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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vertibird pilot.


1BoSDVBLandingWe're coming in hot. Get ready to jump.A1a
2We've got hostiles in the LZ. Let's make this quick.A2a
3I'm bringing her in. Hang on to something.A3a
4Looks like a good landing spot. I'll have you on the ground shortly.A4a
5Prepare for landing... touchdown could be a little rough.A5a
6Stand by for landing.A6a
7Setting her down at the target location.A7a
8Get ready to hit the dirt. The LZ looks pretty hot.A9a
9BoSDVBRequestLandingRoger that. Preparing for landing.A1a
10No problem. I'll put her down as soon as I find an LZ.A2a
11Got it. Looking for a spot and then we'll put this bird on the ground.A3a
12You got it. Hang on to something... touchdown could be a little rough.A4a
13We're green for landing. Stand by.A5a
14I'll look for a clear spot and set her down as soon as I can.A6a
15BoSDVBTakeoffYour weapon is locked and loaded. Good hunting.A1a
16Your minigun should be loaded and ready to fire. Good shooting, sir.A2a
17Your minigun should be loaded and ready to fire. Good shooting, ma'am.A3a
18Weapon's hot and ready to bring the pain, sir.A4a
19Weapon's hot and ready to bring the pain, ma'am.A5a
20All weapon systems are go. Good shooting, Knight.A7a
21All weapon systems are go. Good shooting, Paladin.A8a
22All weapon systems are go. Good shooting, Sentinel.A9a
23Welcome aboard, Knight. Standby for takeoff.VertibirdPilot: Your weapon is locked and loaded. Good hunting.A2a
24Welcome aboard, Paladin. Standby for takeoff.VertibirdPilot: Your weapon is locked and loaded. Good hunting.A3a
25Welcome aboard, Sentinel. Standby for takeoff.VertibirdPilot: Your weapon is locked and loaded. Good hunting.A4a
26All systems go. We're clear for takeoff.VertibirdPilot: Your weapon is locked and loaded. Good hunting.A5a
27Instruments read all clear... we're green for takeoff.VertibirdPilot: Your weapon is locked and loaded. Good hunting.A6a
28Glad to have you aboard, sir.VertibirdPilot: Your weapon is locked and loaded. Good hunting.A8a
29Glad to have you aboard, ma'am.VertibirdPilot: Your weapon is locked and loaded. Good hunting.A9a
30-We're taking some damage, but I can keep her flying for now.
31We've been hit, but she's holding together.
32Our vertibird's armor's taken some damage, but we're still green.
33We've got a few dings and dents, but she's still airworthy.
34We've sustained some damage, but our bird's still flying.
35We're taking some serious damage here!
36Armor's down to about fifty percent... we can't keep taking damage like this!
37We're taking too many hits! We can't keep this up forever!
38If we keep taking damage like this, we're going to drop out of the sky!
39Got a few red lights across the board here, but I'm holding her together!
40Armor's nearly depleted... we've got nothing left!
41If you're gonna do something, you better do it fast!
42Armor critical! Recommend bail out now!
43{RE-RECORD MALE EVEN TONED} I can't hold her anymore! We're gonna go down!
44Damage critical! We've got nothing left!