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Dialogue for characters in Bunker Delta.


// Mini-map Information

B04_MiniMap_01 = {
Briefing Room - Speak to the General to receive your mission briefings.

B04_MiniMap_02 = {
Equipment Store - Talk to the Quartermaster to trade for equipment and supplies.

B04_MiniMap_03 = {
Recruits Pool - Speak to the Recruits Master to add or remove members from your squad.

B04_MiniMap_04 = {
Infirmary - You can trade with the Medical Officer for healing items.

B04_MiniMap_05 = {
Vehicle Depot - Visit the depot to access vehicles that you have salvaged from the wastes.

B04_MiniMap_06 = {
Exit - Move your entire squad here to exit the bunker and continue your campaign.

// Speech File for Bunker 04
//Version 1.3
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.





// Name: Paladin Hassan
// Role: Quarter-Master of the Warriors.
// Background: Hassan is a quiet man with hawk eyes and a calm exterior.
// Location: Equipment Room
// Appears: End 12
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A00: Hassan will introduce himself when he speaks with the
// player for the first time. Speaking to him will initiate the equipment
// screen for the Quarter-Master.
B04_Hassan_A00_W = {
Come in Brother. Come in.\n\n
I am Hassan, Quartermaster for this fine Brotherhood Bunker. Yeah, if you need some great gear, you come to me.\n\n
We have a motto in this bunker, "Inventory is not boring. Inventory is LIFE!"\n\n
Now, how can I help you?

// Situation A01: If the player has already met Hassan, he will use a
// very short line to initiate the Quarter-Master equipment selection screen.
B04_Hassan_A01 = { This is what I live for... }

// Situation B: Hassan has some random lines of his own.
B04_Hassan_B00 = { It's a great day to save humanity. }
B04_Hassan_B01 = { These figures are perfect, like usual. }
B04_Hassan_B02 = { I love the smell of ammo in the morning. }
B04_Hassan_B03 = { Oh baby! This armor can use a good polishing! }
B04_Hassan_B04 = { 567, 568, 569, 570,... }
B04_Hassan_B05 = { Man, I love taking inventory... }


Midas Baracus[]


// Name: Midas.
// Role: Mechanic.
// Background: Baracus is one of the five mechanics working in the bunkers.
// Baracus is a dark skinned man in hip-huggers and a mohawk. He has a bad
// attitude.
// Location: Vehicle Depot
// Appears: End 12
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A00: Midas has his initial greeting. After this, he will
// switch to one of the random lines in Situation B.
B04_Midas_A00 = { I'm Midas, you looking for some wheels? }

// Situation B: Midas's random greetings after the initial greeting. These
// lines are selected at random everytime the player needs to talk to the
// mechanic.
B04_Midas_B00 = { Yeah, what is it? }
B04_Midas_B01 = { I hope you're insured? }
B04_Midas_B02 = { Damn it, make it quick. }
B04_Midas_B03 = { Hey! You look familiar. }


// Situation C: Baracus' random lines. He is mostly concerned with his work.
B04_Midas_C00 = { Work, damn you. Work! }
B04_Midas_C01 = { Don't make me force you to work. }
B04_Midas_C02 = { This is crazy. }
B04_Midas_C03 = { Finally, I'm getting somewhere. }
B04_Midas_C04 = { This better be fixed. }
B04_MIdas_C05 = { Ow! My knuckle! }


Nephre Hyland[]


// Name: Scribe Hyland Ed, I'm switching some names to ones I'll be able to
// pronounce to the voice actors.
// Role: Medical Officer in the Brotherhood.
// Background: Hyland is the medic inside the bunker. The player can visit her
// whenever healing is needed. She will be busy tending to the wounds of the
// injured soldiers.
// Hyland is a thin, pale woman with very pale blond hair. She wears her hair
// long, but tied back into a pony-tail. She has delicate features and playful,
// smile. Her expression is sad and her eyes have dark rings under them from
// long hours without sleep. She is currently kept very busy with the
// Brotherhood casualties sustained from war with the Reaver army.
// She will be sent to Bunker 05 along with the player. She will disappear
// from this bunker after the players move to Bunker 05. Her assistant,
// Blythe, will gleefully take over once she is gone.
// Location: Infirmary
// Appears: End 12
// Removed: End 19

// Situation A00: Hyland's introduction. Hyland will introduce herself the
// first time the player talks to her. She will explain that they can return
// anytime for healing. After talking, the player has a chance to either
// barter for medicine, or exit the conversation. Either way may allow Hyland
// to heal the player's party completely.
// This is used only if Hyland has not previously spoken to the player.
// Hylandis tired. She has been working long hours to deal with the crisis
// situation with the Reavers.
B04_Hyland_A00_W = {

(yawns) I'm sorry... were pretty busy here, lately. In the last twelve hours, I've set thirteen broken bones, amputated four limbs, and handled all the patients for daily sick call.

Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Scribe Hyland but please... just call me "Doc." I'm a fixture here so come by if you're feeling ill.


// Situation A02: On subsequent revisits, Hyland will come straight to the
// point.
B04_Hyland_A02 = { Here, step on the scale and drop your pants please. }

// Situation B: Hyland's random lines. These assume that she has lots of
// wounded in the infirmary.
// Note: There should be around close to all beds being utilised.
B04_Hyland_B00 = { So many wounded ... }
B04_Hyland_B01 = { Hmm. I can help with this. }
B04_Hyland_B02 = { I think 30cc's will be enough. }
B04_Hyland_B03 = { I'll need an x-ray on this. }
B04_Hyland_B04 = { Let's have a look at that chart. }
B04_Hyland_B05 = { *sigh* }

// Situation C: Nephre's responses to some of Blythe's random speech.
// Hyland's response to: B04_Blythe_B00 = { Doctor, what are you doing? }
B04_Hyland_C00 = { Saving lives, Blythe. }

// Hyland's response to: B04_Blythe_B01 = { That was -MY- diagnosis. }
B04_Hyland_C01 = { Well, it was for the other patient. }

// Hyland's response to: B04_Blythe_B02 = { Why did you change that? }
B04_Hyland_C02 = { Because the patient would have otherwise died. }




// Name: Scribe Blythe
// Role: Hyland Assistant.
// Background: Blythe is Hyland's Assistant. He will take over from Hyland
// once Nephre moves to Bunker 05. Blythe isn't quite as skilled as Hyland
// which is incentive for the player to stick to the current stage.
// Location: Infirmary
// Appears: End 19
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A00: Blythe isn't as experienced as Hyland but he isn't about to
// let the player know it. He can sell medical supplies but he might not be
// able to heal to maximum health or he might not be able to help remove
// radiation contamination.
B04_Blythe_A00_W = {
Hello, I am Blythe. I am Hyland's ... assistant.\n\n

How may I help you?

// Situation A01: If the player talks to Blythe again, he will confess his
// private doubts about Hyland.
B04_Blythe_A01_W = {
I don't trust Hyland. She's too young. And just how can she have been promoted to a full medical officer so soon huh? I strongly suspect she may have been giving General Dekker one of her patented "deep cleaning sponge baths", if you know what I mean. A little nudge-nudge wink-wink hah, ya know?\n\n

Anyway, she'll screw up soon enough and we'll see what a hack she really is. In the meanwhile, you have shown your wisdom by coming here to see me, instead of her.

// Situation A02: If the player talks to Blythe one more time, he will head
// straight to the point.
B04_Blythe_A02 = { Yes, what can I do for you? }

// Situation B: Blythe's random text when Hyland is around.
B04_Blythe_B00 = { Doctor, what are you doing? }
B04_Blythe_B01 = { That was -MY- diagnosis. }
B04_Blythe_B02 = { Why did you change that? }
B04_Blythe_B03 = { (whispers) Hack. }
B04_Blythe_B04 = { Much better. }
B04_Blythe_B05 = { Interesting. }

// Situation C: Blythe's snide comments to Hyland's random lines.
// Blythe's response to: B04_Hyland_B00 = { Oh dear. So many wounded .. }
B04_Blythe_C00 = { Why don't you rest? I'll take it from here. }

// Blythe's response to: B04_Hyland_B01 = { Hmm. I can help with this. }
B04_Blythe_C01 = { I wouldn't recommend that, Doc. }

// Blythe's response to: B04_Hyland_B02 = { Here, this should help. }
B04_Blythe_C02 = { *snicker* }

// Blythe's response to: B04_Hyland_B03 = { I think 30cc's will be enough. }
B04_Blythe_C03 = { Enough... to put him into a coma. }

