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This is a transcript for dialogue with Bruno the Strongbot.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0066D080 0066D12B Grrreetings, Welcome to Nuka-World on Tour, I am Brrruno and this is the Nuka-Cade.
2 How may I imprrress you today?
3 0066D12C Welcome back, my frrriend! How good it is to see you again. How may I be of serrrvice?
4 0066D081 0066D0BE Grrreetings, How can the Mighty Brrruno imprrress you today?
5 0066D0BF Good day, trrraveller.
6 0066E5E4 Salutations! Enjoy the fairrr.
7 0066E5E5 Have a Nuka-rrriffic day.
8 0066E5E6 Apologies if my muscles intrrrude on your space. They can harrrdly be contained.
9 0066E5E7 Have you spoken to the mysterrrious Lady G? She tells the most fabulous forrtunes.
10 0066E5E8 You must see Chloe the Clownbot. She crrrafts the most rrravashing balloon arrrt.
11 0066D082 0066D0D8 That's a rrrap everrryone.
12 0066D0D9 Does a rrrobot rrreally need to exercise? The answer: a rrresounding yes!
13 0066D0DA Noone is strrronger then Brrruno!
14 0066D0DB Don't forget to strrretch first.
15 0066E5EC Nuka-World on Tourrr needs no securrrity... Brrruno will keep the rrrapscallions at bay.
16 0066E5ED Brrruno is betterrr... Brrruno is strongerrr... Brrruno is... not fasterrr...
17 0066E5EE You are looking frrresh today, Brrruno... Rrripped... Shrrreded... A masterrrpiece.
18 You don't look so tough! I'll take you on. 0066D0B7 Let's see how you stand against Brrruno.
19 So what do you do here? 0066D10A I am the Strrrongbot. I am herrre to prrromote the Bottle Blaster game.
20 I also prrrovide securrrity and aid the staff and visitorrrs
21 So, visitorrr, how may I aid you?
22 Nuka World on Tour has a Bottle Blaster game? 0066D0B9 It takes Strength to lift the hammer, Perception to size up the challenge, Endurance to counter the wind resistance of the swing.
23 Charisma to perform in front of the crowd, Intelligence to analyze the correct trajectory, Agility to keep up the momentum.
24 And Luck to defeat the challenge against all odds. All these skills are needed to defeat the Bottle Blaster game!
25 Does the carnival have other robots? 0066D0B2 Therrre is Chloe the Clownbot. Her jokes arrre fun for the whole family.
26 There is also the mysterrrious Lady G the forrrtune tellerrr. She can peerrrr into your futurrre forrr just a few caps!
27 Later. 0066D0C0 Goodbye my Frrriend! Rrreturn whenever you wish to challenge the mighty Brrruno!
28 Strength 0066D0D0 Aha! I see you are no strrranger to tests of might! You could even be a challenge to Brrruno... Let's see what you can do!
29 0066D0D1 You are certainly strrrong, but not Brrruno strrrong. Care to take on the challenge?
30 0066D0D2 You look as though you would strrruggle to open an automatic door.
31 I do not think the Bottle Blaster game is for you, but you are still welcome to try.
32 Perception 0066D0E6 Your optic sensorrrs seem to be betterrr than mine. Would you carrre to trrrade? No? A pity.
33 0066D0E7 You seem rather perrrceptive! Excellent! you should have no issues seeing how to play. After you.
34 0066D0E8 Hello? I am over here! You seem to have trrrouble seeing. No matterrr. The tarrrget shouldn't be too harrrd to hit.
35 Brrruno shall stand back herrre... Just in case.
36 Endurance 0066D115 You could rrrun a marrrathon and back... and still have enough left over to play the Bottle Blaster game! Haha! Would you carrre to trrry?
37 0066D116 You must consume your fair share of delicious Nuka Cola, it gives you the enerrrgy to take on any challenge!
38 0066D117 Are you surrre you have the stamina to give the game a go?
39 Charisma 0066D0C4 I can hearrr the crrrowds now: "Human! Human! Human!" Let's not keep your audience waiting, my frrriend!
40 0066D0C5 Well, you can at least hold a converrrsation... But can you drrraw a crrrowd? Step rrright up and test your strrrength!
41 0066D0C6 A shy one I take it? No matterrr, Brrruno can keep the crrrowds attention while you take on the challenge. Go! Give it your best shot!
42 Intelligence 0066D0D3 My, my. It looks like you would be a fan of 11001111 10000000. Surely you have the prrresence of mind to take on the Bottle Blaster?
43 0066D0D4 Looks like you have a good sense of rrreasoning! A simple challenge like this should be no trrrouble for you.
44 0066D0D5 Oh dear, you seem to be lacking in this department. Maybe. Brrruno. Should. Speak. Slower.
45 Agility 0066D0FD Oh ho! You could hit a bullseye, blindfolded, while juggling flaming sworrrds! The Bottle Blaster game should be a brrreeze for you, my frrriend.
46 0066D0FE Ah, you are a quick one I see! The Bottle Blaster game should be a good challenge for you.
47 0066D0FF Holy Slowly, I've seen megasloths move fasterrr than you do!
48 Luck 0066D10B Did you have yourrr forrrtune told today? Because it seems Lady G smiles upon you! Ha-ha!
49 0066D10C With a little luck, you maybe even able to defeat Brrruno! Would you like to trrry?
50 0066D10D I hope you arrre not the superrrstitious type. If you arrre... well, I would considerrr staying away from ladderrrs.