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This is a transcript for dialogue with Brotherhood Barry.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
4 005C60A6 005C60AB Buck, help me!
5 005C60AC Barnaby, where are you?
6 005C60AE Ow, ow, ow ow!
14 005C6173 005C5B0D Did you guys know spiders aren't really insects? Pretty sure I read that somewhere.
15 005C5B0E Buck, why is the sky blue?
16 005C5B0F Guys, I really need to go to the bathroom.
26 005C6833 005C719B I don't think pinching 'em is gonna help.
27 005C719D Barnaby, I'm scared. Hold me!
28 005C719E You haven't seen the last of us!
30 005C71A1 Oh boy! Looks like we're eating tonight!
31 005C71A2 You aren't very smart, is ya.
34 005C71A6 Yea! We like doing things the hard way!


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
2 005C5499 005C54C0 Talk to Buck. We just do what he tells us.
12 005C6171 005C6182 Oh god! Buck, get out of that thing!
20 005C6C02 005C6C08 I thought you said it was for schools!


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005C71C3 005C721A Wow, thank you!
2 005C71C4 005C7211 Yes exactly, Steel. We're the Brotherhood of Steel. Wait... what did I say?
3 005C71C5 005C7219 Great, can we hurry this up? I really need to go to the bathroom.
4 005C71C6 005C7212 Oh no! No one said anything about questions!
5 005C71C7 005C7210 Guys... help!
6 005C71C8 005C720F Guys... I don't think he's buying it.
7 005C71C9 005C7216 Well yea, but it's... um...
8 005C71CB 005C7213 Please, just give us some caps and we'll go away.
9 005C71CE 005C7218 Hey, you listening to me?
10 005C71D0 005C721B We um... we are American citizens. From America.
11 005C71D1 005C7215 Barry, you nitwit. You're supposed to ask for 50 caps.
12 005C71D4 005C721C Dang. Well, thanks for your time.
13 005C71D8 005C7214 We are the Brotherhood of Zeal! We require a donation of 5 caps to further our immoral clause.
15 005C71DD 005C71F3 I've seen that look before. That's the look of someone who's been in the shit.
16 005C71DE 005C71FE What do we do?
17 005C71F0 005C721E Hey, you. Can I talk to you for a second?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
2 005C751D 005C756B I actually kinda like this place...
17 005C7538 005C7558 Oh no, Barnaby, what do we do?
18 005C753E 005C755F I'm too young to die!
21 005C754C 005C757E Uh, this is Barnaby's idea.