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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bryan Wilks.


GREETING GREETING Anger 50 No! I'm not talking to you anymore! You're a jerk and I hate you! 1
GREETING Fear 50 I hope you found me a place to live. 2
GREETING Fear 50 It was so weird! All of a sudden the ants went nuts and started fighting each other. 3
Happy 70 It was like they were totally crazy! It was really scary, but kinda cool at the same time, ya know what I mean? 4
GREETING Fear 50 It was so weird! All of a sudden the ants went nuts and started fighting each other. 5
Happy 70 It was like they were totally crazy! It was really scary, but kinda cool at the same time, ya know what I mean? 6
GREETING Fear 70 Wow, you've been gone a while. I was kinda worried. 7
GREETING Fear 50 Come on! Tell me already! 8
GREETING Sad 50 Did you change your mind or something? 9
GREETING Fear 90 Those monsters... th-they're gonna' get me. {Shellshocked in a daze. Hysterical.} 10
GREETING Neutral 50 What is it, mister? 11
GREETING Neutral 50 What is it, lady? 12
GREETING Happy 50 You're my hero, mister. I want to be just like you when I grow up. 13
GREETING Disgust 50 So what, you here to make fun of me or something? 14
Sad 90 I can't believe you sold me to Slavers! Why would you do that to me? 15
Anger 80 Well, you can... you can just GO TO HELL. That's right. I said it and I mean it. I never wanna talk to you again. Like ever! 16
GREETING Anger 70 What's the matter with you? Leave me alone! 17
GREETING Anger 90 Get away from me! I never wanna see you again! 18
GREETING Happy 90 I got a lot of stuff to get together. Can't wait to get to Paradise Falls! 19
GREETING Happy 90 I got a lot of stuff to get together. Can't wait to get to Rivet City! 20
GREETING Happy 90 I got a lot of stuff to get together. Can't wait to get to Little Lamplight! 21
GREETING Happy 90 Checking up on me or something? 22
MS04AdoptionTLBryanNo Actually, I give up. I can't find anywhere that will take you in. Sad 50 Oh, okay. I understand. Thanks for trying though. 23
Neutral 50 Don't worry about me... I'll be okay here. Now that the Fire Ants are long gone, maybe people will begin showing up here again. 24
Sad 50 Stop by again someday and say hi, okay? 25
MS04AdoptionTLBryanYesLL I found a place with lots of kids your age. I'll tell you how to get there. Happy 80 Well, it would have been nicer to live with Vera, but this will probably be pretty fun too! 26
Happy 70 I can't believe everything you've done for me. Most people would have kept on walking when I ran up to them screaming like I did. 27
Happy 90 I'll get my stuff together and move on out there right away. Come visit me sometime! 28
MS04AdoptionTLBryanYesPF Sure did. It's a beautiful place called Paradise Falls. Here, put this on. Fear 100 W-what is this weird thing? 29
MS04AdoptionTLBryanYesPF01 It's a Paradise Welcome Necklace. It'll help you find your way, you lucky devil! Happy 70 I can't believe everything you've done for me. Most people would have kept on walking when I ran up to them screaming like I did. 30
Happy 90 I'll get my stuff together and move on out there right away. Come visit me sometime! 31
MS04AdoptionTLBryanYesPF02 Something to remember me by. It'll lead you home. Happy 70 I can't believe everything you've done for me. Most people would have kept on walking when I ran up to them screaming like I did. 32
Happy 90 I'll get my stuff together and move on out there right away. Come visit me sometime! 33
MS04AdoptionTLBryanYesPF03 It's a slave collar, I sold your dumb ass for caps. Anger 100 You son-of-a-bitch!!!! 34
Anger 100 How could you do this to me? I lost everything and you sell me to slavers? Well fuck you! 35
MS04AdoptionTLBryanYesVera I sure did, Bryan. Vera said she'd take you in! Surprise 90 You really found her!? Oh, thank you so much! 36
Happy 70 I can't believe everything you've done for me. Most people would have kept on walking when I ran up to them screaming like I did. 37
