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This is a transcript for dialogue with Scribe Haylen.


1BoS100_02_SceneMainBoS100Danse: I've been trying to send a distress call to my superiors, but the signal's too weak to reach them.{Question} Sir, if I may?BoS100Danse: Proceed, Haylen.A1a
2BoS100Danse: Proceed, Haylen.{Concerned} I've modified the radio tower on the roof of the police station, but I'm afraid it just isn't enough.A1a
3{Confident} What we need is something that will boost the signal.BoS100Danse: Our target is ArcJet Systems, and it contains the technology we need... the Deep Range Transmitter.A1b
4BoS100_04_SceneMissionStartBoS100Danse: Haylen, take Rhys inside and bind his wounds.{Confident} Yes, sir.BoS100Danse: Rhys, once you're on your feet, I want you to make certain that the perimeter is secure.A1a
5-I don't get you. Are you playing the hero or the victim?
6Thanks for lending us a hand.
7More, over there... get 'em!
8Watch your back!


10BoS100RadioSceneBoS100Transmitter: We're requesting support or evac from our position at Cambridge Police Station.{re-record, less urgency - serious, but not shouting} Automated message repeating...A1a
11BoS100Transmitter: Authorization Arx. Ferrum. Nine. Five.Our unit has sustained casualties and we're running low on supplies.A1a
12{re-record, less urgency - serious, but not shouting} We're requesting support or evac from our position at Cambridge Police Station.BoS100Transmitter: Automated message repeating...A1b
13{re-record, less urgency - serious, but not shouting} This is Scribe Haylen of Reconnaissance Squad Gladius to any unit in transmission range.A1a
14{re-record, less urgency - serious, but not shouting} Authorization Arx. Ferrum. Nine. Five.BoS100Transmitter: Our unit has sustained casualties and we're running low on supplies.A1b


15BoS200_01_ReturnScene{Friendly} Paladin Danse... glad to see you alive and well, sir.BoS200Rhys: Are we in luck, sir?A1a
16BoS200_02_PromotionScenePlayer Default: Thanks, I promise not to let you down.{Friendly} You don't have prove anything else to me. Getting that transmitter was enough.BoS200Rhys: So you decided to stay, huh? I expected you to take your payment and run.A1a
17Player Default: Recruit? After all I did to help I was expecting more.{Irritated} Hey, consider yourself lucky.B1a
18{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. / Irritated} It took me more than a month of training before they let me run my first mission.BoS200Rhys: So you decided to stay, huh? I expected you to take your payment and run.B1b
19Player Default: I'm only in it for the spiffy uniforms.{Disgust} Oh yeah? And here I thought you joined up for a sense of purpose and meaning.BoS200Rhys: So you decided to stay, huh? I expected you to take your payment and run.X1a
20Player Default: Recon, eh? So what are we looking for?{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. / Friendly} Don't worry about it, talk to Rhys and I after we're done here and we'll explain everything.BoS200Rhys: So you decided to stay, huh? I expected you to take your payment and run.Y1a
21Player Default: Recon, eh? So what are we looking for?{Confident} Paladin Danse will decide when you're allowed up there.Y2a
22{Confident} Until then, I'm afraid you're stuck with us.BoS200Rhys: So you decided to stay, huh? I expected you to take your payment and run.Y2b
23Player Default: Thanks aren't necessary. Just continue excelling at your duties, soldier.{Friendly} Ad Victoriam, Initiate.BoS200Rhys: He doesn't even know what that means, Haylen.A1a
24Player Default: Thanks aren't necessary. Just continue excelling at your duties, soldier.{Friendly} Ad Victoriam, Knight.BoS200Rhys: He doesn't even know what that means, Haylen.A2a


25BoS301_09_HaylenStage0140{Friendly} It's good to see you again, Knight. You've come a long way since you stumbled into the Cambridge Police Station.Player Default: Thanks, Haylen. I assume the place is still in one piece.A
26Player Default: We're doing the best that we can.{Concerned} We've had the occasional synth attack, but so far we've been able to keep them from overrunning us.A1a
27{Confident} Thanks to the reinforcements and the air support, I'd say that site was secure.Player Default: That's not surprising. After all, it's in good hands.A1b
28Player Default: That's not surprising. After all, it's in good hands.{with a smile / Grateful} I appreciate that.BoS301Haylen: Anyway, I know you don't have time for small talk, so I'll get right to it.A1a
29Player Default: Don't get overconfident. That's what got you into trouble with those ferals I helped you with.{icy, you didn't like what the Player said / Sarcastic} I appreciate your tactical assessment, Knight.BoS301Haylen: Anyway, I know you don't have time for small talk, so I'll get right to it.B1a
30Player Default: Don't underestimate the Institute... especially with teleporter technology at their disposal.{Confident} Don't worry, we won't let any of them run us out of there.BoS301Haylen: Anyway, I know you don't have time for small talk, so I'll get right to it.X1a
31Player Default: What about those feral ghouls? They still a problem?{Confident} With a vertibird at our disposal, not a chance.BoS301Haylen: Anyway, I know you don't have time for small talk, so I'll get right to it.Y1a
32Player Default: I appreciate that.{Confident} Anyway, I know you don't have time for small talk, so I'll get right to it.BoS301Haylen: I've had the men set up the equipment we'll need to pinpoint you once you've found the bombs.A1a
33Player Default: Thanks, Haylen. I assume the place is still in one piece.{Confident} We're doing the best that we can.BoS301Haylen: We've had the occasional synth attack, but so far we've been able to keep them from overrunning us.A1a
34Player Default: I'd rather discuss the mission, Haylen.{Confident} Of course.BoS301Haylen: I've had the men set up the equipment we'll need to pinpoint you once you've found the bombs.B1a
35Player Default: I'm surprised you've survived over there without my help.{chuckle before line - your joking back / Amused} Bah, now that the Prydwen's here, we don't really need you anymore.BoS301Haylen: We've had the occasional synth attack, but so far we've been able to keep them from overrunning us.X1a
36Player Default: How have things been over there?{Friendly} Pretty well, actually.BoS301Haylen: We've had the occasional synth attack, but so far we've been able to keep them from overrunning us.Y1a
37BoS301Haylen: Anyway, I know you don't have time for small talk, so I'll get right to it.{Confident} I've had the men set up the equipment we'll need to pinpoint you once you've found the bombs.A1a
38{Confident} We've rigged up this Distress Pulser to emit a unique tone that we'll be listening for.A1b
39{Confident} When you find the bombs, plant the Pulser and we'll handle the rest.A1c
40{Confident} After that, you should probably head back to Proctor Ingram and bring her your report.Player Default: Doesn't sound too difficult.A1d
41Player Default: Doesn't sound too difficult.{Sarcastic} Oh, no... not at all. You're only heading back into the most inhospitable place in the entire Commonwealth.BoS301Haylen: Look. I know you've been through the Glowing Sea before, but remember to keep an eye on your Geiger counter.A1a
42Player Default: If I survive, you mean.{Confident} Don't worry, I've taken care of everything.BoS301Haylen: Look. I know you've been through the Glowing Sea before, but remember to keep an eye on your Geiger counter.B1a
43Player Default: Why use this Distress Pulser?{Confident} Unless you could locate an entire radio station within the Glowing Sea, there's no way you're going to be able to send out a regular signal.Y1a
44{Confident} Luckily, the Distress Pulser's ping cuts right through the interference and we'll be able to hear you as long as we stay close to the frontier.BoS301Haylen: Look. I know you've been through the Glowing Sea before, but remember to keep an eye on your Geiger counter.Y1b
45Player Default: Oh, no... not at all. You're only heading back into the most inhospitable place in the entire Commonwealth.{Confident} Look. I know you've been through the Glowing Sea before, but remember to keep an eye on your Geiger counter.A1a
46{Concerned} If you don't, the radiation will cook you from the inside out.A1b
47{Friendly} Good luck, Knight.A1c
48{Concerned} Come back... you don't have all the equipment you need, Knight.A1a
49-Keep your head down and get us those bombs.
