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This is a transcript for dialogue with Proctor Quinlan.


1-I believe we're due for a bit of a chat after you've checked in with Elder Maxson and Paladin Danse.A
2{Irritated} I don't have time to talk right now, I'm preparing to record Maxson's address.A


3BoS302_02_QuinlanHaylenStage020{Confident} Oh, Knight... I was told you were coming. Sorry about this business with Danse.Player Default: He'll be missed.A
4BoS302Quinlan: Scribe Haylen! You're addressing a senior officer and you will show him the respect that he's due or so help me I'll have you brought up on charges!{Irritated} Now, unless you're here with information that can assist us, I suggest you return to the police station immediately.BoS302Haylen: Of course. My apologies, Proctor.A1a
5Player Default: He'll be missed.{Surprised} Doubtful. I wouldn't "miss" a synth any sooner than I'd miss a transistor radio.A1a
6{Confident} I was merely sorry that you'd been duped. No matter.BoS302Quinlan: I've been pouring over Danse's duty reports and unfortunately, I haven't found any concrete information.A1b
7Player Default: I don't need apologies, I need to know where he is.{Confident} Yes, you're quite right.BoS302Quinlan: I've been pouring over Danse's duty reports and unfortunately, I haven't found any concrete information.B1a
8Player Default: I don't want to talk about it.{Confident} I understand. On to your orders then.BoS302Quinlan: I've been pouring over Danse's duty reports and unfortunately, I haven't found any concrete information.X1a
9Player Default: What do you know about this situation?{Confident} While I was decrypting all of the data you acquired from within the Institute, I came across a list.Y1a
10{Confident} It appears that the Institute keeps exemplary records where their synths are concerned, including logging those that were reported missing.Y1b
11{Confident} As I was perusing this list, I came across an image of Danse under the heading "M7-97."Y1c
12{Confident} A quick DNA comparison with our own records told the rest of the tale.Y1d
13{Apologetic} I'm certain this comes as quite a shock to you, Knight. I'm sorry.Player Default: He'll be missed.Y1e
14Player Default: I was merely sorry that you'd been duped. No matter.{Irritated} I've been pouring over Danse's duty reports and unfortunately, I haven't found any concrete information.A1a
15{Concerned} As you're well aware, Danse had intimate knowledge of the Commonwealth and I'm afraid he could be seeking refuge anywhere.A1b
16{Confident} I think our best approach would be to identify every location he's ever visited and eliminate them as possibilities one by one.A1c
17{Confident} You may want to get comfortable, this could take quite a bit of...BoS302Haylen: What the hell is this crap about Danse being a synth!?A1d
18BoS302Haylen: What the hell is this crap about Danse being a synth!?{Annoyed that a junior officer just broke decorum / Irritated} I assume your outburst was a reference to some doubt regarding Danse's identity. I can assure you that my findings are quite accurate, Scribe.BoS302Haylen: So he sets Danse up, and then you knock him down. Is that it?A1a
19BoS302Haylen: There's obviously been a mistake and we need to get to the bottom of it.{Angry} Scribe Haylen! You're addressing a senior officer and you will show him the respect that he's due or so help me I'll have you brought up on charges!BoS302Quinlan: Now, unless you're here with information that can assist us, I suggest you return to the police station immediately.A1a
20BoS302Haylen: There's obviously been a mistake and we need to get to the bottom of it.{Angry} Scribe Haylen! You're addressing a senior officer and you will show her the respect that she's due or so help me I'll have you brought up on charges!BoS302Quinlan: Now, unless you're here with information that can assist us, I suggest you return to the police station immediately.A2a
21BoS302Haylen: I believe I have some information that's relevant to the search.{Sarcastic} Very well then, would you care to enlighten us, or do we have to wait until you decide to grace us with your knowledge?BoS302Haylen: Knight, if you'd accompany me to the Flight Deck, I'd like to show you the information I've compiled first hand.A1a
22Player Default: Yes, sir.{Confident} Proceed, Knight. I'll continue doing my research here.BoS302Haylen: If you'll follow me, sir?A1a
23-{Irritated} I blame myself for not recognizing Danse's true identity. I must learn more about them.
24{Irritated} Well, I consider this whole sordid affair with Danse a lesson in our lack of preparedness. I'm glad it's finally over.
25If Knight Haylen provided you any clues, you should follow up on them as soon as possible.
26I'll continue my research. Good luck, Knight.


27-{Question} Sentinel? Is everything well?
28{Irritated} Your silence is... disconcerting.
29{Irritated} Ignoring me? How infuriating.
30{Irritated} *Sigh* Is this going to take much longer?


