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This is a transcript for dialogue with Butch DeLoria.


FollowersFired Get lost, Butch. You're fired. Anger 50 Yeah yeah, very funny. 1
FollowersFiredNo On second thought, stay with me. Neutral 50 Yeah. That's what I thought. 2
FollowersFiredYes I'm serious. Anger 50 You can't fire me! I'm the boss of this gang! And I say you're fired! And that I'm going back to Rivet City for a drink! Suck on that! {emphasis on "I say YOU'RE fired!"} 3
Want to head back outside, Butch? Happy 50 Sorry man. I don't know what's gotten into you but you're just a little too intense for me. Maybe come back after you've chilled out and we'll see. 4
Want to head back outside, Butch? Happy 50 Nah, I'm good. I only roll with Tunnel Snakes. Come back when you're on your own. 5
Want to head back outside, Butch? Happy 50 I guess I can let you back into the gang. Once a Snake, always a Snake, huh? Let's roll! 6
FollowersLetsGo Let's get going. Happy 50 Yeah, let's hit it! 7
FollowersLetsGoNotYet1 Not just yet. I wanted to talk to you about something. Anger 10 Oh, come on. What? {Annoyed by the delay} 8
FollowersLetsGoNotYet2 I just wanted to make sure you were still here. Goodbye. Anger 50 Yeah, well the Snakes don't need you, anyway! We don't need nothing but liquor and guns! Yeah! {Angry and hurt, trying to hide disappointment} 9
FollowersPPurity Butch, I need you to go into that chamber and turn on the purifier. Surprise 50 That chamber? Right there? With all the radiation? Man, no way. I'll end up dead. Or worse. I could be one of them Ghouls! Ain't gonna happen. 10
FollowersTactics Let's talk about your tactics. Anger 10 Oh, like you know better? What? 11
FollowersTacticsCombat I want you to change your combat style. Happy 50 I can stab, I can shoot, I can do lots of things. What's your pleasure? {Cocky bravado} 12
FollowersTacticsCombatEND Let's talk about something else. Disgust 5 Do all the talking you want. Just don't expect me to, you know, listen or anything. 13
FollowersTacticsCombatGOODBYE That's all. Let's get going. Happy 50 Let's rumble! Yeah! 14
FollowersTacticsCombatMelee I like what you're doing. Stick with the melee. Happy 50 Up close and personal, that's how I like it! 15
Switch to a melee weapon. Happy 50 Yeah, because that's how Snakes fight! Right up in your face, with fangs and... knives and stuff! 16
FollowersTacticsCombatRanged You're not bad with a ranged weapon. Keep it up. Happy 50 You'd better believe it! I should have gotten my hands on some of these earlier! 17
I want you to use ranged weapons. Surprise 10 Sure, I guess. Just don't get in my way, is all I'm saying. {As if saying, "Hey, I don't wanna shoot you, but y'never know what's going to happen, right?"} 18
FollowersTacticsDistance Let's talk about how close you're following me. Sad 50 If you wanna get closer to me, that's all you gotta say, girl. {Sleazy} 19
Let's talk about how close you're following me. Neutral 50 You mean how close you're following me, right? Sure, what's up? 20
FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault You're good where you are. Neutral 50 Oh, I'm the best, baby. 21
You're good where you are. Happy 50 Good? Screw that noise - I'm downright awesome! 22
Stay close to me. Anger 5 So... Near? Far? Come on, make up your mind! {frustrated and a little confused} 23
FollowersTacticsDistanceEND Your distance is good. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 There better be some action soon, or I'm heading back to the bar. 24
FollowersTacticsDistanceGOODBYE All right, you're good. Let's get out of here. Happy 50 About time, too! 25
FollowersTacticsDistanceLong Keep hanging back. Anger 20 I get any farther, I might as well be back in the bar. And that's sounding like a better idea all the time, trust me. 26
Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Anger 20 What, don't you like my aftershave? 27
Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Surprise 5 Yeah, got it. Flanking and tactics and stuff. Right. {Doesn't quite get it.} 28
FollowersTacticsEnd Enough about tactics. Disgust 10 About time. Seriously. 29
FollowersTrade Let's trade equipment. Happy 50 If this means more stuff for Butch, I'm all for it. 30
FollowersWait Wait here. Anger 50 Fine, but what am I supposed to do here? Work on my needlepoint or something? 31
GREETING GREETING Happy 50 Well, if it isn't "my hero," the guy who sprang me from the Vault! I think I owe this man a drink! 32
GREETING Happy 50 Well, if it isn't my best gal, the one who sprung me from the Vault! I think I owe this lovely lady a drink! 33
GREETING Neutral 50 How's it hanging? 34
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, what's the word? 35
GREETING Neutral 15 It's a shame you've got to go. But you'll do okay out there, I'm sure. {Firm} 36
GREETING Surprise 50 Hey, if it ain't a fellow Tunnel Snake, slumming it down here with the old crew? 37
Happy 50 I thought you'd be out there tearing up the Wasteland and raising Hell! 38
Happy 10 But if you've gotta be back, might as well make yourself useful. You gotta help us. 39
GREETING Surprise 50 Damn, look who's come waltzing back into the Vault? 40
Anger 25 It takes some real balls coming back here after everything you and your dad screwed up. 41
Fear 10 But if you've gotta be back, might as well make yourself useful. You gotta help us. 42
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, what's the word? 43
GREETING Neutral 50 Think you can take charge of the gang by getting rid of me? 44
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey, man. Can I come with you again? This place sucks. 45
GREETING Neutral 50 About time you got back. I got a full clip and an empty flask. Time we fixed that, huh? 46
GREETING Neutral 50 What's up? 47
GREETING Happy 50 What's the story, my fellow Tunnel Snake? 48
GREETING Happy 50 You got something to say to the Butch-man? 49
HireButch1 Still want to start that gang, Butch? Happy 50 Hell yeah, I do! I could be out there and kicking butt in my own gang and everything. The Tunnel Snakes could ride again! 50
Anger 10 Or, y'know, slither again. Whatever! 51
HireButch2A You could join forces with me, if you'd like. Surprise 50 What? A goody-two-shoes like you could never make it in a real gang! {Dismissive "pfft" before start} 52
Happy 50 You want to hang with a Tunnel Snake like me, you gotta be hard. {Emphasis: HARD.} 53
Ride with me, and we can rampage across the Wasteland. Fear 50 Whoa, hey, that's cool and all, but you're just a little too... intense, y'know? 54
Fear 65 I mean, Butch is down for action, but you... You're a psycho! 55
Come along with me, and we'll make an awesome gang. Happy 50 I really wish I could, man, but three's a crowd, you know? I'll just stay here for now. 56
Happy 75 Tunnel Snakes rule! 57
Come along with me, and we'll make an awesome gang. Happy 50 Yeah... yeah! You'd be perfect for my gang! You're in! 58
Happy 75 Tunnel Snakes rule! 59
HireButch2B Yeah... shame you're too much of a coward to start it yourself. Anger 50 Yeah, well what do you know? I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna have the biggest, toughest gang ever! 60
Sad 10 Y'know... tomorrow. Once I round up a few more people... {Cowardly, trying to hide the fact that he won't do it.} 61
MS16ButchHairdresser Can you give me a haircut? Anger 10 Sure, fine, whatever. 62
Can you give me a haircut? Anger 25 I'm gonna barber the hell outta that hair! {Trying to make it sound cool.} 63
Can you give me a haircut? Anger 10 Okay, hold still. 64
Butch, what do you do in the Vault? Anger 50 The damned G.O.A.T. said I'm supposed to be a hairdresser, but that ain't me! {disdain on "hairdresser" - it's not cool enough for him} 65
Anger 75 I'm a barber, you got that? There's a difference! {emphasis on "barber" - it's a big difference to him.} 66
Can you give me a haircut? Anger 10 Sure, fine, whatever. 67
