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Please, kids. Remember that deliveries must go through Tim or me before driving out. It's mad important!Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup terminal entries; Wicked Shipping terminal, CHECK THIS MESSAGE

Blake Flynn was a co-owner of Wicked Shipping before the Great War.


Blake and his brother Tim were the two co-owners of Wicked Shipping, a small trucking company which operated around the Boston area. Secretly, the brothers were using their company for criminal purposes, stealing radioactive materials from their clients' shipments, modifying their shipping manifests to cover it up, and smuggling the goods elsewhere.[1] They had a deal with mob boss Eddie Winter, and were supplying him with these materials,[2][3] though it is uncertain whether he was their only illicit client. The company's drivers were in on the scheme, but after at least one incident which presumably brought scrutiny to their operation, Blake sent out a memo to remind all their employees to check in with him or Tim before driving out.[1]

Unlike Blake, Tim was not fully convinced of the deal with Eddie Winter, and feared that they would end up dead at his hands; it did not help that Winter had threatened to kill them if they failed to obtain his goods.[2] Tim recorded a private message for Blake, trying to persuade him to shut down the business and flee together to escape Winter's wrath, also inviting him to meet face to face to talk it over.[3] This holotape is found in the back of a truck shed at the company's fleet lockup, next to the skeletons of two men slumped against opposite walls, with dark stains behind them and a 10mm pistol at one's feet.


The context of Tim's holotape, as well as the environmental details of the area where it is found (including companions making "gory"-type comments when nearby despite there being no evident gore), suggest that Tim and Blake ended up meeting, but fought and killed each other. However, there is nothing to explicitly verify this, and the Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide alternatively claims that the brothers were out on a delivery run at the time of the Great War,[Non-game 1] despite terminal entries showing that the brothers were not the company's truck drivers.[1]


Blake Flynn is mentioned only in Fallout 4.



  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.261: "[1.09] WICKED SHIPPING FLEET LOCKUP
    Tim and Blake were two brothers who started their own shipping business. They had a small fleet of seven trucks and were out on deliveries when the bombs dropped."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)