31BoSPrydwen_01_QuinlanIntro{Impressed} Ah good, you're finally here. Just set the books down anywhere. I'll get to them as soon as I can.Player Default: I think you're confusing me with someone else.A
32Player Default: Ah. Yes. You must be the new recruit described in Paladin Danse's report.{Confident} Under normal circumstances, I'd provide you with a proper orientation of my department.A1a
33{Irritated} However, I'm woefully behind setting up research patrols and getting bombarded with requests for technical documentation.A1b
34{Irritated} Unfortunately, I'm lacking the personnel needed to get the job done.Player Default: Maybe I could lend you a hand.A1c
35Player Default: Maybe I could lend you a hand.{Grateful} That would be splendid.BoSQuinlan: As you patrol the Commonwealth, keep your eyes open for blueprints, memos, manuals, books, charts... anything containing useful technical data.A1a
36Player Default: If you want my help, just ask already.{Surprised} I wasn't aware you were interested, Knight.BoSQuinlan: As you patrol the Commonwealth, keep your eyes open for blueprints, memos, manuals, books, charts... anything containing useful technical data.B1a
37Player Default: What exactly is a "research patrol?"{Confident} Simply put, we send a small two-man team to scout a location and evaluate its technical and historical relevance.X1a
38{Irritated} Saves us from sending an entire retrieval team to a worthless location.Player Default: Maybe I could lend you a hand.X1b
39Player Default: What type of technical documentation are you looking for?{Confident} The Brotherhood is primarily interested in collecting information that might assist us with our current mission.Y1a
40{Confident} Medical records, science journals, weapon schematics... if it contains any type of useful data, we need to get our hands on it.Player Default: Maybe I could lend you a hand.Y1b
41Player Default: That would be splendid.{Confident} As you patrol the Commonwealth, keep your eyes open for blueprints, memos, manuals, books, charts... anything containing useful technical data.A1a
42{Confident} I'm authorized to pay you for each bundle of documents that your recover.A1b
43{Confident} And if you wish to be assigned to a research patrol, I have plenty of them waiting to be filled.BoSQuinlan: In any event, It was a pleasure to meet you, Knight.A1c
44BoSQuinlan: And if you wish to be assigned to a research patrol, I have plenty of them waiting to be filled.{Confident} In any event, It was a pleasure to meet you, Knight.A1a
45{Irritated} Pardon me, Knight... but I don't believe we were finished speaking.A1a
46Player Default: I think you're confusing me with someone else.{Thinking} Hmm. Perhaps I need to rummage through the supply bins for a new pair of glasses.BoSQuinlan: Since it's obvious that you aren't who I was expecting, would you mind telling me why you're here?A1a
47Player Default: Clean your glasses, pops.{Puzzled} Pops? What does that mean?B1a
48{Surprised} Oh wait, I see. That's in reference to my age. Clever. I'll make a note of that.BoSQuinlan: Since it's obvious that you aren't who I was expecting, would you mind telling me why you're here?B1b
49Player Default: What... not even a thank you?{not expecting what the Player said - not mad, you were daydreaming / Surprised} I hardly need to... Oh my, It appears I've mistaken you for someone else.BoSQuinlan: Since it's obvious that you aren't who I was expecting, would you mind telling me why you're here?X1a
50Player Default: What are you doing with all these books?{Confident} I suppose I could stop working for a moment to address your question.Player Default: Makes sense to get rid of the trash.Y1a
51Player Default: Hmm. Perhaps I need to rummage through the supply bins for a new pair of glasses.{Question} Since it's obvious that you aren't who I was expecting, would you mind telling me why you're here?Player Default: Maxson wanted me to meet the crew. You were next on my list.A1a
52Player Default: Maxson wanted me to meet the crew. You were next on my list.{Apologetic} Ah. Yes. You must be the new recruit described in Paladin Danse's report.BoSQuinlan: Under normal circumstances, I'd provide you with a proper orientation of my department.A1a
53Player Default: I'm asking myself the same thing.{Confident} I don't recognize you, which leads me to the conclusion that you're a new recruit.B1a
54{Confident} Specifically, the one that Paladin Danse described in his report.BoSQuinlan: Under normal circumstances, I'd provide you with a proper orientation of my department.B1b
55Player Default: Just learning my way around the Prydwen.{confused / Puzzled} Learning your way around?X1a
56{realization at beginning / Surprised} Ah. I see. You're the new recruit that Paladin Danse described in his report.BoSQuinlan: Under normal circumstances, I'd provide you with a proper orientation of my department.X1b
57Player Default: Should I come back when you're less busy?{Irritated} Our recent arrival in the Commonwealth has left me with an immense amount of data to compile.Y1a
58{Confident} None of that's your fault, really... you're obviously here for a reason.Y1b
59{You forgot everything player said... your story distracted yourself / Puzzled} What was it again?Player Default: Maxson wanted me to meet the crew. You were next on my list.Y1c
60BoSPrydwen_01A_QuinlanBooks{Confident} My responsibility aboard the Prydwen is to sort through the books discovered by our recovery teams and extract pertinent information from them.A1a
61{Irritated} It's tedious work, since most of the volumes are a waste of paper... works of fiction, poetry... you understand.Player Default: Makes sense to get rid of the trash.A1b
62Player Default: Makes sense to get rid of the trash.{Confident} Well, I'm pleased you agree.A1a
63{Confident} There are other scribes within the Brotherhood that consider fictional material essential, but I refuse to allow them aboard this vessel.BoSQuinlan: Since it's obvious that you aren't who I was expecting, would you mind telling me why you're here?A1b