Happy 90 I'll get my stuff together and move on out there right away. Come visit me sometime! 38
MS04Bailout Let me ask you something else. Neutral 50 All right. What is it? 39
MS04BryanCT01 Those what? What's the matter? Fear 90 Those... THINGS. They keep coming. They scare me! Make it stop! 40
MS04BryanCT02 Calm down, kid. Neutral 50 No... those things will get me! I can't. Gotta' keep going! 41
MS04BryanCT03 What the heck is your problem? Neutral 50 Those things... they're gonna' get me too! Can't stop now! 42
MS04BryanCT04 Hey, hey. Calm down. It's going to be okay. I promise. Sad 50 You won't leave me like all the other grown-ups? You... you can help me? 43
MS04BryanCT04a Hey, kid. It's okay. I'm a big, tough guy. I can take care of you! Neutral 50 You look stronger than all the other grown-ups. Can you... can you protect me? 44
Hey, kid. It's okay. I'm a big, tough lady. I can take care of you! Neutral 50 You look stronger than all the other grown-ups. Can you... can you protect me? 45
MS04BryanCT04b Look, kid. There's no such thing as monsters. Happy 50 R... really? No monsters? 46
Neutral 50 Then you can make these things go away! 47
MS04BryanCT05 Unless you tell me what the problem is I can't help you. Sad 50 THOSE things! It's all their fault! They did this to us! 48
MS04BryanCT06 Okay kid. I'm going to say it once. Stop your whining! Anger 50 No! You don't care! The grown-ups never cared! Now they're all dead! Well, fine! You'll just die too! 49
MS04BryanCT06a Is that a warning, or a threat? Sad 50 See! I knew it! You don't care! No one ever cares! 50
Anger 50 Well fine! Go away, see if I care! But those... things. They're gonna' get you! 51
MS04BryanCT06b All right, I'm sorry. Calm down and tell me what's going on. Fear 50 Please don't get mad at me... I'm scared. I don't know what to do. 52
Sad 80 Just help me... promise you'll help me! 53
MS04BryanCT07 I'd like to help, but I need to know more first. Fear 50 Those... big things. They're all over Grayditch and they killed everyone! 54
Sad 90 Please... please find my pappa! 55
MS04BryanCT08 Sorry, kid. Help costs caps, and you look pretty broke to me. Sad 50 You grown-ups are all the same! All you care about is your stuff! 56
Fear 70 My pappa is missing and I think the ants may have gotten him! I hope they get you too! 57
MS04BryanCT08a I don't know... you look like a tasty snack for a monster. Anger 90 Why are you so mean!? All you care about is yourself! Well, fine! 58
Neutral 50 My pappa is missing and I think the ants may have gotten him! I hope they get you too! 59
MS04BryanWilksAnger01 Don't be like that. I'm sorry for being mean. Surprise 50 Okay, I forgive you. 60
MS04BryanWilksAnger02 Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Neutral 50 No! They always just say sorry, but then it turns out to be a bunch of lies. 61
Sad 50 How can I ever trust a grown-up again? 62
MS04BryanWilksAnger03 What's it going to take for you to forgive me? Neutral 50 When I was bad, my pappa made me apologize three times. Then he decided if I was really or sorry or not. 63
Disgust 50 You wanna' talk to me about stuff, say you're sorry three times... and you better mean it! 64
MS04BryanWilksAnger04 Forget it, I don't care. I'm out of here. Disgust 50 Fine. Hmph. 65
MS04BryanWilksAngerSorry I'm sorry! There, that's three. Happy 50 Good. You did it. Now I'll talk to you. 66
I'm sorry. Neutral 50 Keep 'em coming. Pappa said that's the right thing to do. 67
<Sigh.> Okay. I'm sorry. Neutral 50 That's good. Keep going. 68
MS04BryanWilksAngrySorryClever Okay. "I'm sorry three times!" Ha! That's exactly what you said to say! Disgust 50 Oh man! You got me! 69
Happy 50 I guess I accept your apology! 70
MS04BryanWilksFatherDead01 Bryan, I'm sorry, but your father is dead. Sad 80 Yeah... I snuck back home a little while ago and found him laying there. 71
Sad 50 I guess I already knew anyway, I just needed to see for myself. Besides, I'm too tired to cry anymore. 72
