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This is a transcript for dialogue with Brotherhood Buck.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
7 005C60A6 005C60B0 Help me you assholes!
8 005C60B1 God dammit, that hurts!
9 005C60B2 Behind you!
10 005C6173 005C5B08 People of Appalachia. We are the Brotherhood of Steel.
11 005C5B09 Our intentions are ambiguous. Do not be afraid.
12 005C5B0A If you don't shut up we're going to blow it.
13 005C5B0B Do not fear, the Brotherhood of Steel is here.
20 005C6833 005C6C0A Don't you walk away from us!
23 005C7197 Let's get out of here!
25 005C719A Dammit, Barry! Just shoot!
29 005C719F Cheese it!
32 005C71A3 Thanks again, citizen. Trying not to laugh
33 005C71A4 Move along.
36 005C71A8 Just attack already!
37 005C7204 I'm gonna kick your ass when we get back to camp. Trying not to laugh
38 005C7205 Guess we'll do this the hard way.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 005C5499 005C54C1 Citizen, halt!
4 005C549C 005C54B6 Uh... sure.
5 005C54A0 005C54B7 Very funny. I'm not falling for that again.
6 005C54A4 005C54B8 Look, we're sorry! We don't want no trouble!
7 005C54A6 005C54B1 Shit, they're onto us. Get em, boys!
8 005C54A8 005C54BC Good to hear... I hate doing things the easy way.
9 005C54AA 005C54B2 We are the Brotherhood of Steel! We require a donation of 50 caps to further our noble cause.
10 005C54AC 005C54AD Wow, I can't believe... I mean, *ahem*... Thanks, citizen! On your way now.
11 005C616F 005C6179 Wait... what? Son of a...
14 005C6834 005C683B We don't have all day.
15 005C6836 005C6839 It's, uh... for the new hospital in Morgantown.
16 005C6BFE 005C6C07 How about you walk across the desert or whatever and see how official you look?
17 005C6BFF 005C6C06 You know... from the west. With all the... sun, and... you know, the birds. It's real nice over there. You should visit sometime.
18 005C6C00 005C6C05 Will you two shut up! You're making it appear as if we're improvising our answers!


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
14 005C71DC 005C71F1 Back away slowly... very slowly...
18 005C71F0 005C7223 Talk to Barry. He drew the short straw this time.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
7 005C7525 005C7576 Yeah, it's not so bad here...
15 005C7536 005C7560 What the hell was that?!
20 005C754C 005C757B Talk to Barnaby, he's running the show.