64Player Default: Those books aren't a waste of paper!{Irritated} If they don't expand the Brotherhood's technological knowledge, they're useless.BoSQuinlan: Since it's obvious that you aren't who I was expecting, would you mind telling me why you're here?B1a
65Player Default: Whatever suits you.{Irritated} Expanding the technological knowledge of the Brotherhood is what suits me.X1a
66{Irritated} If I can help by weeding out the undesirable works, then so be it.BoSQuinlan: Since it's obvious that you aren't who I was expecting, would you mind telling me why you're here?X1b
67Player Default: Which books contain "pertinent information?"{Confident} Technical volumes, repair manuals, design philosophies, medical research... anything that enhances the Brotherhood's knowledge.Y1a
68{Irritated} That's why I consider everything else a waste of paper.Player Default: Makes sense to get rid of the trash.Y1b
69BoSPrydwen_02_QuinlanNormal{Friendly} It sounds like we owe you our gratitude for wiping out those monsters at Fort Strong. Now, did you have any documents for me?A
70{Question} Or perhaps you were interested in aiding a research patrol?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
71{Friendly} Never expected Doctor Li would return to the Brotherhood. But you're not here to discuss history, are you?A
72{Question} Are there documents you wanted to turn in? Or were you here to help with a research patrol?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
73{Friendly} Well, if it isn't the woman who revived Prime. The Brotherhood is in your debt.A
74{Question} Now, did you have documents for me? Or perhaps you were looking to take up with a research patrol?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
75{Friendly} Well, if it isn't the man who revived Prime. The Brotherhood is in your debt.A
76{Question} Now, did you have documents for me? Or perhaps you were looking to take up with a research patrol?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
77{Friendly} A synth. Right under our noses the whole time. But what you did, it was the right thing.A
78{Question} But you probably have some documents for me. Or perhaps you'd like to aid a research patrol?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
79{Friendly} The intelligence we've gained from PAM, it's unbelievable. Exceptional work, soldier.A
80{Question} You wouldn't be here to provide some additional documentation, would you? Or perhaps support a research patrol?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
81{Impressed} Greetings, Paladin. And congratulations on the promotion.A
82{Impressed} You wouldn't be here to lend yourself to a research patrol, would you? Or perhaps drop off any technical documents?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
83{Impressed} I hear congratulations are in order, Sentinel. Now, did you have any documentation for me? Or perhaps you'd be willing to lead a research patrol?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
84{Neutral} Ah... Knight. You have technical documents perhaps? Or looking to assist on a research patrol?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
85{Neutral} Ah... Paladin. You have technical documents perhaps? Or looking to assist on a research patrol?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
86{Neutral} Ah... Sentinel. You have technical documents perhaps? Or looking to assist on a research patrol?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
87{Confident} Ah... Knight. How is the research patrol going? Or you have technical documents perhaps?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
88{Confident} Ah... Paladin. How is the research patrol going? Or you have technical documents perhaps?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
89{Confident} Ah... Sentinel. How is the research patrol going? Or you have technical documents perhaps?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
90{Confident} Stay alert for the scribe's sake. Remember who the real soldier is out there.Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
91{Confident} Did you complete the patrol so soon? Or I guess you could have discovered some technical documents.Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
92{Confident} I hope the scribe is fully cooperating with you. Were you finished already? Or just have some documents perhaps?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
93{Confident} I do hope you're keeping a watchful eye on the scribe. They'll be looking to you for protection.Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
94{Confident} Back already? How goes the patrol? Or did you have technical documents you wanted to turn in?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
95{Confident} Thanks to you, I hope to fend off the constant demands for technical data.Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
96{Confident} Ah, you've returned already. How fares the quest for data?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
97{Confident} I feel I'll simply never be able to keep up with these requests for technical documents and research.Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
98{Confident} I'm very interested in seeing what sort of data our scribes will discover on these patrols. The Commonwealth is a very different place from home.Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.A
99Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.{Irritated} These aren't technical documents!A1a
100{Irritated} I don't have time for games, soldier. Come back when you've decided to take your duties more seriously.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.A1b
101Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.{Impressed} Splendid... I'll put them to use right away.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.A2a
102Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.{Impressed} Ah, good. I was beginning to run out of materials to study.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.A3a
103Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.{Impressed} These will prove interesting. I'll file them immediately.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.A4a
104Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.{Impressed} And they're in wonderful condition as well. Excellent work!BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.A5a
105Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.{Impressed} These look rather promising. You certainly have a knack for this sort of work.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.A6a
106Player Default: Neither. Not right now.{Irritated} How disappointing.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.B1a
107Player Default: Neither. Not right now.{Neutral} Oh, well, all right then.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.B2a
108Player Default: Neither. Not right now.{Neutral} Very well then.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.B3a
109Player Default: Neither. Not right now.{Neutral} You do have a patrol to finish, after all.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.B4a
110Player Default: Neither. Not right now.{Irritated} That's unfortunate.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.B5a
111Player Default: Neither. Not right now.{Irritated} That's discouraging news.BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.B6a
112Player Default: I've got time to assist on a patrol.{Confident} Good, good. Hopefully, you won't be much longer.Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.X1a
113Player Default: I've got time to assist on a patrol.{Grateful} Good, good. There's too much information out there, and it mustn't go to waste.X2a
114Player Default: I've got time to assist on a patrol.{Happy} Wonderful. I can't deny my excitement over the prospect of fresh data.X3a
115Player Default: I've got time to assist on a patrol.{Confident} Excellent. A scribe's work is never done. There's always more knowledge out there.X4a
116Player Default: I've got time to assist on a patrol.{Grateful} Good, I'm glad to hear you say that. Most people don't realize how critical a good research patrol can be.X5a
117Player Default: I've got time to assist on a patrol.{Happy} That's the spirit. While our scribes are well trained, combat is not their specialty.X6a
118Player Default: Do you have any idea where I can find more of them?{Confident} Offices, laboratories, military bases... almost any pre-war location is a potential treasure trove of technical information.Y1a
119{Confident} I'd try searching desks, filing cabinets, safes and anywhere else you suspect documents would be stored.Y1b
120{Question} Have you had any luck finding any yet?Player Default: I found some technical documents for you.Y1c
121Player Default: I don't have time for games, soldier. Come back when you've decided to take your duties more seriously.{Confident} Here are the caps that I promised.BoSQuinlan: Remember, the Commonwealth is an almost unlimited source for these technical documents.A1a
122BoSQuinlan: Here are the caps that I promised.{Confident} Remember, the Commonwealth is an almost unlimited source for these technical documents.A1a
123{Confident} Check every building you explore during your patrols very carefully and you might be pleasantly surprised at what you find.A1b
124BoSPrydwen_03_QuinlanPost{Friendly} That's quite the crater you've manifested in the center of Boston. Marvelous work... simply marvelous.Player Default: I was simply doing my duty, Proctor.A
125Player Default: I was simply doing my duty, Proctor.{Friendly} Nonsense... there's no need to be modest. You deserve all the accolades you've been receiving and more.BoSQuinlan: And despite popular opinion on this vessel, I feel that using the Minutemen to accomplish this feat was an inspired concept.A1a
126Player Default: I'm glad you're impressed.{Friendly} There's no need to be modest. You deserve all the accolades you've been receiving and more.BoSQuinlan: And despite popular opinion on this vessel, I feel that using the Minutemen to accomplish this feat was an inspired concept.B1a
127Player Default: Thank you, Proctor.{Friendly} Absolutely. You deserve all the accolades you've been receiving and more.BoSQuinlan: And despite popular opinion on this vessel, I feel that using the Minutemen to accomplish this feat was an inspired concept.X1a
128Player Default: You aren't disappointed that all the Institute's technical research just went up in smoke?{Friendly} On the contrary.Y1a
129{Confident} It's always been my sincerest hope that the Institute's ill-conceived research would never see the light of day.Y1b
130{Impressed} And, thanks to your efforts, it appears that my hopes have become reality.Player Default: I was simply doing my duty, Proctor.Y1c
131Player Default: Nonsense... there's no need to be modest. You deserve all the accolades you've been receiving and more.{Friendly} And despite popular opinion on this vessel, I feel that using the Minutemen to accomplish this feat was an inspired concept.A1a
132{Impressed} You've minimized the Brotherhood's potential casualties by coercing another force... using them as virtual cannon fodder. Inspired.A1b
133{Concerned} *Sigh* Sometimes I feel the Brotherhood has such a narrow view when executing its operations.BoSQuinlan: Your actions have proven to the people of the Commonwealth that the Brotherhood of Steel has their best interests in mind.A1c
134BoSQuinlan: *Sigh* Sometimes I feel the Brotherhood has such a narrow view when executing its operations.{Impressed} Your actions have proven to the people of the Commonwealth that the Brotherhood of Steel has their best interests in mind.A1a
135{Impressed} That's quite an accomplishment for someone who was merely a new recruit only a short time ago.BoSQuinlan: Well... I've already taken up more than enough of your valuable time.A1b
136BoSQuinlan: That's quite an accomplishment for someone who was merely a new recruit only a short time ago.{Friendly} Well... I've already taken up more than enough of your valuable time.A1a
137{Friendly} If you still wish to procure technical documents or escort one of my scribes, please let me know.A1b
138-{Confident} Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, so check back if you can lend a hand.
