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This is a transcript for dialogue with Brotherhood soldiers during Brotherhood quests in Fallout 4.


1BoS000_01_BoSExplainPlayer Default: Your cause seems noble.{Confident} I'm pleased that you agree.A1a
2{Concerned} There are very few outside the Brotherhood who appreciate the gravity of the situation we're facing as a species.BoS000Soldier: Look, if any of our ideals remotely interest you, we're always looking to add a few more brothers and sisters to our ranks.A1b
3Player Default: So you steal technology and keep it for yourselves.{Irritated} You're implying that we do this to benefit ourselves.B1a
4{Irritated} I can assure you, our motivation is quite the opposite.BoS000Soldier: Look, if any of our ideals remotely interest you, we're always looking to add a few more brothers and sisters to our ranks.B1b
5Player Default: This is just a fancy way of saying that you're looting everything you can get your hands on.{Irritated} Looting implies that we're attempting to benefit ourselves. That couldn't be further from the truth.BoS000Soldier: Look, if any of our ideals remotely interest you, we're always looking to add a few more brothers and sisters to our ranks.X1a
6Player Default: How did mankind abuse technology?{Disgust} Before the Great War, science and technology became more of a burden than a benefit.Y1a
7{Disgust} The atom bomb, bio-engineered plagues and FEV are clear examples of the horrors that technological advancement had wrought.Y1b
8{Confident} We're here to make sure that never happens again.Player Default: Your cause seems noble.Y1c
9Player Default: There are very few outside the Brotherhood who appreciate the gravity of the situation we're facing as a species.{Confident} Look, if any of our ideals remotely interest you, we're always looking to add a few more brothers and sisters to our ranks.A1a
10{a bit of a taunt/challenge / Confident} If you think you have what it takes.A1b
11{re-record / Confident} And we fight to secure that power from those who would abuse it.Player Default: Your cause seems noble.A1a
12BoS000_01_BoSGreetingScenePlayer Default: I prefer to keep my business to myself.{threatening / Angry} If you refuse to cooperate, I have strict shoot-to-kill orders. You sure you want to head down that path?Player Default: I was hoping to track down the owners of that huge airship.B1a
13Player Default: I'm just looking for supplies.{Irritated} This is a military installation, we don't just give away supplies to civilians.Player Default: I understand. I'm ex-military myself.X1a
14Player Default: On whose authority?{Confident} By the authority of Elder Arthur Maxson, Supreme Commander of the Brotherhood of Steel.Y1a
15{irritated/hostile (talking to a trespasser) / Irritated} Now, I'll repeat my question. What are you doing here?Player Default: I was hoping to track down the owners of that huge airship.Y1b
16Player Default: I understand. I'm ex-military myself.{Surprised} Really. Well then, you might just be in luck.BoS000Soldier: With your experience, you might actually fit in with the Brotherhood.A1a
17Player Default: I can see coming here was a mistake.{Threaten / Angry} You got that right. Now why don't you turn around and head back to whatever scrapyard you call home.BoS000Soldier: With your experience, you might actually fit in with the Brotherhood.B1a
18Player Default: Well then, maybe I'll have to join up.{as if considering an offer / Thinking} Well... if you made it this deep into the Commonwealth, then you obviously know how to handle yourself.BoS000Soldier: With your experience, you might actually fit in with the Brotherhood.X1a
19Player Default: Really. Well then, you might just be in luck.With your experience, you might actually fit in with the Brotherhood.A1a
20We're always looking to add a few more brothers and sisters to our ranks.A1b
21{a bit of a taunt/challenge} If you think you have what it takes.Player Default: Absolutely. I'm in.A1c
22{military bark to trespassing Player / Angry} This area's off limits to civilians. I order you to stand down and tell me what you're doing here, immediately.Player Default: I was hoping to track down the owners of that huge airship.A
23Player Default: I was hoping to track down the owners of that huge airship.{Surprised} Well, you found us. And since this is a military installation, this is the closest you're going to get to her.Player Default: I understand. I'm ex-military myself.A1a