Can you give me a haircut? Anger 25 I'm gonna barber the hell outta your hair! {Trying to make it sound cool.} 68
Can you give me a haircut? Anger 10 Okay, hold still. 69
MS16ButchLeaving1 What do you think you're going to do outside, Butch? Happy 50 I'll start a gang, of course! Why, it'll be the toughest, coolest, badass-est gang the Wasteland's ever seen! 70
Happy 25 Hey, play your cards right, maybe I'll even let you join it, huh? {Assumes the player would obvious want to do so, because obviously, it'll be an awesome gang.} 71
MS16ButchLeaving2A Hey, I'm already in the Tunnel Snakes. You gave me the jacket and everything! Happy 25 Yeah, but I'm thinking it'll be a new gang. We ain't going to just be in tunnels, you know! 72
Happy 50 Besides, there's gonna be a lot more people who want to join. Competition's gonna be tough! 73
What makes you think I'd want to join? Happy 50 'Cause maybe you've got an ounce of sense. Everyone's gonna want to join, once they know Butch is in town! 74
MS16ButchLeaving2B You have no idea how many gangs of idiot Raiders are out there... Happy 50 Well, they ain't seen nothing like me, yet. Butch is gonna take that Wasteland by storm! 75
MS16ButchLeaving2C I bet you're Mole Rat chow before you make it one day out there. Neutral 50 Yeah, well get us out of here, and we'll see, won't we? 76
MS16ButchWhyHelp Why should I help you, Butch? Surprise 10 Because you've always been a goody two-shoes, so when I need help, it's what you're gonna do, right? 77
Neutral 50 You're going to help Amata anyway, right? Just make it so we can leave the Vault, and I'll leave and never bother you again. 78
Why should I help you, Butch? Sad 25 Look, I know I've been kind of a jerk. But I don't deserve to be stuck down here forever. Not when I could have a real life up there like you. 79
Happy 25 I mean, you're kind of a jerk sometimes, and you make it work up there. So why not me? 80
Happy 50 Just make it so we can leave the Vault, and I can go out there for my new life. Heck, maybe we could form a gang, huh? 81
Why should I help you, Butch? Anger 25 You left this place, so I bet you hate it as much as I do. So you can imagine how crappy it'd be to be stuck down here forever, yeah? 82
Fear 25 Are you gonna force all of us to live like that, now that we've learned we could actually leave and try for something new? 83
Fear 50 Just make it so we can get out of this vault, and I'll be gone, man. Then you don't ever need to see me again, okay? 84
The Vault's life support systems have failed. We need to evacuate immediately. Surprise 50 Really? Score! 85
Happy 75 Goodbye, hellhole! I'm off to a new life! 86
MS16Evacuate2A You're taking this pretty well. Happy 50 Are you kidding me? It's a dream come true, man! Butch the Hairdresser is no more, now I'm gonna be Butch the Wasteland Wanderer! 87
Neutral 50 Maybe I can form a gang of my own. Maybe call it the Wasteland Radicals, or maybe the Rad Scorpions. Hey, wanna join? 88
MS16Evacuate2B I wouldn't be so excited. You have no idea what you're in for. Anger 25 Yeah, well, I can learn, can't I? If you can do it, it's gotta be pretty easy. 89
Happy 25 Maybe I can form a gang of my own. Maybe call it the Wasteland Radicals, or maybe the Rad Scorpions. Hey, wanna join? 90
MS16OtherWelcome1A Help? What kind of help? Surprise 10 What sort of help do you think I mean? You must have heard about the changes since you left, right? 91
Anger 25 The deaths, the lies, the whole Overseer lockdown thing? Ringing any bells? 92
Happy 50 Man, they'd have rushed in here long ago if they didn't know I stole one of their guns from when they issued martial law! {Proud he can inspire that sort of fear} 93
Fear 15 Anyway, you gotta help us get out of here. You gotta help me get out of here. {Emphasis on "gotta help ME get out of here" He's totally self-centered.} 94