50I'll be listening for your signal. Watch your back out there.
51Make sure you take plenty of radiation protection with you.


52BoS302_02_QuinlanHaylenStage020Player Default: "Orders are orders?" That's all you have to say?{Angry} I can't believe that after everything Paladin Danse did for you, you're just going to turn your back on him like this.A1a
53{Irritated} There's obviously been a mistake and we need to get to the bottom of it.BoS302Quinlan: Scribe Haylen! You're addressing a senior officer and you will show him the respect that he's due or so help me I'll have you brought up on charges!A1b
54BoS302Quinlan: You may want to get comfortable, this could take quite a bit of...{re-record... angry outburst, but don't overdo it / Angry} What the hell is this crap about Danse being a synth!?BoS302Quinlan: I assume your outburst was a reference to some doubt regarding Danse's identity. I can assure you that my findings are quite accurate, Scribe.A1a
55BoS302Quinlan: I assume your outburst was a reference to some doubt regarding Danse's identity. I can assure you that my findings are quite accurate, Scribe.{angry / Angry} So he sets Danse up, and then you knock him down. Is that it?Player Default: Orders are orders.A1a
56Player Default: Orders are orders.{upset / Angry} Orders are orders? That's all you have to say?BoS302Haylen: I can't believe that after everything Paladin Danse did for you, you're just going to turn your back on him like this.A1a
57Player Default: I don't like your tone, Haylen.{upset / Angry} My tone? Who cares about protocol at a time like this!?BoS302Haylen: I can't believe that after everything Paladin Danse did for you, you're just going to turn your back on him like this.B1a
58Player Default: I don't have time to discuss it right now, Haylen.{sarcasm on second sentence / Angry} Why? In too much of a rush to pull the trigger?BoS302Haylen: I can't believe that after everything Paladin Danse did for you, you're just going to turn your back on him like this.X1a
59Player Default: How did you hear about it?{Angry} There are no secrets in the Brotherhood.Y1a
60{Angry} Maxson's made it clear that we're to locate Paladin Danse and if we find him, report his location to you.Y1b
61{Irritated} That can only mean you've been sent to hunt him down.Player Default: Orders are orders.Y1c
62BoS302Quinlan: Now, unless you're here with information that can assist us, I suggest you return to the police station immediately.{say it with some disdain, you're choosing another day to fight / Confident} Of course. My apologies, Proctor.A1a
63{Confident} I believe I have some information that's relevant to the search.BoS302Quinlan: Very well then, would you care to enlighten us, or do we have to wait until you decide to grace us with your knowledge?A1b
64BoS302Quinlan: Very well then, would you care to enlighten us, or do we have to wait until you decide to grace us with your knowledge?{Confident} Knight, if you'd accompany me to the Flight Deck, I'd like to show you the information I've compiled first hand.A1a
65{Confident} I've stored the data on my vertibird gunship's computer.Player Default: I'll take anything that gets me closer to finding Danse.A1b
66Player Default: I'll take anything that gets me closer to finding Danse.{Confident} Yes, sir.BoS302Quinlan: Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.A1a
67Player Default: I'll take anything that gets me closer to finding Danse.{Confident} Yes, ma'am.BoS302Quinlan: Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.A2a
68Player Default: This better not be a waste of my time.{Confident} Of course not, sir.BoS302Quinlan: Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.B1a
69Player Default: This better not be a waste of my time.{Confident} Of course not, ma'am.BoS302Quinlan: Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.B2a
70Player Default: At this point, I'll take all the help I can get.{Confident} Very good, sir.BoS302Quinlan: Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.X1a
71Player Default: At this point, I'll take all the help I can get.{Confident} Very good, ma'am.BoS302Quinlan: Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.X2a
72Player Default: Change of heart, Haylen?{Confident} Just following orders... sir.BoS302Quinlan: Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.Y1a
73Player Default: Change of heart, Haylen?{Confident} Just following orders... ma'am.BoS302Quinlan: Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.Y2a
74BoS302Quinlan: Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.{Question} If you'll follow me, sir?A1a
75BoS302Quinlan: Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.{Question} If you'll follow me, ma'am?A2a
76BoS302_03_HaylenStage040{Worried} Do you actually plan on killing Paladin Danse?Player Default: That's a risky question, Haylen.A
77{Pleading} Please don't leave... I still have a few things to say.A1a
78Player Default: That's a risky question, Haylen.{Worried} I know it is, but I need you to listen to me for a minute.BoS302Haylen: I've known Paladin Danse ever since I was an Initiate.A1a
79Player Default: I'm following orders... you should do the same.{Worried} I know I should.B1a
80{Worried} But before you head out, I need you to listen to what I have to say.BoS302Haylen: I've known Paladin Danse ever since I was an Initiate.B1b
81Player Default: I haven't decided yet.{Worried} Well, before you do, I need you to listen to what I have to say.BoS302Haylen: I've known Paladin Danse ever since I was an Initiate.X1a
82Player Default: Aren't you supposed to tell me where Danse went?{Confident} Yes. And I promise I will.Y1a
83{Worried} But before I do, I need you to listen to what I have to say.BoS302Haylen: I've known Paladin Danse ever since I was an Initiate.Y1b
84Player Default: I know it is, but I need you to listen to me for a minute.{Confident} I've known Paladin Danse ever since I was an Initiate.A1a
85{Confident} He trained me, showed me the ropes... and when I screwed up, he taught me to dust myself off and move on.A1b
86{Somber} He's earned my admiration, my respect and my friendship.A1c
87{Somber} I don't care what Quinlan's report says. I don't care if he's a machine or not... he's still Danse.Player Default: That's a bold statement.A1d
88Player Default: That's a bold statement.{Confident} It's more than just a statement. It's a plea.BoS302Haylen: Danse is the most selfless person I've ever met. I've watched him risk his own life based on nothing more than principle alone.A1a
89Player Default: You're sympathizing with a traitor!{Worried} That's exactly my point.BoS302Haylen: Danse is the most selfless person I've ever met. I've watched him risk his own life based on nothing more than principle alone.B1a