24Player Default: Who are the Brotherhood of Steel?Our order seeks to understand the nature of technology. It's power. It's meaning to us as humans.BoS000Soldier: And we fight to secure that power from those who would abuse it.Y1a
25Player Default: Absolutely. I'm in.Well, all right. Glad to have you aboard.BoS000Soldier: Head over to the Cambridge Police Station and look for Paladin Danse.A1a
26Player Default: I'm not interested.{Irritated} You're not? That's too bad.B1a
27Tell you what. If you ever change your mind, head over to the Cambridge Police Station and look for Paladin Danse.B1b
28Maybe he'll be more convincing than I am. I promise you won't regret it.BoS000Soldier: Head over to the Cambridge Police Station and look for Paladin Danse.B1c
29Player Default: I know I have what it takes.{a challenge / Confident} Then prove it to us.BoS000Soldier: Head over to the Cambridge Police Station and look for Paladin Danse.X1a
30Player Default: Will it get me aboard that airship?If you live long enough to make the rank of Knight, you'll have full access.BoS000Soldier: Head over to the Cambridge Police Station and look for Paladin Danse.Y1a
31Player Default: Well, all right. Glad to have you aboard.Head over to the Cambridge Police Station and look for Paladin Danse.A1a
32He's in charge of our new recruits and I'm certain he'll be glad to have an extra gun on his team.A1b
33Ad victoriam, civilian... and good luck.A1c


34BoS201_06_MaxsonStage130Dogmeat: (barking){saying aloud at the end of a rousing speech} Ad victoriam!A1a
35-Eyes front... Elder Maxson's speaking.
36{annoyed / Irritated} Hey. I'm trying to listen to Elder Maxson.
37{annoyed / Irritated} Pay attention to Elder Maxson. You might learn something.


38BoS202VertibirdSceneWelcome aboard, Knight.A1a
39Instruments are green... and we're cleared for release.BoS202VertibirdPilot: Target acquired! I'll try and keep him in your sights.A1b
40BoS202VertibirdPilot: Instruments are green... and we're cleared for release.Target acquired! I'll try and keep him in your sights.BoS202VertibirdPilot: Primary target down! Look at that thing bleed...A1a
41BoS202VertibirdPilot: Target acquired! I'll try and keep him in your sights.{Say like pilot scoring a hit} Primary target down! Look at that thing bleed...A1a
42I'm going to find a place to set her down and then hightail it back to the Prydwen for repairs.A1b


43BoS302B_02_ScribeStage045{Confident} Detonation Pack secured and ready, sir!A1a
44-{Confident} Area secured, Paladin.A
45{SinisterSmile} Don't worry, we'll flush these rats out soon.A
46{Confident} We should have this operation wrapped up in no time.A
47{Confident} The Railroad's offering minimal resistance, Paladin.A
48{SinisterSmile} Railroad's like a scared bunch of radroaches scurrying for cover.A
49{Confident} We're only taking minimal casualties, Paladin.A
50{Confident} Standing orders call for no prisoners. Shoot to kill.A


51BoS303_02_VertibirdBoS303Ingram: Damn synths are crawling all over the place! Thin them out before we drop!We're taking too much damage! I'll get us above the roof so you can bail out!BoS303VertibirdPilot: We're in position! Go! Go!A1a
52BoS303VertibirdPilot: Roger that, Scabbard.We have clearance for release.A1a
53You might want to hang on... the drop can be a little rough.BoS303Ingram: Never could get used to flying in these things.A1b
54BoS303Ingram: Never could get used to flying in these things.Hostile targets sighted on the roof! Prepare to engage!BoS303Ingram: Damn synths are crawling all over the place! Thin them out before we drop!A1a
55Roger that, Scabbard.BoS303VertibirdPilot: We have clearance for release.A1a
56BoS303VertibirdPilot: We're taking too much damage! I'll get us above the roof so you can bail out!We're in position! Go! Go!BoS303Ingram: See you on the roof, Paladin!A1a


57BoS304_01a_CrowdStage030AirportGuard05: Good bye, Institute!{Barking a military-style order. / Stern} Brotherhood! Fall out!A1a
58{Barking a military-style order. / Stern} Brotherhood! Salute!AirportGuard02: Ad victoriam!A1a
59AirportGuard06: Ad victoriam!{Shouting a salute. / Happy} Ad victoriam!AirportGuard04: Get 'em, Prime!A1a
60AirportGuard02: Ad victoriam!{Cheering. / Happy} Get 'em, Prime!AirportGuard05: Good bye, Institute!A1a
61AirportGuard04: Get 'em, Prime!{Jeering. / Happy} Good bye, Institute!AirportGuard03: Brotherhood! Fall out!A1a
62-{Confident} We're with you, Paladin!