// Blythe's response to: B04_Hyland_B04 = { Let's have a look at that chart. }
B04_Blythe_C04 = { Why? She's already dead! }

// Blythe's response to: B04_Hyland_B05 = { *sigh* }
B04_Blythe_C05 = { *snicker* }

// Situation D00: If Hyland has gone to Bunker 05. Blythe will be most pleased.
// Blythe will have a special something to say the first time the player
// speaks with him after she has left. This is the case where the player
// has not yet spoken to him.
B04_Blythe_D00_W = {

Hello, my name is Blythe.\n\n

I am the senior medical officer in charge here.\n\n

You will get only topnotch treatment from my staff and I.\n\n

// Situation D01: If Hyland has gone to Bunker 05. Blythe will be most pleased.
// Blythe will have a special something to say the first time the player
// speaks with him after she has left. This is the case where the player
// has spoken to him at least once before.
B04_Blythe_D01_W = {
You will be pleased to know that I, Scribe Blythe, am now the senior medical officer here.\n\n

Now that Dr. Hyland the Hack has been reassigned, you will receive only top notch treatment from my staff and I.\n\n

Personally, I wouldn't let Scribe Hyland play midwife to a pregnant Brahmin.\n\n


// Situation D02: If the player talks to Blythe one more time, he will head
// straight to the point.
B04_Blythe_D02 = { Blythe at your service. }

// Situation E: Blythe's random text when Hyland is no longer around.
B04_Blythe_E00 = { Yes. Yes. }
B04_Blythe_E01 = { Oops! Sorry, warrior. }
B04_Blythe_E02 = { Code Blue!! Code Blue!! }
B04_Blythe_E03 = { I...better get a second opinion! }
B04_Blythe_E04 = { I know what I said before, but I'm telling you now that you're going to die. }
B04_Blythe_E05 = { We got another stiff here! }



Bartholomew Kerr[]


// Name: Nicholas Kerr.
// Role: Merchant.
// Background: Nicholas Kerr is a thin, rugged, man in his thirties. Time
// spent in the wastelands has aged him to look ten years older. He wears
// loose fitting bandages as part of his attire, giving him the appearance of
// a leper. Kerr often travels between the Brotherhood bunkers in various
// regions of the wasteland. He is trusted by the Brotherhood and he hold some
// allegiance to them. He has a knack for acquiring difficult to obtain items.
// Kerr will no longer be in the bunker once the player has moved on to
// Bunker 05.
// Location: Equipment Room
// Appears: End 15
// Removed: End 17 Ed, I changed it from 19 to 17. Having Kerr always at the
// bunker is ridiculous. It totally takes away the surprise we have in store for the
// assassination mission. It also doesn't make sense that a "traveling merchant"
// who doesn't travel unless it was somewhere the player went.

// Situation A00: Nicholas Kerr will introduce himself if the players speak
// with him to the first time. Speaking with him will initiate the barter
// screen after the dialogue.
// After Kerr's introduction, he will shift to one of the situations in B
// for additional information. If none of the situations in B are available,
// he will switch to Situation A02.
B04_Kerr_A00_W = {
Hello my child. I am Kerr, a humble merchant who travels the wastelands in search of objects and oddities that the Brotherhood could use.\n\n

Come and have a look at my wares. Who knows? Maybe I'll have something you might find useful.

// Situation A01: If the player has met Kerr in the earlier bunkers, then he
// will say something different the first time he speaks with them here.
// After Kerr's introduction, he will shift to one of the situations in B
// for additional information. If none of the situations in B are available,
// he will switch to Situation A02.
B04_Kerr_A01_W = {
Ah. Again, we meet each other. I go wherever good trade takes me. It seems you go where danger takes you. We are very much alike, yet, totally different.\n\n

As always, I am pleased to be able to offer you my wares for trade.