MS16OtherWelcome1B What makes you think I came back to help you? Surprise 25 Because you're a goody two-shoes, right? You get off on helping people in trouble? Isn't that why you saved my mom? 95
Disgust 25 I bet she'd thank you herself, but she and I ain't exactly on speaking terms at the moment. At least, not when she's sober. {Pretty callous about his mom.} 96
Fear 25 But I tell you, your old man had the right idea. I can't stand it down here anymore. You gotta help me get out. 97
Oh look, Butch is begging for my help. How'd that work out for you last time? Anger 10 You shut up! Just shut up and listen, okay? {The player hit a nerve - his mom died last time he asked the player for help.} 98
Anger 25 Listen, you're about the only person who ever had the sense to get out of this place. {half angry, half pleading} 99
Fear 25 I tell you, your old man had the right idea. I can't stand it down here anymore. You gotta help me get out. 100
MS16OtherWelcome2A Dont worry, I'm trying to help the entire Vault. Disgust 50 Man, screw the entire Vault, what about me? 101}
Disgust 25 Even these rebels just want the option to go outside for lousy trading and stuff. I just want to get the hell out of here for good. 102
Anger 25 Why stay here and be stuck as a barber for my entire life when I could go out there and make my own choices? 103
MS16OtherWelcome2B Why do you need to get out of here so badly? Disgust 25 Because anything up there has got to be better than a lifetime of the same thing down here. 104
Disgust 50 Think about it, man. Down here, I'll always be stuck with the same job, with the same food, with the same people, forever. 105
Happy 25 You and your dad had the right idea: get out of this pit and make your own life. 106
MS16OthersFilter1 What happened that night? Anger 10 I heard old Stanley complaining a lot of the stuff down in the reactor got fried pretty bad. 107
Neutral 50 Nothing too bad... yet. But he's always worrying we'll lose air filtration or whatever. 108
Happy 25 Of course, if that happened... guess we'd all have to leave the vault then, huh? {Impishly pleased with the idea.} 109
postMS16Greeting1A Sounds like a deal. Good to see you on the outside, Butch! Happy 50 Here's to raising hell and living the good life out here! Cheers! 110
Happy 75 Now all we need is a gang, and we could take over this whole Wasteland! 111
postMS16Greeting1B I thought the Overseer closed the Vault. How did you get out? Happy 50 Ah, you know you can't keep a Tunnel Snake cooped up forever! We gotta be free, and your little visit was just the inspiration I needed! 112
Happy 75 So here's to sweet, glorious freedom! Cheers! 113
How did you get all the way down here? Happy 50 Same way anyone does. By being too cool to stop anywhere else! I didn't see a thing in the wasteland that was a match for a bona fide Tunnel Snake! {full of ridiculous bravado} 114
Happy 75 So, here's to freedom and rocking the Wasteland! Drink up! 115
postMS16Greeting1C Oh great. I thought I was rid of you. Happy 75 No such luck, sucker! Life ain't worth living without Butch around, and you can't keep a Tunnel Snake down. {a bit drunk} 116
Happy 50 But if you're lucky, you can hold my empties. Here. {a bit drunk} 117


GOODBYE I'll be going, now. Neutral 50 Catch you later. Maybe. 119
I'll be going, now. Neutral 50 Whatever. 120
I have to go now. Happy 25 I'll keep talking with them. Who else am I gonna hang out with? 121
I have to go now. Sad 35 Man, way to be a buzzkill. {reminded of something very depressing.} 122
I have to go now. Sad 35 Come on, cheer up. Paul wouldn't want you moping around like that. {reminded of something very depressing.} 123
Let's go. Neutral 50 Sure thing, man! 124
HELLO HELLO Happy 25 Hey, look. Another rebel. {Half-mockingly: Butch feels like he's been a rebel since before it was cool.} 125
HELLO Happy 25zz Good to see another rebel. {Half-mockingly: Butch feels like he's been a rebel since before it was cool.} 126
HELLO Happy 25 Hey, how's the gang holding up? 127