139{Confident} And here. For your troubles. There's plenty of material out there, so let me know if you're still interested in lending a hand.
140{Confident} Here's your payment. Now, we do have more scribes lined up and ready to go. Be sure to find me if you can assist again.
141{Confident} Here's a small reward for your efforts. Let me know if we may utilize your assistance in the future.
142{Confident} Here's payment for a job well done. Please, if you can spare the time for another patrol, come find me.
143{Concerned} When you're ready, another scribe will be lined up for you. But please, be more vigilant this time.
144{Confident} Our scribes are prepared to make the sacrifice in pursuit of furthering the Brotherhood's knowledge.
145{Confident} So, once you're ready, another scribe will be, too.
146{Confident} Another scribe will be prepped should you choose to take on another research patrol.
147{Concerned} But please, do be more careful next time.
148{Confident} Rest if you need it. And if you're willing to take on another research patrol, a scribe will made ready to go.
149{Concerned} Just exercise a tad more caution next time.
150{Confident} In the meantime, another scribe will begin preparations to accompany you should you decide to accept another research patrol.
151{Concerned} Only, please, keep both eyes open next time.
152You're... ignoring me?
153{clearing throat noise} Ahem. Excuse me.
154{irritated / Irritated} If you're going to say something, say it already.
155{irritated / Irritated} Well? I'm waiting.
156I don't have time to talk to you right now.
157Must I be constantly interrupted?
158I have books that need sorting. Please, leave me alone.
159Didn't I say I was busy?
160I believe Captain Kells wishes to speak with you.
161{Friendly} Please, finish your introductions by all means. But I do hope you'll consider assisting me when you're done.
162{Friendly} Once you're finished introducing yourself, I've plenty of work to be done if you have the time.
163{Friendly} It's good to see new blood in the Brotherhood. I hope you'll come back when you're finished to lend a hand.
164{Friendly} I won't take up anymore of your time, but if you do have a moment to assist when you're done, please, I beg you, come find me.
165{Friendly} Enjoy meeting the others, and feel free to return when you're done. I've plenty of work for someone such as yourself.
166{Puzzled} Is that synth your prisoner? Hmm. I didn't think they were capable of that. I'll have to include that in my notes.
167{Concerned} I'm not sure I like how your Ghoul is eying my quarters. I'd appreciate you removing him.


168BoSR04End{Friendly / Question} Finished your mission?Player Default: Yes, sir.A
169{Friendly inquiry / Friendly} Ah good, you're back. Did you complete the mission?Player Default: Yes, sir.A
170{Friendly / Friendly} Just the person I hoped to see. Did you recover that data?Player Default: Yes, sir.A
171{Friendly / Friendly} Have you completed the patrol?Player Default: Yes, sir.A
172{Friendly / Friendly} So you've returned. I hope you have good news to report.Player Default: Yes, sir.A
173Player Default: Yes, sir.{Happy} Good.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.A1a
174Player Default: Yes, sir.{Happy} Excellent.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.A2a
175Player Default: Yes, sir.{Impressed} Well done.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.A3a
176Player Default: Yes, sir.{Impressed} Ah, wonderful.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.A4a
177Player Default: Yes, sir.{Impressed} Good work.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.A5a
178Player Default: What do you think, smart guy?{Concerned} Come now, there's no call for that.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.B1a
179Player Default: What do you think, smart guy?{Concerned} Really? That's the type of talk I'd expect from a civilian.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.B2a
180Player Default: What do you think, smart guy?{Concerned} Please, there's no need for that.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.B3a
181Player Default: What do you think, smart guy?{Concerned} Smart guy? I'd appreciate the comment if it weren't for your tone.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.B4a
182Player Default: What do you think, smart guy?{Concerned} I prefer to be polite and ask rather than assume.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.B5a
183Player Default: Not yet.{Neutral} Come back when you're ready.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.X1a
184Player Default: Not yet.{Neutral} Well then, get to it.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.X2a
185Player Default: Not yet.{Neutral} Report back to me when you have.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.X3a
186Player Default: Not yet.{Neutral} I look forward to it when you do.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.X4a
187Player Default: Not yet.{Neutral} Return to me when you're done.BoSR04Quinlan: Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.X5a
188Player Default: What was the mission?{Worried} My goodness, for the scribe's sake, I hope you haven't forgotten.Y1a
189{Neutral} You were assigned a scribe to protect while she collects data from a given location.Y1b
190{Nervous} Now, please tell me you were successful and the scribe is fine.Player Default: Yes, sir.Y1c
191Player Default: What was the mission?{Worried} My goodness, for the scribe's sake, I hope you haven't forgotten.Y2a
192{Neutral} You were assigned a scribe to protect while he collects data from a given location.Y2b