// Situation A02: If the player has already met Kerr, he will use a
// very short line to initiate barter screen.
B04_Kerr_A02 = { Excellent. Returning customers are always good. }

// Situation C: Kerr has some random lines of his own.
B04_Kerr_C00 = { No, that's a piece of garbage. }
B04_Kerr_C01 = { Yes. Let me see that. }
B04_Kerr_C02 = { Interesting. }
B04_Kerr_C03 = { Hmm. A robot piece? No, it is a fake. }
B04_Kerr_C04 = { Then we have a deal, my child. }
B04_Kerr_C05 = { Trade is slow right now. }


Casey Barrett[]


// Name: Casey Barrett.
// Role: Mechanic, Volunteer to join the Brotherhood.
// Background: Casey is a particularly talented young lady. She is in her early
// twenties, but as quickly mastered enough mechanics and repair skill to keep
// Junction City running smoothly. She learnt most of her trade from her father
// Stephen. Casey is smart and has learned a lot about the townsfolk. Most of
// them know her or of her as they often come to her with broken items that
// need fixing.
// Casey only appears here after mission 15 if the player successfully
// recruited her. She stops by here to say hello to the player before she
// heads back to the 'boot camp'. Once she appears, she will stay until the
// player leaves the bunker.
// Location: Vehicle Depot
// Appears: End 15
// Removed: Special

// Situation A00: Casey stands around a technical looking section of the
// bunker. She will talk to the player if she is addressed.
B04_Casey_A00_W = {
Hey stranger! This place is great! I can't believe the equipment you guys have. I've seen maybe three cars in my whole life, then I come here! Big mechanical toys all over! I can't even begin to thank you!\n\n

By the way, I'm starting basic training any day now. Who knows? Maybe the next time you see me, I'll be Initiate Casey Barrett.

// Situation A02: If the player continues to talk to Casey, she will excuse
// herself with her good-bye line.
B04_Casey_A02 = { Good luck, friends.}

// Situation B: As Casey stands around, she has several random remarks.
B04_Casey_B00 = { This is worth leaving my sick father. }
B04_Casey_B01 = { I hope the old boy's still alive. }
B04_Casey_B02 = { I'm going to rebuild that APC! }
B04_Casey_B03 = { Nice equipment. }
B04_Casey_B04 = { Wow. I've never seen one of those before. }
B04_Casey_B05 = { I HAVE to look under that hood! }


Brotherhood guards[]


// Brotherhood Guards:
// There are two of them standing outside the bunker.
// Location: Bunker Entrance
// Appears: End 12
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A: This is what the guards may say if addressed by the player.
B04_Guard01_A00 = { First, Super-Mutants, now robots? }
B04_Guard01_A01 = { Things have been pretty busy here. }
B04_Guard01_A02 = { This war is getting out of control. }
B04_Guard01_A03 = { We're still losing patrols. }
B04_Guard01_A04 = { Well, someone has to be the hero. }
B04_Guard01_A05 = { So, the storm is finally upon us. }

B04_Guard02_A00 = { I heard the front lines are brutal. }
B04_Guard02_A01 = { We haven't heard from Dagger Squad for a while. }
B04_Guard02_A02 = { Where do these robots come from? }
B04_Guard02_A03 = { We can see smoke rising to the sky in the distance. }
B04_Guard02_A04 = { We must be vigilant. }
B04_Guard02_A05 = { We'll win... right?}

// Situation B: This is what the guards may say on their own if nothing special
// is going on.
B04_Guard01_B00 = { *sigh* }
B04_Guard01_B01 = { *scratch* }
B04_Guard01_B02 = { War never changes. }
B04_Guard01_B03 = { I like anything but country music. }
B04_Guard01_B04 = { Death has moved in the area. }
B04_Guard01_B05 = { Looks like rain. }

B04_Guard02_B00 = { I got your nose! }
B04_Guard02_B01 = { Maybe, you'll think of me ... }
B04_Guard02_B02 = { What kind of music you like? }
B04_Guard02_B03 = { *yawn* }
B04_Guard02_B04 = { *sniff* }
B04_Guard02_B05 = { Hah! I got your nose again! }

// Situation C: This is what the guards may say if addressed by the player
// after the player has visited Bunker 05.
B04_Guard01_C00 = { I hear we'll be making the final strike soon. }
B04_Guard01_C01 = { Good luck against the robots. }
B04_Guard01_C02 = { I pray that we can succeed. }
B04_Guard01_C03 = { At least we don't have to worry about the Reaver Movement. }
B04_Guard01_C04 = { Have faith, Brother. We will prevail.}
B04_Guard01_C05 = { How is everyone holding out? }

