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This is a transcript for dialogue with Build-A-Bot station.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0000D054 0012B7B6 WARNING. WARNING. ALL PATROLLER CONNECTIONS LOST. OVERRIDE PROCESS ABORTED. System shutdown received. Come back... and... visit... Bot...stop. Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky. Trail off towards the end (powering down).
2 0000D055 0012B7B0 ROBOT LOST. You'll take good care of those machines, from here on out, won't ya? Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
3 0039432D PATROL UNIT DISCONNECTED. Well, now that's no way to treat a freshly built bot, now is it? Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
4 0039432E Uh oh. That bot looks bad. Guess you ought to PROPERLY DEFEND ALL PATROLLER UNITS to keep 'em humming for years to come. Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
5 0039432F Seems someone had an accident. MEMBERS. P-P-PERMIT NO ADDITIONAL ACCIDENTS, if you wouldn't mind? Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
6 00394330 UNIT DISCONNECTED. Interrupting the REPROGRAMMING process can lead to COMPLETE MISSION FAILURE. So do try to be gentle? Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
8 0010F081 0012B7B1 Boot up procedure complete! Activating patroller defense protocols. Robotic.
9 0010F179 0012B7B8 NOTICE. ADDITIONAL HOSTILES DETECTED. Try not to let those bots get dinged up now! Robotic.
10 0012B7B9 New hostile targets detected near drop zone. Elimination required. Robotic.
11 0012B7BA Additional hostiles en route to drop zone. Marking targets for destruction. Robotic.
19 0012B7AA 0012B7B3 Drop complete. Initializing patrol bot boot sequence. Please stand by... Robotic.
20 0012B7AB 0012B7B5 Drop preparations complete. Please clear drop zone. Repeat. Please clear the drop zone immediately. Brace for impact... Robotic.
21 0012B7AC 0012B7B2 Authorized defense liaison detected. Initiating patrol drop procedures. Please remain in drop zone until orientation preparations are fully completed. Robotic.
22 00394315 0039431D REPROGRAMMING COMPLETE. INITIATING UPDATED PROCEDURES. Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
23 00394316 0012B7B4 W-WARNING. HOSTILES DETECTED. Watch after those bots, please! "WARNING. HOSTILES DETECTED" should be dark and glitchy. "Protect those bots, please" should be normal
24 00394326 NOTICE. ADDITIONAL HOSTILES DETECTED. Try not to let those bots get dinged up now! Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
25 00394327 Don't let your new pals scratch that finish. ELIMINATE HOSTILES. Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
26 00394328 WARNING. DANGER DETECTED. Keep your machines in mint condition! Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
27 00394329 What's this now? New customers? ELIMINATE. Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
28 0039432A That polycarbonate finish won't care for itself. Make sure you KILL ALL HOSTILE FORCES before it gets scratched! Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
29 0039432B ADDITIONAL HOSTILES EN ROUTE. Just don't let 'em hurt the merchandise! Because we don't allow returns! Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
30 00394317 0039431C Order complete! I-I-INITIATING OVERRIDE. DEFEND PATROLLER UNITS DURING REPROGRAMMING... MEMBERS. "Order complete" should be your normal happy-go-lucky. "INITIATING OVERRIDE..." should be dark and harsh, with some glitching.
39 0039431A 00394323 Custom order received. Please stand clear! And thanks for using B-B-BOT STOP. Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
40 003CB455 Custom order received. Priority Schematic List CB-zero-zero-two engaged. And thanks for using B-B-BOT STOP. Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.
41 0039431B 00394324 Custom order received! Please stand clear! Overly enthusiastic.
42 003CB441 Custom order received! Accessing Special Schematic List 91m. Please stand clear! Overly enthusiastic.
43 0039747D 00397485 Need a hand? Step right up to the Bot-Stop! Chipper pitchman.
44 00397486 Get your very own metallic minion at the Bot-Stop! Chipper pitchman.
45 00397487 Never sweep a floor again! With an articulated assistant on demand. From Bot-Stop! Chipper pitchman.
46 00397488 Handy helpers at your fingertips! Build your own at the Bot-Stop! Chipper pitchman.
47 00397489 Put a smile on the missus' face with a dandy new domestic! Get 'em while they're hot, at the Bot-Stop! Chipper pitchman.
51 004E1034 004E1039 Re-re-removing overrides. Remote systems shut down. And don't come back, now, ya hear! Gltiching initially. Going through standard procedures. The last line is normal, but still hyper friendly.
55 00521A1C 00521A25 ALL TARGETS ELIMINATED. PATROL ENGAGED. Come back anytime to the Bot-Stop!
56 00521A21 00521A24 DANGER. DANGER. EXTREME THREAT INBOUND. Now, if you wouldn't mind ANNIHILATE. Everything in CAPS should be dark and glitchy. Everything else should be normal, happy-go-lucky.