Bryan, I'm sorry, but your father is dead. Sad 80 He's...he's dead? 73
Sad 50 I guess I already knew. Besides, I'm too tired to cry anymore. 74
MS04BryanWilksFatherDead02 Your father's dead. Sad 80 Yeah... I snuck back home a little while ago and found him laying there. 75
Sad 50 I guess I already knew anyway, I just needed to see for myself. Besides, I'm too tired to cry anymore. 76
Your father's dead. Sad 80 He's...he's dead? 77
Sad 50 I guess I already knew. Besides, I'm too tired to cry anymore. 78
MS04BryanWilksFatherDead03 Sorry, kid. Your old man is ant food. Disgust 70 Well you don't have to be such a meanie about it. 79
Anger 50 I already knew anyway, Mr. Smarty. I snuck back home a little while ago and found him laying there. 80
Sad 50 Now he's dead and I'm by myself. Not that you'd care. 81
Sorry, kid. Your old man is ant food. Anger 50 You... you know what you are? You're a big asshole! That's right... an asshole! My pappa said never to say that word, but you deserve it! 82
Sad 50 Now what am I going to do? My pappa's dead... poor pappa... 83
MS04BryanWilksFatherDead04 Fine, I'll take care of everything. Anger 70 You gotta stop it so this can't happen to anyone else's family ever again! 84
Sad 50 I wish I had met you a long time ago, then maybe my dad would still be alive. 85
MS04BryanWilksFatherDead05 I'll stop whatever started this, I promise you. Anger 70 You gotta stop it so this can't happen to anyone else's family ever again! 86
Sad 50 I wish I had met you a long time ago, then maybe my dad would still be alive. 87
Happy 50 Thanks for doing all this... I'm feeling better now that you're here. 88
MS04BryanWilksFatherDead06 My part in this is all done. Sorry, kid. Sad 100 Please don't go! Please! 89
Anger 100 We have to get back at these things for killing my pappa! We just gotta! 90
MS04BryanWilksFatherDead07 People die all the time out here. Get used to it. Sad 100 Why does everyone who comes through here have to be so mean!? 91
Anger 100 We have to get back at these things for killing my pappa! We just gotta! 92
MS04BryanWilksFatherDead09 Why don't you just forget about it and clear on out of here? Sad 80 Look, my dad used to always say "You can do whatever you want in life but the family comes first." 93
Sad 100 If I left now, I'd just be running away. I can't do that. I owe him. 94
MS04BryanWilksIntroExtender If you're talking about the Fire Ants, I'm already working on it. Surprise 80 You-you are?! I can't believe it! 95
Fear 80 But what about pappa?! I need you to find my pappa! 96
If you're talking about the Fire Ants, I'm already working on it. Surprise 80 You-you are?! I can't believe it! 97
Fear 50 But what about pappa?! I need you to find my pappa! 98
MS04BryanWilksIntroExtenderCaps Sorry, kid. Help costs caps, and you look pretty broke to me. Fear 70 Look, I know if you find my pappa he's gotta have some caps with him. He'd pay you! Please, mister! 99
Sorry, kid. Help costs caps, and you look pretty broke to me. Fear 70 Look, I know if you find my pappa he's gotta have some caps with him. He'd pay you! Please, mister! 100
MS04BryanWilksIntroExtenderNope I got my own problems right now, kid. Anger 90 Why are you so mean!? 101
Anger 80 I knew grown-ups were stupid! All you care about is yourself! Well, fine! 102
MS04BryanWilksPost50NeverMet01 Hey, are you okay? You shouldn't be alone in a place like this. Sad 70 My name's Bryan Wilks. I live in Grayditch. Well, that is, I did until those Fire Ants turned this place into a cemetery. 103
Sad 50 They killed everyone in town... including my pappa. Now I'm all alone. 104
Happy 50 I'm glad those stupid things are all dead though! You're pretty tough! 105
MS04BryanWilksPost50NeverMet02 Calm down, calm down. Just who the heck are you? Sad 70 My name's Bryan Wilks. I live in Grayditch. Well, that is, I did until those Fire Ants turned this place into a cemetery. 106
Sad 50 They killed everyone in town... including my pappa. Now I'm all alone. 107