63{Confident} Liberty Prime will lead us to victory! Ad victoriam!
64{Grateful} Escorting Liberty Prime is the greatest honor of my life!
65{Amused} The Institute's synths are no match for Prime!
66{Confident} Lead us to victory, Paladin!
67{Confident} Nothing can stop us now! On to victory!
68{Confident} Use Prime's legs for cover!
69{Confident} Keep pressing forward, Paladin! We can do this!
70{Confident} Don't let those synths stop Prime! He must reach the Institute!
71{Confident} I've got your back, Paladin!
72{Player's about to go to war - pumping him/her up / Confident} Good luck, Paladin.
73{Player's about to go to war - pumping him/her up / Confident} Damn, I wish I was going with you.
74{Player's about to go to war - pumping him/her up / Confident} Give the Institute hell, sir.
75{Player's about to go to war - pumping him/her up / Confident} Give the Institute hell, ma'am.
76{Confident} Take care of Liberty Prime, Paladin.
77{Player's about to go to war - pumping him/her up / Confident} We believe in you, Paladin. Ad victoriam!
78{Player's about to go to war - pumping him/her up / Confident} Watch yourself out there. Come back alive.


571BoSR04ScribeEnd{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} All set, ready when you are to head back.A
572{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} Data collection completed. Ready to return home, sir.A
573{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} Data collection completed. Ready to return home, ma'am.A
574{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} Data secured. Ready when you are.A
575{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} Mission complete. Ready to report back.A
576{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} Information secured. Standing by for your orders.A
577BoSR04ScribeStart{Confident} Ready, sir?Player Default: Let's do this.A
578{Confident} Reporting for duty, sir.Player Default: Let's do this.A
579{Confident} Ready, ma'am?Player Default: Let's do this.A
580{Confident} Reporting for duty, ma'am.Player Default: Let's do this.A
581Player Default: Let's do this.{Confident} Roger that.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.A1a
582Player Default: Let's do this.{Confident} Yes, sir.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.A2a
583Player Default: Let's do this.{Confident} Yes, ma'am.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.A3a
584Player Default: Let's do this.{Confident} Affirmative.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.A4a
585Player Default: I wouldn't be here otherwise, now would I?{Confident} Pardon me, sir.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.B1a
586Player Default: I wouldn't be here otherwise, now would I?{Confident} Pardon me, ma'am.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.B2a
587Player Default: I wouldn't be here otherwise, now would I?{Confident} Apologies, sir.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.B3a
588Player Default: I wouldn't be here otherwise, now would I?{Confident} Apologies, ma'am.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.B4a
589Player Default: Maybe later.{Confident} Can't wait all day, sir.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.X1a
590Player Default: Maybe later.{Confident} Can't wait all day, ma'am.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.X2a
591Player Default: Maybe later.{Confident} Standing by, sir.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.X3a
592Player Default: Maybe later.{Confident} Standing by, ma'am.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.X4a