90Player Default: Get to the point.{Somber} I'm trying. This is... difficult.BoS302Haylen: Danse is the most selfless person I've ever met. I've watched him risk his own life based on nothing more than principle alone.X1a
91Player Default: Why are you telling me all of this?{Worried} Because someone has to before you rush off and carry out Maxson's orders without thinking about what you're doing.BoS302Haylen: Danse is the most selfless person I've ever met. I've watched him risk his own life based on nothing more than principle alone.Y1a
92Player Default: It's more than just a statement. It's a plea.{Confident} Danse is the most selfless person I've ever met. I've watched him risk his own life based on nothing more than principle alone.A1a
93{Somber} That's why I'm asking you... not just as a member of the Brotherhood, but as a human being... give him a chance. Let him tell his side of the story.A1b
94{Somber} If you're not convinced by what he says, or somehow he's become truly lost to us, then you do what you have to do.Companion: You actually going to listen to this nonsense?A1c
95Player Default: All right, I'll hear him out.{Grateful} That's all that I ask.A1a
96{Somber} I'll just have to trust that when the time comes... you'll do the right thing.BoS302Haylen: Before the Prydwen showed up, Danse had me identify a fallback point if we ever lost the police station.A1b
97Player Default: I'm not making any promises.{Somber} You don't have to promise me anything, just do what you feel is right.B1a
98{Somber} But if I know you like I think I do, I'm betting you'll listen to what he has to say before you pull that trigger.BoS302Haylen: Before the Prydwen showed up, Danse had me identify a fallback point if we ever lost the police station.B1b
99Player Default: This whole thing has me confused. Let me find him and then I'll decide.{Somber} That's not what I was hoping you'd say, but I guess I'll just have to trust that when the time comes... you'll do the right thing.BoS302Haylen: Before the Prydwen showed up, Danse had me identify a fallback point if we ever lost the police station.X1a
100Player Default: You'd have me disobey orders?{Irritated} Can't you put the Brotherhood aside, even for a moment? Am I really asking that much?Y1a
101{Somber} Just talk to him. Find out what's going on inside his head, then weigh your options.Y1b
102{Somber} If you still think he intends to bring harm to the Brotherhood of Steel, you do what you have to do.Y1c
103{Pleading} But if you see a glimmer of mercy or humanity behind his eyes, I beg you... let him run.BoS302Haylen: Before the Prydwen showed up, Danse had me identify a fallback point if we ever lost the police station.Y1d
104Player Default: I'll just have to trust that when the time comes... you'll do the right thing.{sigh before you speak... you are giving up info on your friend, it's hard / Confident} Before the Prydwen showed up, Danse had me identify a fallback point if we ever lost the police station.A1a
105{re-record, name is wrong / Confident} It was Listening Post Bravo, an old pre-war U.S. Military outpost on the northern frontier of the Commonwealth.A1b
106{Confident} It's isolated, and we're the only ones that knew about it, so there's a good chance that's where he's headed.A1c
107{Concerned} Just be careful. There's no telling what state of mind he's in right now, or if he trusts any of us at all.A1d
108-I know this isn't protocol, but please... say something.
109Come on... answer me. This is important.
110I know you'll do the right thing.
111This way.


112BoSPSHaylenAfterBoS100{Friendly} Sorry about the other guys.Player Default: Guess I can't blame them, given how things are.A
113Player Default: Guess I can't blame them, given how things are.{Concerned} If you really feel that way, then give them a chance.BoSPSHaylen: Look, it may not seem like it, but Danse is a good man. He's just all soldier... protocol is his bread and butter.A1a
114Player Default: Apologies are meaningless to me.{Confident} Okay, I deserve that. But understand that their attitude comes from being jammed through the wringer for the last few months.BoSPSHaylen: Look, it may not seem like it, but Danse is a good man. He's just all soldier... protocol is his bread and butter.B1a
115Player Default: People are who they are.{Confident} I suppose so.BoSPSHaylen: Look, it may not seem like it, but Danse is a good man. He's just all soldier... protocol is his bread and butter.X1a
116Player Default: Why are you cutting me so much slack?{Somber} I, uh... I joined the Brotherhood not too long ago. I used to be like you... wandering alone.Y1a
117{Concerned} So, I know what it feels like when every single person you bump into sticks a gun in your face.BoSPSHaylen: Look, it may not seem like it, but Danse is a good man. He's just all soldier... protocol is his bread and butter.Y1b
118Player Default: Why are you cutting me so much slack?{Confident} I'm a medic. Call it my bedside manner.BoSPSHaylen: Look, it may not seem like it, but Danse is a good man. He's just all soldier... protocol is his bread and butter.Y2a
119Player Default: If you really feel that way, then give them a chance.{Concerned} Look, it may not seem like it, but Danse is a good man. He's just all soldier... protocol is his bread and butter.A1a
120{Concerned} And Rhys... well, let's just say he's as hard-headed as a Mister Gutsy.A1b
121{Confident} But you know what? I'd trust both of them with my life, because they're good people and that's hard to come by nowadays.A1c
122BoSPSHaylenAfterBoS101{Question} Rhys still giving you the cold shoulder?Player Default: I wish we could see eye-to-eye.A
123Player Default: I wish we could see eye-to-eye.{Friendly} Rhys only sees one thing... Rhys.BoSPSHaylen: Rhys bleeds Brotherhood. It's all he cares about. It's his family, it's his whole life.A1a
124Player Default: I give up trying to get along with him.{Friendly} Don't take it personally. It's not you, it's him.BoSPSHaylen: Rhys bleeds Brotherhood. It's all he cares about. It's his family, it's his whole life.B1a
125Player Default: I can handle it.{Amused} If you could, you'd be the first.BoSPSHaylen: Rhys bleeds Brotherhood. It's all he cares about. It's his family, it's his whole life.X1a
126Player Default: Why does he hate me?{Confident} He doesn't hate you.BoSPSHaylen: Rhys bleeds Brotherhood. It's all he cares about. It's his family, it's his whole life.Y1a
127Player Default: Rhys only sees one thing... Rhys.{Confident} Rhys bleeds Brotherhood. It's all he cares about. It's his family, it's his whole life.A1a
128{Confident} If anything else comes into the picture and gets in the way, he shoves it aside.Player Default: I'll just stay out of his way for now.A1b
129Player Default: I'll just stay out of his way for now.{Grateful} That would be best.A1a
130{Friendly} Give him time. He'll come around.A1b