Happy 50 I'm glad those stupid things are all dead though! You're pretty tough! 108
MS04BryanWilksPost50NeverMet03 That's wonderful, kid. Now scram. Happy 50 Awww, come on. You're pretty tough taking out all those ants by yourself! 109
Sad 70 The name's Bryan Wilks, by the way, I live in Grayditch. Well, that is, I did until those Fire Ants turned this place into a cemetery. 110
Sad 50 They killed everyone in town... including my pappa. Now I'm all alone. 111
MS04BryanWilksPostDungeonLeskoWay01 I'm just glad you're safe. Sad 60 I wish I had something to give you for all the work you did, but I never really had much to start with. 112
Sad 80 I guess now you'll be on your way and I'll have to try living here by myself. I hope you'll come back and visit someday. 113
MS04BryanWilksPostDungeonLeskoWay02 Yep, it was all me. Sad 60 I wish I had something to give you for all the work you did, but I never really had much to start with. 114
Sad 70 I guess now you'll be on your way and I'll have to try living here by myself. I hope you'll come back and visit someday. 115
MS04BryanWilksPostDungeonLeskoWay03 All the ants are dead so I'm done here. Go home. Sad 60 I wish I had something to give you for all the work you did, but I never really had much to start with. 116
Sad 70 I guess now you'll be on your way and I'll have to try living here by myself. I hope you'll come back and visit someday. 117
MS04BryanWilksPreStage50CT01 Don't worry, Bryan... I think I know how to take care of these ants. Sad 50 Just be careful, mister... I don't wanna lose you too. 118
Don't worry, Bryan... I think I know how to take care of these ants. Sad 50 Just be careful, lady... I don't wanna lose you too. 119
MS04BryanWilksPreStage50CT02 I know where the Ant Queen lives. Surprise 70 You do?! 120
Anger 80 Well, what are you waiting here for? Go back and kill that thing! Because of it, my pappa's dead! Hurry! 121
MS04BryanWilksPreStage50CT03 Haven't found a thing. (Lie) Disgust 50 Awww shucks. Well, keep trying, mister. I promise I'll be good and stay right here for you. 122
Haven't found a thing. (Lie) Disgust 50 Awww shucks. Well, keep trying, lady. I promise I'll be good and stay right here for you. 123
MS04FinTLAdopted So, how are you getting along now that you've left Grayditch behind? Happy 50 Oh, Vera is the nicest lady ever! It's so cool that you brought me here! 124
Neutral 50 I mean, she makes me do stuff... like clean up her hotel and all that, but she really cares about me. 125
Happy 50 Plus, I found some friends here in Rivet City too. All thanks to you! 126
So, how are you getting along now that you've left Grayditch behind? Neutral 50 I dunno. I mean, there are tons of other kids here like me but they're all kind of weird. 127
Sad 70 I don't really like sleeping in a huge cave... I keep having dreams about the ants. 128
Neutral 50 Oh well, at least I'm safer than I was in Grayditch, so I guess I have to thank you for that. 129
So, how are you getting along now that the ants are gone? Neutral 50 It's lonely. No one really comes by here. Plus this place keeps reminding me of my poppa. 130
Neutral 50 I mean, you're the only person who's come back through Grayditch since everything happened. 131
Neutral 50 At least I'm safe in my old house now. I suppose I have you to thank for that. 132
So, how are you getting along now that the ants are gone? Sad 60 It's lonely. No one really comes by here. Plus this place keeps reminding me of my poppa. 133
Sad 50 I mean, you're the only person who's come back through Grayditch since everything happened. 134
Neutral 50 Doctor Lesko is next door now, but he is so buried in his work, we barely have time to talk. 135
Happy 50 At least I'm safe in my old house now. I suppose I have you to thank for that. 136
MS04FindaHome01 I can't leave you here alone. Let me find you a place to live. Surprise 50 Really? You mean it!? 137
Sad 70 Oh boy! Thank you so much! I'll wait in my old house for you to come back... I need to bury my pappa anyway. 138