593Player Default: Maybe later.{Confident} On your order, sir.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.X5a
594Player Default: Maybe later.{Confident} On your order, ma'am.BoSR04Scribe: Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.X6a
595Player Default: What's the mission?{Confident} Research patrol. I'm collecting data, and you're watching my back, sir.Player Default: Let's do this.Y1a
596Player Default: What's the mission?{Confident} Research patrol. I'm collecting data, and you're watching my back, ma'am.Player Default: Let's do this.Y2a
597Player Default: What's the mission?{Confident} Search and retrieve research patrol, sir. I collect data, you watch my back.Player Default: Let's do this.Y3a
598Player Default: What's the mission?{Confident} Search and retrieve research patrol, ma'am. I collect data, you watch my back.Player Default: Let's do this.Y4a
599Player Default: What's the mission?{Confident} Standard research patrol, sir. I extract data while you keep us alive.Player Default: Let's do this.Y5a
600Player Default: What's the mission?{Confident} Standard research patrol, ma'am. I extract data while you keep us alive.Player Default: Let's do this.Y6a
601Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, sir.A1a
602Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} Here's the location. I'll follow your lead, ma'am.A2a
603Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} I'll mark the location on your map.A3a
604{Confident} After you, sir.A3b
605Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} I'll mark the location on your map.A4a
606{Confident} After you, ma'am.A4b
607Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} This is the area. Lead on, sir.A5a
608Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} This is the area. Lead on, ma'am.A6a
609-Here it is, watch my back while I collect the data.A
610BoSR04_AO_ScribeScene{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} Here's the data.A1a
611{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} There's the terminal.A2a
612{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} Data located. Starting retrieval.A3a
613{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} Terminal located. I'll get started.A4a
614{Soldier reporting. / Neutral} Commencing data retrieval.A5a


784DN084_Stage220_BoSKillsPower{Yelling an order. / Angry} Blow the conduit! Now!A1a
785-{Grateful} Thanks for the assist, sir.
786{Grateful} Thanks for the assist, ma'am.
787{Friendly} Hell yeah... we slagged those damn synths!
788{Friendly} It was a pleasure to be fighting at your side, brother.
789{Friendly} It was a pleasure to be fighting at your side, sister.
790{Confident} Mass Fusion is still secure, sir.
791{Confident} Mass Fusion is still secure, ma'am.
792{Grateful} Scribes are still combing the building for tech. This place is a goldmine.
793{Friendly} We're still running into synth patrols, but it's nothing we can't handle.
794{Friendly} Don't worry. We'll hold this site for as long as we can.


1-{Confident} Ad victoriam, Paladin!
2{Confident} We're going blow this place back to hell!
3{Confident} We'll make the Institute pay for their crimes.
4{Confident} Burn these synths to the ground!
5{Confident} We're with you, sir!
6{Confident} We're with you, ma'am!
7{eager / Confident} Finally, the Institute's reign of terror is coming to an end.
8{Confident} This is it, Paladin. Make us proud.
9{eager / Impressed} It'll be an honor watching you throw that switch, Paladin.
10{eager / Confident} Do it, Paladin. Make the Institute pay for its crimes.


