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This is a transcript for dialogue with Knight Rhys.


1BoS100_04_SceneMissionStartBoS100Danse: Rhys, once you're on your feet, I want you to make certain that the perimeter is secure.{Confident} I'm on it.BoS100Danse: All right, civilian... it's time to prove your worth.A1a
2-Why don't you just get out of here?
3Try anything and I'll cut you down.
4Burn them all!
5Damn skinbags!
6Cut them down... no mercy!


7BoS200_01_ReturnSceneBoS200Haylen: Paladin Danse... glad to see you alive and well, sir.{Question} Are we in luck, sir?BoS200Danse: Mission accomplished... we have the transmitter.A1a
8BoS200Danse: Mission accomplished... we have the transmitter.{Relieved} Finally... some good news for a change. Nice work, sir.BoS200Danse: I didn't do it alone.A1a
9BoS200_02_PromotionSceneBoS200Haylen: You don't have prove anything else to me. Getting that transmitter was enough.{Irritated} So you decided to stay, huh? I expected you to take your payment and run.Player Default: I got tired of wandering alone.A1a
10Player Default: I got tired of wandering alone.{Irritated} Too bad, I was getting used to the thought of you leaving.BoS200Danse: Rhys, that's enough.A1a
11Player Default: I don't have to prove anything to you.{Angry} Yeah you do. You need to prove that you aren't gonna put a round in my back the minute I turn around.BoS200Danse: Rhys, that's enough.B1a
12Player Default: Let's just hug this out and get it over with. What do you say?{Irritated} You can play it however you want, tough guy. It's going to take a lot more than completing one mission to impress me.BoS200Danse: Rhys, that's enough.X1a
13Player Default: Let's just hug this out and get it over with. What do you say?{Irritated} You can play it however you want, tough girl. It's going to take a lot more than completing one mission to impress me.BoS200Danse: Rhys, that's enough.X2a
14Player Default: You upset that I'm staying?{Irritated} Maybe. Got enough trouble stomping muties and ferals... I don't need something else to worry about.BoS200Danse: Rhys, that's enough.Y1a
15BoS200Haylen: Ad Victoriam, Initiate.{Irritated} He doesn't even know what that means, Haylen.BoS200Danse: "Ad Victoriam" means "To Victory."A1a
16BoS200Haylen: Ad Victoriam, Initiate.{Irritated} She doesn't even know what that means, Haylen.BoS200Danse: "Ad Victoriam" means "To Victory."A2a


17BoSPSMedicalBanter{Question} So you gonna patch me up or what?BoSPSHaylen: I don't know, your prognosis looks pretty grim.A1a
18BoSPSHaylen: Might be more humane to just take you out back and shoot you.{Amused} You're all heart, doc.BoSPSHaylen: Just quit squirming so I can get these bandages on.A1a
19BoSPSMedicalEscortBoSPSHaylen: All right big guy, let's go.{Irritated} Yeah, yeah... I'm comin'.A1a
20BoSPSRhysAfterBoS100{Irritated} Think you're some kind of hot-shot?Player Default: Sorry we got off on the wrong foot.A
21Player Default: Well guess what, I'm not interested in making friends.{Irritated} You're hired help, and that's all there is to it.Player Default: I'll be certain to keep out of your way then.A1a
22Player Default: You do that.{Irritated} Now why don't you run off and see if Top needs you to do anything else.A1a
23Player Default: Sorry we got off on the wrong foot.{Irritated} Oh, so now we're supposed to be best buddies?A1a
24{Irritated} Well guess what, I'm not interested in making friends.BoSPSRhys: You're hired help, and that's all there is to it.A1b
25Player Default: You should pay attention, you might learn something.{Irritated} Listen smartass, I don't take advise from anyone except Top.BoSPSRhys: You're hired help, and that's all there is to it.B1a
26Player Default: Whatever. I don't have time for this.{Irritated} You better make time, then. And learn your place.BoSPSRhys: You're hired help, and that's all there is to it.X1a
27Player Default: Why are you so angry with me?{Irritated} I'm not angry, I'm just letting you know where you stand.BoSPSRhys: You're hired help, and that's all there is to it.Y1a
28Player Default: I'll be certain to keep out of your way then.{Confident} You do that.BoSPSRhys: Now why don't you run off and see if Top needs you to do anything else.A1a