Fear 50 Just don't forget about me! 139
MS04FindaHome02 Yeah, you'll be better off staying at home. Fear 50 I dunno... I kinda' don't like it in here. Gonna be really lonely. 140
Sad 50 I guess this is goodbye then. Come back and visit me. 141
MS04FindaHome03 Let me think about it. Fear 50 Well, okay. Just don't forget about me. 142
MS04TLDoctorLesko Mind if I ask you some important stuff about Doctor Lesko? Happy 50 Naw, go ahead. I like talking to you. 143
MS04TLDoctorLesko01 Did your pappa ever tell you what he thought of Lesko? Sad 50 Well, I remember once they were all yelling at each other and stuff. Kinda weird cause Doc Lesko is so nice and all. 144
Neutral 50 Later pappa said something like "The Doc has got a brain on his shoulders when it comes to ants, but he's got a lot to learn about people." 145
Disgust 90 It was weird, cause I never seen a brain sitting on Doc's shoulder... that would be gross! 146
MS04TLDoctorLesko02 Before Lesko showed up, were there ever ants in Grayditch? Sad 50 Well, there used to be like big regular ants once in a while... but pappa could usually hunt 'em down with Mr. Brandice across the street. 147
Sad 80 It only started getting bad here with these Fire Ants after the Doc got here, yeah. 148
MS04TLDoctorLesko03 Do you trust Lesko? Sad 50 I dunno. I mean, he always talked real funny and didn't let me touch anything in his house. 149
Neutral 50 But I guess he was okay. I mean, he never did anything bad. 150
MS04TLDoctorLesko04 I found him, actually... inside Marigold Metro. Surprise 90 Really?! Oh my gosh! 151
Happy 70 Well if anyone can stop the Fire Ants, it's you two together. You're both really smart! 152
Happy 50 If you can, make sure he comes back... maybe he'll stay here and I'll have someone to talk to when you're gone! 153
MS04TLFindaHome Any idea where I can look for someone to take care of you? Neutral 50 Well, pappa always told me about my cousin Vera. She lives on some big, giant ship somewhere or something. 154
Neutral 50 Pappa called the place "Rivet City", but I dunno where it is. 155
MS04TLFoundPappa I think I have some bad news for you. Fear 90 Oh no! What happened? 156
I think I have some bad news for you. Fear 90 Oh no! What happened? 157
MS04TLGrayditch What happened here? Neutral 50 It used to be kinda' nice. No one bothered us there, I guess because we were so close to D.C. 158
Sad 50 There was seven of us living there in tall, old brick houses. I think I'm the last one left. Those things took everyone else. 159
MS04TLGrayditch01 Did you know the others in town very well? Neutral 50 Naw. People don't like to stay long in Grayditch. The D.C. Ruins aren't a great place to make a home, you know? 160
Neutral 50 In fact, pappa was talking about moving on soon... we've been here for maybe a year. 161
MS04TLGrayditch02 Who else lived in Grayditch? Neutral 50 Ummm, besides me and my pappa, there was Doc Lesko who stayed with us and Will Brandice and his momma and pappa too. 162
Sad 50 I... guess they're all gone now. 163
MS04TLGrayditchResidents Mind if I ask about some of the people who lived here? Happy 50 Naw, go ahead. It's just nice to talk to anyone about stuff at all. 164
MS04TLGrayditchResidents00Bail About the other people from Grayditch... Neutral 50 Yeah? 165
MS04TLGrayditchResidents00a Tell me about this "Doc Lesko." Neutral 50 He was a strange man. He paid pappa some caps to help him build a shack and carry a bunch of junk into it. 166
Neutral 50 Pappa called him an egghead, but his head was shaped regular, so I didn't get it. 167
MS04TLGrayditchResidents00b Tell me about the Brandice Family. Happy 50 Well, there was Will... he was sorta my friend. And then there was his dad and his mom. 168
MS04TLGrayditchResidentsBrandice01 Where did the Brandices live? Happy 50 Right across the street actually. It was pretty swell having someone to hang out with so close by. 169