850RR303_0900_DeckIntro{Angry} Stop right there. Stop! Intruder!A1a
851{Confronting the PC for answers} You came in on Claymore, right?BrotherhoodChallenge: The radio chatter from the police station had the tower worried. What happened, anyway?A
852BoSSquireFemale01: You came in on Claymore, right?{Some condemnation (he thinks the PC screwed up) / Worried} The radio chatter from the police station had the tower worried. What happened, anyway?Player Default: Some idiot raiders got a hold of a rocket launcher and were taking it for a joy ride.A1a
853Player Default: Time to die.{Shock} What?B1a
854RR303_0900a_RaiderAmbush{Incredulity / Suspicious} And you called in Scimitar to help with raiders?Player Default: One of our new recruits panicked. New guys, right?A1a
855Player Default: One of our new recruits panicked. New guys, right?{Chuckling at the new guy screwing it up} I wouldn't want to be him. We've all been there, though.BrotherhoodChallenge: Your bird flew support on the Railroad assault, right? How'd they beat us? Elder Maxson's furious.A1a
856Player Default: One of our new recruits panicked. New guys, right?{Accusation / Suspicious} What, someone green was on the comm?BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.A2a
857Player Default: No idea. I was surprised as anyone else when Scimitar flew in.{Sharing the gripe, griping back} Someone's going to answer for it. Calling in a strike on raiders. Sheesh.BrotherhoodChallenge: Your bird flew support on the Railroad assault, right? How'd they beat us? Elder Maxson's furious.B1a
858Player Default: No idea. I was surprised as anyone else when Scimitar flew in.{Accusation / Suspicious} That's all you know? I find that hard to believe.BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.B2a
859Player Default: I don't have time for this.{Suspicious} Hmm.BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.X1a
860Player Default: There were a lot of them. The smart call was to bring in the cavalry.{Less accusing (he buys the lie) but still thinks worse of the PC} Still, that's got to hurt your pride, right?BrotherhoodChallenge: Your bird flew support on the Railroad assault, right? How'd they beat us? Elder Maxson's furious.Y1a
861Player Default: There were a lot of them. The smart call was to bring in the cavalry.{Accusation / Suspicious} Really, for raiders?BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.Y2a
862RR303_0900b_RailroadAttack{Some disbelief, could grow into full suspicion soon / Surprised} What? The Railroad? They attacked the police station?Player Default: Just a couple snipers. The air support helped us find their position.A1a
863Player Default: Just a couple snipers. The air support helped us find their position.{Condescending / Irritated} The idiots don't know when they've been beat.BrotherhoodChallenge: Your bird flew support on the Railroad assault, right? How'd they beat us? Elder Maxson's furious.A1a
864Player Default: Just a couple snipers. The air support helped us find their position.{Accusation / Suspicious} You called in Scimitar for that?BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.A2a
865Player Default: That's what the others said. I was on patrol when it happened.{Annoyed, wanted answers / Relieved} Well, I'm glad it turned out OK.BrotherhoodChallenge: Your bird flew support on the Railroad assault, right? How'd they beat us? Elder Maxson's furious.B1a
866Player Default: That's what the others said. I was on patrol when it happened.{Accusation / Suspicious} Seriously, that's all you know?BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.B2a
867Player Default: I don't have time for this.{Suspicious} Hmm.BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.X1a
868Player Default: They mounted some sort of last ditch assault. I think the Railroad's gone.{Hopeful, pleased} That's a relief.BrotherhoodChallenge: Your bird flew support on the Railroad assault, right? How'd they beat us? Elder Maxson's furious.Y1a
869Player Default: They mounted some sort of last ditch assault. I think the Railroad's gone.{Accusation / Suspicious} Seems a little too good to be true.BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.Y2a
870RR303_0900c_DrillPlayer Default: The test was very realistic. They monitored everything, looking for mistakes.{Irritated} Great. Like our jobs aren't hard enough.BrotherhoodChallenge: Your bird flew support on the Railroad assault, right? How'd they beat us? Elder Maxson's furious.A1a