B04_Guard02_C00 = { That Blythe couldn't pull a splinter. }
B04_Guard02_C01 = { Has anyone seen Kerr? I need some pots. }
B04_Guard02_C02 = { What's going on with the new weapons? }
B04_Guard02_C03 = { Can you stay here while I go take a leak? }
B04_Guard02_C04 = { We must be vigilant. }
B04_Guard02_C05 = { Try a can opener against the robots. }

// Situation D: This is what the guards may say on their own if nothing special
// is going on after the player has been to Bunker 05.
// Use Situation B. DL


Brotherhood soldiers[]


// Brotherhood Soldiers:
// These soldiers are the guys that wander around the base, sleeping and
// eating.
// They are mostly asleep because if they're in base, they're not on duty. We
// have six varieties of warriors, some male, some female. The text is not
// gender specific.
// Location: Barracks and Other
// Appears: End 12
// Removed: N/A

// Situation A: These are the sounds made by the warriors when they are asleep.
B04_Brother01_A00 = { Zzzz.. }
B04_Brother01_A01 = { Zzzt.. *snork* }
B04_Brother01_A02 = { Zzz... No, I really love you...zzZ }

B04_Brother02_A00 = { *Burp* }
B04_Brother02_A01 = { Zz.. zzz... }
B04_Brother02_A02 = { Zzz...Squad, fan out! *mumble* }

B04_Brother03_A00 = { Zzz...Mr. Robot...z...Nooo!...zzz.. }
B04_Brother03_A01 = { *Fart* }
B04_Brother03_A02 = { Zzz.. *sniff* Zzz.. }

B04_Brother04_A00 = { *sniff* }
B04_Brother04_A01 = { Zzzt.. *belch* }
B04_Brother04_A02 = { They're all over! *mumble* }

B04_Brother05_A00 = { Ugh! Why is there lotion all over my sheets? }
B04_Brother05_A01 = { *scratch* }
B04_Brother05_A02 = { Zzz.. zzt.. }

B04_Brother06_A00 = { Zzzz.. }
B04_Brother06_A01 = { *mumble* }
B04_Brother06_A02 = { Zz.. zzz... }

// Situation B: These are what the injured warriors will say while they're in
// the infirmary.
B04_Brother01_B00 = { How bad does it look? }
B04_Brother01_B01 = { Ouch. }
B04_Brother01_B02 = { Those bastards... }

B04_Brother02_B00 = { Ooh. }
B04_Brother02_B01 = { I hate those Reaver Circuit Board Thumpers. }
B04_Brother02_B02 = { It hurts. }

B04_Brother03_B00 = { Where's the rest of my squad? }
B04_Brother03_B01 = { Aaahh!! }
B04_Brother03_B02 = { My head... }

B04_Brother04_B00 = { Nurse! Clean up...bed 12! }
B04_Brother04_B01 = { Shot in the dumper. }
B04_Brother04_B02 = { My ass... }

B04_Brother05_B00 = { Damn lucky shot! }
B04_Brother05_B01 = { I need pain killers right fucken' now! }
B04_Brother05_B02 = { Blasted leg! }

B04_Brother06_B00 = { Nurse!! Nurse!! }
B04_Brother06_B01 = { Please...no needles! }
B04_Brother06_B02 = { Two more weeks and I was on leave. }

// Situation C: These are the random lines spoken by the warriors when they
// are awake. If the player tries to talk to them, they'll say the same things.
B04_Brother01_C00 = { Those Reavers are clever, I'll give them that. }
B04_Brother01_C01 = { Is it called Scientology? }
B04_Brother01_C02 = { Tough fighters! }

B04_Brother02_C00 = { Our patrols are encountering Reaver bandits. }
B04_Brother02_C01 = { We have to toughen up, warriors! }
B04_Brother02_C02 = { Keep calm! The Elders know what to do. }

B04_Brother03_C00 = { What kind of gun did that Reaver have? }
B04_Brother03_C01 = { They could shoot the eye out of a pig rat. }
B04_Brother03_C02 = { Those beams can cut through steel. }

B04_Brother04_C00 = { I cut me Reaver ear the other day. }
B04_Brother04_C01 = { Cutting ears is the best part of the job. }
B04_Brother04_C02 = { Got me about fifty ears now.}

B04_Brother05_C00 = { Chanting away as they come for you... *shudder* }
B04_Brother05_C01 = { They really believe in that shit! }
B04_Brother05_C02 = { Fanatics make the toughest opponents. }

