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This is a transcript for dialogue with Liberty Prime.


1BoS301_12_LibertyPrimeStage200Liberty Prime... back online.BoS301Scara: Give him a moment, he needs to adjust to his new configuration.A1a
2BoS301Ingram: All right, let's run a basic diagnostic on him.Diagnostic command: accepted.BoS301Scara: Give him a moment, he needs to adjust to his new configuration.A1a
3BoS301Scara: Give him a moment, he needs to adjust to his new configuration.Voice module... online. Audio functionality test... initialized.A1a
4Designation: Liberty Prime Mark II. Mission: The liberation of Anchorage, Alaska.A1b
5Primary Targets: Any and all Red Chinese invaders.BoS301Ingram: Now let me run a system analysis and battle readiness check...A1c
6BoS301Ingram: Now let me run a system analysis and battle readiness check...Liberty Prime full system analysis.A1a
7All systems: nominal. Weapons: hot.A1b
8Warning: Nuclear weapon payload depleted. Reload required.A1c
9Warning: Power Core offline. Running on external power only. Core restart recommended.A1d
10Ability to repel Red Chinese invaders: compromised.BoS301Ingram: I've got green lights across the board here. He's looking good from where I'm sitting.A1e


11BoS304_02_PrimeStage040BoS304LibertyPrime: Probability of a Chinese victory: Impossible!Proceeding to target coordinates.A1a
12Freedom is the sovereign right of every American. Democracy is non-negotiable.A1b
13Fusion Core: reinitialized.BoS304LibertyPrime: Proceeding to target coordinates.A1a
14BoS304LibertyPrime: Fusion Core: reinitialized.Liberty Prime full system analysis.A1a
15All systems: nominal. Weapons: hot.A1b
16Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists.A1c
17Probability of a Chinese victory: Impossible!BoS304LibertyPrime: Proceeding to target coordinates.A1d


18-Anchorage will be liberated.
19Communism is the very definition of failure.
20The last domino falls here.
21We will not fear the Red Menace.
22Communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom.
23Embrace Democracy, or you will be eradicated.
24Democracy is truth. Communism is death.
25Tactical assessment: Red Chinese victory... impossible.
26Communism is a lie.
27Democracy will never be defeated.
28Alaska's liberation is imminent.
29Freedom is the sovereign right of every American.
30Death is a preferable alternative to Communism.
31Chairman Cheng will fail. China will fall.
32Democracy is non-negotiable.
33America will never fall to Communist invasion.
34Global positioning initialized. Location - the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Birthplace of American freedom.
35Designation: Liberty Prime. Operational assessment: All systems nominal. Primary directive: War.
36Area classified as active warzone. Engaging sentry protocols. Weapons hot.
37System Diagnostic Commencing. Mobility - Complete. Optic beam - fully charged. Nuclear warheads - armed.
38Defending Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
39Only together can we stop the spread of communism.
40Cultural database accessed. Quoting New England poet Robert Frost: "Freedom lies in being bold."
41Accessing dictionary database. Entry: democracy. A form of government in which the leader is chosen by vote, and everyone has equal rights.
42Accessing dictionary database. Entry: communism. A form of government in which the state controls everything, and people are denied... freedom.
43I am Liberty Prime. I am... America.
44Scanners operating at 100% efficiency. Enemy presence detected. Attack imminent.
45Mission proceeding as planned.
46Defense protocols active. All friendly forces - remain in close proximity.
47Democracy is the essence of good. Communism, the very definition of evil.
48Freedom is always worth fighting for.
49Democracy is freedom. Communism is tyranny.
50I hold these truths to be self-evident that all Americans are created... equal. And are endowed with certain unalienable rights.
51Victory is assured.
52American casualties: unacceptable. Overkill protocols authorized.
53Glory is the reward of valor.
54Defeat is not an option.
55Commencing tactical assessment. Red Chinese threat detected.
56Engaging Red Chinese aggressors.
57Communist engaged.
58Communist detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged.
59Engaging Chinese invader.
60Initiating directive 7395 -- destroy all Communists.
61Communist target acquired.


62DNPrime_BoS304_PrimeBehemothRed Chinese Infiltration Unit: eliminated. Let freedom ring.A1a
63DNPrime_BoS304_PrimeBunkerHillMemorial site: recognized.Prime: Patriotism subroutines: engaged.A1a
64Prime: Memorial site: recognized.Patriotism subroutines: engaged.Prime: Honoring the fallen is the duty of every red-blooded American.A1a
65Prime: Patriotism subroutines: engaged.Honoring the fallen is the duty of every red-blooded American.A1a
66DNPrime_BoS304_PrimeBustsHoleObstruction: eliminated.Prime: Ground units initiate Directive 7395. Destroy all Communists!A1a
67Prime: Obstruction: eliminated.Ground units initiate Directive 7395. Destroy all Communists!A1a
68DNPrime_BoS304_PrimeScanAndPunchPrime: Warning: all personnel should move to minimum safe distance.Embrace democracy or you will be eradicated!A1a
69Objective reached.Prime: Scanning defenses.A1a
70Prime: Objective reached.Scanning defenses.Prime: Scanning results, negative.A1a
71Prime: Scanning defenses.Scanning results, negative.Prime: Warning: subterranean Red Chinese compound detected.A1a
72Prime: Scanning results, negative.Warning: subterranean Red Chinese compound detected.A1a
73Obstruction depth: five meters. Composition: sand, gravel and communism.A1b
74Tactical assessment: Breach compound to restore democracy.Prime: Warning: all personnel should move to minimum safe distance.A1c
75Prime: Tactical assessment: Breach compound to restore democracy.Warning: all personnel should move to minimum safe distance.Prime: Embrace democracy or you will be eradicated!A1a
76DNPrime_BoS304_PrimeScanBridgeObstruction detected. Overland travel to target: compromised.A1a
77Probability of mission hindrance: thirty-two percent.Prime: Revised stratagem: initiated. Aquatic transit protocol: activated.A1b
78Prime: Probability of mission hindrance: thirty-two percent.Revised stratagem: initiated. Aquatic transit protocol: activated.A1a
79Probability of mission hindrance: zero percent.Prime: Democracy is truth. Communism is death. Anchorage will be liberated.A1b
80Prime: Probability of mission hindrance: zero percent.Democracy is truth. Communism is death. Anchorage will be liberated.A1a


81Inst307LibertyPrimeOnlineSceneUpdated tactical assessment. Red Chinese presence detected.LibertyPrimeSpeaker: Aerial incursion by Communist forces cannot succeed.A1a
82LibertyPrimeSpeaker: Updated tactical assessment. Red Chinese presence detected.Aerial incursion by Communist forces cannot succeed.LibertyPrimeSpeaker: Initiating Directive 7395: Destroy all Communists!A1a
83LibertyPrimeSpeaker: Aerial incursion by Communist forces cannot succeed.Initiating Directive 7395: Destroy all Communists!A1a


84Inst307Fight_VirusSceneVirus: Initiating transfer. Please defend this position.Core systems... initializing.Virus: Overriding encryption.A1a
85Virus: Overriding encryption.Hostile software detected. Communist subversion likely.Virus: Accessing central processor.A1a
86Virus: Accessing central processor.Targeting... parameters...offline. Re-calibrating...Virus: Rewriting targeting parameters.A1a