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Fallout Wiki

Box 1213 - Bern's voice is a holotape located in the grower's shack. It grants access to a safe deposit box in the People's Bank of Point Lookout.


Upon entering the shack, turn left into the bedroom, the holotape will be on the bedside table. To access the safe deposit box, open the Pip-Boy, start playing the holodisk, and immediately exit the Pip-Boy 3000, before or after interacting with the voice-activated security system. The security system will report that access has been granted to the safe deposit box and it will open. The deposit box contains four stacks of pre-War money, and a sexy sleepwear.



...Don't tell Evelyn. The Password? "Buttercup", Why...


Even though the terminal in the bank says that Bern is male, the holotape has a female voice, the same voice that leads one through The Velvet Curtain.

