Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Agent Blackbird was a Railroad operative stationed at Augusta safehouse, deceased as of 2287.[1]


The Railroad agent code-named "Blackbird" was stationed at Augusta safehouse. He had managed to survive a raid of the compound by a synth raiding party sent to destroy the safehouse and exterminate all of its inhabitants.[1] They quickly overran the facility, indiscriminately slaughtering every agent they found in the process. Blackbird was the only confirmed survivor, although there was a synth residing at the safehouse who would go on to become missing in action.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.




Blackbird appears only in Fallout 4.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Note from Blackbird: "Augusta overrun. Two coursers, unknown number of old-models. I'm the only survivor. They came straight at us, knew our location. Package's fate is unknown. If I don't make it out, make them pay." -BB