29Player Default: Hired help or not, I got the job done.{Surprised} Got some backbone? Good. You'll need it if you keep hanging with us.BoSPSRhys: Now why don't you run off and see if Top needs you to do anything else.B1a
30Player Default: If that's what you think.{Irritated} Damn right it is.BoSPSRhys: Now why don't you run off and see if Top needs you to do anything else.X1a
31Player Default: Is there any way to earn your respect?{Irritated} Do what your told, keep your head down and your mouth shut.BoSPSRhys: Now why don't you run off and see if Top needs you to do anything else.Y1a
32BoSPSRhysAfterBoS101{Irritated} All right, out with it... what's your game?Player Default: I hope I haven't offended you again.A
33Player Default: Well, as far as reasons go, that's a pretty good one.{Sigh before line, you're willing to give Player a break / Confident} Look, I'm going to cut you some slack because Danse trusts you.A1a
34{Irritated} But if you step out of line and put any of my brothers or sisters in danger, I'll make sure you regret it.A1b
35Player Default: I hope I haven't offended you again.{Confident} Offended? Hardly. I'm just trying to figure you out.BoSPSRhys: You're not the military type, you're a loner.A1a
36Player Default: Give me a break. I can't win with you.{Confident} Win? This isn't a contest. I'm just trying to understand what you're doing here.BoSPSRhys: You're not the military type, you're a loner.B1a
37Player Default: I don't have time for this.{Irritated} Well, you better make time if you intend to stay on board.X1a
38{Irritated} See, that's what I don't get about you.BoSPSRhys: You're not the military type, you're a loner.X1b
39Player Default: Game? What do you mean?{Irritated} I can usually size people up at a glance, but you... you're different. And it's bugging the heck out of me.BoSPSRhys: You're not the military type, you're a loner.Y1a
40Player Default: Offended? Hardly. I'm just trying to figure you out.{Irritated} You're not the military type, you're a loner.A1a
41{Irritated} So I can't figure out why you're sticking around. You got what you wanted, so why don't you hit the road?Player Default: The Brotherhood might be the best chance I'll ever have to find my son.A1b
42Player Default: The Brotherhood might be the best chance I'll ever have to find my son.{Surprised} Well, as far as reasons go, that's a pretty good one.BoSPSRhys: Look, I'm going to cut you some slack because Danse trusts you.A1a
43Player Default: The Brotherhood might be the best chance I'll ever have to find my son.{suspicious, weighing what Player said / Suspicious} Do you.BoSPSRhys: Look, I'm going to cut you some slack because Danse trusts you.A2a
44Player Default: I just want to be left alone.{Irritated} That's just it... you don't get to be "alone."B1a
45{Irritated} The Brotherhood is all about the team. There are no individuals, no heroes.B1b
46{Irritated} The sooner you realize that, the sooner I might start trusting you.BoSPSRhys: Look, I'm going to cut you some slack because Danse trusts you.B1c
47Player Default: That's a good question. I guess I don't know.{Irritated} Then you need to choose a side. You're either with the Brotherhood, or you're against it.BoSPSRhys: Look, I'm going to cut you some slack because Danse trusts you.X1a
48Player Default: What can I say that will make you trust me?{Irritated} There's nothing you can say.Y1a
49{Confident} Trust is earned through action, nothing more, nothing less.BoSPSRhys: Look, I'm going to cut you some slack because Danse trusts you.Y1b
50BoSPSRhysBoSR01Transition{Giving the player their new orders. / Stern} Now, report to Paladin Danse-- he said he had a mission for you. When you're ready for another op, you know where to find me.A1a
51{Stern / Matter of fact. / Stern} Recon's always coming in.A3a
52{Stern / Matter of fact / Stern} Commonwealth is a big place in need of some serious exterminating.A4a
53{Stern / Matter of fact / Stern} Plenty more locations out there that need clearing.A5a
54{Stern / Matter of fact / Stern} As long as the Brotherhood's around, those abominations don't stand a chance.A6a
55{Stern / Matter of fact / Stern} The Commonwealth won't be running out of vermin anytime soon.A7a
56BoSPSRhysPostQuest{military tone / Concerned} Excuse me, sir. I wanted to formally apologize for the way I treated you. It was wrong and I'm prepared to accept the consequences.Player Default: I appreciate it, but a reprimand isn't necessary, Rhys.A
