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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bullet.


1-I ain't got all day.
2Shit or get off the pot, but don't just stand there.


4MS01BulletsOffer{cute kid is sarcastic. / SinisterSmile} Cute kid. Is he for sale?Player Default: For the right price, yeah.A
5{SinisterSmile} Changed your mind, huh? I'm still willing to buy that kid from you.Player Default: For the right price, yeah.A
6Player Default: Only 200 caps? You can do better.{Surprised} You're sharper than you look. 250 and I'll save you the hassle of carting him all over the Commonwealth.Player Default: Sold. Kid, I found you a new home.X1a
7Player Default: Only 200 caps? You can do better.{Irritated} All right, all right. 300. And not a cap more.Player Default: Sold. Kid, I found you a new home.X2a
8Player Default: Only 200 caps? You can do better.{Irritated} Damn you drive a hard bargain. Here's 350. I'm taking the kid.Billy: I can't believe you tried to sell me.X3a
9Player Default: Only 200 caps? You can do better.{Irritated} You're trying to pull a fast one on ol' Bullet?X4a
10{Concerned} Kid must be lame or something. Deals off.Billy: I can't believe you tried to sell me.X4b
11{Irritated} Hey! Don't walk away from me. I ain't done talking to you.A1a
12{Trying to convince the player to sell the little boy to him. A little upset that he won't. / Concerned} You can't take care of that kid on your own you know.A1b
13Player Default: No. What kind of person are you?{SinisterSmile} The kind who does whatever it takes to survive out here.Billy: Thanks mister. You're all right.Y1a
14Player Default: Never. Billy stays with me.{dismissive, no big deal / Neutral} Suit yourself.Billy: Figures. You think I'm just something you can sell.B1a
15Player Default: Never. Billy stays with me.{Conspiratorial} Oh, I get it. You just wanted to see what he was worth.B2a
16{Not so friendly warning / Irritated} Watch your back. Not everyone will be as generous as me.Billy: Figures. You think I'm just something you can sell.B2b
17Billy: Please. Don't sell me to this guy!{SinisterSmile} I'll give you 200 caps right now.Player Default: Sold. Kid, I found you a new home.A1a
18Billy: Yeah!{like it's no big deal / Surprised} Your loss. If you change your mind, bring him to my camp.Player Default: Sold. Kid, I found you a new home.B1a
19Player Default: Look, I don't want any trouble.{slightly defensive, trying to calm tensions / Irritated} Just tryin' to make a living.X1a
20{Puzzled} So you wanna sell that kid or not?Player Default: Sold. Kid, I found you a new home.X1b
21Billy: Hey! You can't sell me!{SinisterSmile} Plenty. I'll give you 200 caps.Y1a
22{Ticking off the reasons ghouls are good workers. / Conspiratorial} Ghouls are immune to radiation, don't age, and don't need to eat.Y1b
23{a bit of malice / SinisterSmile} You can work 'em real hard.Player Default: Sold. Kid, I found you a new home.Y1c
24Player Default: Sold. Kid, I found you a new home.{SinisterSmile} Come on, kid. I've got some holes that need diggin'.Billy: You son of bitch! I'll get you for this!A1a
25MS01BulletSurround{Shouted to someone in the distance / Confident} You there, in the house.Bullet: I want those ghouls. Especially that kid.A1a
26Bullet: You there, in the house.{Shouted to someone in the distance / Stern} I want those ghouls. Especially that kid.A1a
27{Shouted to someone in the distance / Irritated} You can give them up peaceful like, or die trying to save them.Billy: That's the man that tried to buy me.A1b
28Player Default: You can have them. Why should I risk my life?{Shouted to someone in the distance / Happy} All right boys, let's collect our new workers.A1a
29{warning. Shouted to someone in the distance / Stern} Stranger, you can just move along.CarolPeabody: Oh god! Don't let them take Billy.A1b
30Player Default: Over my dead body. These people are under my protection.{Shouted to someone in the distance / Angry} I'll wear your eyeballs around my neck!CarolPeabody: Oh god! Don't let them take Billy.B1a
31Player Default: The house is empty. Looks like they left in a hurry.{Shouted to someone in the distance / Angry} God damn it. All right boys, we're heading south. Double time!CarolPeabody: Oh god! Don't let them take Billy.X1a
32Player Default: The house is empty. Looks like they left in a hurry.{calling his bluff. Shouted to someone in the distance / Amused} You don't mind if we check for ourselves, do you?X2a
33{warning. Shouted to someone in the distance / SinisterSmile} You should have taken my offer the first time.CarolPeabody: Oh god! Don't let them take Billy.X2b
34Player Default: How about I sell them to you?{Shouted to someone in the distance / SinisterSmile} That deal is off the table.Y1a
35{Shouted to someone in the distance / Confident} I got my boys here with me now.Y1b
36{Shouted to someone in the distance / Confident} No point in buying what I can just take.CarolPeabody: Oh god! Don't let them take Billy.Y1c
37Player Default: How about I sell them to you?{Irritated} I don't think so, stranger.Y2a
38{Amused} Why should I buy what I can take?CarolPeabody: Oh god! Don't let them take Billy.Y2b
39-{Shouting orders to his men.} Don't hurt the ghouls. We need them.
40{Shouting orders to his men.} Bring me that kid.
41{Disgust} Don't move you ghoul freak.
42{Got the upper hand, rubbing it in. / SinisterSmile} Smart move not going up against us.
43{a warning, implied violence / Stern} It's time for you to step off. I'll take care of this lot from here.
44{a warning, implied violence. / Stern} Move along, stranger. Your business here is done.
45{a warning, implied violence / Stern} It's time for you to step off. You got your caps, and I got the runt.
46{SinisterSmile} Thanks for the freak. I'm gonna work him real hard.
47{Irritated} Whatever you've got to say, I ain't interested.
48{Irritated} You're starting to get on my nerves.
49{Irritated} Scram. Beat it. Get lost.
50{Angry} Back talk me, you freak, and I'll give you the back of my hand.
51{warning / Stern} Don't make me regret buying you.
52{cruel taunt / SinisterSmile} Hope you like digging. It's all you're going to do for a few years.
53{giving an order / Stern} Keep walking, kid.
54{warning / Stern} Keep up, kid, or you'll feel the back of my hand.


55-{Amused} You didn't really think you could cross me and live, did you?A