Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Boris (GNN Employee #118) was a foreign exchange intern who worked at Galaxy News Network's Boston office in 2077.


Boris was satisfied with his job, saying it was a role that many people in his home country "would die for." His sole issue was a pungeant smell in the area, which he believed was from his coworker Jim.[1] Meanwhile, Jim, who despised his job, assumed Boris was the source of the smell and despised Boris for seemingly trying to read his work over his shoulder while having poor English.[2]

Shortly before his internship ended, Boris messaged Jim to reveal his side of the story, calling him out for underappreciating a role that would be greatly desired in his home country. He revealed that his English was actually quite good, but that he exaggerated his accent thinking it made him sound smarter. He hoped that his departure would bring Jim some happiness.[1]


Boris is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