57{military tone / Concerned} Excuse me, ma'am. I wanted to formally apologize for the way I treated you. It was wrong and I'm prepared to accept the consequences.Player Default: I appreciate it, but a reprimand isn't necessary, Rhys.A
58Player Default: The way you treated me? What do you mean?{Apologetic} When you first arrived here, I treated you with suspicion and perceived you as a threat.Y1a
59{Apologetic} Well, judging from your actions and from the way you've embraced the ideals of the Brotherhood, I was clearly wrong.Y1b
60{Apologetic} Therefore, I felt I owed you an apology and I'm ready to accept my reprimand.Player Default: I appreciate it, but a reprimand isn't necessary, Rhys.Y1c
61Player Default: I appreciate it, but a reprimand isn't necessary, Rhys.{military tone, but dont shout it / Confident} Thank you, sir.BoSPSRhys: If it's any consolation, I'd just like to say that I'm honored to be serving with you and I hope you'll continue to bring glory to the Brotherhood.A1a
62Player Default: I appreciate it, but a reprimand isn't necessary, Rhys.{military tone, but dont shout it / Confident} Thank you, ma'am.BoSPSRhys: If it's any consolation, I'd just like to say that I'm honored to be serving with you and I hope you'll continue to bring glory to the Brotherhood.A2a
63BoSPSRhys: Thank you, sir.{Grateful} If it's any consolation, I'd just like to say that I'm honored to be serving with you and I hope you'll continue to bring glory to the Brotherhood.BoSPSRhys: Ad victoriam, Paladin.A1a
64BoSPSRhys: If it's any consolation, I'd just like to say that I'm honored to be serving with you and I hope you'll continue to bring glory to the Brotherhood.{Confident} Ad victoriam, Paladin.A1a
65BoSPSRhys: If it's any consolation, I'd just like to say that I'm honored to be serving with you and I hope you'll continue to bring glory to the Brotherhood.{Confident} Ad victoriam, Sentinel.A2a
66-Hey, I'm talking to you.
67Don't ignore me... say something!
68Hello, is anyone in there?
69Say something, damn it.
70If you want to impress me, complete the op I gave you. Otherwise, we've got nothing to talk about.
71The Commonwealth isn't getting any safer with you hanging around the police station. Get going.
72Don't you have a mission to complete?
73What are you doing standing around here? You have your orders.
74{Suspicious} You got your orders. Move like you got a purpose.
75{Irritated} Quit screwin' around and get out there.
76{Irritated} Still here? Damned if I know what Top sees in you.
77{Irritated} Pretty sure I gave you a location to clear. Now get moving.
78{Irritated} What the hell are you waiting around for?
79{Irritated} You ever want to get on my good side? You get your ass out there pronto, and clear that location.
80{Irritated} Where I come from, you get orders, you carry them out. Now move it.
81{Irritated} You plan on completing that mission standing around, or what?
82{Irritated} Get moving. That location isn't gonna clear itself.
83{Irritated} Don't you have some trash to hunt down?
84Why are you standing around here like there's nothing to do? Paladin Danse is waiting for you.
85{annoyed} Aren't you supposed to be watching Paladin Danse's back at ArcJet?
86What's the matter? Don't have the guts to join up?
87If joining the Brotherhood is too much for you, maybe you can find work on one of the local farms.
88Get your ass on that vertibird, soldier.
89Aren't they expecting you on the Prydwen?
90Heading out to Fort Strong? Give those muties hell.
91I don't know why they're bothering with this Doctor Li. She's a traitor... should just put a bullet in her head.
92Oh man, I can't wait to see Liberty Prime stomp all over the Institute.
93If Danse comes back here, I'll put a bullet through that synth's head myself.
94It's about time we burned those synth-loving Railroad freaks out.
95{annoyed} You know that Prime isn't going anywhere until you get that part from Mass Fusion, right?
96Prime just kicked in the Institute's front door and you're standing here?!
97You're Prime's personal guard, huh? Damn, I wish was going with you.
98{sincere} That's one hell of a crater you made, Paladin. Nice work.