871Player Default: The test was very realistic. They monitored everything, looking for mistakes.{Suspicious} That's just... strange.BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.A2a
872Player Default: One of the head knights thought we were getting too complacent.{Irritated} They just love keeping us on our toes, don't they?BrotherhoodChallenge: Your bird flew support on the Railroad assault, right? How'd they beat us? Elder Maxson's furious.B1a
873Player Default: One of the head knights thought we were getting too complacent.{Suspicious} A head knight? What are you talking about?BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.B2a
874Player Default: I don't have time for this.Hmm.BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.X1a
875Player Default: The details of the drill are still under wraps. There'll be a full briefing tomorrow.{Hushed, thankful for the heads up / Conspiratorial} Looking forward to hearing about it then.BrotherhoodChallenge: Your bird flew support on the Railroad assault, right? How'd they beat us? Elder Maxson's furious.Y1a
876Player Default: The details of the drill are still under wraps. There'll be a full briefing tomorrow.{Accusation / Suspicious} What? Why have a secret drill?BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.Y2a
877{Verging on suspicious / Suspicious} That's not like any drill I've ever been in.Player Default: The test was very realistic. They monitored everything, looking for mistakes.A1a
878RR303_0900d_RailroadNodePlayer Default: Listen, I won't tell anyone. We'll get them next time.{Military goodbye} Ad victoriam, brother.A1a
879Player Default: Listen, I won't tell anyone. We'll get them next time.Ad victoriam, sister.A2a
880{Some bitterness / Somber} Your bird flew support on the Railroad assault, right? How'd they beat us? Elder Maxson's furious.Player Default: They had some Institute super-weapons. Auto-locking with bullets that curved. The whole thing is hush-hush.A1a
881Player Default: They had some Institute super-weapons. Auto-locking with bullets that curved. The whole thing is hush-hush.{Hushed, surprised - buys the player's lie big time / Disbelief} Listen, I won't tell anyone. We'll get them next time.BrotherhoodChallenge: Ad victoriam, brother.A1a
882Player Default: They had some Institute super-weapons. Auto-locking with bullets that curved. The whole thing is hush-hush.{Accusation / Suspicious} Super-weapons? Really?BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.A2a
883Player Default: That wasn't' their HQ, it was a trap. They blew the tunnels and killed a lot of good men.{Venom / Confident} Sneaky. We'll get them next time.BrotherhoodChallenge: Ad victoriam, brother.B1a
884Player Default: That wasn't' their HQ, it was a trap. They blew the tunnels and killed a lot of good men.{Accusation / Suspicious} Like hell that wasn't their base.BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.B2a
885Player Default: Can we do this later? I'm dead tired.{Not letting it go / Apologetic} Not many people made it out of there. A lot of us are dying to know what happened.Player Default: They had some Institute super-weapons. Auto-locking with bullets that curved. The whole thing is hush-hush.X1a
886Player Default: Can we do this later? I'm dead tired.{Resigned, annoyed} All right, I hear you. Rest easy.BrotherhoodChallenge: Ad victoriam, brother.X2a
887Player Default: Can we do this later? I'm dead tired.{Very suspicious / Suspicious} Then make some time.BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.X3a
888Player Default: I didn't see anything. We dropped off our men and circled the area then were told to come home.{Commiserating} So you're in the dark as the rest of us? We'll get them next time.BrotherhoodChallenge: Ad victoriam, brother.Y1a
889Player Default: I didn't see anything. We dropped off our men and circled the area then were told to come home.{Accusation / Suspicious} Nothing else? Hmm.BrotherhoodChallenge: I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.Y2a
890RR303_0900e_SuspiciousBoS{Growing suspicion / Suspicious} I know a lot of people on the Prydwen. But I can't say I remember you.Player Default: Your memory must terrible, then. I've been with the Brotherhood since we left the Capital Wasteland.A1a
891Player Default: Your memory must terrible, then. I've been with the Brotherhood since we left the Capital Wasteland.{Embarrassed, tired / Apologetic} Sorry. Big ship I guess.BrotherhoodChallenge: Sorry to hold you up. Report to Captain Kells for a full debrief.A1a