131Player Default: I don't care. He needs to keep out of my way.{Irritated} I hope that isn't a threat.B1a
132{Irritated} I'm Brotherhood and I swore an oath to stand by my brothers and sisters.B1b
133{Irritated} If I even suspect for one second you intend to bring harm to my squad, I'll put you on the ground.B1c
134Player Default: Suits me fine.{Thinking} Hmph. You don't sound so sure.X1a
135{Confident} Just give Rhys some time. He'll come around eventually.X1b
136Player Default: Is there something between the two of you?{Confident} When I first joined up... Rhys is the one who sponsored me. He took me under his wing, showed me the ropes.Y1a
137{Somber} I thought there was a little more between us, so I asked him if he cared about me that way.Y1b
138{Somber} He told me the Brotherhood of Steel was all that he cared about, and there was no room for anything else in his life.Y1c
139{Somber} We never spoke about it again.Y1d
140{Confident} Look, I... I need to get back to things.Y1e
141{Confident} If you're worried about Rhys, just keep doing what you're doing. He'll come around soon enough.Y1f
142Player Default: Is there something between the two of you?{Irritated} That's none of your business.Y2a
143{Confident} Look, just give Rhys some time, I'm sure he'll see you're a valuable member of the team and he'll come around.Y2b
144BoSPSHaylenBoSR02Transition{Giving the player their next order. / Friendly} Now, I think Danse wanted to see you. Go check in with him. I'll have another mission for you when you're ready.A1a
145{Friendly / matter of fact / Friendly} I'm always looking for tech.A2a
146{Friendly / matter of fact / Friendly} I'll always want more tech, so believe me, I'll never run short of missions.A3a
147{Friendly / matter of fact / Friendly} Tech will always be in demand.A4a
148{Friendly / matter of fact / Friendly} There's still plenty of undiscovered tech out there.A5a
149{Friendly / matter of fact / Friendly} The Commonwealth won't be running out of tech any time soon.A6a
150BoSPSHaylenPostQuest302NegativePlayerVoiceFemale01: Haylen, I wanted to a chance to explain what happened with Paladin Danse.{you're pissed at Player, trying to contain it via sarcasm / Irritated} What is there to explain? You did exactly as you were ordered to do.A1a
151{you're pissed at Player, trying to contain it via sarcasm / Irritated} We'll just ignore the fact that Danse was the one that helped you earn that shiny new rank you're wearing.A1b
152{you're pissed at Player, trying to contain it via sarcasm / Irritated} Now, if you'll excuse me, I have my duties to attend to.A1c
153BoSPSHaylenPostQuest302PositivePlayerVoiceFemale01: Haylen, I wanted to talk to you about Paladin Danse.{keep voice low, so other soldiers can't hear (not whisper) / Friendly} I know what you did, and I appreciate you taking what I said so seriously.A1a
154{keep voice low, so other soldiers can't hear (not whisper) / Friendly} I'm not sure what made you spare his life, but I'm glad you decided to follow your heart and not your head.A1b
155{keep voice low, so other soldiers can't hear (not whisper) / Friendly} There's more I'd like to tell you, but maybe we should talk about this later, when things have calmed down around here.A1c
156BoSPSHaylenPostQuestNegative{angry at Player for executing Danse / Angry} Well, now that the Institute's destroyed, there's no need for you to remain with the Brotherhood. Your mission's done.Player Default: Don't be angry with me about Danse. I didn't have a choice.A
157Player Default: Don't be angry with me about Danse. I didn't have a choice.{punch "always" / Angry} You always have a choice.BoSPSHaylen: What you did to Danse is nothing short of cold-blooded murder.A1a
158Player Default: You can't speak to me like that, Scribe.{Angry} To hell with protocol.BoSPSHaylen: What you did to Danse is nothing short of cold-blooded murder.B1a
159Player Default: I'm not sure what difference that makes to you.{Angry} Are you out of your mind?BoSPSHaylen: What you did to Danse is nothing short of cold-blooded murder.X1a
160Player Default: You're still angry about Danse?{Angry} Oh come on... don't play stupid with me.BoSPSHaylen: What you did to Danse is nothing short of cold-blooded murder.Y1a
161Player Default: You always have a choice.{Angry} What you did to Danse is nothing short of cold-blooded murder.A1a
162{Angry} He was a good man, and he deserved a second chance. Maybe not with the Brotherhood, but certainly without a bullet in his head.A1b
163{Angry} I don't care if Maxson decorates you with medals and showers you with commendations... I'll never forgive you for what you've done.Player Default: Please forgive me, Haylen. I was trying to do what was best for everyone.A1c
164Player Default: Please forgive me, Haylen. I was trying to do what was best for everyone.{Anger momentarily gives way to sadness, you almost considered it / Sad} I'm sorry... it's too late for that.BoSPSHaylen: I have duties to attend to, and so do you.A1a
165Player Default: You stop this insubordination right now, and I won't have you brought up on charges.{heavy on the disdain / Angry} Yes... sir.BoSPSHaylen: I have duties to attend to, and so do you.B1a
166Player Default: You stop this insubordination right now, and I won't have you brought up on charges.{heavy on the disdain / Angry} Yes... ma'am.BoSPSHaylen: I have duties to attend to, and so do you.B2a
167Player Default: I don't know what to say, Haylen.{Angry} It's better if you don't say anything. Saves me from saying anything else I'll regret.BoSPSHaylen: I have duties to attend to, and so do you.X1a
168Player Default: Don't we need to continue working together?{angry surprise / Surprised} That's all you care about?BoSPSHaylen: I have duties to attend to, and so do you.Y1a
169Player Default: I'm sorry... it's too late for that.{Angry} I have duties to attend to, and so do you.A1a
170{Angry} I'll still assign missions to you because that's my job, but that doesn't mean we have to be friends.A1b
171{Angry} Are we through now? Good.A1c
172BoSPSHaylenPostQuestPositive{Question} So, is this the end of the road for you... or are you going to stick around?Player Default: I would never abandon the Brotherhood.A
173Player Default: But you're the one that had the courage to follow through with it.{Friendly} I knew there was something special about you when you stumbled into our compound and helped us take down those ferals.A1a
174{Friendly} And everything you've done since then for Danse, for the Brotherhood... even for yourself... has proven me right.A1b
175{Friendly} I suppose all that remains to be seen are your plans for the future.A1c
176{Friendly} But I have confidence that whatever you choose will continue to make the Commonwealth a better place.A1d