99{sincere} Never thought I'd hear myself say it, but you did a hell of a job... sir.
100Haylen might only be a scribe, but she can kick some serious ass. I wouldn't mess with her if I were you.
101Ferals squash pretty good when you stomp on their heads in Power Armor. Oh man, I love that sound.
102Been stuck out here too damn long. I'm itching to see some real action.
103Dropping muties and ferals is my specialty. And synths? Hell... they're just extra target practice for me.
104There's probably some ammo around here if you need to load up.
105Friendly warning. Step out of line, and I won't hesitate to drop you. Are we clear about that?
106You need an op, I got plenty.
107What is it, Initiate?
108Need something, Initiate?
109What is it, Knight?
110Need something, Knight?
111Need something, Paladin?
112Need something, Sentinel?
113Anything I can do to help, you just let me know, sir.
114{Irritated} Here, take this. If you don't like it, tough.
115{Irritated} You're lucky to get anything at all.
116{Irritated} Here. Your payment.
117{Suspicious} Here's your pay.
118{Neutral} Here's your payment.
119{Neutral} Here's what you're owed.


120BoSR01Recap{Irritated} Didn't think you'd show your face again. Ready to clear out another area?Player Default: I'm ready.A
121{Irritated} Finally ready for another mission? Or you just here to waste my time?Player Default: I'm ready.A
122{Irritated} Look who's back. I hope this means you finally got the guts to clear out another location.Player Default: I'm ready.A
123{Irritated} Hope you're ready to purge another target. Can't let those abominations keep thinking they own the place.Player Default: I'm ready.A
124{Irritated} Just when I thought you were gone for good. I take it you're ready for another mission?Player Default: I'm ready.A
125{Irritated} Are you done screwin' around? Because there's plenty of vermin out there that need exterminating.Player Default: I'm ready.A
126Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} Here's the data on the location.A1a
127{Confident} Don't come back until the op's done.A1b
128Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} I'll mark the location on your map.A2a
129{Confident} See you when the target's clear.A2b
130Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} Details are on your map.A3a
131{Confident} Report back when the area's clear.A3b
132Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} Here's details on the purge location.A4a
133{Confident} Complete the mission, report back to me.A4b
134Player Default: Roger that.{Confident} Here's the latest target area.A5a
135{Confident} I don't want to see your face until that place is clear.A5b
136Player Default: I'm ready.{Confident} Roger that.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.A1a
137Player Default: I'm ready.{Confident} Better be.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.A2a
138Player Default: I'm ready.{Confident} Good.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.A3a
139Player Default: I'm ready.{Confident} Good answer.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.A4a
140Player Default: I'm ready.{Confident} All right.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.A5a
141Player Default: I'm not ready.{Suspicious} A likely excuse.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.B1a
142Player Default: I'm not ready.{Irritated} Whatever.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.B2a
143Player Default: I'm not ready.{Sarcastic} Big surprise.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.B3a
144Player Default: I'm not ready.{Irritated} Quit wasting my time then.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.B4a
145Player Default: I'm not ready.{Sarcastic} Figured as much.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.B5a
146Player Default: I'm not ready.{Stern / Stern} Understood... for now. I'll expect to see you again, soldier.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.B6a
147Player Default: I'm not ready.{Stern / Stern} All right, but remember, we can't afford to give those abominations too much slack.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.B7a
148Player Default: I'm not ready.{Stern / Stern} I'll be here when you are.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.B8a
149Player Default: I'm not ready.{Stern / Stern} You know where to find me. Just don't take all day.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.B9a
150Player Default: I'm not ready.{Stern / Stern} Right. But I better not catch you screwin' around when there's work to be done out there.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.B10a
151Player Default: I don't know, I'm not sure.{Irritated} You better get sure, and quick. If you're not helping us, you're against us.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.X1a
