Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Vault 15 Control Center terminal

Dialogue for the Vault 15 Control Center terminal.


{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.}
{101}{}{You see the control center computer terminal.}
{102}{}{You see a standard computer terminal. It appears to be functional and ready for input.}
{103}{}{The terminal indicates that the security force field at the vault entrance has been activated now that power has been restored.}
{104}{}{The terminal indicates that all security systems in the vault are off line due to power failure.}
{105}{}{Turn the force field off.}
{106}{}{Turn the force field on.}
{108}{}{You give the command to deactivate the force field.}
{110}{}{You give the command to activate the force field.}
{112}{}{The terminal indicates that the field is off by manual override.}
{113}{}{The terminal indicates that the field system has been compromised.}
{114}{}{The terminal indicates that the field system is off.}