MS04TLGrayditchResidentsBrandice02 So, you and Will were good friends? Neutral 50 Yeah, Will was super nice to me. He was like a year older than me I think. He even shared his comic books with me. 170
Happy 50 We explored pretty much every bit of Grayditch we could find. I think that's why the ants don't bother me... I have good hiding spots. 171
MS04TLGrayditchResidentsBrandice03 How about Will's parents? Neutral 50 Well, his mom was nice too. She was kind of quiet, but she always took care of me and my pappa when we came over. 172
Sad 60 I think she was sad that my mom was gone. 173
Fear 70 Will's dad was... well, I don't wanna be mean... but he was kinda scary. 174
MS04TLGrayditchResidentsBrandice04 Will's dad was scary? How so? Disgust 50 He was like always watching me and my dad real careful, like he didn't trust us or something. 175
Fear 50 He always kept staring at us from the windows of his house and typing stuff into his TV box. 176
Neutral 50 Will said his dad was like an old soldier or something, but he didn't like doing that stuff so he quit. 177
MS04TLGrayditchResidentsLesko01 Where did Doctor Lesko stay? Neutral 50 He spent all of his of time in that shack next door to my house. 178
Disgust 70 Every time I'd sneak in there, he'd be sitting at that funny looking TV machine with the green words pushing buttons. 179
MS04TLGrayditchResidentsLesko02 Do you have any idea what Doctor Lesko was doing in Grayditch? Sad 50 Naw. He was a nice man, but he never wanted to play with me very much and we barely talked. 180
Sad 50 All I know is he was all gone when the ants started showing up. I think... they got him too. 181
MS04TLGrayditchResidentsLesko03 Did Doctor Lesko have any weird stuff in his place? Neutral 50 I dunno, all kinds of doohickeys. Boxes with lots of lights, some funny glass bottles.... 182
Surprise 60 Oh wait! He had a big, clunky, shiny man too. That was kind of neat. 183
MS04TLHelp Okay. I'll go look for your father. Surprise 90 You will? Really? Thanks a whole lot! 184
Neutral 50 My house is the one closest to the huge sign and the old diner. 185
Sad 80 Please... find my pappa and make him come back! 186
MS04TLHelp01 Is there anywhere you can hide while I search? Neutral 50 Well, there is the personal shelter next to the old diner. 187
Fear 50 Pappa always said to stay away from it... but, I guess it's supposed to be safe. 188
Fear 50 I'll head over there and wait inside. Hurry back! 189
MS04TLHelp02 This probably isn't the best place for you to stand... Disgust 50 You think I didn't know that? I been hiding in this place for days! 190
Disgust 50 There's an old portashelter next to the diner near my house. Those stupid things will never get me in there. 191
Fear 50 I'll head over there and wait inside. Hurry back! 192
MS04TLHelp03 Okay kid, I said I'd do it. Now scram! Disgust 80 Humph... you don't gotta be such a jerk about it. 193
Neutral 50 There's an old portashelter next to the diner near my house. I'll be waiting inside for you to come back. 194
Fear 70 And don't you dare leave me alone! 195
MS04TLHelpChildAtHeart Hey, I know it's scary to be alone. Just hang in there! Happy 90 Wow, you sound as nice as my pappa. 196
Neutral 50 You know, maybe this will help and maybe it won't, but pappa hid a bunch of stuff behind the old diner in a dumpster. 197
Neutral 50 He trusted me with the key and said it was for emergencies, but I bet he wouldn't mind you having it. 198
Happy 70 Thanks for making me feel better. 199
MS04TLHelpSC Look, anything else you can do to help might save lives. Neutral 50 You know, maybe this will help and maybe it won't, but pappa hid a bunch of stuff behind the old diner in a dumpster. 200
Neutral 50 He trusted me with the key and said it was for emergencies, but I bet he wouldn't mind you having it. 201
MS04TLMarigold What can you tell me about Marigold Station? Fear 90 Whoa! That's a bad place. My dad said to never, ever go down there. 202
Neutral 50 It's in the southeast part of Grayditch, near the big buildings. 203