152Player Default: I don't know, I'm not sure.{Irritated} Whatever. You come back when you're sure, or you don't come back at all.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.X2a
153Player Default: I don't know, I'm not sure.{Irritated} It's a simple mission, soldier. If you can't handle it, maybe you ought to rethink your enlistment.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.X3a
154Player Default: I don't know, I'm not sure.{Irritated} Good soldiers die when decisions can't be made. Figure it out.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.X4a
155Player Default: I don't know, I'm not sure.{Amused} Not sure? Funny, that's exactly how I feel... about you.BoSR01Rhys: Here's the data on the location.X5a
156Player Default: What's the mission?{Irritated question / Irritated} Your memory that short?Y1a
157{Stern, slightly irritated. / Irritated} I'm talking about wiping out Mutants, Ghouls, synths... you name it.Player Default: I'm ready.Y1b
158Player Default: What's the mission?{Stern, slightly irritated. / Irritated} Taking out the garbage: Mutants, synths, and every other freak byproduct of those damn nukes.Player Default: I'm ready.Y2a
159Player Default: What's the mission?{Irritated question / Irritated} Radiation affecting your brain?Y3a
160{Stern, slightly irritated. / Irritated} You're furthering our mission: wiping those abominations off the face of this earth.Player Default: I'm ready.Y3b
161Player Default: What's the mission?{Stern, slightly irritated. / Irritated} Clearing trash, Mutants, Ghouls... it's all the same to me. All waiting to be exterminated.Player Default: I'm ready.Y4a
162Player Default: What's the mission?{Irritated / Stern / Stern} Wiping them straight off the map. Ghouls, synths, Mutants...Y5a
163{Stern} Just cleaning up the place we call home.Player Default: I'm ready.Y5b
164BoSR01Restart{Neutral} Looking to clear another location of trash?A1a
165{Irritated} Ready to clear out some abominations?A2a
166{Irritated} Lock and load. I've got some targets for you to clear.A3a
167{Irritated} I hope you're finally prepped for another mission, 'cause I've got just the place.A4a
168BoSR01Reward{Irritated} So, are you finished or what?Player Default: Affirmative.A
169{Irritated} That location better be cleared out.Player Default: Affirmative.A
170{Irritated} You better have some good news.Player Default: Affirmative.A
171{Irritated} Well, look who's back. I take it that area's clear?Player Default: Affirmative.A
172{Irritated} 'Bout time you showed your face. I take it that area's clear?Player Default: Affirmative.A
173Player Default: Affirmative.{Surprised} Really? Maybe you're not as worthless as I thought.A1a
174Player Default: Affirmative.{Surprised} Impressive. Keep proving your worth, I may start to trust you.A2a
175Player Default: Affirmative.{Amused} Looks like I got my surprise for the day.A3a
176Player Default: Affirmative.{Suspicious} Keep it up, and I may start believing you got some real guts.A4a
177Player Default: Affirmative.{Amused} That's what I like to hear.A5a
178Player Default: You really have to ask?{Irritated} Yeah, I have to ask. It's called my job.B1a
179Player Default: You really have to ask?{Irritated} The obvious answer is "yes". Now, if you're done asking stupid questions...B2a
180Player Default: You really have to ask?{Irritated} You really want to try my patience?B3a
181Player Default: You really have to ask?{Irritated} It's called procedure. Deal with it.B4a
182Player Default: You really have to ask?{Irritated} And Haylen thinks I got an attitude?B5a
183Player Default: I think I got everything.{Irritated} If you don't know, how am I supposed to?X1a
184{Irritated} Why don't you come back when you're ready.X1b
185Player Default: I think I got everything.{Irritated} Think? We don't call a mission complete based on what you think.X2a
186{Irritated} Come back when you know it's finished.X2b
187Player Default: I think I got everything.{Irritated} I don't care what you "think". I want to hear what you "know". Now get back out there, and don't come back until the op's done.X3a
188Player Default: I think I got everything.{Irritated} Not good enough. I don't want to see you again until your mission is complete.X4a
189Player Default: I think I got everything.{Irritated} A slack answer like that may fly on your own, but you're with the Brotherhood now.X5a
190{Irritated} Come back when you know that place is clear.X5b
191Player Default: Am I getting rewarded for this?{Suspicious} Danse has authorized me to reimburse you.Player Default: Affirmative.Y1a
192BoSR01Start{Sarcastic} So... ready for your assignment, hero?Player Default: Ready.A
193{Sarcastic} Well, are you ready for your mission now... or what?Player Default: Ready.A