177Player Default: I might be moving on for a while.{Sad} That's a shame. We're all going to miss you around here.BoSPSHaylen: Look, I never really had a chance to thank you for sparing Danse.B1a
178Player Default: I don't know. I haven't decided.{Friendly} Well, I hope you decide to stay. Otherwise, we'd really miss you around here.BoSPSHaylen: Look, I never really had a chance to thank you for sparing Danse.X1a
179Player Default: Why would I leave?{Concerned} I assumed that you found whatever answers you were looking for inside the Institute.Y1a
180{Concerned} Otherwise you wouldn't have destroyed it.Player Default: I would never abandon the Brotherhood.Y1b
181Player Default: I would never abandon the Brotherhood.{Friendly} I'm glad to hear it. I think we'd all miss you around here.BoSPSHaylen: Look, I never really had a chance to thank you for sparing Danse.A1a
182Player Default: I'm glad to hear it. I think we'd all miss you around here.{Grateful} Look, I never really had a chance to thank you for sparing Danse.A1a
183{Grateful} I know I asked you to hear him out, but I wasn't sure you'd really go through with it.A1b
184{Grateful} I've visited him a few times at the bunker. He really seems to be doing well.A1c
185{making a little joke at Danse's expense / Amused} Well, it's hard to tell when he's happy... but you get what I mean.Player Default: You're the one that convinced me to spare his life.A1d
186Player Default: You're the one that convinced me to spare his life.{Friendly} But you're the one that had the courage to follow through with it.BoSPSHaylen: I knew there was something special about you when you stumbled into our compound and helped us take down those ferals.A1a
187Player Default: I hope I made the right decision.{Friendly} Of course you did.BoSPSHaylen: I knew there was something special about you when you stumbled into our compound and helped us take down those ferals.B1a
188Player Default: I don't have any regrets. I made the right choice.{Friendly} Absolutely.BoSPSHaylen: I knew there was something special about you when you stumbled into our compound and helped us take down those ferals.X1a
189Player Default: You've gone out there?{Friendly} Danse is isolated... he doesn't have much in the way of supplies or ammunition, so I bring him whatever he needs.Y1a
190{Friendly} And when he isn't partnered up with you, I think he needs someone else to spend some time with.Y1b
191{Friendly} Don't worry, I'm not implying you're neglecting him out there. By defying Maxson's orders, you've already done more than enough.Player Default: You're the one that convinced me to spare his life.Y1c
192BoSPSMedicalBanterBoSPSRhys: So you gonna patch me up or what?{Sarcastic} I don't know, your prognosis looks pretty grim.A1a
193{Sarcastic} Might be more humane to just take you out back and shoot you.BoSPSRhys: You're all heart, doc.A1b
194BoSPSRhys: You're all heart, doc.{Sarcastic} Just quit squirming so I can get these bandages on.A1a
195BoSPSMedicalEscort{Sarcastic} All right big guy, let's go.BoSPSRhys: Yeah, yeah... I'm comin'.A1a
196-Um, hello?
197Caught you thinking there, didn't I.
198What's on your mind?
199You still with us, or what?
200Bring that artifact back here as soon as possible. We wouldn't want it falling into the wrong hands.
201We still have so much to learn about the mistakes we made in the past... and how to prevent us from repeating them.
202{Happy} It can be so hard to find good artifacts these days, ones us scribes can actually glean information from. But it's always worth it when we do.
203{Concerned} Be careful. Locating the artifact can be just as dangerous as bringing it back. We can't afford to have it break during retrieval.
204I'm actually a little jealous you get to head out to find these bits of lost tech. Exploring the ruins is why I joined up in the first place.
205Bring me that artifact so I can pack it up and get it ready for transfer.
206You still here? I'm pretty certain I gave you a mission to complete.
207{Happy} It's so exciting being new to the Commonwealth. There must be so much technology out there that our scribes haven't seen yet.
208Watch your back out there. I'm guessing we not the only ones scouring the Commonwealth for those artifacts.
209I can't wait to see what you bring back. The location sounded very promising.
210You better get a move on. It's not a good idea to keep Paladin Danse waiting.
211Aren't you supposed to be at ArcJet with Paladin Danse?
212I don't know why you're here. We really need that transmitter from ArcJet Systems.
213You should reconsider joining the Brotherhood of Steel. We need people like you.
214If you don't join the Brotherhood of Steel, you're throwing away a golden opportunity.
215{MARK FOR RE-RECORD.} You better head to the roof right away.
216Wait... shouldn't you be aboard the Prydwen right now?
217You're a long way from Fort Strong, Knight.
218Paladin Danse is one hell of a squad leader. I don't know what we'd do without him.
219Heard you were going into the Institute to find Doctor Li. You better watch yourself in there.
220I can't believe that there's a chance we can get Liberty Prime back. I thought he was blown to bits.
221I know in my heart that Paladin Danse deserves to live. Please, I'm begging you... spare his life.
222{as cold as you can be yet still maintain decorum when addressing a senior officer} If this isn't official Brotherhood of Steel business, we have nothing to say to each other... sir.
223Going after the Railroad now? Elder Maxson certainly isn't taking any chances.
224I heard the last piece of Liberty Prime is sitting in Mass Fusion. Hope you can find it.
225You better stick with Liberty Prime... he needs to get to the C.I.T. in one piece.
226{shocked} What are you doing here? The attack on the Institute is underway!
227Now that the Institute is gone, the Commonwealth's going to be much safer for everyone.
228We might be done with the Institute, but the fighting is far from over.
229If you need any medical assistance, I'll patch you up.
230If you're wounded, I'm fully trained in field trauma treatment.
231If you need any medical supplies, feel free to help yourself.
232Don't take what Knight Rhys says personally... he's like that with everyone.
233Got plenty of artifacts for you to find... if you're up to the task.
234I've got some intel on the location of a possible artifact. Let me know when you're ready to head out.
235Good to see you again, Initiate.
236Good to see you again, Knight.
237Good to see you again, Paladin.
238Good to see you again, Sentinel.
239{You hate the Player, but he's your commanding officer - disdain} Paladin.
240{Friendly} Here's a little something for the trouble.
241{Friendly} Here. Your payment for a successful recovery.
242{Friendly} Take this. The scribes are going to love your find.
243{Friendly} Here's your payment. Nothing like a successful mission.
244{Friendly} Here. You earned it.