HELLO Happy 25 Still representing the gang? Good to see, man. 128
HELLO Anger 25 Man, I sure wish we could blow this joint. 129
HELLO Neutral 50 Can we go now? 130
IdleChatter Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Don't get me wrong, I love to cause trouble, but you go too far. 131
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 You've changed. I mean, bad is one thing. Evil is another. 132
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Did you really have to kill all of those people back there? They didn't seem so bad. 133
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 I always knew that you were a teacher's pet. 134
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 This do-gooder crap is for the birds. 135
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Man, you're just a little goody two-shoes, aren't you? 136
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 I need some shades or something... 137
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 It's so bright out here. 138
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Let's get inside. I hate it out here. 139
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Man. That creeps me out. That thing up there. You know, the sky. 140
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 You're not gonna leave me here, are you? 141
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Let's head to that place in Rivet City for a drink. 142
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Being sober really sucks. 143
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Can we rest or something? 144
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 <coughs> How do people breathe out here? 145
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Man, I'm all itchy. 146
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 What if someone's following us? 147
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Do you even know where you're going? 148
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Are you going the right way? 149
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 This place gives me the creeps. 150
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Whew. Man, it stinks. 151
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 I heard that there were dragons out here. You ever see one? 152
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 You wanna get out of here? 153
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 What was that noise? 154
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Hey! Did you hear that? 155
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Bo-ring. 156
Idle Chatter Neutral 50 Man, it stinks. The vault never smelled like this. 157
MS16Resistance1 MS16Resistance1 Neutral 50 Ix-nay on the alk-tay. We're being atched-way. 158
MS16Resistance1 Happy 10 Calm down, old man. How's life in the west dorms? 159
MS16Resistance1 Happy 10 Don't worry, we're fine. What's the word in the dorms? 160
MS16Resistance1 Happy 50 Come on, Amata. Who's gonna mess with me? {Cocky} 161
MS16Resistance1 Happy 50 You know me. The Butch man fears no Overseer. {Cocky} 162
MS16Resistance2 MS16Resistance2 Anger 10 Not yet. Freddie doesn't want to get in trouble, and Wally thinks we shouldn't be going outside, anyway. 163
MS16Resistance2 Sad 25 Paul would've joined up no problem, but... y'know. Anyway, no luck with them. {Briefly misses Paul, but regains his tough-guy facade} 164
MS16Resistance3 MS16Resistance3 Anger 10 Well, ain't you a bundle of smiles. If it were just about staying alive, we might as well stick with your Dad. 165
MS16Resistance3 Anger 10 Look on the bright side, Amata: you get to look at my handsome mug again. Who wouldn't want that? 166
MS16Resistance3 Anger 50 Pack of cowards, if you ask me. If they don't grow a spine soon, I'm heading out myself. I mean it this time! {He's totally bluffing} 167