194Player Default: Ready.{Irritated} Then listen up.BoSR01Rhys: Like it or not, one of our most important duties is to keep the Commonwealth clear of the trash.A1a
195Player Default: No, I need more time.{Irritated} Why am I not surprised?B1a
196{Confident} Get yourself together and report back to me on the double, soldier.BoSR01Rhys: Like it or not, one of our most important duties is to keep the Commonwealth clear of the trash.B1b
197Player Default: I'm not sure.{Irritated} Hey, we all have to pull our own weight around here.X1a
198{Irritated} If that means you need to do your part by getting your hands dirty, then you better learn to live with it.X1b
199{Irritated} Now get yourself together and let me know when you're ready to go.BoSR01Rhys: Like it or not, one of our most important duties is to keep the Commonwealth clear of the trash.X1c
200Player Default: What's your problem?{Irritated} My problem is I can't figure you out.Y1a
201{Irritated} You come from out of the blue, take down a few ferals and suddenly you're all buddy-buddy with Paladin Danse.Y1b
202{Irritated} I don't know if you're serious about being a part of the Brotherhood, or you're just biding your time until you find whatever it is your looking for.Y1c
203{Irritated} Either way, until you tuck a few of these assignments under your belt, I'm going to be keeping my eye on you.Y1d
204{Question} Now... you ready to go or what?Player Default: Ready.Y1e
205BoSR01Rhys: This op is simple. I'm going to send you to a target and you're going to terminate everything that calls it home.{Confident} All the details you need are right here.A1a
206{Confident} Don't come back until the job's done.A1b
207Player Default: Then listen up.{Confident} Like it or not, one of our most important duties is to keep the Commonwealth clear of the trash.A1a
208{Confident} I'm talking about mutants, ghouls, synths... the abominations the damn eggheads caused when they started playing with their toys.A1b
209{Confident} This op is simple. I'm going to send you to a target and you're going to terminate everything that calls it home.BoSR01Rhys: All the details you need are right here.A1c
210-{Stern / Stern} If you're interested in heading out on another mission, you let me know. Anytime.
211{Stern. / Stern} Whenever you're ready for another op, you know where to find me.
212{Stern / Stern} Once you've prepped for your next mission, come find me.
213{Stern / Stern} If you need time to regroup, take it. Once you're ready, let me know.
214{Stern / Stern} Take a breather if you need it. When you're ready, just say the word.


215-Come back later, hero.


216CIS_ChatWithNPC_DanseSceneCompanion: Reporting in, Elder.The perimeter of the police station is secure, sir. If something tries to get inside the wire, we'll be the first to know.Companion: Get out of my sight, filthy ghoul!A7a


217ConvBoSPoliceStation01SceneHaylen: How you feeling, big guy?{brushing it off / Confident} Those ferals only scratched me... I'll be fine.Haylen: Oh yeah? Is that why you were whining like a baby when I patched you up?A1a
218Haylen: Oh yeah? Is that why you were whining like a baby when I patched you up?{teasing back / Amused} You must have me confused with someone else.A1a
219ConvBoSPoliceStation02SceneHaylen: How's security looking? We going to be able to hold out here?{Confident} This building's pretty solid. We should be safe enough.Haylen: Yeah, unless a behemoth decides to pay us a visit.A1a
220Haylen: Yeah, unless a behemoth decides to pay us a visit.{somber / Somber} Hey, if that happens, we won't last long enough to worry about it.A1a
221ConvBoSPoliceStation03Scene{irritated / Irritated} I don't know what the hell's going on. If reinforcements are coming, they sure are taking their sweet time.Haylen: Hey, if Paladin Danse says they're coming, then they're coming. We just need to hold out a while longer.A1a
222Haylen: Hey, if Paladin Danse says they're coming, then they're coming. We just need to hold out a while longer.{a bit nervous and irritated / Nervous} I don't know, Haylen... we've lost half our squad already. Even with this new guy helping, I hope we can stay alive long enough for them to get here.Haylen: We'll make it, big guy... we'll make it.A1a
223ConvBoSPoliceStation04Scene{Happy} Man, oh man... that was a hell of a fight, wasn't it? Watching those ferals get blown apart was the best thing I've seen in weeks.Haylen: Has anyone ever told you that you're a bloodthirsty maniac?A1a
224Haylen: Has anyone ever told you that you're a bloodthirsty maniac?{teasing back / Amused} Has anyone ever told you that you have the cutest little smile when you try to get angry?Haylen: Nice try, Rhys. Nice try.A1a