193{Nervous} Now, please tell me you were successful and the scribe is unharmed.Player Default: Yes, sir.Y2c
194Player Default: What was the mission?{Confident} A simple research patrol: escort a scribe to a location where data may be extracted.Y3a
195{Question} Have you been successful?Player Default: Yes, sir.Y3b
196Player Default: What was the mission?{Neutral} You were sent with a scribe to a location where potential data may be recovered. Hopefully, you were successful?Player Default: Yes, sir.Y4a
197Player Default: What was the mission?{Neutral} Your mission is to accompany a scribe to a location, protect the scribe as she collects data, and finally return safely back to headquarters.Y5a
198{Question} Since you're back, I take it you've been successful?Player Default: Yes, sir.Y5b
199Player Default: What was the mission?{Neutral} Your mission is to accompany a scribe to a location, protect the scribe as he collects data, and finally return safely back to headquarters.Y6a
200{Question} Since you're back, I take it you've been successful?Player Default: Yes, sir.Y6b
201Player Default: Good.Here's something for your considerable troubles. We'll be sending out scribes again soon, check back if you can lend a hand again.A1a
202BoSR04Fail{Question} Ah, you're back. How did the scribe fair?Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.A
203{Question} Welcome back, Knight. And how did the scribe fair on the mission?Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.A
204{Question} Welcome back, Paladin. And how did the scribe fair on the mission?Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.A
205{Question} Welcome back, Sentinel. And how did the scribe fair on the mission?Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.A
206{Question} Good to see you again. And how faired the scribe on the mission?Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.A
207{Question} Back already? I hope there weren't any issues with the scribe?Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.A
208{Question} I didn't expect to see you so soon. There wasn't any trouble with the scribe, was there?Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.A
209Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.{Somber} What I'm hearing is the mission failed.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.A1a
210Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.{Somber} Essentially, the mission failed.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.A2a
211Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.{Somber} So, the scribe was killed which means the data was lost which means you failed to complete.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.A3a
212Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.{Somber} A real shame, Knight.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.A4a
213Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.{Somber} A real shame, Paladin.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.A5a
214Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.{Somber} A real shame, Sentinel.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.A6a
215Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.{Somber} Didn't make it? So the mission failed and the data is lost. A real shame. I expected more from you, Knight.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.A7a
216Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.{Concerned} Didn't make it? So the mission failed and the data is lost. A real shame. I expected more from you, Paladin.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.A8a
217Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.{Concerned} Didn't make it? So the mission failed and the data is lost. A real shame. I expected more from you, Sentinel.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.A9a
218Player Default: Moron got himself killed. Got another?{Worried} These scribes are thinkers, not soldiers.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.B1a
219Player Default: Moron got himself killed. Got another?{Irritated} The Brotherhood honors those who gave their lives in the line of duty. You'd do well to remember that, Knight.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.B2a
220Player Default: Moron got himself killed. Got another?{Irritated} The Brotherhood honors those who gave their lives in the line of duty. You'd do well to remember that, Paladin.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.B3a
221Player Default: Moron got himself killed. Got another?{Irritated} The Brotherhood honors those who gave their lives in the line of duty. You'd do well to remember that, Sentinel.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.B4a
222Player Default: Moron got himself killed. Got another?{Irritated} If you don't do away with that attitude, we'll all be wishing it were the other way around.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.B5a
223Player Default: Moron got himself killed. Got another?{Irritated} Speaking ill of the dead, are we? In other words, you mean your mission failed.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.B6a
224Player Default: Moron got himself killed. Got another?{Irritated} A scribe is no "moron" as you put it. We owe all our intel and support to them.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.B7a
225Player Default: I don't know.{Worried} A most worrisome answer, Knight. Do come back when you know for certain.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.X1a
