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This is a transcript for dialogue with Burke.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
95 005B67F1 005C5BF5 Back off.
96 005C5BF6 Go away.
97 005C5BF7 Hmph.
98 005C5BF8 You're not welcome.
99 005C5BF9 Leave.
100 005C5C45 Yeah?
101 005C5C46 Hm.
102 005C5C47 Hello.
103 005C5C48 Hi.
104 005C5C49 What?
156 005C5BD9 005C5C42 Guard places. Lift things. Kill people.
157 005C5BDA 005C5C39 They're my friends.
158 005C5BDB 005C5C40 They threaten my friends. So I'll take them down.
159 005C5BDC 005C5C4C Yeah. I'm... not very good at talking.
160 005C5BDD 005C5C3D Okay.
161 005C5BE1 005C5C4A It's good exercise. Keeps your body warm.
162 005C5BE2 005C5C3C It's what I do.
163 005C5BE3 005C5C44 Yeah. I like helping.
164 005C5BE8 005C5C3B Pierce is kind. I owe him everything.
165 If you hurt him, you'll pay.
166 005C5BE9 005C5C43 She's scary, sometimes. But she does it for us.
167 I would do the same.
168 005C5BEA 005C5C3A No. I don't get along well with people.
169 005C5BEB 005C5C41 Sure.
170 005C5BEF 005C5C37 Thank you. I know it makes people feel weird.
171 005C5BF0 005C5C3E You don't have to talk to me if it bothers you.
172 005C5BF1 005C5C38 ...
173 005C5BF2 005C5C3F Hey! Don't you fucking talk to Burke like that!
174 005C5BF3 005C5C4B It's okay. I'm not surprised anymore.
195 006058EF 0060592C Thank you. This is important to me.
196 006058F3 00605927 Most people judge based on appearances. They don't care to know me. The person who exists beyond their preconceptions.
197 I have no need for male or female, or anything else. I'm free.
198 006058F9 0060592A I protect my friends. I don't start the fights, but I finish them.
199 006058FA 0060592B Marcia is nice and resilient. I like that.
200 006058FB 00605930 It means peace, or mercy. I prefer that.
201 006058FC 0060592F The occasion wasn't a happy one. Though I suppose in some ways, it was.
202 006058FD 00605926 Okay.
203 006058FE 0060592E It wasn't given to me.
204 The person I used to work for... he deserved worse than death. I could have given him that. Instead I took the necklace. His most valued possession.
205 It's a reminder of who I am. Of what I believe in.
206 006058FF 00605931 My employer was holding Pierce prisoner. I was his guard.
207 Even in that situation, Pierce treated me like a person. Not as a tool. He saw me.
208 When Sheena arrived, we all escaped together. The rest is history.
209 00605900 00605929 Thank you. You're kind.
210 00605901 0060592D Thanks for asking.
211 00605903 00605928 Sure. What is it?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
23 005F59C3 006139C3 Go away.
166 0060313E 0060317E ...Thank you. I won't forget this. genuine, surprised
167 00603142 00603169 Sheena made the right choice.
176 0060314A 0060315D Been better.