225ConvBoSPoliceStation06SceneDanse: I want you to take it easy for a while, Rhys. You almost bought it when those ferals rushed us.Don't worry about me, sir. I can still pull my own weight.Danse: I said take it easy. That means no long range patrols or recon sweeps until further notice. Understood, Knight?A1a
226Danse: I said take it easy. That means no long range patrols or recon sweeps until further notice. Understood, Knight?Yes, sir.A1a
227ConvBoSPoliceStation07SceneHaylen: I can't believe Maxson brought the Prydwen here. Those energy readings we picked up must have been more important than I thought.Yeah, whatever it was really stirred up a hornet's nest. Looks like it's going to be a full scale war.Haylen: Which means we better prep this place in case someone smarter than a pack of ferals decides we're a target.A1a
228Haylen: Which means we better prep this place in case someone smarter than a pack of ferals decides we're a target.Amen to that.A1a
229ConvBoSPoliceStation08Scene{excited / Happy} Did you hear the news? Fort Strong is ours!Haylen: Fort Strong? Wasn't that where all of the Fat Man warheads were stored?A1a
230Haylen: Fort Strong? Wasn't that where all of the Fat Man warheads were stored?Yeah! A bunch of muties were squatting on them. Good thing they were too stupid to use them against us.Haylen: It's nice to hear that we're getting ahead for a change. Ad victoriam!A1a
231ConvBoSPoliceStation09SceneHaylen: Rhys, did you hear who the new guy found inside the Institute?{irritated/wary / Disgust} Yeah I heard... Doctor Li, right? Man, I don't know... I wouldn't trust someone that's been working in the Institute for the last ten years.Haylen: Hey, any asset we can take away from the Institute gets us one step closer to victory. Besides, Elder Maxson seems to trust her.A1a
232Haylen: Hey, any asset we can take away from the Institute gets us one step closer to victory. Besides, Elder Maxson seems to trust her.Welp, if he trusts her, then it's good enough for me.A1a
233ConvBoSPoliceStation10SceneDamn, I wish I was posted at the airport. I'd love to watch them putting Liberty Prime back together.Haylen: I heard they're going to make him even tougher this time... calling him the Mark II or something like that.A1a
234Haylen: I heard they're going to make him even tougher this time... calling him the Mark II or something like that.{wry humor / SinisterSmile} They can call him whatever the heck they want as long as he can still chuck those bombs of his at the Institute's forces.Haylen: Well, it's up to Ingram and her team to get him back together. Let's hope they get it right.A1a
235ConvBoSPoliceStation11SceneHaylen: Rhys... I...{Furious / Angry} Don't Haylen. I don't want to hear it.Haylen: It's not our fault, Rhys... there's no way we could have known Paladin Danse was a synth. He looked so... human.A1a
236Haylen: It's not our fault, Rhys... there's no way we could have known Paladin Danse was a synth. He looked so... human.{outburst / Angry} Stop saying "he!" It's a goddamn machine, Haylen! And it was right under our noses for years. How could we have been so blind?!Haylen: He never did anything to betray us, Rhys... and he saved your life more than once! Why can't you see that?!A1a
237Haylen: He never did anything to betray us, Rhys... and he saved your life more than once! Why can't you see that?!{shocked, angry / Surprised} Wait. You're siding with it? With a goddamn synth?! Are you out of your mind?!Haylen: I'm not siding with anyone. I'm just telling you how I feel. I mean, he's still Danse, right? He's still the same...A1a
238Haylen: I'm not siding with anyone. I'm just telling you how I feel. I mean, he's still Danse, right? He's still the same...{feeling bad for yelling / Apologetic} Sigh. Sorry I yelled at you, Haylen. It's not your fault.A1a
239I know Danse means a lot to you. But you've got to face the fact that it's a synth. It's gotta be put down. Elder Maxson's orders.Haylen: I... I understand. I just hope we aren't making a mistake.A1b
240Haylen: I'm not siding with anyone. I'm just telling you how I feel. I mean, he's still Danse, right? He's still the same...{feeling bad for yelling / Apologetic} Sigh. Sorry I yelled at you, Haylen. It's not your fault.A2a
241I know Danse meant a lot to you. But you've got to face the fact that it was a synth and it was Elder Maxson's orders to have it put down.Haylen: I... I understand. I just hope we aren't making a mistake.A2b
242ConvBoSPoliceStation12SceneHaylen: What do you know about this "Railroad" we're going after?{Irritated} I'll tell you what they are. They're a bunch of synth-loving maniacs, that's what they are.A1a
243{Irritated} They think they're being noble by smuggling the synths out of the Institute, when all they're really doing is poisoning the Commonwealth.Haylen: Don't they realize they could be doing more harm then good? Integrating synths with humans can't end well for us as a species.A1b