226Player Default: I don't know.{Worried} A most worrisome answer, Paladin. Do come back when you know for certain.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.X2a
227Player Default: I don't know.{Worried} A most worrisome answer, Sentinel. Do come back when you know for certain.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.X3a
228Player Default: I don't know.{Confident} That scribe is your responsibility, Knight. Come back when you do.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.X4a
229Player Default: I don't know.{Worried} That scribe is your responsibility, Paladin. Come back when you do.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.X5a
230Player Default: I don't know.{Worried} That scribe is your responsibility, Sentinel. Come back when you do.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.X6a
231Player Default: I don't know.{Worried} Not the answer I expected. When you do, let me know.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.X7a
232Player Default: I don't know.{Worried} You don't know? Well get back out there and figure it out.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.X8a
233Player Default: I don't know.{Worried} Oh dear. This does not bode well.BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.X9a
234Player Default: What are the mission details again?{Concerned} Escort and protect the scribe, and return safely with the data. Why? Was there a problem?Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.Y1a
235Player Default: What are the mission details again?{Concerned} Protect the scribe during data recovery. Fairly easy to remember.Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.Y2a
236Player Default: What are the mission details again?{Concerned} You were assigned a scribe to escort and...Y3a
237{Worried} I do hope you're not bringing me bad news about the scribe.Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.Y3b
238Player Default: What are the mission details again?{Concerned} Your mission is to escort and protect one of our scribes while they recover data. I take it the scribe returned with you?Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.Y4a
239Player Default: What are the mission details again?{Concerned} Quite simple, escort and protect one of the Brotherhood scribes on a research patrol.Y5a
240{Worried} I take it the scribe returned safely with you?Player Default: The scribe didn't make it. Give me another chance.Y5b
241BoSR04Quinlan: While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.We've lined up another scribe for you, be more vigilant this time.A1a
242Player Default: What I'm hearing is the mission failed.{Concerned} While the loss is disheartening, I cannot deny that these patrols must go on.BoSR04Quinlan: We've lined up another scribe for you, be more vigilant this time.A1a
243Player Default: What I'm hearing is the mission failed.{Concerned} It's shocking really... the loss. However, these patrols must go on.BoSR04Quinlan: We've lined up another scribe for you, be more vigilant this time.A2a
244Player Default: What I'm hearing is the mission failed.{Concerned} A sad loss. Her memory will be upheld and honored, and the research patrols will continue.BoSR04Quinlan: We've lined up another scribe for you, be more vigilant this time.A3a
245Player Default: What I'm hearing is the mission failed.{Concerned} A sad loss. His memory will be upheld and honored, and the research patrols will continue.BoSR04Quinlan: We've lined up another scribe for you, be more vigilant this time.A4a
246Player Default: What I'm hearing is the mission failed.{Concerned} I will notify the proper parties. In the meantime, these patrols must continue. They are essential to our cause.BoSR04Quinlan: We've lined up another scribe for you, be more vigilant this time.A5a
247Player Default: What I'm hearing is the mission failed.{Confident} On the bright side, giving one's life for duty is an honorable and brave way to go. We should all be so lucky.BoSR04Quinlan: We've lined up another scribe for you, be more vigilant this time.A6a
248-{Confident} Meet the scribe just outside the Prydwen.
249{Confident} You will escort and protect her while she collects data, and, most importantly, bring her back in one piece.
250{Confident} Meet the scribe just outside the Prydwen.
251{Confident} You will escort and protect him while he collects data, and, most importantly, bring him back in one piece.
252{Concerned} The scribe will meet you on the ground, just below.
253{Confident} Your mission is to escort and protect. I expect nothing less but success.
254{Confident} You'll rendezvous with the scribe on the ground. She'll have a location for you.
255{Confident} The patrol is a success once you've returned the scribe with the data. Zero casualties of course.
256{Confident} You'll rendezvous with the scribe on the ground. He'll have a location for you.
257{Confident} The patrol is a success once you've returned the scribe with the data. Zero casualties of course.
258{Confident} Meet the scribe on the ground. Your mission is to escort and protect a scribe while locating a data source.
259{Confident} Once found, the scribe will extract the data, and you'll return both data and scribe safely back to the base.
260{Confident} Your assigned scribe will meet you at the airport. There, she'll give you the research patrol location.
261{Confident} Return with both scribe and data intact, and your mission is complete.
262{Confident} Your assigned scribe will meet you at the airport. There, he'll give you the research patrol location.
263{Confident} Return with both scribe and data intact, and your mission is complete.