MS04TLWhatAreThose Can you tell me more about the things attacking Grayditch? Neutral 50 Well, they're big ugly things that crawl around on six legs. They got huge teeth and skitter around grabbing everything in their path. 204
Neutral 50 My pappa would always say they were Fuckin' Ants. Well, that's what he used to call them anyway. 205
Neutral 50 I just call 'em Fire Ants. 206
MS04TLWhatAreThose02 Have they always been around? Neutral 50 Naw. Those things started coming around only in the last few months. 207
Sad 50 At first they just crawled around outside our town, but later they came into town and... well, you know the rest. 208
MS04TLWhatAreThose03 Is there any special way to hurt them? Neutral 50 My pappa had a gun, and he said it hurt those things, but he said they were the dumbest Fuckin' Ants he ever saw. 209
Neutral 50 He kept telling everyone to "shoot for their antenner" whatever that means. {On purpose mistake in antenner... the kid forgot the real word.} 210
MS04TLWhatAreThose04Ento Did you hear anyone mention anything about an Ant Queen? Neutral 50 Well... yeah. I think I heard Doc Lesko mention something like a queen or something. 211
Neutral 50 Something about "laying eggs" whatever that means. 212
Neutral 50 He said the queen would never be above ground. That he'd have to find her. Weird huh? 213
MS04TLWhereHouse Where's your house? Neutral 50 Look for the house nearest to the billboard that's sticking out of the ground. It's pretty close to the diner, you can't miss it. 214
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Fear 50 No! Those things! They're right behind me! Leave me alone! 215
SpeechChallengeFailure Sad 80 Nope! All I got is what's left on my back. 216


GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 70 {Shooting Noise} I wish I was tough like you! {Make a gun shooting noise like a kid would.} 217
I have to go now. Happy 80 I wish you could stay here with me in Grayditch. 218
I have to go now. Happy 50 You're pretty swell for a grownup! 219
I have to go now. Happy 60 Stomp those stupid Ants! 220
I have to go now. Happy 60 Kill those ants dead! 221
I have to go now. Sad 90 Now I can never go home! {Very sad, almost crying.} 222
I have to go now. Neutral 50 If you look around enough in Grayditch you might find some useful stuff people left behind. 223
I have to go now. Fear 50 Please be careful, I don't want you to die either. 224
I have to go now. Sad 70 Sigh. I just wish things would go back to how they used to be. 225
I have to go now. Fear 80 Be careful or those things might getcha. 226
I have to go now. Happy 50 See ya, mister! 227
I have to go now. Happy 50 See ya, lady! 228
HELLO HELLO Surprise 70 Holy moley! You actually came back like you said you would! Did you find me a home? 229
HELLO Surprise 100 The ants! They're all dead! Every single one of 'em! 230
HELLO Surprise 100 Wow! Are you the one that made all these ants do that?! 231
HELLO Happy 50 I'm glad you came back, mister. 232
HELLO Happy 50 I'm glad you came back, lady. 233
HELLO Happy 90 I hope you have good news for me, I really do! 234
HELLO Surprise 80 Hey! You're back! Any word? Any news?! 235
HELLO Disgust 80 Oh, you decided to come back, huh? 236
HELLO Fear 100 Th-those... those...those... 237
HELLO Neutral 50 Yeah, whatcha' need mister? 238
HELLO Neutral 50 Yeah, whatcha' need lady? 239
HELLO Anger 70 Get away from me, you jerk! 240
HELLO Neutral 50 Oh, hey there. 241
HELLO Neutral 50 What's your problem? 242
HELLO Neutral 50 You're funny looking. 243
MS04ShelterTalk MS04ShelterTalk Neutral 50 Wow, sure is hot in here. 244
MS04ShelterTalk Neutral 50 It's kind of hard to breathe in this thing. 245
MS04ShelterTalk Neutral 50 What's this funny suction hose for? 246
MS04ShelterTalk Neutral 50 Is there any food in here? 247
MS04ShelterTalk Neutral 50 Ha! Stupid monsters! Can't get me in here. 248
MS04ShelterTalk Neutral 50 Ummm... anyone out there? Hello? 249
MS04ShelterTalk Neutral 50 Now I know what a TV dinner feels like. 250