18TLGotBattery I have a Fission Battery that will fix that express elevator. Surprise 70 Great. Now get it hooked up to the elevator so we can get out of here. 91
I have a Fission Battery that will fix that express elevator. Surprise 80 Fantastic! Get that over to Donovan right away. 92
Neutral 50 As soon as he gets it up and running make a break for it. 93
Fear 50 Remember our rally point is our H.Q., Ranger Compound. Don't stop for anything! 94
MS18TLHeresSomeAmmo Here, I brought you some ammo. Happy 50 Whew. That makes me feel a whole lot better. Thanks. 95
Here, I brought you some ammo. Disgust 50 Look, unless you have at least 50 shots of 10mm on you, I may as well go with my pistol. 96
MS18TLHowDidYouSurvive How have you guys survived up here? Neutral 50 I'd say it was a whole lot of luck. We set as many traps as we could behind us and killed as many Super Mutants as possible. 97
Neutral 50 Being able to fend off the last wave of them made the rest more cautious, but it also drained our ammo. 98
Disgust 50 It's only a matter of time before they rally, especially since you punched through their lines. 99
MS18TLMoreRangers Tell me more about Reilly's Rangers. Neutral 50 We're mercs, but instead of hunt and destroy we map the ruins for sale to the highest bidder... and make a good living at it, too. 100
Sad 50 There were five of us in the company until we lost Theo. 101
MS18TLWhereIsCell Any clue where I can find a Fission Battery? Neutral 50 When we passed the maintenance room, I spied a deactivated Protectron inside. Just wrench open its access panel and you'll find it. 102


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Watch yourself... I don't wanna lose another man. 103
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Stay frosty. 104
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Let's get a move on. 105
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Get that fission battery then double time it back here! 106
I have to go now. Happy 70 Have a good one. 107
I have to go now. Happy 70 If you need us, you know where we are. 108
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 Good to see you in one piece. 109
HELLO Neutral 50 You don't look like a merc. 110
HELLO Happy 70 Reilly keeps talking' about you. I think you made a friend. 111
HELLO Happy 70 Come back to visit or to patch yourself up? 112
HELLO Happy 70 Nice to see you again. 113


M18RadioNeedHelp01 M18RadioNeedHelp01 Neutral 50 Our supplies are running out and we've already sustained a casualty. We're trapped on the roof level of the Statesman Hotel. 114
M18RadioNeedHelp01 Neutral 50 We're trapped on the roof of the Statesman Hotel by a large contingent of Super Mutants. We are low on ammo and running out of time. 115
M18RadioNeedHelp01 Neutral 50 Our time is running out and we are dangerously low on ammunition. Our broadcast point is the roof of the Statesman Hotel. 116
M18RadioNeedHelp01 Neutral 50 Ammunition supply is running out and we've lost a man. We're pinned down on the roof of the Statesman Hotel by Super Mutants. 117
M18RadioNeedHelp02 M18RadioNeedHelp02 Neutral 50 If assistance is not possible, please attempt to contact Reilly, who's made for Underworld inside the Museum of History. 118
RadioGoodbye RadioGoodbye Neutral 50 Roof access to the Statesman Hotel is only through the adjoining hospital. Please hurry! Butcher out. 119
RadioGoodbye Neutral 50 We will continually broadcast as often as we can, but I'm afraid we don't have much time left. Butcher out. 120
RadioGoodbye Neutral 50 Keep your eyes open... we've left booby traps and mines to help slow the Mutants down. 121
RadioGoodbye Neutral 50 Oh, shit... here they come again... 122
RadioHello RadioHello Neutral 50 Repeating message. This is Butcher of Reilly's Rangers sending out an S.O.S. on all known friendly frequencies. 123
RadioHello Neutral 50 This is Butcher of Reilly's Rangers. If anyone can hear this signal we're in danger and we need your help. 124
RadioHello Neutral 50 To anyone receiving this message. This is Butcher of the merc company Reilly's Rangers. We're in danger and need help. 125
RadioHello Neutral 50 To anyone that can receive this. We are in danger and need your help. This is Butcher of Reilly's Rangers. 126