264CIS_ChatWithNPC_DanseSceneCompanion: Reporting in, Elder.{Confident} Oh my, yes. Our recon teams have been bringing in all sorts of artifacts and documents. It'll take me years to study all of them.Companion: Get out of my sight, filthy ghoul!A3a


265ConvBoSAirportPrydwen04SceneBoSGroup01: Sorry to disturb you, Proctor...Don't worry yourself about that. Just tell me why you're here.BoSGroup01: We have another crate of technical documents being unloaded as we speak, sir.A1a
266BoSGroup01: Sorry to disturb you, Proctor...You're hardly disturbing me. What can I do for you?BoSGroup01: We have another crate of technical documents being unloaded as we speak, sir.A2a
267BoSGroup01: Sorry to disturb you, Proctor...Yes, soldier?BoSGroup01: We have another crate of technical documents being unloaded as we speak, sir.A3a
268BoSGroup01: We have another crate of technical documents being unloaded as we speak, sir.Oh, splendid. Thank you for letting me know.A1a
269BoSGroup01: We have another crate of technical documents being unloaded as we speak, sir.Good... good. Oh... you're dismissed and all that.A2a
270BoSGroup01: We have another crate of technical documents being unloaded as we speak, sir.Thank you, soldier.A3a


271-{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Grrargh!
272{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Aggghh!
273{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Nyyarrggh!
274{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Rrarggh!
275{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Yearrgh!
276{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Hyargh!
277{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Hunh!
278{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Gah!
279{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Yah!
280{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Rargh!
281{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
282{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Oof! *heavy breathing*
283{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Agh! *cough* *wheeze*
284{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Gah!
285{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nargh!
286{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Unf!
287{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Grrh!
288{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nnh!
289{death / InPain} For... E-elder M-maxson...
290{death / InPain} Honor and g-glory...
291{death / InPain} For the B-brotherhood...
292{InPain} Agh.
293{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Argh!
294{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Weergh!
295{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Yeagh!
296{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Nargh!
297{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Oof!
298{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Agh!
299{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
300{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
301{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh!
302For the Brotherhood!
303For victory!
304No mercy!
305Ad victoriam!
306For Elder Maxson!


(Quinlan to be deleted)
{Angry} Damn it scribe, I told you I didn't want the corners bent. The issues were to be in mint condition!Player Default: I'm sorry, Proctor, but this is the only limited edition annual we've recovered.A1a
308Player Default: Even before the bombs fell, this was the rarest issue... the one where Grognak dies and comes back to life.{Irritated} Yes, scribe... I've read the 2076 Underlane Price Guide from cover to cover, so I'm well aware of it's past value.A1a
309{Irritated} The fault for this travesty rests squarely on your shoulders because you chose to ignore the important lesson I taught you.A1b
310{Irritated} Which is...?Player Default: Always bag and board. I'm sorry, sir. You're absolutely right, and I promise it will never...A1c
311Player Default: Um, sir? What's that red blinking light on your terminal?{recording cuts off / Surprised} What? Oh, damn it all... I left it in record mode. Just let me...A1a


312RR303_0900_QuinlanI can't help but notice you're empty handed.Quinlan: Please, tell me that Haylen remembered to load my package on Claymore.A
313NPCMProctorQuinlan: I can't help but notice you're empty handed.{Worried} Please, tell me that Haylen remembered to load my package on Claymore.A1a
314{Stern} Those technical documents may be exactly what we need to repair Liberty Prime. So you understand the urgency.Player Default: I'll bring you the package later. Sir.A1b
315Player Default: I'll bring you the package later. Sir.{Irritated} As soon as you can or you'll have to answer to Elder Maxson.A1a
316Player Default: I'll bring you the package later. Sir.{Suspicious} I instructed Haylen so very specifically... Something... Knights. We have an intruder!A2a
317Player Default: Unloading cargo's not my job.{Thinking} Maybe I'll send one of the squires, then.B1a
318Player Default: Unloading cargo's not my job.{Suspicious} My instructions were.... Hmm... Intruder! Intruder!B2a
319Player Default: Haylen didn't give us anything. Not our fault.{Irritated} That's so unlike her. I'll just have to ask Kells to send another vertibird then.X1a
320Player Default: Haylen didn't give us anything. Not our fault.{Suspicious} Haylen forget something like this? Hmm... Intruder! Intruder!X2a
321Player Default: Sir, I wasn't on Claymore.{Irritated} I saw you disembark myself. Don't try to shirk your responsibilities here. Where is my package?Player Default: I'll bring you the package later. Sir.Y1a
322Player Default: Sir, I wasn't on Claymore.{Apologetic} Oh dear, the ravages of age and all. Carry on.Y2a
323Player Default: Sir, I wasn't on Claymore.{Suspicious} I know I saw you get off the vertibird. Why are you...? Intruder! Intruder!Y3a
324{Angry} Wait. Where are you...? Hey. Intruder. We have an intruder!A1a
325-Those documents could turn the tide.
326The key to everything is getting Liberty Prime operational.
327I was supposed to have my package hours ago.