Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Boston Tea Party was an event that took place in colonial America.


Meetings that took place at Faneuil Hall sparked unrest against British policies such as the Sugar and Stamp Acts.[1] These meetings led to the doctrine of "no taxation without representation" and culminated in the Boston Tea Party, during which colonists fed up with said taxation destroyed a large shipment of tea by dumping it into Boston Harbor.[1]


The Boston Tea Party is mentioned in Fallout 4.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Boston landmark inscriptions: "Faneuil Hall: Donated to the city of Boston in 1742 by French merchant Peter Faneuil, Faneuil Hall was a commercial hub in colonial Massachusetts. It played a notable role in the American Revolution. Protests against the British Sugar and Stamp Acts that began here led to the doctrine of 'no taxation without representation.' Later meetings were held here which culminated in the Boston Tea Party. Many of the Founding Fathers met here or gave speeches here (notably Samuel Adams) leading to the building's nickname, 'The Cradle of Liberty.' "