245BoSR02Recap{Friendly} Good, you're back. Does this mean you're ready to recover more technology?Player Default: Affirmative.A
246{Friendly} I was hoping to see you again. Ready to recover another piece of tech?Player Default: Affirmative.A
247{Friendly} I hope this means you're ready to head back out there. There's so much we've yet to uncover.Player Default: Affirmative.A
248{Friendly} You look like you're set for more field work. I've got another mission if you're up for it.Player Default: Affirmative.A
249{Matter of fact / Friendly} Our eggheads need a piece of tech. I tell you where, you fetch. Think you can handle that?Player Default: Affirmative.A
250{Friendly} Just the person I wanted to see. I've got more locations on potential artifacts if you're interested.Player Default: Affirmative.A
251Player Default: Affirmative.{Neutral} Good.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.A1a
252Player Default: Affirmative.{Confident} Great.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.A2a
253Player Default: Affirmative.{Confident} All right.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.A3a
254Player Default: Affirmative.{Confident} Perfect.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.A4a
255Player Default: Affirmative.{Confident} That's what I like to hear.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.A5a
256Player Default: Can't do it right now.{More matter of fact, not rude / Neutral} Then get out of my face until you're ready.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.B1a
257Player Default: Can't do it right now.{Friendly} Well, rethink your priorities, and hopefully, you'll be back real soon.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.B2a
258Player Default: Can't do it right now.{Friendly} Not the answer I'm looking for. Come back when you have the right one.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.B3a
259Player Default: Can't do it right now.{Friendly} Do me a favor, and stop wasting my time. Come back when you're ready.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.B4a
260Player Default: Can't do it right now.{Neutral} I think you can do better than that. Come back and see me when you have the right answer.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.B5a
261Player Default: Can't do it right now.{Understanding / Matter of fact / Neutral} I get it. You need some time.B6a
262{Matter of fact / Neutral} Just be sure to find me when you're ready.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.B6b
263Player Default: Can't do it right now.{Understanding / Matter of fact / Neutral} That's all right. Take some time to recoup.B7a
264{Matter of fact / Neutral} When you're ready, I'll be here.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.B7b
265Player Default: Can't do it right now.{Understanding / Matter of fact / Neutral} Understood. You know where to find me when you're ready.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.B8a
266Player Default: Can't do it right now.{Understanding / Matter of fact / Neutral} Roger that.B9a
267{Matter of fact / Neutral} Just don't forget, there's plenty of work to be done out there.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.B9b
268Player Default: Can't do it right now.{Understanding / Matter of fact / Neutral} All right. Report back to me when you're able.B10a
269{Matter of fact / Neutral} Just be sure to find me when you're ready.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.B10b
270Player Default: Not sure.{Very matter of fact. Not rude. / Neutral} We don't operate under uncertainty here. Come find me when you're sure.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.X6a
271Player Default: Not sure.{Very matter of fact. Not rude. / Neutral} Keep that indecision in check, soldier. I'll be here when you're ready.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.X7a
272Player Default: Not sure.{Very matter of fact. Not rude. / Neutral} You know where to find me once you are, but next time I'll expect a real answer.BoSR02Haylen: Here's the location, get on it.X8a
273Player Default: What do I have to do?{Confident} Locate the tech, kill anything that gets in your way, and bring it back to me.Player Default: Affirmative.Y1a
274Player Default: What do I have to do?{Confident} Simple tech recovery. I give you a location, you find the tech and bring it back here.Player Default: Affirmative.Y2a
275Player Default: What do I have to do?{Confident} Retrieve a piece of tech from a given location, while eliminating any opposition.Player Default: Affirmative.Y3a
276Player Default: What do I have to do?{Confident} Go to an area, locate the tech, and bring it back here, safe and sound.Player Default: Affirmative.Y4a
277Player Default: What do I have to do?{Confident} You'll be locating a piece of tech in a given location. And be prepared to deal with some opposition along the way.Player Default: Affirmative.Y5a
278Player Default: Good.{Confident} Here's the location, get on it.A1a
279Player Default: Good.{Confident} Area's on your map. Good luck.A2a
280Player Default: Good.{Confident} Here's the area. Be careful.A3a
281Player Default: Good.{Confident} I marked the location on your map. Stay alert.A4a
282Player Default: Good.{Confident} You've got the area on your map, so move it.A5a
283BosR02Restart{Friendly} Ready to recover another artifact?A1a
284{Friendly} Our scribes are still waiting for more artifacts. Are you ready to head out again?A2a
285{Friendly} I've gotten some intel on more artifact locations. Ready to head back out there?A3a
286{Friendly} Looking to track down another artifact?A4a
287{Friendly} There's still a lot of unsecured technology out there. If you're ready, I can really use your help recovering it for our scribes.A5a
288BosR02Reward{Question} You got that tech yet?Player Default: Here it is.A
289{Question} Our scribes are pretty excited about what you may be able to recover. I hope you found the artifact.Player Default: Here it is.A
290{Question} Any luck with that artifact?Player Default: Here it is.A
291{Question} How's that search going? Were you able to find the artifact?Player Default: Here it is.A
292{Question} I was just thinking about you. Any luck with that tech?Player Default: Here it is.A
293{Question} Recover that tech I sent you for?Player Default: Here it is.A
294{Question} You find that technology yet?Player Default: Here it is.A
295{Friendly} I hope you brought that artifact back in one piece.Player Default: Here it is.A
296{Question} How's the tech recovery going? Find it yet?Player Default: Here it is.A
297{Question} Good, you're back. Hope that means you recovered the tech?Player Default: Here it is.A
298Player Default: Here it is.{Happy} Great. I'll get this documented and and ready to send off.BoSR02Haylen: Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.A1a
299Player Default: Here it is.{Friendly} Good job. Hope it didn't give you any trouble.BoSR02Haylen: Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.A2a
300Player Default: Here it is.{Happy} Good work.BoSR02Haylen: Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.A3a
301Player Default: Here it is.{Impressed} And still in good shape, too.BoSR02Haylen: Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.A4a
302Player Default: Here it is.{Impressed} Good. I was hoping you'd bring it back safely.BoSR02Haylen: Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.A5a
303Player Default: Not yet.{Amused} Not out to impress, I see. Well, check back in once you've got it.BoSR02Haylen: Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.B1a
304Player Default: Not yet.{Amused} Well, get to it. That tech's not waiting around for us to save it.BoSR02Haylen: Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.B2a
305Player Default: Not yet.{Amused} What are you waiting for? No time like the present.BoSR02Haylen: Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.B3a
306Player Default: Not yet.{Friendly} Hey, now's the time. We can't risk losing that tech, so get your ass out there and get it.BoSR02Haylen: Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.B4a