244Haylen: Don't they realize they could be doing more harm then good? Integrating synths with humans can't end well for us as a species.{Irritated} Who knows. I just hope they all burn for what they're doing.A1a
245ConvBoSPoliceStation13SceneHaylen: I'm worried, Rhys... I don't know if Prime's enough to tip the scales in our favor. The Institute's more advanced than anyone we've ever faced.They're nothing but a bunch of foolish scientists playing with toy robots... and they're no match for the might of the Brotherhood.A1a
246You have nothing to worry about Haylen... we'll win the day.A1b
247Haylen: Rhys, did you hear? It's all over the comm channels... Liberty Prime's fully operational. They did it!{Happy} It's about time. Now we can take the fight to the Institute.Haylen: I'm worried, Rhys... I don't know if Prime's enough to tip the scales in our favor. The Institute's more advanced than anyone we've ever faced.A1a
248ConvBoSPoliceStation14SceneHaylen: Well, looks like the blast did some minor structural damage to the building, but the engineering team says we can stay here.Good. When the Institute's reactor went up, the explosion came pretty close I hear.Haylen: Yeah... hope no one we know was caught in the blast.A1a
249Haylen: Yeah... hope no one we know was caught in the blast.I'm pretty sure everyone got clear... but if someone didn't make it, at least they died with honor.A1a
250ConvBoSPoliceStation15Scene{Concerned} All right, Haylen... what's going on? We've defeated the Institute, but you don't seem happy about it.Haylen: I'm glad it's over, but it's hard for me to celebrate the death of so many great minds. All of those scientific advances they made are lost forever.A1a
251Haylen: I'm glad it's over, but it's hard for me to celebrate the death of so many great minds. All of those scientific advances they made are lost forever.{surprised / Surprised} Are you kidding me? Given time, those "great minds" would have lost control of their own creations.A1a
252{a bit irritated you have to explain this / Irritated} We've just saved humanity from destroying itself again.Haylen: I don't know, Rhys. Maybe we should ask ourselves if the value of saving humanity is worth the cost of so many people having to die.A1b
253ConvBoSPoliceStation17SceneBoSGroup01: Knight Rhys? Another batch of scans from the Prydwen's just arrived.Finally. I was itching to head out on an extermination op.BoSGroup01: Well, there are plenty of objectives to chose from. The Commonwealth is still crawling with ferals, Super Mutants, synths... you name it.A1a
254BoSGroup01: Well, there are plenty of objectives to chose from. The Commonwealth is still crawling with ferals, Super Mutants, synths... you name it.Hmmm, sounds like more than I can handle on my own. I'll see if I can get someone else to help me take these targets down.A1a


255-{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Gah!
256{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nargh!
257{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Unf!
258{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Grrh!
259{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nnh!
260{death / InPain} For... E-elder M-maxson...
261{death / InPain} Honor and g-glory...
262{death / InPain} For the B-brotherhood...
263{InPain} Agh.
264{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Argh!
265{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Weergh!
266{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Yeagh!
267{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Nargh!
268{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Oof!
269{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Agh!
270{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
271{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
272{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh!
273{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Grrargh!
274{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Aggghh!
275{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Nyyarrggh!
276{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Rrarggh!
277{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Yearrgh!
278{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Hyargh!
279{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Hunh!
280{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Gah!
281{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Yah!
282{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Rargh!
283{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
284{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Oof! *heavy breathing*
285{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Agh! *cough* *wheeze*
286For the Brotherhood!
287For victory!
288No mercy!
289Ad victoriam!
290For Elder Maxson!