B04_Brother06_C00 = { I managed to take out two of them. }
B04_Brother06_C01 = { Or was it three? }
B04_Brother06_C02 = { Reavers? I hate those guys. }

// Situation D: These are the random lines spoken by the warriors when they
// are awake after the player has visited Bunker 05. If the player tries to
// talk to them, they'll say the same things.
B04_Brother01_D00 = { Do you think the Reavers like our Inquisitors? Hah hah. }
B04_Brother01_D01 = { Work camp till you die, baby! }
B04_Brother01_D02 = { Our laws are the only laws. }

B04_Brother02_D00 = { I got a hot date tonight, Brother. }
B04_Brother02_D01 = { It's a ghoul... I hope my parents approve.}
B04_Brother02_D02 = { Hey, I got to live my own life, right? }

B04_Brother03_D00 = { Did you see the plasma rifles on those Reavers? }
B04_Brother03_D01 = { Damn, those suckers are accurate. }
B04_Brother03_D02 = { We coulda' beaten the Reavers, eventually. }

B04_Brother04_D00 = { There's no room in the world for pagan religions. }
B04_Brother04_D01 = { Freaks that love technology. What's wrong with them? }
B04_Brother04_D02 = { Did you here them chant during battle? }

B04_Brother05_D00 = { I hope the war's going well with the robots. }
B04_Brother05_D01 = { Looks like the robots are the common threat. }
B04_Brother05_D02 = { We'll pull through. }

B04_Brother06_D00 = { Freaking Pacifiers are hard to take down. }
B04_Brother06_D01 = { *mumble* }
B04_Brother06_D02 = { I hate Robots. }





// Name: Initiate Percy.
// From: Mission 22
// Role: Survivor of the ill-fated Grail Squad.
// Background: Percy is dying when the player find him. He will say his line
// which is designed to inspire the player to search the ladder above the
// power-gauntlet.
// Location: Recruits Room
// Appears: End 15
// Removed: End 19

// Situation A00:
M22_Percy_A00 = { We need to dine together, Brother. }
M22_Percy_A01 = { We will be victorious. I just know it. }
M22_Percy_A03 = { I had a dream of a peaceful future. }
M22_Percy_A04 = { You serve humanity well. }



Andrew Smith[]


// Name: Andrew "Noone" Smith.
// From: Mission 24
// Role: To fling out this paragraph and then run for it.
// Background: Andrew is a nervous man [cause he's standing next to a bomb], but
// he's also a little deaf, having worked with explosives most of his life.
// Location: Barracks
// Appears: End 17
// Removed: End 19

// Situation A00:
M24_Andrew_A00 = { I'm busy. I have to check a new batch of mines. }

General Dekker[]


// Name: General Dekker.
// Role: General of the Brotherhood, replacement Commander to the player.
// Background: General Dekker is brought in as a replacement Commander when
// General Barnaky is forced to engage in combat directly with the enemy.
// Location: Briefing Room
// Appears: 09
// Removed: N/A

name_CORE_Dekker = { General Dekker }

// Situation A00: Floating text
B04_Dekker_A00 = { We face new challenges every day. }
B04_Dekker_A01 = { Interesting... }
B04_Dekker_A02 = { That armor could use a little polish. }
B04_Dekker_A03 = { Our foes are numerous. }
B04_Dekker_A04 = { They want HOW MANY rounds of ammunition? }
B04_Dekker_A05 = { This campaign weighs heavy on my mind. }

// Situation Z00: Time to Move to the Next Bunker
B04_Dekker_Z00_W = {
The final campaign begins, warrior.\n\n

We must consolidate our positions in this area, but we shall also have to continue pushing West. A new bunker has been established, and we must concentrate our forces there.\n\n

Take your squad and report ASAP.




// Name: Recruits Master
// Role: Recruits Master of the Initiates.

// Situation A00: Recruits Master will speak, then open the Recruits window.
B04_Recruits_A00_W = {
Welcome, warrior. I am the Personnel Yeoman for the Brotherhood. If you want to put together a squad, you talk to me. So, what can I do for you?

// Situation B00: Recruits Master will speak, then open the Recruits window.
B04_Recruits_B00 = {
OK, but I'm going to start charging a deposit.