307Player Default: Not yet.{Friendly} Look, it's not the most dire op, but you never know what we could find in any given piece of tech.B5a
308{Friendly} So let's see some action and move.BoSR02Haylen: Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.B5b
309Player Default: What tech?{Amused} You take a head injury out there? I can help you with that, you know.Y1a
310{Neutral} The tech I sent you to recover. Do you have it?Player Default: Here it is.Y1b
311Player Default: What tech?{Amused} You know, the tech I sent you after for our scribes to study. Any luck with that recovery?Player Default: Here it is.Y2a
312Player Default: What tech?{Question} That would be the tech I asked you to recover so we can study it. Did you get it?Player Default: Here it is.Y3a
313Player Default: What tech?{Friendly} The tech I sent you after, of course. Did you get it?Y4a
314{Neutral} I'd be more descriptive, but it's sort of an unknown. Otherwise, I wouldn't have sent you.Player Default: Here it is.Y4b
315Player Default: What tech?{Friendly} The tech for your recovery mission. Were you successful?Player Default: Here it is.Y5a
316Player Default: Great. I'll get this documented and and ready to send off.Here's something for you. We're always looking for tech; report back later for another run.A1a
317BoSR02Start{MARK FOR RE-RECORD. / Friendly} So, are you ready to take on your first assignment?Player Default: Ready.A
318{Friendly} Good, you're back. Are you ready to take on your first assignment?Player Default: Ready.A
319BoSR02Haylen: I have a list of locations that contain artifacts we need you to recover in order to have them cataloged and studied by our scribes.{Confident} Here, this should cover all the information you'll need to find your first artifact.A1a
320{Friendly} Good luck... and be careful.A1b
321Player Default: Great. Let me explain what I need you to do.{Concerned} One of the Brotherhood's most important duties is the recovery and preservation of technology that was lost when the bombs fell.A1a
322{Confident} I have a list of locations that contain artifacts we need you to recover in order to have them cataloged and studied by our scribes.BoSR02Haylen: Here, this should cover all the information you'll need to find your first artifact.A1b
323Player Default: Ready.{Friendly} Great. Let me explain what I need you to do.BoSR02Haylen: One of the Brotherhood's most important duties is the recovery and preservation of technology that was lost when the bombs fell.A1a
324Player Default: No, I need more time.{Friendly} That's all right, I understand.B1a
325{Confident} Grab whatever you need and check back with me when you're ready.BoSR02Haylen: One of the Brotherhood's most important duties is the recovery and preservation of technology that was lost when the bombs fell.B1b
326Player Default: I'm not sure.{Friendly} Don't worry, I wouldn't send you after anything I didn't think you could handle.X1a
327{Friendly} We just have a lot of work to do out here, and you're a welcome set of extra hands.X1b
328{Friendly} Take whatever time you need to prepare yourself, and let me know when you're ready to go.BoSR02Haylen: One of the Brotherhood's most important duties is the recovery and preservation of technology that was lost when the bombs fell.X1c
329Player Default: What exactly does a scribe do for the Brotherhood?{Confident} We do everything that the pilots and the soldiers need to keep all of their operations running.Y1a
330{Confident} All the scientific research, the repairs, the tactical planning, you name it... we do all of the technical work.Y1b
331{Confident} Of course, I'm a field scribe, so I'm boots on the ground with the soldiers... but I kind of like pulling the trigger once in a while.Y1c
332{Question} Anyway, I won't bore you with any more of the details. You ready to head out on your assignment?Player Default: Ready.Y1d
333-{Friendly / matter of fact / Friendly} Let me know if you think you can handle another run.
334{Friendly / matter of fact / Friendly} Let me know if you're anxious to get back out there.
335{Friendly / matter of fact / Friendly} When you're ready for more, just say the word.
336{Friendly / matter of fact / Friendly} Once you're ready, come find me.
337{Friendly / matter of fact / Friendly} Report back to me when you're ready to head out again.


338CIS_ChatWithNPC_DanseSceneCompanion: Reporting in, Elder.{Friendly} Come on, Danse. This isn't the first time I've been in the field. I'll be fine.Companion: Get out of my sight, filthy ghoul!A8a


339ConvBoSPoliceStation01Scene{trying to be cheery / Happy} How you feeling, big guy?Rhys: Those ferals only scratched me... I'll be fine.A1a
340Rhys: Those ferals only scratched me... I'll be fine.{cynical/teasing / Amused} Oh yeah? Is that why you were whining like a baby when I patched you up?Rhys: You must have me confused with someone else.A1a
341ConvBoSPoliceStation02Scene{Question} How's security looking? We going to be able to hold out here?Rhys: This building's pretty solid. We should be safe enough.A1a
342Rhys: This building's pretty solid. We should be safe enough.{with a bit of sarcasm / Sarcastic} Yeah, unless a behemoth decides to pay us a visit.Rhys: Hey, if that happens, we won't last long enough to worry about it.A1a
343ConvBoSPoliceStation03SceneRhys: I don't know what the hell's going on. If reinforcements are coming, they sure are taking their sweet time.{confident / Confident} Hey, if Paladin Danse says they're coming, then they're coming. We just need to hold out a while longer.Rhys: I don't know, Haylen... we've lost half our squad already. Even with this new guy helping, I hope we can stay alive long enough for them to get here.A1a
344Rhys: I don't know, Haylen... we've lost half our squad already. Even with this new guy helping, I hope we can stay alive long enough for them to get here.We'll make it, big guy... we'll make it.A1a
345ConvBoSPoliceStation04SceneRhys: Man, oh man... that was a hell of a fight, wasn't it? Watching those ferals get blown apart was the best thing I've seen in weeks.Has anyone ever told you that you're a bloodthirsty maniac?Rhys: Has anyone ever told you that you have the cutest little smile when you try to get angry?A1a
346Rhys: Has anyone ever told you that you have the cutest little smile when you try to get angry?{teasing back / Amused} Nice try, Rhys. Nice try.A1a
347ConvBoSPoliceStation05SceneExcuse me, sir. We're running a little low on meds and stims. We could sure use another supply run.Danse: Not yet, Haylen. I don't want to take any chances until our reinforcements arrive.A1a
348Danse: Not yet, Haylen. I don't want to take any chances until our reinforcements arrive.{starting to protest then cut off / Concerned} But sir, I really think that...Danse: I've made up my mind. No more supply runs until further notice, and that's the end of it.A1a
349ConvBoSPoliceStation07SceneI can't believe Maxson brought the Prydwen here. Those energy readings we picked up must have been more important than I thought.Rhys: Yeah, whatever it was really stirred up a hornet's nest. Looks like it's going to be a full scale war.A1a
350Rhys: Yeah, whatever it was really stirred up a hornet's nest. Looks like it's going to be a full scale war.{a bit worried / Worried} Which means we better prep this place in case someone smarter than a pack of ferals decides we're a target.Rhys: Amen to that.A1a
351ConvBoSPoliceStation08SceneRhys: Did you hear the news? Fort Strong is ours!Fort Strong? Wasn't that where all of the Fat Man warheads were stored?Rhys: Yeah! A bunch of muties were squatting on them. Good thing they were too stupid to use them against us.A1a
352Rhys: Yeah! A bunch of muties were squatting on them. Good thing they were too stupid to use them against us.{excited and happy / Happy} It's nice to hear that we're getting ahead for a change. Ad victoriam!A1a
353ConvBoSPoliceStation09SceneRhys, did you hear who the new guy found inside the Institute?Rhys: Yeah I heard... Doctor Li, right? Man, I don't know... I wouldn't trust someone that's been working in the Institute for the last ten years.A1a
