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This is a transcript for dialogue with Brotherhood rifleman.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
21 00602452 006024FD Are you sure we're ready for this? Nervous chatter before a fight. Talking to his teammates.
22 006024FE We might be the Gladiators of Steel, but it takes more than a tough name to survive in there. Confident, trying to psych himself up for the match ahead.
23 006024FF We can do this. Initiate Pappas has our backs and he's going to bring in some backup. Confident, trying to encourage teammates.
24 00602500 I am a link in the chain. I will not let my brethren down. Reassuring himself before combat, looking to the Brotherhood's ideology.
25 00602501 What those Rust Eagles don't understand is that we're not just a team, we're brethren. Counting on his bonds with his teammates to get him through the upcoming match.
41 00602453 00602545 Hey there. Friendly greeting.
42 00602546 It's good to see you here. Friendly greeting, hoping the player is here to help.
43 00602547 Are you going to fight with us? Hopeful, would like to have some backup in the arena.
44 00602548 Ad Victoriam. Here for the arena battle? Friendly greeting to another Brotherhood member.
45 00602549 A word of advice, stay vigilant around these Rust Eagles. Friendly advice for the player.
46 0060254A Welcome to the Metal Dome. We're the main event. Friendly hello. Nervous about the coming battle.
47 0060254B Can't really talk right now. Focused on the mission. Nervous about the upcoming battle and wants to be left alone.
54 00602875 It's good to see you again. BoS member recognizes the player from past runs of the event.
55 00602876 You have no idea how good it is to see a familiar face around here. Genuinely happy to see the player again after fighting together in the past.
56 00602877 Are you going to fight with us in the arena again? Recognizes the player and looks forward to fighting alongside them again.
57 00602878 You're an honorary Gladiator now. Has fought along with the player many times and considers them a member of the team.
58 00602879 It's a relief to know you've got our back in there. Happy to see the player and confident they will make a difference in the arena match.
59 0060287A With you at our side, I know we're going to win. Happy to see the player, confident that their presence will make a difference.
67 00602454 0060250D Rust Eagles? More like Junk Eagles! Taunting the enemy.
68 0060250E The Gladiators of Steel aren't afraid of anyone! Taunting the enemy.
69 0060250F You can't beat us! Taunting the enemy.
70 00602510 What a hunk of junk! Taunting an enemy robot.
71 00602511 Looks more like a coffee maker than a combat bot! Taunting an enemy robot.
72 00602512 Stupid overgrown trashcan! Taunting an enemy robot.
74 00602514 Eat lead, scrap heap! Taunting an enemy robot.
101 00602455 006024F6 I've been hit! Shocked. Took a hit in battle.
102 006024F7 They got me! Surprised. Took a hit in battle.
103 006024F8 Taking hits here! Looking for support, just got injured in battle.
104 006024F9 Argh! Frustrated and in pain. Just took a hit.
105 006024FA Damn it! Frustrated and in pain. Just got hit.
106 006024FB Shit, I'm hit! Enraged and in pain after taking a hit.
107 00602456 0060247B Not... like this. Defiant. Character is dying on the battlefield.
108 0060247C Carry on... without me... Resigned. Dying in battle.
109 0060247D Need help here! Fallen in battle and about to die.
110 0060247E I'm down! Fallen in battle and about to die.
111 00602457 006024CB Ad Victoriam! Battle cry when attacking an enemy.
112 006024CC For the Gladiators! Battle cry when attacking an enemy.
113 006024CD You're going down! Battle cry when attacking an enemy.
114 006024CE Your maker didn't prepare you for this! Battle cry used when attacking a robotic enemy.
115 006024CF Take that, rust for brains! Lashing out at a robot opponent.
116 006024D0 Nobody messes with the Gladiators of Steel! Battle cry while attacking an enemy.
117 006024D1 Time to knock the rust off of you! Battle cry when fighting a robot made from scrap parts.
118 006024D3 This shan't take long! Gung-ho. About to attack an enemy.
142 00602458 0060248F You'll pay for that! Upset that a team member has fallen.
143 00602490 Nobody takes down a Gladiator! Angry and defiant. A teammate has just fallen.
144 00602491 I'll avenge you! Angry. Promising to get revenge for a teammate's death.
145 00602492 No! Anguished cry in response to a teammate's death.
146 00602493 You can't kill us all! Angry about a teammate's death.