MS16Resistance3 Anger 50 Aw, let 'em stay down here. One day, I'm heading out there on my own. I mean it. {He's totally bluffing} 168
MS16Snakes2 MS16Snakes2 Happy 50 Freddie, there's more to this than just getting out of the dorm. It's about freedom and standing up to the Man! Tunnel Snakes rule! 169
MS16Snakes2 Happy 50 Come on, have a little pride! What do Tunnel Snakes do? We don't sit around and hide in the dorm. We rule! 170


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 Watch it, okay? 171
Assault Assault Anger 50 Been out of the Vault and now you think you're a big shot, huh? 172
Assault Anger 50 Back off, pal! 173
Assault Anger 50 You looking for trouble? 174
Attack Attack Anger 50 Tunnel Snakes rule! 175
Attack Anger 50 Tunnel Snakes for life! 176
Attack Anger 50 Oh yeah, we so rule! {Cheering for him and friends.} 177
Attack Anger 50 Sit on it! 178
Attack Anger 50 Rock and roll! 179
Attack Anger 50 You suckers are so screwed! 180
Attack Anger 50 Yeah, eat it! 181
Attack Anger 50 Rumble! 182
Attack Anger 50 Who's your daddy? 183
Attack Anger 50 Yeah, how you like it? 184
Attack Anger 50 Go run home to mommy! 185
Attack Anger 50 You're pathetic! 186
Attack Happy 50 Give up now, if you know what's good for you! 187
Attack Happy 50 You don't even know how screwed you are! 188
Attack Anger 50 No one messes with the Tunnel Snakes! 189
Attack Anger 50 Yeah! 190
Attack Anger 50 How you like me now? 191
Attack Happy 50 Aw, yeah! 192
Attack Anger 50 Hope you weren't thinking of being a model, pal. 193
Attack Anger 50 Tough luck, pal! 194
Attack Anger 50 Time for a beating! 195
Attack Surprise 50 This whole scene is crazy! 196
Attack Happy 50 We are so the baddest gang in the Wastes. {Emphatic "SO", reaffirming his belief that they're the baddest gang.} 197
Attack Happy 50 Man, sure beats living in the Vault, huh? 198
Attack Happy 50 Least I'm not stuck being a barber anymore. 199
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Surprise 50 Cheese it! 200
AvoidThreat Surprise 50 Out of my way! 201
AvoidThreat Surprise 50 Crap! Run! 202
AvoidThreat Surprise 50 That's no toy, man! 203
AvoidThreat Surprise 50 Beat it, that's about to blow! 204
AvoidThreat Surprise 50 Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, crap, crap! {Frantic and terrified} 205
Death Death Pained 100 Tunnel... sn... {Drawn out death line, mournful and defiant in the face of death. Also, kind of dumb.} 206
FireExplosive FireExplosive Happy 50 Catch! 207
Hit Hit Pained 100 You think that'll stop a Tunnel Snake? 208
Hit Pained 100 Ow! 209
Hit Pained 100 Oh, man! 210
Hit Pained 100 You're asking for it, pal! 211
Hit Pained 100 Hey, asshole, no fair fighting back! 212
Hit Pained 100 Don't you know who you're dealing with? I'm Butch, punk! 213
Hit Pained 100 You are in so much trouble now! 214
Hit Pained 100 Okay, that's it! No more mister nice Butch! 215
Hit Pained 100 Oh shit, that hurt! 216
Hit Pained 100 What the hell, man? 217
Murder Murder Surprise 50 Holy shit! You just killed them! Like, dead! {Didn't expect the world to actually be lethal.} 218
Murder Surprise 50 Whoa, calm down! {Didn't expect the world to actually be lethal.} 219
PowerAttack PowerAttack Happy 50 I'll cut ya! 220
PowerAttack Happy 50 I'm a blade man! 221


CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Surprise 50 Whoa, that was intense. 222
CombatToNormal Happy 50 You mess with the Tunnel Snake, and you get the fangs! Yeah! 223
CombatToNormal Happy 50 That's how we do it! Woo! 224
CombatToNormal Happy 50 Sucker didn't know who he was messing with! Hah! 225
LostIdle LostIdle Neutral 50 Come out, come out, wherever you are! 226
LostToNormal LostToNormal Disgust 25 Ah, screw this. Let's have a drink. 227
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Surprise 50 Whoa, what the hell? {Confused} 228
NormalToCombat StartCombat Happy 50 Time for some fun! 229
StartCombat Anger 50 Oh, it's on! It's so on! 230
StartCombat Anger 50 Tunnel Snakes, it's rumble time! 231