354Rhys: Yeah I heard... Doctor Li, right? Man, I don't know... I wouldn't trust someone that's been working in the Institute for the last ten years.Hey, any asset we can take away from the Institute gets us one step closer to victory. Besides, Elder Maxson seems to trust her.Rhys: Welp, if he trusts her, then it's good enough for me.A1a
355ConvBoSPoliceStation10SceneRhys: Damn, I wish I was posted at the airport. I'd love to watch them putting Liberty Prime back together.I heard they're going to make him even tougher this time... calling him the Mark II or something like that.Rhys: They can call him whatever the heck they want as long as he can still chuck those bombs of his at the Institute's forces.A1a
356Rhys: They can call him whatever the heck they want as long as he can still chuck those bombs of his at the Institute's forces.Well, it's up to Ingram and her team to get him back together. Let's hope they get it right.A1a
357ConvBoSPoliceStation11Scene{approaching carefully, knowing other person is furious} Rhys... I...Rhys: Don't Haylen. I don't want to hear it.A1a
358Rhys: Don't Haylen. I don't want to hear it.{trying to calm other person / Apologetic} It's not our fault, Rhys... there's no way we could have known Paladin Danse was a synth. He looked so... human.Rhys: Stop saying "he!" It's a goddamn machine, Haylen! And it was right under our noses for years. How could we have been so blind?!A1a
359Rhys: Stop saying "he!" It's a goddamn machine, Haylen! And it was right under our noses for years. How could we have been so blind?!{MARK FOR RE-RECORD.outburst back at Rhys / Angry} He never did anything to betray us, Rhys... and he saved your life more than once! Why can't you see that?!Rhys: Wait. You're siding with it? With a goddamn synth?! Are you out of your mind?!A1a
360Rhys: Wait. You're siding with it? With a goddamn synth?! Are you out of your mind?!{quieter now, sad, trail off at end / Sad} I'm not siding with anyone. I'm just telling you how I feel. I mean, he's still Danse, right? He's still the same...Rhys: Sigh. Sorry I yelled at you, Haylen. It's not your fault.A1a
361Rhys: Wait. You're siding with it? With a goddamn synth?! Are you out of your mind?!{quieter now, sad, trail off at end / Sad} I'm not siding with anyone. I'm just telling you how I felt about him... and that I'm going to miss him.Rhys: Sigh. Sorry I yelled at you, Haylen. It's not your fault.A2a
362Rhys: I know Danse means a lot to you. But you've got to face the fact that it's a synth. It's gotta be put down. Elder Maxson's orders.{Somber} I... I understand. I just hope we aren't making a mistake.A1a
363Rhys: I know Danse means a lot to you. But you've got to face the fact that it's a synth. It's gotta be put down. Elder Maxson's orders.{Somber} I... I understand. I just hope we haven't made a mistake.A2a
364ConvBoSPoliceStation12Scene{Question} What do you know about this "Railroad" we're going after?Rhys: I'll tell you what they are. They're a bunch of synth-loving maniacs, that's what they are.A1a
365Rhys: They think they're being noble by smuggling the synths out of the Institute, when all they're really doing is poisoning the Commonwealth.{Puzzled} Don't they realize they could be doing more harm then good? Integrating synths with humans can't end well for us as a species.Rhys: Who knows. I just hope they all burn for what they're doing.A1a
366ConvBoSPoliceStation13Scene{getting excited / Happy} Rhys, did you hear? It's all over the comm channels... Liberty Prime's fully operational. They did it!Rhys: It's about time. Now we can take the fight to the Institute.A1a
367Rhys: It's about time. Now we can take the fight to the Institute.{concerned / Concerned} I'm worried, Rhys... I don't know if Prime's enough to tip the scales in our favor. The Institute's more advanced than anyone we've ever faced.Rhys: They're nothing but a bunch of foolish scientists playing with toy robots... and they're no match for the might of the Brotherhood.A1a
368ConvBoSPoliceStation14SceneWell, looks like the blast did some minor structural damage to the building, but the engineering team says we can stay here.Rhys: Good. When the Institute's reactor went up, the explosion came pretty close I hear.A1a
369Rhys: Good. When the Institute's reactor went up, the explosion came pretty close I hear.{concerned / Concerned} Yeah... hope no one we know was caught in the blast.Rhys: I'm pretty sure everyone got clear... but if someone didn't make it, at least they died with honor.A1a
370ConvBoSPoliceStation15SceneRhys: All right, Haylen... what's going on? We've defeated the Institute, but you don't seem happy about it.{a bit concerned/down / Concerned} I'm glad it's over, but it's hard for me to celebrate the death of so many great minds. All of those scientific advances they made are lost forever.Rhys: Are you kidding me? Given time, those "great minds" would have lost control of their own creations.A1a
371Rhys: We've just saved humanity from destroying itself again.{a bit concerned/down / Concerned} I don't know, Rhys. Maybe we should ask ourselves if the value of saving humanity is worth the cost of so many people having to die.A1a
372ConvBoSPoliceStation16SceneBoSGroup01: Scribe Haylen? Proctor Quinlan has just sent over his findings regarding artifact collection locations.Good. I've spent months surveying the area, and I was running low on sites to investigate.BoSGroup01: Well, Quinlan seems to think that these new locations are a sure thing.A1a
373BoSGroup01: Well, Quinlan seems to think that these new locations are a sure thing.All right... I'll make sure we send someone out to check on them as soon as possible.A1a


374-{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Gah!
375{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nargh!
376{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Unf!
377{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Grrh!
378{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nnh!
379{death / InPain} No... please... no...
380{InPain} Agh.
381{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Argh!
382{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Weergh!
383{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Yeagh!
384{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Nargh!
385{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Oof!
386{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Agh!
387{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
388{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
389{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh!
390{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Grrargh!
391{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Aggghh!
392{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Nyyarrggh!
393{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Rrarggh!
394{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Yearrgh!
395{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Hyargh!
396{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Hunh!
397{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Gah!
398{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Yah!
399{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Rargh!
400{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
401{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Oof! *heavy breathing*
402{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Agh! *cough* *wheeze*
403For the Brotherhood!
404For victory!
405No mercy!
406Ad victoriam!
407For Elder Maxson!


Scribe Haylen's personal log
Field Scribe Haylen, personal log entry 324A.A1a
409I'm starting to wonder if joining the Brotherhood of Steel was a good choice.A1b
410I originally signed up seeking protection and comradeship but I'm worried that I've traded away a bit of my humanity in the process.A1c
411The Brotherhood's message of hope for the future is idealistic and noble but their methods leave a lot to be desired.A1d
412The leadership seems especially misguided. Instead of diplomacy, they wield violent confrontation to exert control.A1e
413Despite all that, I've been successfully avoiding the fighting by following the career path of a field scribe.A1f
414I suppose only time will tell how long I can stand the sight of spilled blood over my own moral fiber.A1g