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The Bradberton overpass terminal entries are entries found on a terminal at the Bradberton overpass in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.

Gunner terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

      <User "Cpl. Tornin" signed in>

User Logs[]


    Personal Logs for User <Corporal Tornin>

Recon Team is missing[]


Corporal Tornin, 4th ops log

It's been over a week since Sergeant Lanier took the recon team to the Nuka-World Bottling Plant. A day after they left, our scouts started seeing these weird glowing 'lurks crawling all over the place there. We tried drawing a few of them away, but those things are way tougher than any 'lurk I've ever seen. I've tried to send a runner back to HQ for reinforcements. Until they get back, there's really not much we can do to help beyond keeping the base camp held down.

Holding down camp[]


Corporal Tornin, 3rd ops log

Taking control of this outpost as ranking officer. Sergeant Lanier has decided to lead the recon team to perform a more thorough search of the Nuka-Cola Bottling Plant. One of the privates asked why she was leading the team herself, and after she knocked a couple of his teeth out, she explained that something about it just felt "hinky" to her. No idea what that means, but I'm not stupid enough to argue with her.

What is this place?[]


Sergeant Lanier, 2nd ops log.

Now that I've seen more of it, I have to say, this Nuka-World place is pretty strange. I can't possibly imagine what practical use a place like this would be. It's almost like a series of forts, but the pre-war gates don't even seem to have doors.

If not for the frequent radiation storms, it'd almost be the ideal place. If we can find a good toehold to start pushing the Raiders out, this could be huge.

Establishing base camp[]


Sergeant Lanier, 1st ops log.

Having been sent with a moderate detachment to explore the western areas of the Commonwealth, we came upon the Nuka-World Transit Station. After putting a bullet into some guy who was obviously acting as a lure, we decided against trying to use the monorail and hoofed it over the mountains.

Rougher terrain than we initially thought, and we've lost coms with Gunner HQ. No matter, we've run off-coms ops before and if things go south, a follow-up team will be sent our way. One of our recruits mentioned that he'd heard of some kind of trading post out here. Lot of possibilities there. We've set up base camp on Bradberton Overpass for now, and I'll be sending recon teams out soon.



           Regional Intel Reports

Nuka-Town USA.[]


Pvt. Benson said he'd heard of some sort of trading post to the south at Nuka-World. Something called Nuka-Town U.S.A., but that intel is clearly out of date. Recon scouts have reported the location of a substantial Raider encampment. Easily one of the biggest we've ever seen in the Commonwealth. Unless we can gain a fortified location and bring in reinforcements, there is no chance of taking that place.



Recon team to the north has reported on the town we can see from our location. Pre-war town by the name of Bradberton. Currently unoccupied, but overrun with ghouls and other critters. Low chance of high-value salvage. Moving on for now.

Kiddie Kingdom[]


Initial recon of the area has reported heavy radioactive mist. Danger could be mitigated with available suits of power armor. Initial assessment: despite the potential for aIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar easily fortified base of ops, the potential cost in troops and supplies currently outweighs the benefit. Shame, I would have liked having my own goddamn castle.

Bottling Plant[]


Finally gave in to the badgering of some of my troops and sent a team to investigate the Bottling Plant at Nuka-World. They seemed to think that place would literally be able to print bottle caps, but anything that valuable would have been scrapped ages ago. They snuck around and found a back entrance to the factory, and there seems to be some decent pre-war robots still active inside. Considering leading a tag & bag to add to our dwindling supply.