892Player Default: Your memory must terrible, then. I've been with the Brotherhood since we left the Capital Wasteland.{Player is caught in disguise, alarm bells raised / Angry} Yeah, right. You're not one of us. Intruder!BrotherhoodChallenge: Sorry to hold you up. Report to Captain Kells for a full debrief.A2a
893Player Default: I'm... Shit, this isn't working. Time to die.What?BrotherhoodChallenge: Sorry to hold you up. Report to Captain Kells for a full debrief.B1a
894Player Default: If I don't get a full report in pronto, we're both going to be in trouble. Is that what you want?{Annoyed} Fine, fine.BrotherhoodChallenge: Sorry to hold you up. Report to Captain Kells for a full debrief.X1a
895Player Default: No surprise there. I'm one of the new recruits. From the Commonwealth.{Bitter / Apologetic} Well, this is a heck of a welcome to the Brotherhood.BrotherhoodChallenge: Sorry to hold you up. Report to Captain Kells for a full debrief.Y1a
896Player Default: Sorry. Big ship I guess.{Just a little sorry, passing on orders} Sorry to hold you up. Report to Captain Kells for a full debrief.A1a
897{Military goodbye} Ad victoriam.A1b
898Player Default: Sorry. Big ship I guess.{Just a little sorry, passing on orders} Sorry to hold you up. Report in for a full debrief.A2a
899{Military goodbye} Ad victoriam.A2b
900RR303_0910_RestrictedSpace{ "guards" shouted so everyone in earshot can hear} Halt! Guards!A1a
901{urgent / Stern} Stop. This is a restricted section.GasbagMechanic: You shouldn't be up here.A
902BoSMale01: Stop. This is a restricted section.{A little angry / Stern} You shouldn't be up here.Player Default: Haven't you ever heard of a surprise inspection? Jesus.A1a
903Player Default: Haven't you ever heard of a surprise inspection? Jesus.{Angry - "asshole" said to himself (intentionally audibly, though) / Angry} My crew has kept the gasbags immaculate. If you don't believe me, go ahead and look. Asshole.A1a
904Player Default: Haven't you ever heard of a surprise inspection? Jesus.{Unsteady / Irritated} An inspection? Nobody told me about an inspection.Player Default: Haven't you ever heard of a surprise inspection? Jesus.A2a
905Player Default: Haven't you ever heard of a surprise inspection? Jesus.{Accusation - "guards" shouted so everyone in earshot can hear / Surprised} You're not a god-damned inspector. Guards!A3a
906Player Default: Wrong place, wrong time, pal.{Surprised} What?B1a
907Player Default: I am a superior officer. I don't have to answer to the likes of you.{Extreme irritation / Irritated} As you say, sir. But when my shift ends, I'm taking it up with my CO.X1a
908Player Default: I am a superior officer. I don't have to answer to the likes of you.{Accusation - "guards" shouted so everyone in earshot can hear / Surprised} There's no way you're my superior. Guards!X2a
909Player Default: Someone's up for a promotion. Just need to see if everything's ship shape.{Taken aback, then proud (a little grateful) / Confident} Seriously? It's about time. You won't find a single thing out of order.Y1a
910{Proud / Confident} Please, look for yourself.Y1b
911Player Default: Someone's up for a promotion. Just need to see if everything's ship shape.{Accusation - "guards" shouted so everyone in earshot can hear / Surprised} You expect me to believe that? Guards!Y2a
912Player Default: Someone's up for a promotion. Just need to see if everything's ship shape.{Dressing down / Irritated} Idiot. Were you paying a lick of attention during training?Y3a
913{Dressing down / Irritated} No one's allowed near the gasbags except authorized personnel.Y3b
914{Stern / Stern} If I see you here again, I'll have to call security.Y3c
915Player Default: Someone's up for a promotion. Just need to see if everything's ship shape.{Accusation - "guards" shouted so everyone in earshot can hear / Suspicious} Everyone knows that. Guards!Y4a
916RR303_0920_GasbagAlertI warned you. We have an intruder in the restricted section!A
917-No one came back from the Railroad mission...
918We should just cleanse the entire Commonwealth.
919Grim days for the Brotherhood.
920We lost two squads to... the Railroad?
921Ad Victoriam.
922The Brotherhood will crush the Railroad!
923You'll pay for your crimes!
924You're no better than a synth!
925Death to the sympathizers!
671-{eager / Confident} Finally, the Institute's reign of terror is coming to an end.
672{Confident} This is it, Paladin. Make us proud.