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This is a transcript for dialogue with a settlement spokes(wo)man during Feeding the Troops.


1BoSR05SpokesmanPlayer Default: You will hand over a portion of your crops to the Brotherhood.{Disgust} Tribute for what? Sparing our lives?B3a
2{Disgust} Sure, we'll have our crops ready for you, but don't think for a moment we'll forget this.B3b
3Player Default: You will hand over a portion of your crops to the Brotherhood.{Afraid} Just don't hurt us.B4a
4Player Default: You will hand over a portion of your crops to the Brotherhood.{Afraid} You'll get what you want, just, please, don't hurt us.B5a
5Player Default: You will hand over a portion of your crops to the Brotherhood.{Afraid} We'll do it, just leave us in peace until then.B6a
6Player Default: You will hand over a portion of your crops to the Brotherhood.{Disgust} You can shove that tribute right up your ass.B7a
7Player Default: You will hand over a portion of your crops to the Brotherhood.{Disgust} The Brotherhood can kiss my ass. Now get lost.B8a
8Player Default: You will hand over a portion of your crops to the Brotherhood.{Disgust} Tribute my ass. We don't owe you anything, so get off my land.B9a
9Player Default: Maybe later.{Neutral} Didn't expect that answer.X1a
10Player Default: Maybe later.{Neutral} All right.X2a
11Player Default: Maybe later.{Neutral} Later it is.X3a
12Player Default: What would you take for your crops?{Thinking} Hmm...SettlementSpokesman: I can't see parting with our crops for less than 1,000 caps.Y1a
13Player Default: What would you take for your crops?{Thinking} Never thought about that.SettlementSpokesman: I can't see parting with our crops for less than 1,000 caps.Y2a
14Player Default: What would you take for your crops?{Thinking} Now there's a question I don't get everyday.SettlementSpokesman: I can't see parting with our crops for less than 1,000 caps.Y3a
15BoSR05SpokesmanHaggle{Neutral} I can't see parting with our crops for less than 1,000 caps.Player Default: Deal.A1a
16{Neutral} Honestly, I couldn't hand them over for anything less than 1,000 caps.Player Default: Deal.A2a
17{Neutral} I have to say... 1,000 caps would cover it.Player Default: Deal.A3a
18Player Default: Deal.{Neutral} Fine, you'll get it when we harvest.A1a
19Player Default: Deal.{Happy} We'll have the crops ready for you come harvest.A2a
20Player Default: Deal.{Grateful} When we harvest, it's all yours.A3a
21Player Default: Deal.{Neutral} Come back when you have the caps.A4a
22Player Default: Deal.{Neutral} No caps? No crops.A5a
23Player Default: Deal.{Neutral} I guess that's too bad then.A6a
24BoSR05SpokesmanPlayer Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.{Somber} Don't worry, we don't want to get on your bad side. We'll have crops to "donate" come harvest.A1a
25Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.{Somber} I suppose I should be thankful for the warning. I guess we'll be "donating" come harvest.A2a
26Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.{Somber} We don't need any more enemies. We'll "contribute" our crops.A3a
27Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.{Somber} Doesn't sound like we have much choice. We'll "contribute" our crops.A4a
28Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.{Somber} We don't want any trouble. You'll get your "donation".A5a
29Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.{Somber} Donate? Haven't heard that one before, but raiders usually aren't that polite.A6a
30{Somber} Don't think I don't see what's going on here. You'll get your "donation" come harvest.A6b
31Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.{Concerned} I'm afraid we can't spare the food.A7a
32Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.{Concerned} I'm sorry. I know where this is going, but we just can't spare the food.A8a
33Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.{Concerned} I'm sorry, but we already lost all our stores to raiders. If we gave up our next harvest, we'd starve.A9a
34Player Default: You will hand over a portion of your crops to the Brotherhood.{Disgust} We'll give you what you want. But we won't forget this.B1a
35Player Default: You will hand over a portion of your crops to the Brotherhood.{Disgust} Right. You'll get your crops, but only because I know what you'll do if we don't cooperate.B2a
36BoSR05SpokesmanHagglePlayer Default: No deal.{Neutral} Guess you'll be moving along then.B1a
37Player Default: No deal.{Neutral} Then I guess we're done talking.B2a
38Player Default: No deal.{Neutral} Suppose we're done here then.B3a
39Player Default: Let me think about it.{Neutral} Whatever you say.X1a
40Player Default: Let me think about it.{Neutral} Do what you gotta do.X2a
41Player Default: Let me think about it.{Neutral} Later then.X3a
42Player Default: How about 500 caps?{Worried} I'm gonna regret this, but ok.Y1a
43Player Default: How about 500 caps?{Worried} Probably not the wisest decision... but all right. You got a deal.Y2a
44Player Default: How about 500 caps?{Worried} Not the best deal I ever made, but ok. Crops will be ready after harvest.Y3a
45Player Default: How about 500 caps?{Amused} Don't make me laugh.Y4a
46Player Default: How about 500 caps?{Disgust} No deal.Y5a
47Player Default: How about 500 caps?{Amused} Sorry, not good enough.Y6a
48BoSR05Spokesman{Suspicious} What do you want?Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.A
49{Concerned} Can I help you?Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.A
50{Concerned} Why do I get the impression I don't want to hear what you have to say?Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.A
51{Concerned} What are you doing here?Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.A
52{Concerned} You don't look like you're here to trade.Player Default: The Brotherhood needs food. Better to donate it willingly and keep them friendly.A